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Control Engineering Practice 12 (2004) 977986

Towards a seamless development process for automotive engine-control system

Wootaik Lee, Seungbum Park, Myoungho Sunwoo*
Automotive Control & Electronics Laboratory, Department of Automotive Engineering, Hanyang University, 17 Haengdang-Dong, Seongdong-Gu, Seoul 133-791, South Korea Received 24 March 2003; accepted 26 November 2003

Abstract This paper describes a new development platform for an automotive engine-control system and introduces a seamless development process with a practical example of model-based engine control. The development platform consists of a targetidentical rapid control prototyping (RCP) system and a PC-based hardware-in-the loop simulation equipment. This RCP system is designed very similarly to the real production controller with the help of a customized target package and powerful microcontrollers. This RCP system insures rapidity of production as well as prototyping, by adopting a target-identical microprocessor. The resulting target identity is important from the viewpoint of practice and application. An organized development environment is provided by matching hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) equipment with the RCP system. A control system can be easily tested and validated using PC-based HILS that uses commercial-off-the-shelf I/O boards. The development platform supports enhanced concurrent engineering, and results in a reduction of development time and cost. To examine the feasibilities of the proposed development environment, a model-based air-to-fuel ratio controller based on a sliding mode control scheme is implemented as a practical example. r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Engine-control systems; Hardware-in-the-loop simulation; Rapid control prototyping

1. Introduction Automotive electronics have been changed dramatically recently, and new features have been introduced to satisfy customer expectations. Moreover, the requirements for existing functions are becoming more demanding because of the stricter environmental mandatory regulations and safety standards. Engine-control tasks, that were classically solved mechanically, are now being replaced by electronic control systems, and the design and implementation of control algorithms is a crucial element in the development of automotive engine-control systems. The pressure on the development process of electronic engine-control systems has increased rapidly because engineers are expected to implement more features in a less time. Ad hoc heuristic
*Corresponding author. Tel: +82-2-2290-0453; fax: +82-2-22975495. E-mail addresses: (W. Lee), (S. Park), (M. Sunwoo). 0967-0661/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2003.11.016

design and implementation methods are being replaced by systematic requirements-driven processes. In the last decade, researchers have enhanced the development process of the control system efciently in both academia and industry. The requirements of the modern development process have been the subject of many studies. Isermann (1996) examined the importance of a systematic development process and software tools for the design. Hanselmann (1998) suggested that the modern development process is characterized by computer-aided support in all stages from specication to product. Smith (1999) also proposed that a more efcient development process is not intended to change the basic steps. Rather, improved software and hardware tools can make the process more efcient. Browne, Bass, Croll, and Fleming (1994) and Hajji et al. (1996) proposed a framework of tools which allow the design of distributed, potentially fault-tolerant, realtime control software. Kimura and Maeda (1996) also introduced two development tools for an engine-control system. One is the engine and vehicle simulator and the other is the control logic simulator substituting for a

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part of the engine-control logic in production CPUs. Butts (1996) benchmarked many computer-aided control system design (CACSD) tools and computer-aided software/systems engineering (CASE) tools to be adopted in the modern development process. Traditional CASE and CACSD tools were integrated to improve hybrid systems development support for the automotive power train control community, and CASE/ CACSD products were applied to a simplied power train system model to investigate the feasibilities. Toeppe, Bostic, Ranville, and Rzemien (1999) performed a trial evaluation of commercially available CACSD tools, and Howold and Jupfer (2000) compared classical CASE-tools approach and tools for automated code generation. Some companies offer sophisticated development environments for automotive applications (Hanselmann, 1998; Leharth, Baum, Beck, Werther, & Zurawka, 1998). They support the specication of embedded systems, and verify and validate it on different abstraction levels. They also generate a code automatically for rapid control prototyping (RCP) controllers, and provide a hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) experimental environment. This paper presents a new integrated platform-based development environment for automotive engine-control system. The control algorithms can be developed by using the MATLABs/SIMULINKs off-line simulation environment. This control design can be easily implemented in the proposed RCP platform through the REAL-TIME WORKSHOPs and the customized target package. The generated execution codes are effectively tested and veried by using PC-based HILS. The proposed platform-based environment enables the developers to design control laws, to generate executable code, and to test the control system in a unied way, and make the development process more seamless. The modern development process is introduced and the way to enhance the development process is proposed in the following section. The features of a newly proposed development platform are explained in detail in the next section. The results from the pilot project of an air-to-fuel ratio (AFR) control using the developed platform are presented to illustrate the feasibilities of the proposed development environment.

