Rephrasing-Key-José García Mayorga

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Gathering Rephrasing

ESTRUCTURAS: CAUSATIVE... (HAVE/GET): 1. Writing in English is quite difficult 4. A doctor took her tonsils out when she was six It is quite difficult (for me) to write in English She was six when her tonsils were taken out by a doctor The bookcase was so heavy that he couldnt lift it She had her tonsils taken out by a doctor The bookcase was too heavy for him to lift You look different. Has someone cut your hair? He blamed me for his mistakes, which was unfair of him You look different. Have you had your hair cut? It was unfair of him to blame me for his mistakes Im going to the beauty salon. They are going to wax my Tom and Sue invited me to stay with them for a few days, legs which was really nice of them Im going to the beauty parlour to have my legs waxed It was really nice of Sue and Tom to invite me to stay A mechanic repaired Sues car yesterday with them for a few days Sue had her car repaired by a mechanic yesterday The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it The garage is going to repair the car for us next week The water was too cold for the children to swim in We are going to have our car repaired by the garage next These trousers are so dirty that I cant wear them week These trousers arent clean enough for me to wear I went to the dentists yesterday. He took my wisdom tooth I cant drink this coffee. Its too hot out This coffee is too hot for me to drink I went to the dentists yesterday to have my wisdom tooth taken out You dont need to shout. Im not deaf My shoes need reheeling Theres no need for you to shout I must get my shoes reheeled You dont need to come if you dont want to Someone is coming to clear our garden next week Theres no need for you to come We will have our garden cleared next week Nota: we use (for sb.) when we talk about sth. that is a part from the person, ej. sth. is difficult, heavy, cold, dirty, hot. etc. we use (of sb.) when we talk about sth. that is part of the person, ej. sb. made sth. unfair, nice, etc. Nota: PREFER AND RATHER 2. Can we watch the film on the other channel? Id prefer to watch the film on the other channel Id rather watch the film on the other channel He prefer walking to going by car He would prefer to walk rather than go by car He would rather walk than go by car Id prefer you to pay me straightaway Id rather you paid me straightaway Id prefer you to do these exercises at home Id rather you did these exercises at home Would you mind not smoking in her Id rather you didnt smoke in here Nota: I prefer sth. to sth. else I prefer doing sth. to doing sth. else I prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. else Id prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. else Id rather do sth. than do sth. else Id rather you did sth. A shoe repairer mended Julias boots Julia had her boots mended Have/Get + object + past participle (me hacen algo) Made + to + infinitive (me hacen hacer algo)

REPORTING PASSIVE VOICE: 5. It is believed that the terrorist is hiding somewhere in the city The terrorist is believed to be hiding somewhere in the city Its believed that the terrorists are somewhere in the city The terrorists are believed to be somewhere in the city It is reported that the bomb explosion killed over 200 people The bomb explosion is reported to have killed over 200 people It is alleged that the football hooligan kicked a policeman The football hooligan is alleged to have kicked a policeman Its thought that the plane crashed into a mountain The plane is thought to have crashed into a mountain It is believed that the President is planning to resign The President is believed to be planning to resign Nota: They said that women live... Impersonal passive, It is said that women live... Impersonal passive, Women are said to live

PASSIVE VOICE: 3. The robbers made the bank manager hand over the money REPORTED SPEECH The bank manager was made to hand over the money 6. How many survivors are there? Asked the journalist Given the choice, how many hours a day would you work? The journalist asked how many survivors there were If you were given the choice how many hours a day You must allow me to pay for lunch, he said would you work? He insisted on paying for in lunch If you had the choice how many hours a day would you work? If they gave you the choice how many hours a day would you work? Nota: ............the exercise to the students The professor explained the students the exercise The students were explained the exercise The exercise was explained to the students Peter builds a house (obj. -> no obj. no passive sentence) A house is built by Peter

