Thesun 2009-07-16 Page09 Disabled Man Nabbed Over Nude Photos

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theSun | THURSDAY JULY 16 2009 9

news without borders

Disabled man
over nude photos
the Chinese New Year.
Press Digest Ah Yen admitted that she was
taken aback at the sight of her
by Kong See Hoh internet lover – a frail man in his 30s confined to a wheelchair and
carrying a urine collection bag
A CHINESE woman flew in from – although he had told her he was
Guangzhou to lodge a police report handicapped.
against her former “internet lover” Nevertheless, she stayed in
after he circulated raunchy pictures Malaysia for a month and spent
of her in cyberspace. time taking care of him, and even
Police have arrested a wheel- accompanied him to Genting High-
chair-bound man in Bahau, Negri lands, she said.
Sembilan on Tuesday following a But their relationship did not
report lodged at the Jempol police work out and when she finally called
station on the same day. it quits in April, he started circulating
Police recorded a statement from pictures with her face superimposed
the man and seized a computer CPU on nude images.
from him. She decided to lodged a police
According reports in the Chinese report when he started to circulate
press yesterday, the woman, identi- her daughter’s pictures on the
fied only as Ah Yen, a 33-year-old internet as well and threatened to
widow and a mother of a seven-year- burn the nude pictures onto VCDs
old girl, met the man, identified only for distribution in Guangzhou.
as Phang in the reports, in an internet It was learnt that the man has
chatroom about six months ago. removed the raunchy pictures from
They developed a relationship the internet following a report on the
and she flew in to meet him during case carried by China Press.

MCA to send warning

letters to party leaders
MCA is to serve warning letters for her remark about Hainanese for
on several party leaders who have which she later apologised.
uttered remarks deemed detrimen- She also took a swipe at party
tal to the party’s image, Sin Chew president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat,
Daily reported yesterday, quoting a likening him to Superman who wears
source. his underpants on the outside, and
The source said deputy president implying that he was washing dirty
Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek will be linen in the public.
among those who will receive Low, meanwhile, declined to
warnings from the party disciplinary comment, saying he was not at
board. Others include Penang deputy liberty to talk.
liaison chief Datuk Lau Chek Tuan, Asked to confirm talk of up to
Negri Sembilan Wanita chief Datuk seven party leaders likely to be rep-
Paduka Lee Pit Chern and Pulai MCA rimanded for breach of the party’s
division chief Low Teh Hian. code of ethics, MCA disciplinary
Lee said she had not received any board deputy chief Datuk Jimmy
letter from the board but is ready to Low Boon Hong said he was not
face any disciplinary action. aware of any disciplinary letter to AF8M34X
Lee caused a stir earlier this year be sent out to anyone.

Assets of drug dealers

frozen by the millions
by Charles Ramendran of drug syndicates. He said police made their biggest
single haul under the act in May this
KUALA LUMPUR: Police have seized year with the seizure of about 900kg
more than RM400,000 and assets of syabu worth some RM254 million,
worth millions belonging to drug and the arrest of three suspects in
syndicates over the past 21 years. Rompin, Pahang.
Federal police narcotics depart- Ismail said the property forfeiture
ment revealed that drug syndicates unit of the narcotics department
have laundered their ill-gotten gains had managed to trace 24 houses
to acquire houses, land, luxury cars and shophouses and land worth
and to start legitimate businesses. more than RM18 million belonging
However, since 1988 with the to syndicate members.
enactment of the Dangerous Drugs Their bank accounts and other Nicholas Teo
(Forfeiture of Property) Act 1988, it assets amounting to about RM5
has been a breeze for the police in million were also frozen.
seizing and freezing such assets by He said since January this year
invoking the law. about RM40 million of such assets
Federal narcotics director SAC have been seized compared with
Datuk Ismail Yatim said yesterday previous years where between
the act has been a very effective RM20 million and RM38 million was
weapon for crippling the expansion seized annually.

Ex-secretary gets three years for CBT, cheating

KUALA LUMPUR: A former secretary of the Defence Ministry’s civil
servants club was jailed three years by the sessions court here yes-
terday, when he was found guilty on three charges of criminal breach
of trust (CBT) involving RM57,224 and cheating.
Noral Huda Puspa B. Hasnor, 51, was also fined RM6,000 for com- Thong Sia Sdn. Bhd. CP27, Suite 2601-04, 26th Floor, Central Plaza, 34, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: (603) 2141 5163
mitting the CBT involving 10 cheques. – Bernama Website:

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