Newsletter 2013 October

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Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry Newsletter

See Divine Mother blessing us all in Her Love Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Jesus Christ October 2013 Newsletter Dear Ones, The book, Divine Will Healing, is finally back in print! I added in a chapter on healing with sunlight, according to the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, but otherwise it is essentially the same book as the previous one with the orange sunset cover. I highly recommend this book for all those interested in spiritual and natural healing methods. And with winter approaching, there is the perennial concern about health, and weight loss, so I especially recommend the chapter on The Divine Magnetic Diet. There are so many helpful tips in that chapter that we can truly say there is something for everyone. Over the winter months, I may give some tips and insights from that chapter, or from the book in general. To order, call Crystal Clarity at 1-800-424-1055 or go to for a special online sale price. To have faith in Gods healing power through the mind, and obey dietary laws, is better than to have faith in God and mind and to disregard dietary laws. Paramhansa Yogananda

Healing Weekend Nov 22-24

Seminar Healing with Divine Energy at Anandas Expanding Light Retreat. I hope you can join us, and please share this with your friends! I share some testimonials from former students, below. Id love to hear from others, as well, because your testimonials give people an idea of the power of Paramhansa Yoganandas healing path. There is a special, universal healing power that we can receive when we lovingly call on the guidance and grace of God, Christ, Guru. Mary Kretzmann Director of the Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry Testimonials from past participants: Marys healing touch and energy work on me while she was in LA was really remarkable. It was beyond any reiki session I have had before. Pains and things I had built up in my heart started coming up I could feel the energy rising from deep within my heart, up through my throat, and much was coming out in tears. She kept working on the energy and saying healing prayers and it really felt incredible to have these issues, which were nameless and unknown to me, to come up and out. Pains I didnt even know I had. Thank you so much Mary, you have a gentle and beautiful touch and can do great healing for people. ~ P., Los Angeles Mary is an incredible channel for Spirit. I hold a Masters in Spiritual Psychology and have experienced many, many healers and healing techniques and I have never encountered a healer as powerful and gifted as Mary. She healed me of deep pain I had been carrying for 15 years around my grandmothers death. I had gone to psychics, therapists and others all to no avail. In a single 1 session with Mary, the deep pain and sadness completely lifted and were replaced by peace, joy and love for my grandmother. I am grateful beyond words. Julia Padawer, Santa Monica, CA I will also be teaching at Ananda in Los Angeles (and Torrance) the weekend of December 13-15. Please call them at 310-396-9900 for more details. And there is a chance I may also teach at the Ananda Center in Encinitas, CA, as well. We are still working out details, but I will let you know in the next newsletter. I plan to be out teaching/healing/praying/serving more in 2014. I am putting together the plans for the year now Please keep me in your prayers as I learn the proper balance of how much to be out teaching/serving, and how much to be here at home base. Thank you all for your service through prayer

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