integrated computer tool chain in all stages from the specication to the nal product. 2.1. Conventional development process V-model The modern development process can replace the expensive prototypes with the appropriate alternatives and provide an economical virtual test environment to minimize the expensive and time-consuming experiments on the test bench or in-vehicle. Furthermore, the modern development process eliminates an errorprone hand-coding process. Sivashankar and Butts (1999) and Smith (1999) addressed the modern development process in the form of a simplied V-model (see Fig. 1), and summarized the requirements of each development phase, respectively. On the left downward path, development becomes more detailed and concrete, eventually leading to the component. The right upward path leads to the nal production electronic control unit (ECU), which is then compared to the original ideas, objectives and specications. At the beginning of a new project, the overall system functionalities are specied. After the initial concept phase, the requirements of each subsystem are dened according to the project characteristics. These requirements are analyzed and the core functions and features of each subsystem are specied. Control algorithms are primarily designed in response to the pre-dened specications, and they are also made robust with respect to extreme and abnormal operating conditions. A number of architectures and software design requirements are incorporated. A modeling work of both the physical plant and the control system occurs in this stage. This is the most mature stage in the development process. Advanced modeling tools are well established and offer powerful graphical user interface and modeling capabilities. These tools can be smoothly integrated into the development process. The control algorithm is implemented in the form of source codes through a traditional hand-coding or an auto code-generation method, and is validated with its

2. Development process The major characteristics of the traditional development process are described as follows: (i) conventional textual specications, (ii) a lack of comprehensive tools, (iii) a sequential approach. The inefcient traditional development process is being replaced with a modern development process, which is characterized by an

Fig. 1. Modern development process V-model.

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requirements, using a software-in-the-loop simulation (SILS) method or an RCP method. As in the case of the modeling and simulation phase, both the SILS and RCP environment are used to represent the actual system as much as possible. RCP including an automatic code generator is the key step for the modern development process. With the help of the RCP environment, the control engineers can easily validate and verify their own controller design in the vehicle or in the special testbenches, without the intervention of software or hardware specialists. The next step is the modication of the source codes to an appropriate form for the production target processor. Converting the control algorithms to the production level codes is a very time-consuming and tedious phase. After the functions are integrated in the production target, they should be tested against the abovementioned functional requirements. Integrated control systems can be tested and veried using the specially designed test benches or real vehicles. As an alternative, a real-time model-based testing procedure, which is called HILS, may be used. HILS is characterized by the operation of real components in connection with realtime simulated components. Usually, the control system hardware and software is the real system, and the controlled process can be either fully or partially simulated. Final validation and testing will always be required in the completed system. At the end of the design process, the control system is nally calibrated for the specic application using the HILS and the in-vehicle test procedures. This phase has shown the greatest advance in the development process. 2.2. Proposed V-model for engine-control system This RCP equipment enables the control engineers to verify their own control algorithm in an ideal environment using an automatic code-generation technique. In the target implementation phase, this control algorithm is coded and linked with other parts of the software by the software engineers. This nal software is validated against the pre-dened requirements or specications to check the feasibilities of the target implementation in the HILS phase. The described V-model can be enhanced more seamlessly in an application-specic case. A development platform, which is composed of a targetidentical RCP (Lee, Shin, & Sunwoo, under submission) and a convenient HILS (Lee, Yoon, & Sunwoo, 2003), alleviates some technical difculties in transition from one phase to another phase (see Fig. 2). As shown in Fig. 1, the conventional V-model separates the RCP phase from the target-implementation phase due to the insufcient computing power of a target microprocessor and the difference of the abstrac-

Fig. 2. Proposed V-model for engine-control system.

