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UNIVERSITY OF MORATUWA, SRI LANKA FACULTY OF ENGINEERING END OF SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2006/2007 (Held in Aug 2007) B.Sc. ENGINEERING LEVEL 2, JUNE TERM DE 229 PHOTOGRAPHY ________________________________________________________________________ Answer ALL questions in the answer sheet provided. Time allowed: 90 minutes

Instructions to the candidate 1. 2. 3. 4. This paper contains 45 multiple-choice-questions (MCQ) in 6 pages. Answer section A and section B SEPERATELY all questions carry equal marks. You can take 90 minutes for answering.

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Section A
1. What do you write using light as a photograph? (a) something you have seen before. (b) what you see frequently. (c) the most attractive thing you see. (d) needs of the customer 2. What do you frame as a photograph? (a) the most beautiful part of the universe (b) what you can see through the view finder. (c) a part of a photograph which you have taken before. (d) a sudden incident. 3. What is a primary feature of a good photograph? (a) my mothers choice. (b) a selection which many can enjoy. (c) my teachers selection (d) what my friends criticize. 4. To give a meaning to the photograph we discuss on. (a) the value of my camera. (b) the looking area (c) my 400mm lens (d) using of KODAK films. 5. What is not an exposure factor? (a) light (b) film speed

(c) shutter speed

(d) moving speed of the object.

6. When you are preparing to take an out door photograph from your film camera, suddenly a rainy cloud covered the light, to maintain the technical quality of the of the photograph . (a) change the film to a high speed film. (b) wait until the cloud moves. (c) increase the aperture. (d) increase the shutter speed. 7. Within the frame, which you selected from the universe for a photograph. (a) there should be more picture elements. (b) you should insert the necessary elements from outside. (c) you should well organize the picture elements which are in the frame. (d) there should be a shake on the picture elements. 8. To increase the value of a photograph (a) important element should be framed. (b) photograph can be framed. (c) arrange a frame with in the photograph (d) organize the elements close to the frame. 9. How do you not, sharpen the necessary details & blur the unnecessaries? (a) By decreasing the shutter speed. (b) By increasing the aperture. (c) By using a lens with a high focal length. (d) By using a film which is more sensitive. 10. What technique do you apply to emphasize the foreground object by shaking the back ground? (a) increase the shutter speed. (b) decrease the shutter speed. (c) decrease the shutter speed while panning the camera. (d) decrease the shutter speed without moving the camera.

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11. By applying the GOLDEN RULE to a photograph.. (a) you can gain gold medals for the photograph. (b) you can create a more beautiful photograph. (c) you can remove unnecessary things with in the frame. (d) you can emphasize the necessary things with in the frame. 12. When the exposure value is X, what will be equal to the combination of f/ 5.6, 1/250 & I E 800 of technical exposure. (a) f/5.6, 1/500 & I E 1600 (b) f/5.6, 1/125 & I E 1600 (c) f/8, 1/60 & I E 800 (d) f/22, 1/15 & I E 400 13. What will be the film speed which you use to cover a night function in your University? (a) ISO/DIN 400 (b) ISO/DIN 100 (c) ISO/DIN 800 (d) ISO/DIN 25 14. If, ASA 100 = DIN 21; ASA 64 is. (a) DIN 22 (b) DIN 19

(c) DIN 20

(d) DIN 23

15. As an advanced amateur, in which mode should you use in your auto camera, to capture the 100meter final event of Ms. Susanthika Jayasinghe. (a) manual mode. (b) aperture priority mode. (c) shutter priority mode. (d) program mode. 16. Camera lens is a.. (a) convex Lens (b) concave Lens (c) a lens system with characteristic of a convex lens (d) a lens system with characteristic of a concave lens. 17. What is the mathematical connection of the sensitiveness of ASA 100 film & ASA 125 film (a) ASA 100 is 200% more sensitive than ASA 125 (b) ASA 125 is 200% more sensitive than ASA 100 (c) ASA 100 is 35% more sensitive than ASA 125 (d) ASA 125 is 33.3% more sensitive than ASA 100 18. What do you need to take a black and white photograph? (a) a black & white camera. (b) a black & white film. (c) a dark black background with a white light. (d) an object with a black & white dress. 19. What is the country of origin of the Hasselblad brand name camera, which was used by Mr. Neil Armstrong on his tour to the moon? (a) Japan (b) United State of America. (c) Germany (d) Switzerland 20. Day light colour film is balanced for . (a) 1600 K (b) 2800 K (c) 5500 K (d) 6500 K