LINKING WORDS: 7. They had to postpone the match because it was raining They had to postpone the match because of the rain Ive packed it in a strong box because someone may drop it Ive packed it in a strong box in case someone drops it If she should feel worse during the night, give her these tablets In case she feels worse during the night, give her these tablets She is afraid to go out at night for fear of being mugged She is afraid to go out at night in case of being mugged She is afraid to go out at night in case she is mugged We wont be going away this bank holiday weekend if the weather is bad We wont be going away this bank holiday weekend unless the weather is good Scientists are about to make a vital breakthrough in the search for a cure of Aids. Scientists are on the point of making a vital breakthrough in the search for a cure of Aids. Why argue when nothing can be done about it? What is the point of arguing. Scientists are on the point of making a vital breakthrough Scientists are about to make a vital breakthrough They watched telly, afterwards they went to bed Once they watched telly they went to bed Terry will get over his illness. Then his work will improve Once Terry gets over his illness, his work will improve Go to the check-in desk immediately on arrival As soon as you arrive go to the check-in desk Even though the car is old it goes very fast Despite its old age the car goes very fast Although he was badly injured he managed to get out of the car Despite being badly injured he managed to get out of the car I decided to accept the job although the salary was low I decided to accept the job in spite of the low salary I decided to accept the job in spite of the fact that the salary was low Although it was raining heavily they carried on playing In spite of the fact that it was raining heavily they carried on playing Nota:

CONDICIONALES: 8. We couldnt find the house because Paul lost the address If Paul hadnt lost the address we would have found the house If we had had the address we would have found the house I didnt know your phone number, so I didnt ring If I had known your phone number I would have rung We didnt visit the museum because we didnt have time We would have visited the museum If we had had time We havent got central heating, so the house is rather cold If we had central heating the house wouldnt be so cold He didnt hurry so he missed the plane If he had hurried he wouldnt have missed the plane He hasnt worked hard this year. Thats why he must take an exam this summer If he had worked hard this year he wouldnt have to take an exam Will I ever see her again? He asked himself He wondered if he would see her again Nota: WISH 9. We made a mistake not insuring our car I wish we had insured our car What a pity you cant come to the party I wish you could come to the party What a pity you couldnt come to the party I wish you could have come to the party Nota: NEITHER...NOR... 10. The hotel wasnt clean. And it wasnt comfortable The hotel was neither clean nor comfortable Carol didnt enjoy the film. Mike didnt either Neither Carol nor Mike enjoyed the film I havent got the time to go on holiday. And I havent got the money Ive got neither the time nor the money to go on holiday Nota: COMPARATIVO Y SUPERLATIVO 11. As I get older, I become more irritable The older I get the more irritable I become

in spite of / despite * *... the fact that

SUGGEST Nota: How about going to the cinema tonight? said Bill Bill suggested that we should go to the cinema that night Bill suggested that we went to the cinema Lets stay behind and get the job finished I suggested staying behind and getting the job finished I suggested (that) we should stay behind and get the job finished Nota:

PRESENT PERFECT: MODAL VERBS: 12. She hadnt tasted wild strawberries before 14. Perhaps he does not know that his mother is looking for him It was the first time she had tasted will strawberries He may not know that his mother is looking for him Mary said she had never eaten lobster before There had to be someone who knew the answer Mary: Its the first time I have eaten lobster Someone must have known the answer I have never eaten such a revolting meal I suppose shes his sister. She looks just like him This meal is so revolting She must be his sister, she reminds me of him This is the first time I have (ever) eaten such a revolting Its just possible that it wont rain tomorrow meal It might not rain tomorrow Cathy hasnt been on holiday with her sister before Perhaps she has not received our letter Its the first time Cathy has been on holiday with her She may not have received our letter sister His parents didnt let him play with other children Im travelling by plane. Its the first time He wasnt able to play with other children Its the first time that I have travelled by plane Imposibilidad fisica Im going to travel by plane He wasnt allowed to play Its years since I had such a good time No se le permite I havent had such a good time for years They said they would rather Diana didnt listen to music at Shes the rudest woman Ive ever met. work Ive never met such a rude woman Diana wasnt allowed to listen to music at work I havent heard from Tom for years Diana had better not listen to music at work Its years since I (last) heard from Tom I advise you to put your money in a bank His car is still up for sale Youd better put your money in a bank Nobody has bought his car yet They didnt let him go away for the weekend with his Has Bill written to you recently? girlfriend Have you heard from Bill recently? He wasnt allowed to go away for the weekend with his Hes sold his house. He wants to pay off his brothers debts. girlfriend Hes sold his house to pay off his brothers debts Hes sold his house. He wants his brother to be able to pay The last time they won the elections was ten years ago off his debts They have not won the elections for ten years Hes sold his house so that his brother can pay off his She moved here in 1992 debts She has been living here since 1992 He wasnt able to play because he was injured We met when we were at university together Because of his injures he wasnt able to play We have known each other since we were at university Perhaps he doesnt know what we have to do together He may not know what we have to do Its ages since he wrote to me Perhaps he didnt know what we had to do He hasnt written to me for ages He may not have known what we had to do They went to Israel some years ago and then again last year They have been to Israel twice Nota: Ive never heard a more ridiculous story Thats the most ridiculous story Ive ever heard BEING Its years since I saw a game as good as that 15. People are always criticising me! Thats the best game Ive seen for years Im always being criticized Many people consider him to be one of the greatest painters Nota: in the world Many people regard him as being one of the greatest REMIND painters in the world 13. Dont let me forget to go to the bank this morning At the time my grandmother was looking after the children Remind me not to forget to go to the bank for us Remind me to go to the bank At the time our children were being looked after by my Dont let me forget to pay this cheque in at the bank grandmother Remind me not to forget to pay this cheque in at the Theyve stopped traffic from using the city centre bank Traffic has been stopped using the city centre Remind me to pay this cheque in at the bank Traffic has been diverted from the city centre We are dealing with your complaint You look very much like your grandfather Your complaint is being dealt with You remind me of your grandfather

