Thesun 2009-07-17 Page06 Thousand of Thais Protest Terrorism Charges

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6 theSun | FRIDAY JULY 17 2009

news without borders

‘Foreign countries’ behind Indonesia mine attacks: Minister

JAKARTA: “Foreign countries” could “What I think is don’t let Freeport be ently many neighbouring countries 29, was shot dead Saturday when his Military chief Gen Djoko Santoso
be behind a series of deadly am- closed, because it involves global com- to the south.” car was attacked on the single road has blamed separatist rebels for the
bushes near a US-owned goldmine in petition over natural resources there Indonesia’s southern neighbours from the mountain-top mine, while a attacks, but police have said there is
Indonesia’s remote Papua province are a number of countries that have an are Australia and New Zealand. Freeport guard was killed in an am- no indication that is the case.
that have killed three people, the interest in destabilising Freeport.” Sudarsono said he saw no indication bush on the same road on Sunday. The apparent skill of the attackers,
defence minister said yesterday. Sudarsono said foreign NGOs and the attacks were the work of separatist A third policeman who fled the who used military-issue ammunition,
The attacks by unidentified gunmen governments had a history of backing rebels of the Free Papua Movement. Sunday ambush was found dead in a and their ease in evading capture has
near Freeport McMoRan’s massive groups that “agitate” in Papua, which Freeport, whose Grasberg mine sits ravine the next day. fuelled speculation by some analysts
Grasberg gold and copper mine could has been the site of a low-level separa- on the world’s largest gold reserve, Five policemen were wounded on that security forces are using violence
be an effort by foreign competitors to tist conflict since the 1960s. is the single biggest taxpayer to the Wednesday in a firefight on the road, to extort more protection money out of
close the mine down, Juwono Sudar- Asked which countries he was Indonesian government. which has been closed indefinitely to Freeport. The military has recently de-
sono told reporters. referring to, Sudarsono said: “Appar- Australian technician Drew Grant, Freeport workers. nied receiving such payments. – AFP

Aftershocks shake
New Zealand after
powerful quake
WELLINGTON: New Zealand’s southern region
Thousands of Thais protest
terrorism charges
shook yesterday with hundreds of aftershocks
after the country was hit by its most powerful He said that although the airport pro-
earthquake in 78 years, which measured 7.8 on testers were armed with wooden sticks,
the Richter scale. Seismologists who monitor the metal rods, baseball bats and golf clubs,
14,000 quakes recorded in New Zealand every year the implements could not be considered
said most of the aftershocks were too small to as weapons.
be felt but five exceeded magnitude 5. Usually, BANGKOK: Thousands of Thai “Yel- group seized Bangkok airports for nine The group has not protested against
only about 20 tremors of this strength are logged low Shirt” protesters rallied yesterday in days in late 2008. other criminal charges, including illegal
annually. Bangkok to denounce terrorism charges Most of the accused were due to re- assembly and breach of aviation law, but
Checks confirmed that the country appeared Chamlong levied against members of their group port to police yesterday but refused on insists the blockades of international Su-
to have escaped any casualties or serious damage (right) who mounted a crippling airport block- the grounds that the terrorism charge varnabhumi and domestic Don Muang
from Wednesday night’s quake, centred off the receives ade last year. was excessive. airports were within the law.
south-west coast of Fiordland, even though its size flowers from Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya is “No one turned himself in today as we Foreign Minister Kasit reported to po-
matched the one that devastated the North Island supporters among the 36 supporters of the People’s are protesting against the police charges,” lice last week to hear the charges against
city of Napier in February 1931, killing 256 people. as he goes Alliance for Democracy (PAD) who the PAD’s lawyer Suwat Apaipak told him but also denies wrongdoing and has
Lance Dixon, a spokesman for the Earthquake to report face the charge, which carries the death a crowd gathered refused to resign, so far being backed by
Commission, an official body that compensates to police in penalty, after the outside the national Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.
quake victims, told the New Zealand Press Associa- Bangkok. Police Club on the Earlier this week Kasit said he “joined
tion that nearly 200 claims had been lodged by northern outskirts of the PAD bringing only my words and my
mid-afternoon but were for minor damage to Bangkok. pen,” and attended the airport rallies to
wallpaper, bricks and house exteriors. “We had only exercise his constitutional rights.
The Insurance Council’s chief executive, Chris hand-clappers The PAD is an ardent royalist group
Ryan, said that although the big quake was re- – how could we backed by the country’s establishment,
ported to have been felt more than 1,400km away seize aircraft at Su- whose protests in 2006 helped topple
on the North Island, it was described as producing varnabhumi? Our then-premier Thaksin Shinawatra who
a rolling motion rather than sharp jolts, indicating demonstration is was ousted in a military coup.
minimal damage was likely. not an act of terror- The group campaigned again last
Goods toppled from shelves in shops in the ism,” Suwat added year to drive Thaksin’s allies from
Southland province, and power supplies were cut after submitting government, their protests peaking with
in some areas, but civil defence officials who flew a written appeal the airport seizure, which left hundreds
over the epicentre of the quake, 100km south-west against the charge. of thousands of travellers stranded and
of the lakeside resort town of Te Anau, reported Key PAD caused huge economic damage.
few signs of damage apart from a few landslides leader Chamlong They abandoned the blockade after
on the steep Fiordland mountainsides. Srimuang told the the Constitutional Court ordered the pro-
The quake was about the same magnitude crowd, estimated Thaksin party from power in December,
as the one that devastated the Sichuan region of at “a few thou- paving the way for Democrat Party leader
China in May last year, leaving at least 68,000 peo- sand” by police, Abhisit to become prime minister.
ple dead. Seismologists said New Zealand escaped that the terrorism Last October, treason charges against
the devastation China experienced because the charge was “not Chamlong and another PAD leader were
quake was centred off the coast of the country’s ERSPIX only exaggerated dropped following further PAD protests
most sparsely populated region. – dpa but it’s false”. in Bangkok. – AFP

