RobinHawkey Gardasil

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GARDASIL Messaging Exploration

Message Topic Core Claim- Directly from PI Dosing Schedule GARDASIL should be administered intramuscularly as a 0.5ml dose at the following schedule: 0, 2 months and 6 months. (PI/pg3/sec 2.1)

Hierarchy and Active Voice

Over six months GARDASIL is taken three times.

Say it in as few words as possible

GARDASIL requires three doses.

Patient Benefit

GARDASIL is taken three times over the course of six months. This allows your body to build up immunity to 4 types of HPV strains. Three easy doses.

Physician Benefit

GARDASIL is designed to be delivered three times over a six month period, so your patients will develop a humeral immunity to HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18. A lifetime of protection is worth 3 doctors visits. If you could prevent your child from getting cervical cancer in three doctor visits, wouldnt you.

Human Truth

Promotional Headline

3 steps to a healthier life. 3 shots to a healthier life. And thats that.

Easy as 1, 2, 3

Visual Ideas

3 doses in a gift box . The gift of life? The gift of protection every 9 year old girl should get on their birthday? Appointment in your calendar With tabs sticking out.

Messaging From Every Angle: Efficacy

Message Topic Core Claim- Directly from PI Efficacy GARDASIL was efficacious in reducing the incidence of CIN (any grade including 2/3); AIS; genital warts; VIN ( any grade); and VaIN (any grade)related to vaccine HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18 in those who were PCR negative and seronegative at base line. In addition, girls and women who were already infected with 1 or more vaccine-related HPV types prior to vaccination were protected from precancerous cervical lesions and external genital lesions caused by the other vaccine HPV types. (PI/pg15/sec14.1/3rd para/table 11 pg 16)

Hierarchy and Active Voice

GARDASIL proved efficacious in reducing precancerous cervical lesions as well as external

lesions when compared to control.

Say it in as few words as possible

GARDASIL prevents a range of precancerous and external lesions.

Patient Benefit

If you were already exposed to certain types of HPV you can still be protected from other strains. Effective protection, even if youve already been exposed to HPV.

Physician Benefit

Because GARDASIL yields such impressive results: Your already infected patients can still be protected from other sub types. Exposed patients are still protected from precancerous changes. You can change the lives of your patients. You can positively impact your patients lives. You can protect your patients from cancer.

Human Truth

The risk of cervical cancer from HPV is on the rise, why risk it. Now you can fight back. Now you have a fighting chance. The worlds first cancer vaccine. Finally, theres a cancer that is actually preventable. Now theres one cancer we dont have to be so afraid of.

Promotional Headline

The best gift you could ever give to your child.

The best way not to get cervical cancer. As parents, its our job to protect our children Life is hard enough. Staying healthy just got easier Visual Ideas Gift box 9th birthday card Calendar book(with three tabs sticking out) Storybook of a girls life. (you can change the course of her story)

Messaging From Every Angle: Prevention

Message Topic Prevention Efficacy

Core Claim- Directly From PI

Prophylactic efficacy against overall cervical and genital disease related to HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18 in an extension phase of study 2, that included data through month 60, was noted to be 100% (95% CI: 12.3%, 100%) among girls and women in the per protocol population nave to the relevant HPV types. GARDASIL was efficacious against HPV disease caused by HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18 in girls and women who were nave for those specific HPV types at baseline (PI/pg16/sec14.1)

Hierarchy and Active Voice

Taken preventatively GARDASIL drastically increases protection from certain types of HPV.

Gardasil provides 100% prophylactic protection against a range of HPV diseases.

Say it in as few words as possible

GARDASIL boasts 100% protection. 100% effective HPV protection.

Patient Benefit

GARDASIL provides 100% efficacy in protecting infection- nave girls and women from certain strains of HPV. Now you can arm yourself (child) before its too late. The best protection is early protection. With 100% effectiveness, youll know youre protected. You can rest assured that your child is safe. Your child does not have to become a statistic.

Physician Benefit

The CDC estimates that approximately 12,340 women will develop cervical cancer in 2013, Your patients cant afford to not be vaccinated.

Because GARDASIL works so well at preventing certain types of HPV related diseases You can prevent a variety of cancers associated with HPV. You can count on results that last. Four HPV types, 60,000 women, 100% efficacy. Those are numbers you can count on. Protecting your patients from cancer.

Human Truth

There are so many things in the world that cant

be prevented. Now cervical cancer doesnt have to be one of them. The Big C just got a little smaller. A few less things to worry about Promotional Headline For the things your body cant fight off. You owe it to your loved ones. You owe it to yourself. The Big C just got a little smaller. Percentages you can rely on. The gift that keeps on giving. Its better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. A different sort of health insurance. What you do today can save you tomorrow. Serious prevention for serious diseases.

Visual Ideas

WW2 poster of female flexing her bicep.

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