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Brave New World

The book; Brave New World of 1932 by Aldous Huxley, strikes me to be very controversial. Set in the year 2540 AD, and depicting a society under a totalitarian government that grows classes of humans in designed embryos rather than conceiving them naturally. This allows the government to sow together their 'perfect' society built for "maximum profitability". The characters in the book actually seem disgusted at the idea of natural birth and having mothers. Proving that they had been brainwashed: brutally 'programmed' from birth to believe in the ideals of the government. This book has been Adapted into a film twice in its lifetime; first in 1980 and directed by Burt Brinckerhoff, the second film adaptation was in 1998, directed by Leslie Libman and Larry Williams.[4] Whist reading my excerpt (pages 1-27); I was taking notes on everything that could influence my final concepts and project thumbnails.

Some examples ^

Aldous Huxley
Aldous Huxley, lived 1894-1963, from Surrey in England. He was the third of four children and a man from a famous family [2]; "His brother Julian Huxley was a biologist known for his theories of evolution. His grandfather, named Thomas Henry Huxley, was a naturalist known as "Darwin's Bulldog." His father, named Leonard Huxley, was a writer. His mother, named Julia Arnold, was related to poet Matthew Arnold[1].So it's no surprise when Aldous Huxley becomes a distinguished author of literature, despite being left damaged by the tragic death of his sister and mother when he was only 16."By the end of his life Huxley was considered, in some academic circles, a leader of modern thought and an intellectual of the highest rank."[3]

[1] [2] [3] [4]

Targeted Scenes
The Scenes that I'm going to be targeting for my Final environments are; 1. The front gates of the building & surrounding area This scene is characterized mainly by a large gate that has a shield atop of it reading "Community, Identity, and Stability". This scene will have to be during the day because Huxley later describes sunlight shining through the windows. I will also attempt to include a suggestion of what the facility will look like in my painting. The facility will have to have a large ground floor, be 34 stories high and have windows ranging from large too small.

I have chosen these images for my influence map specific to this scene due to a number of reasons. Some because of the interesting building designs and structural relevance, some because of the interesting lighting and some are there purely for their striking colour pallets. I plan on having a low point of view at the bottom of the gates to the facility, with the shield and the facility itself in shot. I will use ambient light and reflections of lights to illustrate a kind of ominous feel about the image.

Targeted Scenes
2. The 'bottling' room & organ store I chose this scene because there is a strong sense of atmosphere as you read the pages. The room will have to be dark with crimson ambient glow barley lighting the room. Huxley explains that the embryos can only handle red light, and that the steal framework of the large room fades into darkness.

I like these images because they show off what I plan on showing in a nut shell. For this scene I plan on having an elevated view of a very large room, faintly lit by a crimson glow, with scientists roaming and probing organic test tubes containing growing babies. I think that looking down the director and the students might be an excellent touch as well. With large steel support beams much like a warehouse.

Targeted Scenes
3. The 'training' halls This scene stood out to me because of how incredibly disturbing this scene actually is. I believe I could get some interesting compositions and atmosphere in this particular scene due to the sinister nature of the scene. To sum it up in a couple of words, it involves electrocuting babies in order to teach them life lessons...

This scene, being the most disturbing of all in my opinion, has caused me the most problems decision-making-wise, because I cannot decide whether or not to create a sinister atmosphere on the scene or to create a light and bright atmosphere due to the fact that the world from the book sees nothing wrong with whats going on

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