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special report

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

A Doctors Guide to a Healthy Heart

We are in the midst of a heart disease epidemic. Its estimated that 80 million Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease, the biggest killer in the U.S. This means that one in every three adults is at elevated risk for having a heart attack or stroke. Whats more, 2,200 Americans die of heart disease every day, which is an average of one death every 39 seconds. Not only that, but this year, its estimated that 785,000 Americans will suffer their first heart attack, and another 470,000 who have had one or more heart attacks will suffer another. While its true that those who suffer heart attacks are more likely to survive today than ever before, the downside is that they will be left with damaged hearts. Plus, they will be much more likely to develop serious and potentially disabling heart problems like congestive heart failure, abnormal heart rhythms, or heart valve disorders. Obviously, the smart thing is to keep your heart healthy in the first place. The good news is that research now shows you can prevent your risk of developing of heart disease by a full 80 percent. Not only that, but if you have heart disease, you can slow its progression, or even reverse it. Not only have I seen this repeatedly in the thousands of patients Ive treated over the past 25 years, but Im also living proof of it myself. Ten years ago, I ended up as a patient in my own hospital, undergoing an emergency heart procedure. I thought my lifestyle was pretty healthy at the time, but I revamped it completely. And today, even though Im 10 years older, I am much healthier than before, and have experienced no heart problems since. Heart disease prevention works, as long as you know the right things to do and you stick with them!

What Causes Heart Disease?

To best explain heart disease, allow me to tell you a bit about how your heart works. As you probably know, your heart is a pump. Its one and only job is to pump blood to the rest of your body. But what you may not know is that to do this, your heart has its own circulatory system. This is a set of three major blood vessels, the coronary arteries, and they must receive a strong, steady supply of blood in order for your heart to pump blood efficiently. But when you have heart disease, fatty deposits known as plaque can build up in your coronary arteries. This disease process, called atherosclerosis, causes them to become narrowed. If a major blockage occurs, the result is a heart attack.

What Are the Risk Factors for Heart Disease?

These are the key risk factors for heart disease: High blood pressure Diabetes Elevated cholesterol and triglycerides Obesity Lack of physical activity Stress Tobacco use

high blood pressure: Blood pressure refers

to the force of blood against your arteries as it is pumped through your heart and flows out to the rest of your body. Your blood pressure doesnt stay the same all the time; it rises and falls according to your level of activity. But if your blood pressure is too high, it can damage your coronary arteries, much like a tire that is filled with too much air pressure can become weakened or even result in a
Continued on page 3

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So What Are You Doing About Your Blood Sugar?

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Blood Sugar Concerns Soar With Aging

Unfortunately, your sensitivity to insulin a major hormone affecting your ability to get sugar out of your bloodstream and into the cells where it belongs decreases as you age. Plus, living a sedentary lifestyle and eating a diet full of simple carbohydrates compounds the problem.

Symptoms May Be Absent or Vague

Even when you do have symptoms of high blood sugar, they may be nonspecific: Feeling sluggish after eating Food cravings, even after you eat Feeling tired or fatigued during the day And oftentimes, by the time symptoms of high blood sugar appear, you may

Diet and Weight Control May Not Be Enough

While diet and exercise are crucial to a healthy lifestyle, many people do not achieve complete blood sugar balance with these measures alone. Thats why Dr. Brownstein developed Glucose Reduce. This all-natural dietary supplement contains 26 special ingredients chosen to help improve and maintain your normal blood glucose levels. These 26 ingredients have never before been combined . . . until now.

