Term 4 W1

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to Term 4

Welcome back to our final term for Grade 2. We have a very busy 11 weeks and are looking forward to working hard in order to get ready for the big move up to Grade 3!

Mathematics Literacy
In Maths we will be revising Place Value over the next two weeks and we will also be looking at transformation in geometry such as flips, slides and turns of 2D shapes. We are currently looking at types of poetry. It would be great if students could bring in favourite poems /collections of poetry to share with their peers. Inquiry Students will be working on finishing off the past and present aspects of their investigations before moving into futuristic designs for their topics that are centred on changing technology in our lives such as transport, clothing, communication and toys and games. We will be needing some resources for design & make such as fabrics, cotton, wool, craft paper, foil etc. Please discuss with your child the types of materials they may wish to work with and if you have any spare resources at home that you could send in it would be greatly appreciated.

GRADE 2 Sleepover
The much anticipated sleep over is finally upon us (Thursday Week 2). Please find the notes that were sent home today and return the permission slips as soon as possible. Please note that i-pods and electronic games etc are not allowed at the sleepover. Children are more than welcome to bring their teddy, a book and a torch. Please also let us know of any special requirements that your child may have.

Science Works

We are heading to Science Works on Monday (Week 2). Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to come with us. We are hoping to come back to school with some great ideas for our inquiry units.

Passion Projects Thank you to all those who have prepared their posters, powerpoints etc to present to their class. Please note that we will be having 4-5 presentations each Friday in every grade, so if your child has not yet finished theirs, they still have a couple of weeks to do so. BLOG 2A are trialling a class blog this term. They would love it if you could have a look and leave a comment. The address is: http://mraarons2013.global2.vic.edu.au


Art with Miss Baker
In Term 4 the Grade 2 students will be continuing to develop skill and techniques in construction. They will be using new media and materials to create their own puppet. They will be looking at the art elements of shape and colour as a focus for their work. Here are some of the Grade 2s collage ponds from Term 3.

Music with Miss Kemp
In term 4, grade 2 students will focus on learning the lyrics of the Australian National Anthem, the meaning behind them and the history of all four verses of the song. They will also be writing their own composition, incorporating different note values and names and demonstrating any extra-curricular musical knowledge they may have. On completion of the composition each student will do a self-assessment using the criteria provided at the beginning of the exercise, to encourage each student to extend themselves. In preparation for the Celebration Evening at the end of the year, students will also be learning a relevant song.

PE with Mr McMahon
In PE sessions we will be revising ball handling skills and applying them to playing minor games.

LOTE with Signora Livis

In Semester Two the Program will expose students to the Italian tradition of making tomato sauce and the many varieties of pastas and their names. The activities include cooking gnocchi and sugo (sauce), singing a pasta song, creating a class book, playing games, learning new vocabulary and revising numbers and colours. Have A Great Week From the Grade 2 Team! (Please find specialist planner below)

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