Thesun 2009-07-16 Page06 Msia Supports Call For Deadline To End Mideast Conflict

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6 theSun | THURSDAY JULY 16 2009

news without borders

M’sia supports call

for deadline to end
Mideast conflict
SHARM EL-SHEIKH (Egypt): However, Najib said, Malay- within our NAM family. We are
Malaysia supports the proposal sia was encouraged that the home to rich resources and
by European Union’s foreign new US administration under expertise that we can marshal
policy chief Javier Solana for President Barack Obama had for the common good of our
the UN Security Council to set a reaffirmed the two-state solu- populations.”
deadline in resolving the ques- tion to the Middle East peace He said Malaysia’s trade with
tion of Palestine and eventually process. NAM countries totalled US$125
recognise the creation of a Pal- Najib said there was already billion last year or 35.3% of its
estinian state. a dramatic change in the tone total trade, compared to trade
Prime Minister Datuk Seri and tenor of engagement by the with the US, its major trading
Najib Abdul Razak said it US with the rest of the world, partner, totalling US$41.8 billion
was Malaysia’s hope that the a transformation that had not or 11.8%.
proposal would be seriously been witnessed at least since With the Doha Development
considered and implemented the end of the Cold War. Round of world trade talks
by the Security Council. “We now have a United having stalled, NAM countries
“Malaysia continues to sup- States administration that should seek ways to boost trade
port the right of the Palestin- appears to be willing to listen among themselves and boost
ian people to an independent and to take a pragmatic rather their economies, he added.
homeland with East Jerusalem than an ideological approach to Najib also proposed the
as its capital,” Najib said yester- international relations, includ- application of Islamic finance
day in his address at the 15th ing on bedrock issues of NAM, principles to help ease the cur-
Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) such as nuclear disarmament rent crisis and prevent it from
Summit in this Egyptian Red Sea and non-proliferation, and the recurring.
resort. Middle East.” As the principal proponent of
The summit was officially On the global economic Islamic banking, the prime min-
opened by Egyptian President crisis, the prime minister said ister said Malaysia called upon
Hosni Mubarak who took over there was great potential for the global financial community
from Cuban President Raul NAM member countries to trade to seriously consider adopting
Castro as chairman of the 118- and invest among themselves. the system with appropriate
member grouping for the next “While the markets in the adjustments.
three years. developed world are shrinking, Meanwhile, on the sidelines
Najib said the continued as their consumers keep their of the summit, Najib held
brutal conflict in the region wallets and purses shut, we bilateral meetings with Presi-
needed a permanent and com- can explore ways and means dent Mahmoud Abbas of the
prehensive solution, adding that to further increase and deepen National Palestine Authority
the Palestinians had the right to economic cooperation among and President Gloria Macapa-
peace and a homeland of their ourselves. gal Arroyo of the Phillippines.
own. “There are major economies – Bernama

Ferry terminal berth closed due to crack

GEORGE TOWN: A 30cm crack detected on a ramp on June 3. It was repaired at a cost of about
ramp at the Raja Uda Ferry Terminal on Tuesday RM10,000.
night forced the closure of one of the berths till Penang Port Sdn Bhd’s (PPSB) head of
Saturday for repairs. ferry operations Kamarudin Ismail said the recent
The crack was discovered at about 7.20pm crack is believed to have been caused by metal
by a ferry officer during routine inspection. The fatigue.
berth was immediately closed with no untoward “We’re getting our engineers to assess the
incidents reported. situation,” he said, adding that repair works
A similar crack was discovered on the same would take about three days.

Blame game over

Kampung Buah Pala
by Opalyn Mok and Himanshu Bhatt and completing the paperwork,” he said, adding
that the state could have also decided to veto
GEORGE TOWN: Even as the clock ticks for the land sale.
Kampung Buah Pala residents to vacate their Teng also said the land deal had been in dis-
land by Aug 2, former Barisan Nasional (BN) cussion between 2001 and 2008 but the issue of
state executive councillor Datuk Dr Teng Hock relocating the residents was not resolved.
Nan questioned the current Pakatan Rakyat (PR) “However, the previous administration did
administration’s sincerity as the land’s title was impose a condition that the cooperative (new
issued under its watch. landowner Koperasi Pegawai Kerajaan Pulau
This prompted Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng Pinang Bhd) must resettle the residents to give
to shoot back that Teng was “twisting and turn- them a better standard of living before they
ing” the facts to hide from his own mistakes in could develop the land,” he said.
being party to a government that had approved Meanwhile, Lim clarified that the final
the transaction. instalment of the premium was made after
Teng told a press conference at the Gerakan March 8, and the land transaction was done
office here yesterday that the PR government automatically as an administrative procedure
had taken part in completing whatever that by the land office.
was approved by the previous government by “How can we cancel the agreement just like
signing the land title agreement on March 26 that if payment had been made and approval
last year. was already given?” he asked.
He said the previous state government Lim pointed out that the sale of the land was
may have approved the sale of the land but no approved twice by the former state executive
agreements were signed yet. council of which Teng was a party.
“The current state government could have He labelled Dr Teng as one of the ‘‘land rob-
stopped the land sale from going through by not bers’’ who was trying to shift the blame to the
accepting the final instalment of the premium current administration.

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