tion levels of CACSD tools. The computing power difference can be alleviated by the recent advent of powerful oating-point microcontrollers, which are currently used in high-end engine-control applications. Furthermore, the difference in the abstraction levels can also be overcome by some CACSD tools, which have an automatic code-generation function and provide a exible environment for integrating source codes. The powerful microcontrollers and these CACSD tools make a target-identical RCP viable in the engine-control application in spite of its immaturity. The targetidentical RCP also makes control validation easier. This conventional V-model has two different phases to validate the control algorithms. One is the control verication phase, in which only the control algorithm can be tested by use of an RCP equipment, and the other is the control validation phase, in which the whole control system may be tested, including control algorithm and software implementation, by use of a target ECU. The target-identical RCP can constitute the nal control system as easily as the RCP in the context of Fig. 1. Therefore, it makes the former validation phase redundant, and renders the later validation phase as easy as the former one. The conventional V-model enables software engineers to code the application part after the control algorithm is veried in the RCP phase. Hand coding of the control algorithm makes it difcult to shorten the development time. The automatic code-generation technique, which is widely used in RCP and HILS, has been developed to the production-quality level and this technique can be applied to convert the control algorithm to the execution code. In spite of the maturity of the automatic codegeneration technique, it is very difcult to generalize the code-generation procedure of the low layer codes, because of the hardware dependencies and efciency of the codes. The easiness of automatic code generation can be compromised with the efciency of hand coding in the aspect of the layered architecture. The application part of the software is converted to the codes by the automatic code-generation technique, and the low layer codes are programmed by software experts on a trial and error basis. This compromise makes the control design and the software design perform concurrently.

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HILS is indeed becoming a standard option for speeding up the control system development. However, many of the reported HILS equipments require a complex interface between real system and HILS hardware, as well as a series of expensive and special computational platforms and I/O interface hardware. An alternative for these complicated and expensive HILS equipments is a PC-based HILS environment. The developed HILS assumes no real actuators and sensors, and all the signals are interfaced in a logic level for the simulation by simplifying the lowest physical interfacing, such as injectors, ignition coils, and magnetic pickup coils. The control-oriented models using logiclevel interfacing provide adequate delity for control software validation. This helps developers to set up the experimental system more easily and to test the control system more efciently. 2.3. Development process using integrated development platform Fig. 3 depicts a development procedure using the integrated development platform. At the rst stage, the control algorithm is developed with an engine model using the off-line simulation method based on the analyzed specications. In this stage, implementation issues, such as activation period of control task, task execution time, as well as some others, are simplied or ignored in many cases. In the next stage, the control algorithm and engine model are converted to the appropriate codes by the help of the development platform. However, there exist some differences between the RCP and the HILS in terms of code generation. Since the plant model should behave as similarly to the real plant as possible, a powerful computer is needed to emulate the plant behavior, and the controller code should be neat and compact to be embedded in the microcontroller. To

translate the previously developed control algorithm and engine model into the code, some minor modications are needed. For example, in the development platform stage, all components should be handled at the xed time interval, and iterative numerical algorithms are not allowed. Moreover, in the engine-control application, some control loops are activated depending upon the crank position. In this case, the integrator, which includes the time interval between the consecutive activations, should be modied to reect the varying time interval according to engine speed. Through this stage, a lot of implementation problems can be detected and solved in the laboratory environment. In the nal stage, I/O subsystems of the controller are completed with signal-conditioning circuits and power amplication circuits, and the simulated plant is replaced with the real plant. In this stage, some preliminary parameters and maps can be nely calibrated. If the engine model is sufciently accurate and the HILS computer can emulate the plant behavior exactly, this stage can be regarded as redundant. But, in many cases, modeling uncertainties and limitation of computing power make this stage indispensable.

3. Overview of development platform Modern CACSD tools are able to create a graphical and executable specication instead of textual documentations. They are also able to model the static and dynamic phenomena of the actual systems, to translate the models into the computer codes for RCP and HILS, and to implement and optimize computer codes for the production controller. For these purposes, a variety of programs exist, like MATLABs, ASCET-SDs, MATRIX-Xs, and other programs. The MATLABs tool chain has been selected as a base development environment in this study. This tool chain is widely used in industry and academia, and offers a capable and reasonable cost-simulation solution. It has the automatic code-generation tool, REAL-TIME WORKSHOPs, which is the major attraction. REAL-TIME WORKSHOPs supports not only the various types of ready-made targets, but in addition a new customized target can be created with ease. With the help of the MATLABs tool chain, the highly integrated development environment can be achieved more easily. The development platform mainly consists of RCP, HILS, and measurement and calibration parts. A host computer and a target microcontroller constitute the RCP environment, and another computer can be added to this environment to measure the internal variables and to calibrate some major parameters in the microcontroller. At the host PC, the control algorithm is developed, tested, and converted to a target code under SIMULINKs, and, at the target system, this code is

Fig. 3. Development process based on the integrated development platform.