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blowout. High blood pressure can damage blood vessels in your brain as well. If a blockage occurs there, the result is a stroke. Its estimated that 65 million Americans have high blood pressure, making it the most common cause of both heart disease and stroke. One of the most dangerous things about high blood pressure is this: Very often, it causes no symptoms. Thats why high blood pressure is known as the silent killer. So you can see why its very important to monitor your blood pressure and, if it is high, take steps to bring it under control. substance found in the fats (lipids) carried in your bloodstream. Your body actually needs a certain amount of cholesterol to build healthy cells. However, too much cholesterol in your blood results in those fatty deposits of plaque that can clog your coronary arteries. Your total cholesterol is comprised of two types of lipids, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol, and the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol. Good HDL cholesterol helps rid our body of bad LDL cholesterol. Triglycerides are the third type of lipids in your blood. If you have high LDL cholesterol, your triglycerides are also probably too high.

elevated cholesterol and triglycerides: Cholesterol is a waxy

About Chauncey Crandall

diabetes: Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that causes your body to use

insulin ineffectively. This results in your body being unable to convert all of the glucose or sugar from the foods you eat into energy. As a result, this excess glucose coats your blood vessels, damaging every vessel in your entire body. This also raises your risk for a number of diseases, including heart disease.

obesity: When I first started my practice, it wasnt unusual for me to see people who were 10, 15, or even 20 pounds overweight, but now I routinely see people who are 50 pounds overweight or even more! Being obese, especially carrying that excess weight around your middle, directly contributes to high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and diabetes. Tip: If youre very overweight, getting to your ideal weight may seem like a hopeless goal. But if you lose only 10 percent of your body weight, youll see immediate improvement. Not only will you look better, but you will also have better blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose readings. In fact, losing 10 pounds is generally equivalent to eliminating the need for one blood pressure medication.

hauncey W. Crandall, M.D., F.A.C.C., is chief of the cardiac transplant program at the world-renowned Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., where he practices interventional, vascular, and transplant cardiology. Dr. Crandall received his post-graduate training at Yale University School of Medicine, where he also completed three years of research in the cardiovascular surgery division. He lectures nationally and internationally on preventive cardiology, cardiological healthcare of the elderly, healing, interventional cardiology, and heart transplants. Known as the Christian physician, Dr. Crandall has been heralded for his values and message of hope to all his heart patients.

Dr. Crandalls Heart Health Report is a publication of Newsmax Media, Inc., and Newsmax.com. It is published monthly at a charge of $108.00 per year and is offered online and in print through Newsmax.com. Our editorial offices are located at 560 Village Blvd., Ste. 120, West Palm Beach, FL 33409. The owner, publisher, and editor are not responsible for errors and omissions. Rights of reproduction and distribution of this newsletter are reserved. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of information contained herein, including storage in retrieval systems or posting on the Internet, is expressly forbidden without the consent of Newsmax Media. For permission, contact the publisher at : PO Box 20989, West Palm Beach, FL 33416. CEO Christopher Ruddy Associate Publisher Travis Davis Author Chauncey Crandall, M.D. Contributing Editor Matthew Kalash Production/Art Director Elizabeth Dole To contact Dr. Crandalls Heart Health Report send e-mail to: askdrcrandall@newsmax.com. Subscription/Customer Service contact 1-800-485-4350 or customerservice@newsmax.com. Send e-mail address changes to customerservice@newsmax.com. 2012 Newsmax Media, all rights reserved. Please note that this advice is generic and not specific to any individual. You should consult with your doctor before undertaking any medical or nutritional course of action.


Special Report 3 newsmaxhealth.com

Whats Your Risk for Heart Attack?

Dont be caught off guard. Take Dr. Crandalls FREE online test that will help you understand your heart attack risk factors. Go to www. SimpleHeartTest.com

many people, just as heart disease has, and thats not a coincidence. Your tendency to recline on the sofa or spend hours at the computer directly contributes to the risk of heart disease by hiking your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. Unfortunately, being sedentary can nearly double your risk of a heart attack.

