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2) 1964 dAHD0i1 HlGH SCdOOL

Future Farmers of America

rhe F.FoAo took a trip on Thursday, November 12, to the
Crop l1eld in the Traverse City rlUditorium. The
purprJse of ti is meetinr; was to judge prains
or the crops taken by the members to be judgedD the total
were as follows: sixtven l\
s, twenty 13' s
;md twenty=
two ccso also received fourth place in potato judging out
of seventeen schoolso
tieporter-Myron Meyer
Girls 'fumbling
A group of our tiarbor Spriaas girls traveled to Mtc
Pleasant on Saturday
November 14
to participate in an all
day Gymrutstic Clinic, We sent tepresentatives from all

third throu3h tenth
who are skilled in
in learninz more free exercises
mat work and
a)lJ;-lratus skills., l
lothers furnished cars and driving
WdS greatly appreciated,
On December 5
the hieh school are invited to a
Gymnastic Clinic at Alpena with girls from three other hieh
Alpena" Hog3rs City and Alconao
'l'bere is considerable interest being shown in t::rmnastics
in all of Michigano we are not ready for competition
our progress in noticeable"
Nrso Irish
Girls Intramural Sports
Graues neven ten have been participating in
volleybJll after school on Tuesdayv which is directed by

Irisha Th\s year the tenth have put them-
selves in the winning spotlight for a total of three years,
Of.l LOS'
Seventh 1
Ei;hth 2 2
Ninth 1
inth 2 2
'fenth 4
\o.:'e would like to ex ten our r;ra ti tu le and thanks to
Irish) who has given her time and most her euidance
l e n x+- 1ntrarnural sport will be b1sketballo
1 epo ter J r ne Neer
.tJe foci t:.lection
On the day before the election, Brenda Stark, Cindy
Cummings, and George Lauer put on a program for the high
wi h the main issues of the campaign for the Presidency.
objective of the group was to give the students a better
the campaigns,
Verseput. Dave
school, dealing
The main
understanding of
Before the assembly started, Mro Zegunis urged the to look
at the different platforms and ideas with an open mind and to take into
consideration the good and bad points of both candidateso
Cindy gave the Republican Platform on the idea of economyo She
stated that the Republican Party favored economy. she had completed
her speech Dave gave the opinion of pertaining to the
economy of the United Next gave the Democratic Platform
and their idea on the economic growth. Brenda then gave President
s views on the econorrac situation
Each party gave their opinions as expressed by the candidate and
the party they representedo Just a fewo.f the topics they covered were:
civil rights, moral decay, education, agriculture, uuclear disanroament,
and foreign aido
At the end of the assembly, a summary was given by each sideo It
as then brought up that Senator Goldwater l<ras stressing moral decay
while President Johnson was putting emphasis on the war on
The following day the mock election was held and the election returns
were as follows:
From the high school, grades nine through twelve, were for
Johnson and 30% were for Goldwatere
Ni nth grade
Tenth grade
Eleventh grade
Twelfth grade
76% Johnson
24% Goldwater
64% Johnson
36% Gol dwater
73% Johnson
27% Goldwater
677. Johnson
331- Goldwater
The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your armo
<->Mro Sligh=
Junior Class will presont a nlay entitled
Boarding Hou e
Reach" an hilarious comedy wi 1 be presented on the n. ghts of Dec.
10 and 12 at 8:00 p .. mo in the high school &'.Uditorium, tickets priced
at 50 for s tudents and 75 for adults may be purchased from any
Junior or at the door.
Mr. & Mrs o Maxwell are away on a business trip and are expected
to be gone a wceka The Maxwell
s son, Wilbur, decides to trun th$
house into a Boarding Ht>use for the week to make money so he can
buy a bicycle.,
Some of the people he rents rooms to are Ninety Volt Jones a
punch drunk fighter, Roughhouse Ruby, his ex-wrestler wife, a bank
robber, a little old lady that just walkes around saying nothing,
and a walking Just as tho Boarders get sett led for
the night Mro & Mrso Maxwell arrive homeo From then on out , iti s one
mess after anothero
Wilbur - Jim Hodge
Hercules - Tom Tippett
Mrs . Max:well ... Al:t ce Cs.LL
Mr o Maxwel l - Hugh Rhine
Connie Betsi Bond
Lou - Bonnie Blakemore
' ...
Limpy = Gary Br a-inerd
