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Volume #10

September 2013

Realizing vision and future One person at a time

Mission Statement
Life Works provides comprehensive supports for persons with developmental disabilities to live real lives in homes of their own. The primary focus of Life Works is to support all people to create full rich lives that reflect personal choice across home and community environments.

Calendar of Events
October 16th Techniques for Safe Intervention @ Networx Office 9am 3pm 4648 30th Street, San Diego, 92116

All it takes is an invitation!

When what we strive for is community but We just seem to get in our own way.
~ Beth Gallagher
The first week in July I traveled to Toronto, Canada with Kirk to attend the Toronto Summer Institute (TSI). This is a unique gathering of like-minded people from around the world. They all ascend on this city to ponder questions of inclusion, best practice, community and partnership. It really is a surreal event of promise. I have had the great fortune to participate in this think tank 14 different times. Each time I arrive in Toronto with a set of hopes and dreams and I leave with my mind churning with new ideas and ponderings that I did not imagine. A faithful tradition at TSI is a community dinner on Sunday evening. Everyone is invited to gather and kick off the week with laughter, invitation and a ton of food. Last year we, Christopher Lee, Kirk and myself decided to take the task on ourselves to create an evening. We decided to use the book, Stone Soup, to frame our time together. The theme in that book is that EVERYONE has something to offer. The more diverse the ingredients are that we blend together, the better the soup. We created an invitation that went into everyones packet on the first day. We announced on the microphone on that Sunday morning what our intention was. We acquired a hall big enough to seat a couple hundred people. We brought table cloths, candles, music, and faith. The three of us also invited our good friends Sheldon, Michelle and Peter to help with the task, and they lovingly accepted. That Sunday evening we all gathered at the hall to decorate. We brought vegetables and ingredients to make homemake Gaspacho. We prepared and we waited. At exactly the hour in which they were invited, people came. 10 20 30 45 66 oh mythey came with food and fun. Over 85 people showed up for the dinner. It was a phenominal evening full of great food, sharing, story telling and celebration. The invitation was easy and the experience was easier. What will it take for us to get out of our own way and invite people in? Lets make soup.

On!My!Mind! ! !