lack of physical activity: Inactivity has become a way of life for too

stress: Regrettably, the impact of stress on your heart is often overlooked, but it is a major threat. First, when people are under stress, they often tend to eat the wrong things, forget their resolve to exercise, and overindulge in alcohol, which are all bad for your heart. But stress causes other damage as well. When youre under stress, your body produces unhealthy hormones and chemicals, including cortisol, catecholamines, and epinephrine. Over time, these substances contribute to the formation of plaque in your coronary arteries and increase your risk of blood clots. Tip: Looking for a great stress buster? Try exercise. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, feel good chemicals that are natural mood elevators. With exercise, you not only reduce your stress, but prevent heart disease as well. tobacco use: I put tobacco use last on my list not because its
unimportant it is! But the number of Americans who smoke has declined. Still, if you smoke, you must make it your number one priority to quit. Each time you inhale a cigarette, you draw thousands of poisonous chemicals into your body that not only damage your lungs, but damage your coronary arteries as well. Nicotine also makes your blood more likely to clot and give you a heart attack. By the way, smoking cigars or using other cigarette substitutes, like smokeless tobacco, also damages your heart. Tip: Research finds that most people who successfully quit cigarettes failed at least once, and often many times before. So dont think of yourself as a failure consider those other attempts just practice. Given the prevalence of heart disease, the stakes could not be higher. So talk to your doctor about medication and other strategies that can get you off of cigarettes for good!

Three Steps to Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

The recipe for a healthy heart is not complicated its very simple. I know that many people dont do it, but I am convinced that is because people dont know how powerful these three steps are. Once my patients embrace this program, they see how much better they feel, and they also see the results in their lab tests. Then, they become unwavering in their resolve. But first, you need to be willing to try it, and the rest will follow.


A heart healthy diet means following a menu comprised mostly of plant-based foods. This means eating raw and cooked vegetables of every description, along with fresh fruit, whole grains, and legumes, or beans. This is the diet promoted by such heart experts as Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. They believe you must eat a strictly vegetarian diet, but Ive gotten very good results by being a little more relaxed, and adding small amounts
Special Report

eat a heart healthy diet

of fish and lean poultry as well as very occasionally, a small portion of very lean red meat, like bison or venison. The other important factor is to eat only whole, unprocessed foods. Some people call this eating from the outer part of the supermarket, where you find the fresh produce and fruit, or the nonfat dairy products, instead of the highly processed foods, with their chemicals and preservatives, which fill the inner aisles. By eating like this every day, I have tremendously improved my own cardiac health, as well as that of my patients. If you stick with this plan, the results of your next lab test will amaze you! Tip: If you want to know how much fish, chicken, or very lean meat you should eat, envision a portion that is the size of a deck of cards. You wont go wrong!

Daily exercise is essential to prevent heart disease. I find the easiest, most effective and enjoyable way to accomplish this every day is by taking a brisk, one-hour walk every morning. When you start to walk, your body taps into the built-in reserve of energy you have, which lasts for about 30 minutes. I know some experts say this is enough, but its not. You need to push past that 30-minute point, and as you do, your body will begin to effect biological changes. Your body will actually create tiny blood vessels, called collateral blood flow, that increases the flow of blood to your heart and could save your life if a heart attack-causing blood clot ever formed. Your body also creates tiny temporary insulin receptors that help metabolize glucose more effectively and reduce the risk of diabetes. Tip: Walking is a great exercise that you can do for free, so put your money in your feet. Invest in a comfortable pair of sneakers and make sure that you replace them as they wear down (usually every 4-6 months). You wouldnt drive on worn tires, would you? Consider your sneakers or walking shoes as tires for your feet!

exercise an hour each day

The Inflammatory Response

When fatty deposits start building up inside the arteries, the vessel narrows. This buildup of plaque reduces the blood flow through the artery and also irritates the arterial wall, resulting in calcification or hardening of the arteries.

Normal Artery

Narrowed Artery

Blood Flow

Plaque Blood Flow

Special Report 5 newsmaxhealth.com

Did You Know?
Heart Disease is reversible and doesnt have to be a normal part of the aging process. Follow the steps outlined in this special report to help you on your journey towards living a full, hearthealthy life.

