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Why study in Australia

Australia is a safe, affordable study destination with highly regarded education institutions. For over 40 years, IDP Education has played a major role in promoting Australia to international students who are seeking a first-class education and a promising career path. Why study in Australia? Here are some important facts that support our commitment to international education in Australia.*
All courses offered to international students must meet stringent requirements and be registered on the publicly available Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
Australia introduced the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act in 2000 which provides the most rigorous consumer protection in the world. Students below the age of 18 must have confirmed and adequate welfare arrangements (including accommodation and guardianship) until they turn 18, in order to be granted a student visa. Students also have access to a complaints and appeals mechanism if they are not happy about their course or education institution.

International Recognition
Australia is a signatory of major international conventions such as The Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education. This is a multilateral legal framework to facilitate the international recognition of higher education qualifications and periods of study.
Some professional courses are recognised internationally and in Australia through accreditation by the respective professional body. For example, the Washington Accord ensures that courses accredited by the Institution of Engineers Australia, are recognised by equivalent professional engineering authorities in other countries such as USA, UK, Japan and Canada.

*October 2012



Seven Australian universities were listed in the top 200 in the 2011-2012 Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Ten Australians have been awarded the Nobel Prize for their achievements in medicine, science and literature. Australian alumni are leaders in government, industry, society.
Thousands who studied in Australia under the Colombo Plan, more than 50 years ago, have contributed to the growth and development of their home countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Though the majority of international students in Australia are on a full-fee paying basis, a variety of scholarships are available to high achievers.
The Endeavour Award is the Australian Governments merit-based scholarship to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia. Australian Universities and other international organisations offer select scholarships to promote excellence and diversity in education.

Employment Prospects
Australian qualifications are highly regarded by employers worldwide and we are proud of our graduates. Those who return home are usually successful in finding employment in multinational or renowned national companies or pursue their own businesses utilising their multicultural experience in Australia. To assist them with Australian work experience, the Australian Government is implementing Post Study Work Right based on the Knight Review. This will help international students who have studied in Australia for at least two years get relevant work experience in their fields of study (if study was a Bachelor, Masters by course work, Masters by research or a PHD).

Australia offers a high standard of living at affordable costs.
Four Australian cities feature in the Economist Intelligence Units Top 10 World's Most Liveable Cities, based on healthcare, stability, culture and environment, education and infrastructure.

Pathways and Mobility

Australian qualifications, (school, vocational trade and university), are linked under one national system, the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), offering seamless pathways from ELICOS to Higher Education.
Australian universities are among the most internationalised in the world. The Erasmus Mundus Partnerships between the European Commission and Australia and the University Mobility in Asia Pacific (UMAP) program have enhanced mobility of university students and staff. There are several Memoranda of Understanding between Australian Governments and Foreign Governments to facilitate research collaboration and exchange programs at the faculty and student level.

Australian cities are amongst the safest major cities in the world with low crime rates, stable government and high levels of social cohesion.
Australian society is one of the most multicultural in the world with one out of four Australians born overseas. International students constitute nearly 20% of student enrolment in Australia. Australia has a number of student associations to represent and assist students. For more information on how IDP can help you achieve your international education goals please visit to find your local IDP office.

Australian education institutions offer competitive tuition fees comparable with other education destinations.
International students can work up to 40 hours per fortnight, not limited to on-campus, when their course is in session, and full time during scheduled breaks.

This publication is intended as general information. Students should contact IDP Education for further information. October 2012.


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