EXPRESIONES: VARIOS 16. Not many people know the true story 17. I prefer chocolate to cakes Only a few people know the true story I dont like cakes at all Hurry up if you dont want to miss the plane I dont like cakes but chocolate Unless you hurry up you will miss the plane I dont like eating chocolate I think I should stop smoking I dont like to eat chocolate Its time to stop smoking Its getting late. Its time for you to leave. 18. Ill pick up the children if you like Its getting late. Its time that you left Would you like me to pick up the children? I think you should stop swearing so much Querrias que yo...? Its time you stopped swearing so much Would you like to pick up the children? I meant to give you a ring last night but I forgot Querrias tu...? I was about to give you a ring last night but I forgot Never mind about the price!, just buy it! 19. I expect that he will get there by lunchtime The price is not important, just buy it! I expect him to get there by lunchtime The number of people who go to the cinema at weekends is increasing 20. She showed a keen interest in local history More and more people are going to the cinema at She was keen on local history weekends There were so many people on the beach that there was 21. I dont think itll be difficult for you to persuade him nowhere to lie down You shouldnt have difficulty (in) persuading him There were such an amount of people on the beach that there was nowhere to lie down 22. Paul has flu His feet are so big that he has difficulty finding shoes to fit Paul is ill with flu him He has got such big feet that he has difficulty finding 23. Havent you got a better one than this? shoes to fit Is this the best one you have? Nota: 24. I got all the information I needed from Tom Tom provided me with all the information I needed 25. You usually eat this kind of fish with a white sauce This kind of fish is usually eaten with a white sauce 26. In Stratford-on-Avon we saw Shakespeares birthplace We saw the house where Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon 27. He read the book from beginning to end He read the whole book 28. Ian keeps arriving late Ian is always late 29. Nobody knows much about his plans for the future Little is known about his plans for the future 30. It is certain that their English will improve in time Their English is certain to improve in time 31. Richard has another six months to finish his PhD Richard has six more months to finish his PhD 32. Everyone knows that eating wholemeal bread is good for you Eating wholemeal bread is known to be good for you

REPHRASING (6) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. They have been married for almost fifty years They got married fifty years ago I havent seen him for ages Its ages since I last saw him It is alleged that a number of people are involved in the murder A number of people is alleged to be involved in the murder If he doesnt pay the rent by next Saturday, hell be thrown out Unless he pays the rent by next Saturday, hell be thrown out It would be a good idea if you did this exercise again You had better do this exercise again Do you think she is like me? Do you think we are similar? Do you think we are alike? Its a good thing you didnt tell her. Otherwise, she would have been very upset If you had told her she would have been very upset Why dont we take the 10.15 to London? How/What about taking the 10.15 to London? Tom is careful when he works. James is not Tom works carerully but James doesnt She was able to finish her work on time She succeeded in finishing her work on time I dont suppose I could have another cup of tea, could I? May I have another cup of tea? With whom did you go to the party? Who did you go to the party with? She wore a scarf because she didnt want to catch a cold She wore a scarf in order not to catch a cold We covered the furniture because we didnt want to get paint all over it We covered the furniture so as not to get paint all over it What do I need to know if I want to be a good doctor? What do I need to know in order to be a good doctor? The case was so heavy that he couldnt lift it The case was to heavy for him to lift The case was to heavy to be lifted (by him) He gave me 20 for my birthday, which was really generous of him It was really generous of him to give me 20 for my birthday Im going to the dentists. Hell take one of my wisdom teeth out Im going to the dentists to have one of my wisdom teeth taken out Last week the builders came and built a swimming pool in our back garden Last week we had a swimming pool built in our back garden Do not leave the building without my permission, he told her He ordered her not to leave the building without his permission Ive never eaten such a good meal Its the first time I have eaten such a good meal Its the best meal I have ever eaten I havent had curry for a long time Its a long time since I last had curry Its a good thing I braked. We would have crashed We would have crashed if I hadnt braked He started working as a tourist guide two years ago He has been working as a tourist guide for two years Ive never come across a more annoying person James is the most annoying person I have ever come across They all found his behaviour shocking They were all shocked by his behaviour 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

