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This is due for week 6 now since we done Part E already Part D is due October 13th thank you

Refer to complete project guidelines found under Week 1 Materials. Due Week 5: Part D: Leadership and Organizational Structure

Conduct and present research that evaluates the leadership style fostered in this organization. Provide examples of both its effectiveness and ineffectiveness. Describe how leaders are (or are not) nurtured and developed in this organization Analyze the organizational structure and its impact on leadership

Assignment Overview This course project is designed to give you real life practical experience while examining some of the key elements of organizational behavior as they apply to a specific organization. Additionally, the project offers you the opportunity to develop and create your own recommendations for the organization. Each week, you will complete a weekly project (parts A - E) and, in week 7, you will synthesize all of this into a final project that will be your recommendations. For the weekly projects, you will be conducting research and presenting findings related to the organization that you selected. For the final project, you will develop a formal recommendations paper based on your research. Consider the weekly projects as a way to examine the current state of the organization. Consider the final project as a way for you to provide recommendations to better the organization. Timeline and Point Allocation See the course calendar for specific due date:
Topic Selection: Week 1 (30 points) DONE)))) Part A: Week 2 (50 Points) Due 9-15 Done)))) Part B: Week 3 (50 points) Due 9-22 DONE))) Part C: Week 4 (50 points) Due 9-29 DONE))) Part D: Week 5 (50 points) Due 10-13 Part E: Week 6 (50 points) Due 10-13 DONE))) Project Recommendations: Week 7 (100 points) Due 10-18

General Guidelines for Parts A-E and Project Recommendations Projects must be completed using APA standards with the inclusion of: o Title page o Abstract o Introduction o Body (with correct use of headings and sub-headings) o Conclusion o Reference Page o Appendices (as needed)

Projects must be completed in third person. Parts A E as well as the Project Recommendations do get submitted to Turnitin as a routine. These assignments require that you conduct and assess scholarly research. A good place to start your research is the online databases accessible through the Davenport University Online Library. [Hint: If you are unsure how to use the databases ask for help by clicking on the Ask A Librarian link]. You can also use professional websites and magazines, quality newspapers and journals. Yet another source would be interviewing leaders within the organization. Note: References like Wikipedia may be a good starting point but it is NOT considered academically credible because the information can be edited by lay people who may not input accurate and validated information. Parts A - E need to have a minimum of 4 scholarly sources outside of our class resources. With each week, you should be expanding your reference list rather than using the same references repeatedly. The Project Recommendations needs to have a minimum of 10 scholarly sources outside of our class resources. It is imperative that you tie your research and recommendations to the course material. Be sure to link your projects to the core concepts from the class. The body for each of the weekly projects will be 4 6 pages. The body for the final project will be a minimum of 10 pages. The universitys policy on plagiarism and academic honesty apply.

Part D: Leadership and Organizational Structure Conduct and present research that evaluates the leadership style fostered in this organization. Provide examples of both its effectiveness and ineffectiveness. Describe how leaders are (or are not) nurtured and developed. Analyze how the organizational structure also manifests itself within the organization.

Grading Rubric Exemplary Level Meeting all requirements that include this criterion will earn a maximum of 100 percent

Leadership: 10 Student provided realistic strategies to lead effectively, which include but are not limited to: building teams, innovation, ethics, integrity, vision, originality etc.

Mastery Level Meeting all requirements that include these three criteria areas will earn a maximum of 90 percent Recommendations & Goals: Problem Solving & Decision Measuring Outcomes: 10 Making: 10 10 Student provided relevant, Student applied a variety of Student provided details to feasible and high quality quantitative and qualitative measure outcomes to recommendations and goals. techniques to make business provide the best Alternatives are provided and decisions. recommendation(s). concepts are supported. Measurables are wellthought and realistic. X/10 X/10 X/10 Competency Level Meeting the requirements of the four criteria areas will earn a maximum of 60 percent

Content: 15 Student identifies key ideas, examines their interrelationships, and incorporates quotations from sources logically, effectively, and gracefully, paper length is met.

APA: 15 Student followed APA formatting guidelines with at least four citations (in-text and reference list match) from peer-reviewed journals.

Mechanics: 15 Sentence structure, grammar, diction; correct use of punctuation; minimal to no spelling errors; no run-on sentences or comma splices. Paper contains an introduction, supporting body, conclusion and reference page. X/15

Organization: 15 Ideas are arranged logically to support the purpose or argument. They flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked to each other. The reader can follow the line of reasoning. X/15



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