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Fig. 4. Hardware block diagram of the development platform.

application program can be easily activated in accordance with the pre-dened condition, such as a certain event or time period. A customized toolbox, called engine-control toolbox, is developed to interface an application program, e.g. the control algorithm, with the lower layer. The frequently used functions are more abstracted as in a block library form (see Fig. 6). All the blocks are categorized as initialization, I/O functions, and scheduling functions. The I/O signals of the ECU, which generally interact with the engine sensors and actuators at the off-line simulation phase, are replaced with the appropriate sink and source blocks, such as rpm read, and update fuel duration. The execution of the control algorithms can be congured by use of the trigger blocks and the task subsystem. To develop a new engine-control system, highly sophisticated software, calibration, measurement and diagnosis equipment has to be used. It would be benecial to use the same tool for the calibration and rapid prototyping. CAN calibration protocol (CCP) is widely used in the automotive industry, and is becoming a standard tool. Thus, the CCP is selected as a measurement and calibration tool in this study. The HILS environment requires signals from the computational platform to be interfaced with the

Fig. 5. Layered architecture of the development platform.

executed in real-time. The Mororola MPC555s is selected as the target processor. The HILS equipment is composed of a host computer and a target computer, which have some data acquisition cards to interface the physical signals. Fig. 4 shows the block diagram of the proposed development platform. Although this gure depicts the RCP host, HILS host, and measurement and calibration hosts separately, all the programs of the host computers are executed concurrently in a single host computer for the developers convenience. Fig. 5 shows the layered architecture of the proposed development platform. This RCP platform is designed for target implementation as well as RCP. To achieve this goal, layered architecture is strictly maintained and the RCP platform is designed similarly to the production controller. In order to utilize all the features of the MPC555s, hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is designed as similarly to the target codes as possible. The middle layer is carefully organized and designed for the TARGET LANGUAGE COMPILERs realizations. By use of the implemented scheduler, any task of the

Fig. 6. SIMULINKs toolbox of rapid prototyping platform.

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hardware. In the layered architecture perspective, the hardware layer can be divided into two categories. One is the logic-level I/O layer in which the microcontroller directly interfaces, and the other is the real I/O layer containing signal conditioning subsystems, power amplifying subsystems, and other subsystems. During the design phase, one must determine the proper portioning of signal processing into available software and hardware. This results in a trade-off among system complexity, computational burden, and maintainability. Though the lowest hardware interface layer is desired to emulate more realistic environment, this layer can be by-passed for the purpose of economy and convenience. If the logic-level signals, such as the ignition-triggering signal, can be used instead of real I/O signals, these complicated devices can be eliminated. In this study, the logic-level I/ O is used and major parts of the by-passed layer are modeled. For seamless integration of the development process, xPC targets of REAL-TIME WORKSHOPs is used in the HILS platform.

employs a sliding mode fuel injection control law with a Smith predictor (Yoon, Park, Lee, & Sunwoo, 2001).

4.1. Off-line simulation model The off-line simulation model mainly consists of an engine model and a controller, as shown in Fig. 7. In this stage, all SIMULINKs library blocks can be used free of implementation problems, and a variable-time step ordinary differential equation solver can be also used for simulation speed and accuracy. However, it is difcult to model event-based or crank angle-based controller behaviors because SIMULINKs basically provides a time-based simulation method. To model event-based behavior in a time-based simulation environment, special simulation mechanisms must be designed, but this may cause signicant overhead in designing and simulating the model. Therefore, the event-based behaviors are generally simplied in an off-line simulation phase by minimizing a sampling period to an affordable value. To increase the accuracy of the simulation, multi-rate simulation methods are adopted. Mean value engine models are widely used in developing model-based engine controllers. Additionally, these engine models are generally appropriate for the HILS platform. The nonlinear dynamic engine model, which was introduced in the previous study (Yoon & Sunwoo, 2001), is used for designing a fuelinjection controller and HILS.

4. Engine-control experiments An engine-control experiment is performed as a pilot project, to prove the feasibility of the proposed development process. Two air-to-fuel ratio (AFR) control algorithms are evaluated in this experiment. One employs a relatively simple PI control law with a feed-forward compensation function, and the other

Fig. 7. Off-line simulation model using SIMULINKs.