REPHRASING (7) Although she was a millionaire, she lived in poverty Despite being a millionaire she lived in poverty Although she was a millionaire he didnt want to marry her Despite being a millionaire he didnt want to marry her He prefers travelling by train to flying He would rather travel by train than fly Id prefer you not to smoke in class Id rather you didnt smoke in class It would be a good idea if we went through this exercise again We had better go through this exercise again [R(6)5.] Dont go near the edge of the cliff, she told the children She warned the children not to go near the edge of the cliff Why dont you buy a new car, Bill said John John suggested that he bought a new car I didnt break the plate, she said She denied having broken the plate I wont answer your questions, she said He refused to answer his/her questions Im sorry I didnt arrive on time, she said She apologised for not having arrived on time We cant wait to move into our new house We are looking forward to moving into our new house She is considered to be the outstanding painter of her generation She is regarded as being the outstanding painter of her generation I seldom watch that programme I hardly ever watch that programme I think it would be useful to consider the proposal I think the proposal would be worth considering Our plane was delayed by fog Our plane was held up because of the fog I went to bed early because I was feeling tired As I felt tired I went to bed early He doesnt want to stay in tonight and watch television He doesnt fancy staying in tonight and watching TV Given a choice of sailing or windsurfing, I prefer windsurfing I prefer windsurfing to sailing I prefer to go windsurfing rather than go sailing Im sure the vegetables werent fresh The vegetables cant have been fresh John thinks they probably missed the bus John thinks they may/might have missed the bus You started work here last August, didnt you? Youve worked here since last August, havent you? The train left before I got to the station By the time I got to the station, the train had already left The government aims to provide special cars for these people The government aims to provide these people with special cars His stamp collection costs him a lot of money He spends lots of money on his stamp collection Several people have written in for the job Several people have applied for the job Ive never eaten Greek food before Its the first time I have eaten Greek food

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

19. 20.

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

24. 25. 26.

REPHRASING (8) 1. 2. 3.

They criticized me because I made a simple mistake If I hadnt made a simple mistake they wouldnt have criticized me He left the house just before the explosion occurred He had hardly left the house when the explosion occurred I think hes broken his leg, but Im not sure I think he might have broken his leg
People believe that he lived in South America a long time ago He is believed to have lived in South America for a long time

REPHRASING (9) 1. Dont forget to ring your granny this evening, my mother said My mother reminded me (not to forget) to ring my granny that evening You killed her didnt you, Jones? said the police inspector The inspector accused Jones of killing her Lets go to the cinema, shall we?, said Bill Bill suggested that we should go to the cinema She was sorry that she had been so rude to them She apologised for being so rude to them She apologised for having been so rude to them [R(7)10.] Perhaps he doesnt understand what hes supposed to do He may not understand what hes supposed to do Perhaps he didnt understand what he had to do He may not have understood what he had to do We queued up for hours, but we still didnt get tickets for the concert We still didnt get tickets for the concert, despite having queued up for hours It would be a good idea if you told him the truth You had better tell him the truth What a lovely day! Its a pity we cant go to the beach What a lovely day! I wish we could go to the beach I should have taken your advice I wish I had taken your advice He would rather travel by train than by coach He prefers travelling by train to travelling by coach I havent seen her since the end of April I last saw her at the end of April As we get older we sleep less The older we get the less we sleep He wasnt able to take part because he was ill Because of his illness he wasnt able to take part Its the most boring film I have ever seen Ive never seen such a boring film Youre very kind to help me with my luggage Its very kind of you to help me with my luggage If he doesnt make more effort, hell soon be out of a job Unless he makes more effort, he will soon be out of a job I expect she came by bus She must have come by bus Its pointless asking him to do anything for you Theres no point (in) asking him to do anything for you I think you ought to deal with the problem soon I think its about time you dealt with the problem Im sure he took your briefcase by mistake Im sure he didnt do it on purpose Im sure he didnt realised that he had taken your briefcase by mistake You didnt understand because you werent paying attention! If you had paid attention you would have understood Ill give you a door key because I may not be in when you get home In case Im not at home when you get there, Ill give you a door key My advice to you is to take your dog to the vet If I were you I woull take your/my/the dog to the vet Has someone mended your cooker? Have you had your cooker mended? They didnt give me very much information about the job