Herman George Kilborn
Nora - Lvnda Douglas
Ruby - Dixie Johnston
Connelly Bob Morris
Lucy - Brenda Cor!s
Bernadine - Shirl ey nruce
Aunt Mary .., Bonnie vlashburn
Mr o Potter - Ken Stanley
Mrs. Mott - Mary Adams
Student Director: Hon Wagar
Prompters and Crew:
Janeane Sterly
Jane Rasmussen
Ken Toung
Mary Moulton
Jules Cone
Mary wager
Name: Doris Col e
Place of Birth: Petoskey
Birthday: January 27, 1947
5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs .
F a.vori te S'ing: Moon River
Favorite Food: Steak
Fvorite Saying: It dont
eet Peeve: U.So Marine Corps
Unusual Ability: Talking in Government
Future Plans: Having a dozen kids
Dream Boy
Hair: Curt Bricker
Eyes: Bob Greane
Smile: Bricker
Bob Greane
Personaltty: Ti?pett
Leadership: Dave Cummings
Friendliest: Curt Bricker
Name: Martha Ford
Place of Birth : Petoskey
Birthday: October 6, 1947
Hei ;ht: 5a 6
Weight : 125 lbso
Favorite Song: Because
Favorite Saying: It;s so cool I can t believe it
Pet Peeve: People
Unusual Ability: Skipping
Future Plans : College
Dream Boy
Hair: D. K.,
Eyes: J o \-l,.
Smile: J o Po
Physique: W., r a
Personality: Jo Po
Friendliest: J. Po
Leadership: J. P ..
Name: Bev Hathaway
Place of Birth: Petoskey
Birthday: June 30
Height: 5'
Weight: 135 lbso
Favorite Song: Rhvthm of t he Rain
Favorite Saying: OOOHHH
Favorite Food: Pizza
Pet Peeve: Teachers who pile the work on
Unusual Ability: Keeping quiet.
Future Plans: Nursing School
Dream Boy
Hair: Jim Cone
Eyes: Dave Peris
Smile: Ron Ro
Physique: Bobby Evertt
Personality: Bobby Evertt
Leadership: Dan Penney
Fr iendliest: JiM Heinz
Name: Hopper
Place of Birth: Petoskey
Birthday: October 13, 194 7
Height: 5 3"
Vlei ,ht: ???
:F'avorite Song: House of' the Rising Sun
Favorite Food: Fried Chicken
Favorite Saying: Good Grief, Kid
Pet Peeve: Mro Beer
Unusually Ability: Beins grouchy
Future Plans: What will be, will be
Dream Boy
Hair: Roger Bouchard
Eyes: Dick Bouchard
Smile : Gene Ha r.eman
Physique: Dennis Sommers
Personality: George Lauer
Leadership: V ave Cummings
Friendliest: Jene Hateman
Name: David Cummings
Place of Birth: I don v t
Birthday: lst wednesday in Septa , 1947
Height: lo854 meters
Weight: 754o6 newtons
Favorite Sons: Yankee Doodle
Favorite Food: Macaroni and
F: Nrite Saying: What?
Pet Peeve: Brenda Stark
Unusual Ability: beinG late
F'uture else?
Dream Girl
Hair: Mary
Eyes: Betsi
Smile: Brenda Co
Figure: Cindy
Personality: Judy
Leadership: Brenda and Doris
Friendliest: Jill
Name: Jean Cook
P1ace of Birth: Petoskey, Michigan
Birthday: Februar.v 20, 194 7
Height: 5 6
Wei :;ht: 118
Favorite Song: Three Bells
Favorite Food: anything digestable
Favorite Saying: Oh
Pet Peeve: Mr.. Zegunis
Unusual Ability: Being a ;ood cook
Future Plans: Vlork -- Bell Telephone
Dream Boy
Hair: Jim Lo
Ey-es: Steve Ao
Smile: Jim Ho
Physique: Dave J o
Personality: . H:n Ho
Leadership: Jim Ho
Friendliest: Jim Ho
Name: Pat Cease
Place of Birth: Petoskey
Birthday: February 18, 19h7
1.leiaht: .JOH!:
Height: S'
Favorite Song: Hountain of Love
Favorite Saying: Anything
Favorite Food: 'J' ... Bone Steak
Pet Peeve: Mro Beer Mro Pollak
Unusual 1\bility: Misspelling: words
Future Plans: College
Dream Boy
Hair: Bill Keo
Eyes: Bill Ko
Smile: Butch A<>
Physique: Butch Ao
Leadership: Dave
Friendliest: Joe
Personality: Bill Ka
Narne: Melodie Bo,ynton
Place of Birth: Petoskey
Birthday! April 3, 1947
Height: Sa

\-Ieight: 125 lbso
Favorite Song: P . s. I Love Yot.J.
Favorite Food: Pot Roast
Favorite Saying: RightJ
Pet Peeve: Mro Terpening
Unusual Ability: Coming to school a change
Future Plans:
Dream Boy
Hair: Don
Eyes: John
Smile: Ao H.
Physique: Don
Leadership: Don
Friendliest: Don
Pep Gazette Staff
.. . . Allen
Assistant Editor" .. " o,. a. Q o :large Bodzick
Sports Tippett
Clubs .... .,." . o" o " o" . o .. . , ... a Ruth Shinn
F c F!,} A a o Q (l o t) } v Q a Q .. v Q o o o o Q o " Go ., o o Myron Meyer
Fe. H o A noo . Gokee
Tri .. y" .., " o .. " o" 3 "o o o u .. o o " " o o "" ,, J erris Rockwell
Ca Yo Shinn
Ram .. o oooCindy Verseput
Senior Sketches oooocooooGooDixie Johnston j Mary Moulton
Typis tSoooououoooooo<>..,oeoShelley Ward, Li nda Phillips
Ad vis or() u 0 0 c. .. 0 0 'll 0 ('\ 0 Q Q, -o ,. G 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 olir o!_} Sandell

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