As#mentioned,#last#month,#I#made#my#annual#journey#to#the#Toronto#Summer#Institute.##One#of#the#many# great#lessons#learned#smacked#me#across#my#face#via#friend#and#colleague#Tim#Vogt.##I'll#get#to#Tim#in#a# bit.#(By#the#way,#if#you#haven't#yet#had#the#opportunity#to#read#the#blog#Tim#hosts,#you#must!##It#is# O'Brien#and#Lynda#Kahn,#centered#around#the#idea#of#isolation.##Our#group,#about#12#people#each#day,#shared#personal#stories# of#not#belonging,#feeling#isolated#and#about#friends#and#family#members#experiencing#these#feelings.##We#shared#how#we# actually#may#be#contributing#to#isolation,#entering#into#a#vulnerability#where#support#and#real#ideas#emerged.# The#conversation#shifted#to#sharing#stories#of#how#we#may#be#combatting#isolation,#with#this#question:##"What#are#each#of#us# doing#in#our#personal#lives#to#create#cultures#of#connection#and#welcome?"##Around#the#room#the#conversation#floated,#again# with#a#vulnerability#so#profound,#tears#flowed#warmly,#welcomed#to#the#group#by#all#present,#as#if#to#say#"Oh,#we've#been# expecting#you."##This#conversation#resonates#with#me#today#and#will#forever.##It#is#at#the#core#of#my#belief#system...what#am#I# doing#to#create#a#welcome#wherever#I#go#and#with#whomever#I#am#with?##What#are#my#kids#experiencing#as#they#grown#up?# Back#to#the#faceRslapping,#AhaRmoment#from#Tim.##Tim#came#to#this#year's#gathering#with#a#mission#to#attend#an#event# happening#at#a#restaurant/bar#called#No#One#Writes#To#The#Colonel.##Two#local#gentlemen#put#together#a#group#called#'Choir!# Choir!#Choir!'.##These#men#host#a#weekly#event#at#this#restaurant#where#local#citizens#come,#eat,#drink#and#sing.##They#take# pop#music#and#compose#songs#into#choir#arrangements.##People#show#up,#no#matter#their#skill#level,##with#a#willingness#to# sing,#have#a#good#time#and#be#with#others.##They#divide#people#simply#into#"highs,#mediums#and#lows"#then#spend#the#next# few#hours#practicing#the#song,#culminating#with#a#recorded#rendition.##What#these#two#men#are#doing,#is#sharing#their# gift...their#gift#of#music#creates#a#'place#of#goodness'.##People#connect,#spend#time#together,#laugh,#sing#and#cheer.##They#go# home,#probably#to#sleep#quite#well#and#wake#up#with#a#sense#of#hope#in#humanity.# Tim#cruised#over#to#this#restaurant#with#5#other#TSI#attendees#and#participated#in#the#evening.#His#recounting#of#the#evening# brought#gooseRbumps#all#over#my#body#and#the#following#statement#is#where#the#slap#happened:##"Connection,#jobs,# relationships,#especially#in#our#work#with#people#living#on#the#margins,#and#for#us#as#citizens,#these#things#aren't#coming#from# filling#out#applications#or#knocking#on#doors.##We#need#to#look#for#places#of#goodness.##Where#we#can#go#every#Tuesday#night.# #Where#we#can#bring#our#kids.##It's#from#these#places#where#connection,#relationships#and#jobs#emerge.##How#do#we#create# our#own#places#of#goodness#back#home?"# Wow!##I#immediately#began#scouring#my#brain,#thinking#of#already#existing#'places#of#goodness'#I#may#know#of#back#home#and# further,#what#can#I#create?!##Tim's#right.##When#we#think#of#isolation,#and#it#is#the#world's#largest,#most#dangerous#condition# or#disability,#and#we#think#of#what#we've#been#doing...well#something#isn't#working#completely#well.##But#if#we#just#slow# ourselves#down#a#bit#and#think#of#'places#of#goodness',#doesn't#that#make#a#ton#of#sense?##Think#about#it.##What's#already# happening#in#your#community?##I#bet#it#is#there!##Concerts#in#the#park#every#Sunday#at#4pm?##Bring#a#picnic.##Bring#the#kids.# #Share#time#with#others.##Is#there#a#'Choir!#Choir!#Choir!'Rtype#gathering#happening#in#your#community?##Yes.##The#answer#is# yes.##However,#I#think#what#Tim#is#saying,'ve#got#it...more#goodness.# #Isn't#that,#well,#good?##What#are#the#'places#of#goodness'#in#your#communities?##Please#share#them#in#the#comments#section!!# #Share#the#GOOD!!!#

From Fear to Initiation: My Quest for Connection ~Christy Tweedy

I guess you can say it all started a few years ago. I remember walking on the beach one cloudy murky afternoon and there was a guy who was sitting on the side of the boardwalk. In his hand he had a cardboard sign that said, Will Listen for Free with a genuine smile on his face. I couldnt help but smile uncontrollably and felt a wave of connectedness pass through my veins. I got a rush of inspiration by observing him. His simple act to express an invitation for others to join him without fear was something that seemed unique and easy. Anyone could set up a cardboard box with some words scribbled on the front. I walked away knowing that I would store that memory somewhere in a safe and loving spot in my mind. Fast forward many years later. I find myself searching for that inspiration of connectedness once again. In my line of work, it is commonly spoken about how individuals receiving supportive living services are eager to be inclusive within their community. Our organization strives to enhance and encourage these interactions and allow for inclusion and involvement. As the months pass, I start to see the importance of connection within individuals with disabilities to their community is similar if not identical to the longing all individuals feel to be connected. In all these conversations and trainings with my coworkers, I start to see myself reflected back into these stories of loneliness. Living alone in my own studio apartment has given me a grand sense of independence but has also gifted me more of an obstacle in searching for ways to connect and build new relationships. I began to take a lot of the lessons I have learned from my mentors and apply them into my own personal life. I was faced with the deepening anxiety of reaching out and being the first one to initiate those interactions. Even being an extrovert did not ease the anxiety of being rejected or being socially ridiculed. Ironically, through the midst of nerves the thought hit me Everyone must feel this sense of anxiety being the first initiator, if I let my fears cloud my actions, how will any movement take place? Nothing will be accomplished and I will continue to lose out on potential connections. Then I thought of the man I saw back at the beach that day. His bravery to stick out and actively invite all those who walked in front of him to join him in conversation. He took the initiative and in turn was able to take the social strain off others around him, therefore establishing a genuine connection. I knew that if he could overcome his fears and be rewarded with pure connections, then I could do it as well. The goal at the end of the tunnel was worth the journey of obstacles. In my experiences those uncomfortable obstacles often signify sections of my life that need attention and further development. So thats what I set out to do. I brainstormed fun and easy ways to get people to come together. I tried my hardest to take into account different factors that may cause people to become too shy or anxious. I wanted to think of an easy way for someone to just say yes and to join in without putting too much thought into it. Different inspirations and ideas brought me to the conclusion that an amateur game of Frisbee would be an easy invitation.