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


I last swam in the sea when I was ten years old I havent swum in the sea since I was ten years old 6. I would love to be rich and famous If only I were rich and famous 7. Its a pity I didnt write down her address I wish I had written down her address 8. My garage needs painting Its time for me to paint my garage/ I need to have it painted 9. He prefers listening to the radio to watching telly He would prefer to listen to the radio rather than watch telly He would rather listen to the radio than watch telly
10. Judging from those black clouds, were likely to have some rain Judging from those black clouds, it looks as if it was going to rain

11. You dont look very well. You should go and see a doctor You dont look very well. You had better go and see a doctor 12. He spent five hours doing the shopping It took him five hours to do the shopping 13. Although he worked hard he couldnt finish the job In spite of working hard he couldnt finish the job In spite of the fact that he worked hard he couldnt finish the job 14. Although it was so hot they continued working In spite of the heat they continued working 15. He is recognised as the worlds greatest tenor He is considered to be the worlds greatest tenor He is regarded as being the worlds greatest tenor 16. Nothing frightens me Im not afraid of anything 17. It will be a great pleasure for us to see you next week We are looking forward to seeing you next week 18. The people at the hotel were so interesting that it was a pleasure to meet them They were such interesting people that it was a pleasure to meet them 19. They built a high wall to make it impossible for the prisoners to escape They built a high wall so that the prisoners couldnt escape 20. He no longer lives in this neighbourhood He doesnt live in this neighbourhood any longer 21. Do you think we are the same height? Do you think she is as tall as me? 22. The weather was so nice that we spent the whole day in the garden It was such nice weather that we spent the whole day in the garden 23. It is thought that the robbers used this car to make their escape The robbers are thought to have used this car to make their escape 24. My fringe needs trimming I must get my fringe trimmed 25. Jane did a lot of work during her holidays Jane did a lot of work while she was on holiday

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

22. 23.

24. 25. 26.

They gave me little information about the job

REPHRASING (10) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. If he doesnt tell us who he is, we wont let him in Unless he tells us who he is, we wont let him in. Youve never made a complaint before Its the first time you have made a complaint. Dont open your books until I tell you to! he said to the students He told the students not to open their books until they told them to. Where is he hiding? the policeman asked them The policeman asked them where he was hiding Its a pity that dress costs so much. I would love to buy it I wish it wouldnt cost so much. Its a pity we have lost contact with them I wish we hadnt lost contact. Id be grateful if you didnt smoke in the car Id rather you didnt smoke. They didnt let me stay up late when I was a child I wasnt allowed to stay up late when I .. Although Judy was severely disabled she participated in many sports Despite (her/hers) being severely disabled, she .. We left quietly so that we wouldnt disturb the children We left quietly so as not to disturb the children We didnt have a barbecue in the garden because it was raining If it hadnt been raining, we would have had a BBQ . She often has to do the washing-up and she cant stand it She cant stand doing the washing up He is not old enough to vote He is too young to vote I wont tolerate this behaviour for a minute longer I wont put up with this behaviour Hes been working for us for nineteen years, and next year will make it twenty By next year he will have been working with us for 20 years. Its likely that she will arrive late Shes likely to arrive late. It is thought that the prisoner was recaptured while drinking in a pub The prisoner is thought to have been recaptured . A thief stole several coats from the cloakroom Several coats were stolen from Ill get someone to press your trousers Ill have your trousers pressed The mosque is well worth a visit The mosque is well worth visiting It is well worth visiting the mosque I like travelling, but Im not very fond of flying I like travelling, but Im not too keen on flying I travel a lot in my job My job involves travelling a lot How long are you planning to stay in Australia? How long are you thinking of/about staying . What is the purpose of your trip? What is the reason why you are travelling? Could you fill in this booking form? Would you mind filling in this . It would be better if you didnt bring Joe to the wedding Id rather you didnt bring Joe .

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