Stress kills! I have seen the result of stress over and over again! What many people dont know is that, when we are in a crisis, our bodies pump out hormones such as cortisol, catecholamines, and epinephrine. These hormones increase heart rate, raise blood pressure, and speed up metabolism. The problem is that, when the crisis subsides, these hormones may remain in our body, especially when were under chronic low-level stress, from our jobs, money worries, or the like. These harmful hormones contribute to high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, and also fuel the formation of heart-attack causing blood clots as well. Tip: Finding contentment in life is a very profound way to deal with stress. As a committed Christian, I have found that my faith provides me with a purpose that is larger than myself, and so I find prayer and knowing that there is a higher power very comforting, and sustaining.

reduce your stress

Nutrients for Heart Health

Heart disease is not a normal part of the aging process. You can reverse it, by following the steps Ive outlined above. But you can also enhance the effect of healthy eating habits, and especially help to lower your cholesterol, with the proper use of nutrients, especially when it comes to lowering cholesterol. Supplements alone wont lower your heart disease risk; they are best used in combination with taking other major steps, including following a plant-based diet and exercising. But they are a powerful adjunct to these steps. Known also as plant stanols, these are substances that are contained in small quantities in vegetable oils, legumes, and such grains are corn, rye and wheat, and they can be taken in supplement form as well. When they are consumed in sufficient amounts, they block the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine, and have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol by 10 to 15 percent

plant sterols

The Coronary Arteries


Left Circumflex Coronary Artery Left Anterior Descending Artery Right Coronary Artery

Three main arteries descend, like a crown, from the hearts main blood vessel, the aorta: the right coronary artery, the left circumflex artery, and the left anterior descending artery. Blockages in these arteries are the main cause of heart disease, and can lead to heart attack, heart failure, angina, or cardiac arrest.


Special Report

without lowering the good HDL cholesterol. That is the equivalent of a statin drug. In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allows for plant sterols esters to be labeled as having the potential for reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and as an effective cholesterol-lowering substance, which are designations they rarely allow supplements. Niacinamide is a water-soluble B vitamin that may be helpful in the lowering of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood while boosting the beneficial HDL cholesterol. However, niacin in high doses can produce unpleasant side effects, which is why niacinamide, which is a form of the vitamin, is often used instead. Homocysteine is a common amino acid and high levels of it have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, possibly because it may contribute to damage of the blood vessels. Folic acid, a type of B vitamin that helps tissues and cells grow, will lower homocysteine levels. This family of B vitamins is essential for good health, because they are either essential for your bodys metabolism or they help you make energy from the food you eat. You can get B vitamins from a lot of different foods, but some of the highest amounts come from eggs and red meat, which you would not be eating much of or at all if you are following a heart healthy plant-based diet. So in this case, taking these nutrients as supplements becomes particularly important. Although Vitamin C is usually considered as a supplement to boost the immune system, it is increasingly seen as beneficial at lowering inflammation, which is a marker for coronary artery disease. In addition to this major benefit, vitamin C has also been found to be useful in helping the coronary arteries function properly. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to a whole spectrum of health problems, ranging from depression to the inability to think clearly. But this vitamin is also extremely important when it comes to your heart. Not having enough vitamin D can increase the risk of high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, and diabetes. Furthermore, our need for vitamin D increases, not decreases, as we grow older. This enzyme, which the body manufactures, is found in every one of your millions of cells, and is credited with many benefits. Regarding your hearts health, its a strong antioxidant, which means it protect your body from damage due to oxidation, a byproduct of metabolism. CoQ10 can also help to prevent congestive heart failure and lower blood pressure, and helps the heart function more effectively.

niacin (niacinamide)

