Classification of Pulpal & Periapical Pathosis

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Clinical classification of pulpal & periapical pathosis Pathobiology Treatment

Classification of Pulp Normal pulp

Classification of Pulp Disease pulp

Reversible Pulpitis Irreversible Pulpitis Hyperplastic Internal Resorption Necrosis

Reversible Pulpitis

Symptom not a disease Quick, sharp hypersensitive response Irritants (caries, restoration, procedures) Subsides as soon as the stimulus is removed

Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis

Spontaneous intermittent or continuous pain Sharp or dull pain Localized or referred Moderate to severe pain

Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis

Sudden temp changes (cold) elicit prolong pain Postural change induces pain EPT is little value because pulp is still responsive to electrical stimulation

Asymptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis

Hyperplastic Pulpitis Reddish, cauliflower-like growth of pulp tissue Pulp polyp Young people Pain during mastication

Asymptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis Internal Resorption Trauma Recruitment of blood-borne clastic cells Pink spot Identify during routine radiographic exam

Pulp Necrosis Partial or Total Long-term interruption of blood supply to the pulp No response to EPT & Thermal pulp test?? Laser Doppler flowmetry or Pulse oximetry

Classification of Periodontium

Periapical Disease
Within Normal Limits (WNL) Acute-Apical Periodontitis (AAP) -Apical Abscess (AAA) Chronic-Apical Periodontitis (CAP) -Apical Abscess (CAA)

Classification of Periodontium

Phoenix abscess (Acute exacerbation of CAP, Flare-ups) Periapical Osteosclerosis (Condensing Osteitis) Periapical or Radicular cyst

WNL Mild transient response Subsides immediately No pain to palpation & percussion Absence of pathosis signs & symptoms Lamina dura intact Calcific metamorphosis

Acute Apical Periodontitis (AAP)

Extension of pulpal inflam into periradicular tissue Mechanical or chemical trauma by endo instruments Occlusal trauma by hyperocclusion or bruxism

AAP Vital or nonvital teeth EPT & Thermal test is the only way to confirm endo treatment WNL or widened of PDL space Painful on percussion or chewing

Acute Apical Abscess (AAA)

Painful purulent exudate around apex Resulted from exacerbation of AAP Moderate-severe pain & swelling


Pain from percussion & palpation Increase in tooth mobility Normal or slightly thickened lamina dura

AAA Differ from lateral periodontal abscess- vital & pocket Differ from phoenix abscess- periradicular radiolucency No response to EPT

Chronic Apical Periodontitis (CAP)

Necrotic pulp Asymptomatic periradicular lesion No response to EPT Tenderness to palpation & percussion Thickening of PDL or Periapical Radiolucency

Chronic Apical Abscess (CAA) Asymptomatic periradicular lesion Necrotic pulp No response to EPT Tenderness to palpation & percussion Periapical Radiolucency Sinus tract

Phoenix Abscess

Preceeded by chronic apical periodontitis Symptoms identical to acute periradicular abscess but with radiolucency

Endodontic flare-ups Acute Exacerbation of CAP Pulp necrosis with periradicular lesion Contributing factors * Inadequate debridement * Debris extrusion * Overinstrumentation

Flare-ups Contributing factors * Overfilling * Retreatment * Periapical lesion * Host factors - fear & anxiety - allergies/ age/ gender

Chronic Osteosclerosis

Condensing osteitis / Focal sclerosing osteomyelitis Excessive bone mineralization around the apex of an symptomatic or asymptomatic, vital or nonvital tooth Low-grade pulp irritation


Pathways of Infection

The most frequent portals of pulp infection - exposure of pulp to oral cavity: caries, fractures

Microflora of Infected & Necrotic Pulp

>90% is obligate anaerobes (Fusobacterium, Porphyromonas, Prevotella, Eubacterium & Peptostreptococcus)

Pathogenicity of Endodontic flora

Synergistically beneficial partners Release endotoxin Synthesis of enz that damages host tissues Interfere host defense

Acute Apical Periodontitis

Primary Limited to apical periodontal ligament Hyperemia, vascular congestion neutrophils Radiographically undetectable (bone has not been disturbed)

Acute Apical Periodontitis Infection is involved Neutrophils release cytokines (leukotrienes) & PG Leukotrienes attracts neutrophils & macrophages Macrophages activate osteoclasts Bone resorbs

Chronic Apical Periodontitis

Shifts to macrophages, T-lymphocytes & plasma cells T-cells produce cytokines that suppress osteoclastic activity & reduced resorption Acute if the equilibrium is disturbed

Chronic Apical Periodontitis

Periapical granuloma Granulomatous tissue with infiltrate cells, fibroblasts in a fibrous capsule Capsule is dense collagen fibers that are firmly attached to the root

Periapical or Radicular Cyst

Sequel to chronic apical periodontitis Epithelial lining 2 categories - Periapical True cyst (>50%) - Periapical Pocket cyst (cavity opens to the root canal)

Two hypotheses for the cyst formation

Nutritional deficiency theory Central cells are away from source of nutrition Undergo necrosis & liquefactive degeneration

Two hypotheses for the cyst formation

Abscess theory Inherent nature of epithelial cells to cover exposed CNT Proliferate surrounds the abscess

Condensing Apical Periodontitis

Dense bone trabeculae with limited marrow space Osseous tissue is lined by osteoblasts Marrow space is infiltrated with lymphocytes


Reversible Pulpitis Pulp Stress Chronopathologic status Caries Leak restoration/Marginal defects Hyperocclusion Operative procedures

Reversible Pulpitis Remove the cause of irritation Teeth should be allowed several weeks to recover Replace with a sedative temporarily filling (ZnOE) RCT if symptoms persist

Irreversible Pulpitis


No contraindication to single-visit Rx

Irreversible Pulpitis Multirooted teeth - pulpotomy or partial pulpectomy (removal of the pulp from the widest canal) File should not be introduced into canals unless a pulpectomy is anticipated Medicated with Ca(OH)2

Irreversible Pulpitis with AAP

Complete C&S with Ca(OH)2 between visits to prevent bacterial regrowth Occlusal reduction Teeth must not be left open Oral analgesics (NSAIDS)

Pulpal Necrosis with AAA No Swelling Complete C&S with Ca(OH)2 between visits Introduce a small file (#10-15) beyond the apex to establish drainage from periapical NSAIDS

Pulpal Necrosis with AAA Localized swelling Drain through canal C&S with copious NaOCl Tooth may be left open (2 h) & med with Ca(OH)2 Systemic use of antibiotics (Penicillin)

Pulpal Necrosis with AAA

Fluctuant localized soft tissue swelling Incision & drain Medical therapy : hydration/soft diet/analgesics/oral hygiene Systemic use of antibiotics

Pulpal Necrosis with AAA Diffuse swelling Drain through canal/ incision & drain Thorough C&S with copious NaOCl Antibiotics & analgesics Refer for hospitalization

Endodontic flare-ups

Relaxing the patient C&S with NaOCl Ca(OH)2 & Chlorhexidine gluconate Occlusal adjustment

Endodontic flare-ups

Tooth is allowed to drain for up to 20 mins with rubber dam Incision & drain (fluctuant) Antibiotics & analgesics


Pathways of the Pulp 9th edition Endodontics 4th edition Endodontic Therapy 5th edition

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