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SBY: Papua Incidents Mut be Viewed with Clear Mind Jimmy Hitipeuw | Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011 | 09:05 WIB

JAKARTA, - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has asked all parties to view the recent incidents in Papua and West Papua with a clear mind and in their totality so as to avoid developing wrong perceptions. Speaking at the opening of a plenary cabinet meeting here on Thursday, he said the government had since seven years ago abandoned the security approach in Papua in favor of a development approach, and therefore, the law enforcement efforts being made by security authorities to deal with a number of recent incidents there must not be considered as ignoring human rights. He said, in reality, political movements and security disruptions ,including actions harassing national sovereignty, were still happening there. "Therefore, we must use a clear mind. The world must also view events there with a clear mind. Our policy is correct. Our policy is we no longer conduct massive military operations. The military there maintains security while the police are in charge of law enforcement." President Yudhoyono made the statements following reports about Amnesty Internationals request for the Indonesian government to release all detainees connected with the recent security disturbances there. "The violations were committed by other parties, so the law must be enforced. We must make this clear. My advice to the TNI commander and the National Police chief is : prevent officers in the field from acting beyond the limits of propriety." President Yudhoyono said sanctions must be given to soldiers or police officers who violate the law or act inappropriately. Similar actions must also be taken against those who violate the law including harassing national sovereignty.

"In carrying out their duties, the TNI and police are not immune. They may get sanctions. On the other hand, the rule of law also applies to those who hold opposing political views and disturb security or violate the law. The law must also be enforced against those who commit acts of violence. This must be made known correctly and clearly. On various occasions when I meet world leaders, I always explain this to them." President Yudhoyono at the cabinet meeting asked the coordinating minister for political, security and legal affairs to explain to the Amnesty International what Indonesia had done including a number of non-security measures to settle the problems in Papua and also the law enforcement processes that had been carried out. President Yudhoyono reaffirmed that Indonesia is a democratic country and a country that respects the rule of law. The meeting was attended by Vice President Boediono, all ministers and deputy ministers, TNI commander Admiral Agus Suhartono, National Police chief General Timur Pradopo, the chief of the State Intelligence Agency. Lt Gen Marciano Noorman and Attorney General Basrief Arief. The meeting also discussed Indonesias preparations for the G-20 Summit, the APEC Summit and the ASEAN Summit in Bali next month.

Indonesian Maid beheaded; a news item text

An Indonesian housemaid has been executed in Saudi Arabia after being convicted of killing her employer, the Saudi Interior Minister said. The woman was beheaded in the Southern Asir province in what was the second execution in the country. The maid was earlier found of suffocating her female boss and stealing her jewellery. Rape, murder and other serious crimes can carry the death penalty in the conservative desert kingdom. Last year, Saudi Arabia, which follow a strict intepretation of Syaria, Islamic law executed more than 130 people.

REYKJAVIK, Iceland - Iceland closed its main international airport and canceled domestic flights Sunday due to a powerful volcanic eruption.

Airport and air traffic control operator ISAVIA said Keflavik airport, the country's main hub, was closed at 0830GMT (4:30 a.m. EDT), and would stay shut for the rest of the day. In April 2010, officials closed the continent's air space for five days,fearing the ash could harm jet engines.Some 10 million travelers were stranded. The Grimsvotn volcano, which lies under the uninhabited Vatnajokull glacierabout 120 miles (200 kilometers) east of the capital, Reykjavik, began erupting Saturday for the first time since 2004. Grimsvotn also erupted in 1998, 1996 and 1993. The eruptions have lasted between a day and several weeks.

University of Iceland geophysicist Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson said this eruption, which began Saturday, was Grimsvotn's largest eruption for 100 years.

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