These 4 Things Happen Right Before a Heart Attack

Your body may be trying to warn you of an impending heart attack for days, weeks, perhaps even a month or two before it occurs. Unfortunately, by the time you actually recognize youre suffering a heart attack, it could be too late to prevent death or debilitating heart damage. Know these warning signs. Go to www.Newsmax. com/HeartAttack

folic acid

vitamins b1, b2, b6 and b12

vitamin c

vitamin d

coenzyme q10

Special Report 7 newsmaxhealth.com

10 Simple Ways To Help Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

If you smoke, quit now Control your blood pressure Walk an hour each day Adopt a plant-based diet Eat whole foods, not processed Eliminate the salt shaker Replace butter and margarine with olive oil Use good oral hygiene (brushing and flossing) to prevent gum disease Reduce your stress Get enough sleep

Magnesium is a very important mineral. A large-scale government survey found that Americans dont get enough magnesium from their diet. In fact, the study found that 68 percent of Americans consume less than the U.S. recommended allowances, and that many of those surveyed consumed far less. This is important, because magnesium has been found to help to lower cholesterol, keep blood pressure steady, and also is linked to a decreased risk of dying from heart disease. Another study found that people who consumed less than the recommended amount of magnesium were about 1.5 times more likely to have elevated markers for inflammation throughout their entire body. Hawthorn is made from the berries of the hawthorn plant, and is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In terms of heart health, its looked at as a way to lower elevated cholesterol levels without using statin drugs. Its also considered useful in the treatment of chest pain, irregular heartbeat, maintaining balanced blood pressure, and possibly preventing congestive heart failure.



A Final Word

Too often, when it comes to health, people tend to see themselves as victims. They become sick, and then they rely on doctors to save them. When it comes to your heart, getting regular medical care is important, of course. But its what you do outside of the doctors office that really counts. Will you chose to spend your life eating junk foods, not exercising, and living with stress, or will you choose to eat fruits and vegetables, be physically active, and live your life with contentment? These factors are the ones that will make all the difference! To your heart health,

Please note: All information presented in Dr. Crandalls Heart Health Report is for informational purposes only. It is not specific medical advice for any individual. All answers to reader questions are provided for informational purposes only. All information presented in Dr. Crandalls Heart Health Report should not be construed as medical consultation or instruction. You should take no action solely on the basis of this publications contents. Readers are advised to consult a health professional about any issue regarding their health and well-being. While the information found in Dr. Crandalls Heart Health Report is believed to be sensible and accurate based on the authors best judgment, readers who fail to seek counsel from appropriate health professionals assume risk of any potential ill effects. The opinions expressed in Dr. Crandalls Heart Health Report do not necessarily reflect those of Newsmax Media. 8 drcrandall.newsmax.com
Special Report

An Enlarged Prostate is Just as Common for Men as Gray Hair

. . . but it doesnt have to be an inevitable part of aging!
A normal prostate is supposed to be the size of a walnut, however many men have a prostate much larger than this. In fact, more than half of men aged 40-59 have prostate issues and the percentage increases for men aged 60 and over. This makes prostate issues roughly as common for men as gray hair. concerns, compared with younger men. However, adopting a healthy lifestyle helps most men who suffer from prostate problems. This includes proper diet and exercise, as well as introducing the proper nutritional supplements where necessary. Thats why Prostate Revive was developed. Prostate Revive is an all-natural dietary supplement containing 15 special ingredients to help improve and sustain your normal prostate function. These 15 ingredients have never before been combined . . . UNTIL NOW!

Special Mens Health Alert

So, whats the big deal if my prostate is swollen? Common prostate conditions can become a BIG issue that can greatly affect a mans quality of life. How frustrating it must be To be unable to get through your golf game without taking time outs for the bathroom then standing over the toilet endlessly waiting for something to happen . . .
To wake up tired and grumpy after getting up 3, 4, 5 times a night (and making your spouse irritable, too) . . . To plan your day or travel schedule even a childs little league game around proximity to a bathroom . . . If youre suffering from any of the problems listed above, Im sure youd agree that your quality of life could stand an improvement. You know youd feel a whole lot better if only you had the right solution.

What can I do about my prostate issues? Prostate problems do not need to be a normal course of the aging process. It is true that aging men have more prostate

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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