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Section B
1. Black or red pixels if you notice on the LCD screen of a digital camera, (a) are dead pixels. (b) will deteriorate the photo. (c) is a temporary anomaly. (d) none of these. 2. You use your digital camera on a trip to the North Pole. Which of the followings will you probably experience (a) camera will not function properly. (b) camera slows down. (c) photos are dark at right exposure. (d) cannot use AF 3. To enhance color details of a liquid in a glass bottle, (a) use built in flash. (b) dont use flash. (c) get the light through the liquid. (d) increase higher ISO. 4. When a lens with 600mm focal length is employed the camera shake can be eliminated at a shutter speed of, (a) 1/125s. (b) 1/250s. (c) 1/500s. (d) 1/1000s. 5. The golden rule of composition applied to a portrait means (a) The eye shall be positioned at the intersection of trisects of the frame. (b) The eye of the subject should be positioned at the centre of the frame. (c) The eye of the subject must be focussed and the subject must be looking at you. (d) The eyes and the nose of the subject must make a triangle in the frame. 6. Which of these statements is not true about handheld shooting? (a) cradle the camera with the left hand (b) use thumb and first finger for zooming and focusing (c) loosely press the camera against forehead (d) create a tripod between two arms and forehead 7. Which of these is not a composition technique (a) rule of thirds (b) expression (c) golden points 8. Photographing an infant doesnt involve (a) low angle (b) expression (c) rule of thirds

(d) s-curve

(d) lens type

9. Which of these is not relevant as a good practice with a digital camera (a) clean the light sensitive CMOS chip frequently (b) leave the open end of a lens always up (c) do not remove the CF card during a photography trip or a session (d) charge the battery just before using 10. What do you use the dioptric adjustment button on the camera? (a) to help composition (b) to make focusing easier and quicker (c) to get a clear viewfinder image (d) to control exposure level

Page 5 of 6 11. Which of these is not relevant with lens mounting of a digital camera (a) check electrical contacts before mounting (b) align the lens mount indices on the lens and body before screwing (c) keep the lens release button always (d) turn off the camera before mounting/unmounting the lens 12. Suppose that you want to take a digital photo of you to post on your website. What is the recording format will you be using? (a) large (b) small (c) medium (d) raw 13. AF points lets you (a) select the area on the viewfinder to get the focus (b) automatically focus to the nearest foreground object (c) get the average focusing distance (d) to select which object to be properly focused 14. AI SERVO (a) lets you focus multiple objects simultaneously (b) is not an AF mode (c) useful for portrait photography (d) keeps the focused object focused despite its motion 15. Suppose you want to photograph a kid in the evening twilight, holding an oil lamp. What exposure mode will you select if the oil lamp is positioned at one of the trisect points? [hint: a good photograph will have the flame little over exposed and the kid and the twilight properly exposed] (a) spot metering (b) evaluative metering (c) center-weighted average (d) partial metering 16. WB setting lets you (a) spread existing colors evenly around white (b) record natural color information under various lighting conditions (c) record in the photograph what you actually see (d) none of the above 17. Which of the following statements is true about Mirror Lock (a) can be used in continuous drive mode (b) can introduce a blur due to the motion of the mirror (c) introduces a time gap between mirror flip and electronic shutter (d) all of the above 18. Which of the following is not a basic shooting mode (a) aperture priority (b) landscape (c) close-up

(d) sports

Page 6 of 6 19. What is the major difference between FULL AUTO and PROGRAMMED AE mode (a) the later allows to select from a number of shutter-aperture combinations (b) the later always achieves a correct exposure (c) the former lets you control the depth of field (d) the later doesnt let you change the exposure level 20. Which is not true about day light photography (a) a little under exposure can be helpful to record fine details (b) flash can be used to eliminate shadows in portraits (c) reflectors and diffusers help eliminate unwanted shadows (d) daylight WB must always be used 21. In landscape photography (a) use a lower focal length (b) Wide open the aperture (c) use the longest shutter open time (d) select the spot metering 22. Suppose that you want to photograph a bird on a tree branch. Which of the followings will you not be practicing? (a) select and use a single AF point (b) use mirror lock (c) set AF mode to AI SERVO (d) use continuous drive mode 23.Auto exposure bracketing allows you (a) select underexposure by a selected amount (b) to take two additional shots about the set exposure level (c) select overexposure by a selected amount (d) all of the above 24.which of the following expressions is not true about bulb exposure in digital cameras (a) lets you exposure times longer than 30s (b) used only in manual shooting mode (c) determines the long exposure automatically (d) can be used to photographs start trails 25.Which of these statements is not true about telephoto lenses (a) harder to handhold (b) narrow angle of view (c) higher magnification (d) greater depth of field

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