It has now been months since I started Frisbee Fridays in my neighborhood. I wish I could say that I have made a huge following each week, but I cannot. Each week I still face the reality that numerous people decide to not show up. Each Friday I find myself still battling with the uneasiness of extending invitations only to be rejected time after time. However, each week I am always amazed at the quality of the interactions rather than the quantity. I have been led to believe that the success of a community involvement event means having plenty people participating. In reality, its always been about the connections and energy being exchanged that really matters. I now put my focus into those few connections that happen while also being mindful of my own doubt. I am still finding ways to push myself into that uncomfortable zone of extending invitations for people to connect. A few weeks ago I finally repeated the invitation of the man on the beach. A friend and I set up a spot with signs saying Free Listener and Will Listen for Free. I thought for sure we would get ridiculed and assumed to be vagrants asking for money. Ironically, we received great support and we even had a significant amount of people sit with us and talk openly while we listened. I feel like this game of finding connection will always be evolving and changing. I look forward to learning and growing while also exploring methods to break through that social fear of coming together to just be.


To the entire Life Works family: We have an incredible opportunity to create a vegetable and herb garden in Vista! Our harvests would nourish ourselves, and those in our community who cannot afford fresh produce. Our excess produce will be given to local food banks to feed the hungry. We could all become more deeply rooted in our community while engaging in a healthy outdoor activity! A local church has set up a flourishing, successful raised bed community garden with multiple plots. They are going to expand it in a big way. The church garden club will construct the beds complete with soil. Some of the beds will be sufficiently raised to accommodate wheelchair gardeners. There will also be some paved pathways to allow wheel chair access! There will be water, tools and lots of free advice and support. There will also be space for container gardening. The cost would be very low! Right now, 5 x 10 plots rent for only $20 per year! All we really need are seeds, containers if we go that way and maybe some extra tools. No experience is necessary! For those who are interested in participating in the Vista garden, please talk to the people you support and let me know ASAP. Then we should have a meeting to talk about our ideas for the project and to develop a plan to implement them. Please bring your enthusiasm and good will! Theres a meeting of the garden club on August 17th that Im attending and I would like to have an idea as to how much garden space we should ask for. For those who are enthusiastic about the idea but feel they and those they support live too far away, you could look for similar opportunities with community gardens local to you. There are other possibilities for accessing land we can discuss later. If you or someone you support are interested in participating please notify Christine Houde as soon as possible at 904-347-9230.

San Diego Comic Con International Making a Lasting Impression on Devotees

By Alan Wubenhorst
From costumed fans to movie and television stars, what was once defined as a geek is a geek no more,. Comics and entertainment are now part of pop culture. This article is about one mans dream becoming reality, a week ago began a week of intensity, meeting deadlines, and assembling a 20 page comic book all the student creators are proud of. Learning to go with the first story that made sense was a useful time saver. The project was made to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Superman, with three groups devoting characters to deal with the problems of today. Then, the dream came true, although I did not see every panel I would have liked to, I got to work at Comic Con, I got to learn how to sell our product, and the best part of this intensive class with Little Fish Comic Book Studio was that we got to present on a professional panel,. This is a great accomplishment, not just for me, but all persons with disabilities, becoming part of the mainstreamed popular culture will work wonders.

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My Plate Food Guide

To help people make smart food choices, the USDA has designed an easy to follow food symbol: My Plate. The plate graphic with its different food groups is a reminder of what-and how much- we should be putting on our plates to stay healthy.

How My Plate Works

The my plate graphic has a section for vegetables, fruits, grains and foods that are high in protein, as well as a cup on the side for dairy. Each section is a different size and color coded (green for veggies, red for fruits, orange for grains, purple for protein, and blue for dairy) so you can see at a glance how much of these foods to eat.

Healthful Tips: Choose variety: have a balance of items from different food groups. Half of your plate should be fruits and vegetables. About one- quarter of your plate should be grains and one- quarter
protein. Drink fat free or low fat milk and water instead of soda and sugary drinks Avoid over sizes portions


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