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The controllers are expressed in relatively complicated differential and algebraic equations. Some equations are related with engine models, and they are already expressed in block diagram representation of the engine model. These are imported from the previous engine model blocks and other equations are expressed in combination of SIMULINKs blocks and user-dened S-functions. 4.2. Engine model and HILS platform As shown in Fig. 8, the engine model should be supplemented with analog I/O and timing I/O signal modules to interface actual signals in real-time. Engine I/O signals can be categorized into two groups. One group is composed of analog signals, and the other is composed of digital signals, including timing signals. Synchronization of timing I/O signals, such as crank shaft signal, cam shaft signal, and spark and injection signals, with the engine event make the interface more difcult. Sometimes, these interfaces are achieved through sophisticated I/O boards with dedicated processors. With the help of the powerful computing power of a PC and efcient kernel of xPC targets, these synchronized timing I/O signals are interfaced through the digital I/O and the timing I/O subsystems.

4.3. Control algorithm and RCP platform Since the engine model can be easily modied for the HILS platform, the controller can also be altered into an RCP form with the developed engine-control toolbox (see Fig. 9). The major changes are substitution of I/O blocks for the I/O signals in the off-line simulation. Each I/O block calls appropriate functions, which are already designed and implemented in the lower layer. Some blocks and modules should be replaced with more simple ones because the generated code should be compact for an embedded microcontroller and it should be executed in a timely manner for real-time control. In this case, the controller is congured to generate a stroke-based event trigger signal in every engine stroke, to execute the control algorithm at the same rate. 4.4. Closed-loop experiments An off-line simulation model is tested under the proposed development platform (see Fig. 10). The engine model is executed on the xPC target desktop PC, and the engine-control algorithm is run on the target processor. As described previously, all I/O signals are connected at the logic level.

Fig. 8. Engine HILS model.

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Fig. 9. Engine controller (using an engine-control toolbox).

Fig. 10. Photograph of the proposed development platform.

The results of the off-line simulation and a virtual experiment using the proposed platform are depicted and compared in Figs. 11 and 12. In Fig. 11, the PI AFR control algorithm is tested in the time-based manner, and the synchronization of the engine is achieved by a 60-2 type crankshaft sensor. On the other hand, in Fig. 12, the sliding mode AFR control law is executed in the event-based manner, and it is assumed that a 36-1 type crankshaft sensor is mounted on the engine. For performance evaluation of the proposed controller, the throttle angle is changed as shown in Figs. 11(a) and 12(a), to simulate a fast tip-in and tip-out situation that allows the engine to be operated abruptly between 2000 and 4000 rpm. In addition, the engine is assumed to be operated under a constant load condition. The AFR sensor is assumed to have a measurement delay of two engine cycles because of the

event-based nature of the engine, and it is assumed to have band-limited white noise. Figs. 11(c) and 12(c) represent the off-line simulation results of the models. The off-line simulation model is also tested under the proposed development platform and the results are shown in Fig. 11(d) and 12(d). Compared with the off-line simulation, the performance of the experiment using the development platform shows some degradation. A non-zero execution time of the plant model and the control algorithm, measurement noise, quantization, and other factors in the experiment cause this degradation. The different execution period of the control task also degrades the control performance. These problems, which may occur in the target implementation stage and the validation stage, can be efciently handled with the help of this virtual development environment.

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Fig. 11. Comparison of the off-line simulation and the experiment using development platform (PI control system, 60-2 type crank signal, time-based execution).

Fig. 12. Comparison of the off-line simulation and the experiment using development platform (sliding mode control system, 36-1 type crank signal, event-based execution).

5. Conclusions A new development platform for automotive enginecontrol systems is introduced. MATLABs/SIMULINKs/REAL-TIME WORKSHOPs tool chain is used as a base environment for implementation and evaluation of the engine controller as well as the development of the control algorithm. This platform provides a target-identical RCP platform and PC-based HILS environment. With the help of a customized target package and the advent of powerful microcontollers, the RCP system is organized very similarly to the real production ECU. This feature alleviates many implementation problems, which may occur between the RCP system and the production system. The control system is easily investigated and validated using the PC-based HILS system. This system uses xPC targets with commercially available off-theshelf I/O boards and logic-level signals for connection with the controller. This platform-based development process enables the developers to design control laws, to

generate executable codes, and to evaluate the control system in a unied manner. In order to prove the feasibilities of the proposed environment, a pilot project for the development of an air-to-fuel control system is performed, and the simulation results are presented. The simulation results show that the proposed development process and the virtual experiment environment can efciently handle various ECU design problems caused by transitions among separate development steps. The proposed environment can be a basis for the model-based approach in enginecontrol application.

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