Hongkong employer has walked vestigators also found several plates flames and plunged into farmland,
Join us this Sunday free from court, a news report of fruit indicating the pair might have killing all 168 people on board, a top

@ Calvary Church! briefs said yesterday.

Indra Ningsih, 26, admitted to
conducted a ceremony. – dpa official said yesterday.
“The pilot could probably not
Assemblies of God police she had added the blood to Ex-South Korean be blamed for this crash and we
DAMANSARA HEIGHTS Ministry apologises the meal in a superstitious effort
to make her Chinese employer president critically ill
think it was likely due to a technical
problem,” Ahmad Majidi, head of the
2, Jln Damansara Endah, Damansara Heights, 50490 KL
Worship Services @ 8am 10.30am 5pmO O
over obscene video “more amiable and less picky” SEOUL: Former transport ministry’s crisis unit, said.
Interpretation into Bahasa Malaysia TAIPEI: Taiwan’s defence ministry towards her. South Korean Iranian officials said three black
& Cantonese at 10.30am yesterday apologised after footage She was originally charged President Kim boxes from the Russian-built Tupolev
SCG & CW @ 8am 10.30am O
was broadcast of two soldiers ap- with administering a poisonous Dae-jung (pix), airliner have also been found, but
DAMANSARA PERDANA parently involved in an obscene act substance with an intent to injure who was that two were seriously damaged.
4th Floor, 20 Jln PJU 8/5G, while on duty. A cable news channel in April. However, a report in the awarded a No- “Two systems linked with the
Bandar Damansara Perdana, 47820 PJ aired a video showing the soldiers, Hongkong Standard newspaper bel Peace Prize black box have been damaged in
Worship Service @10.30am who were clad in camouflage uni- said prosecutors had decided the for brokering the first meeting of such a way that the tapes have come
Interpretation into Bahasa Malaysia
forms, seemingly engaged in oral charge could not be sustained, the leaders of the divided Koreas, out of the boxes and scattered on
SCG @ 9am & CW @10.30am
sex while around 40 others looked after the government laboratory is in critical condition at a Seoul the ground,” Majidi said. – AFP
CHERAS on and laughed. and doctors ruled that menstrual hospital, media said yesterday.
2nd & 3rd Floor, Block C, Lot 18113, “The defence ministry is deeply blood is not toxic. – dpa Kim, 85, a former political Harry Potter actor
off Jln Cerdas, Taman Connaught, 56000 KL sorry for the incident, which seri- prisoner and a leading figure in
Worship Service @ 9am
the country’s fight for democracy, admits growing pot
Interpretation into Cantonese ously damages military discipline,”
it said in a statement.
Mother, son disappear is on a respirator, various South LONDON: A teenage member of
SCG @ 10.45am & CW @ 9am
The island’s military has been while on cruise Korean media outlets quoted the Harry Potter film cast pleaded
plagued by a spate of scandals that HONGKONG: A mother and son hospital officials as saying. guilty yesterday to illegally grow-
7th Floor, Wisma Central, Jln Ampang, 50450 KL
observers say have tarnished its have disappeared while travelling Kim served as president from ing 10 cannabis plants at his
Worship Service @ 10.30am
Interpretation into Cantonese image. A recent crackdown has led on a luxury cruise between Beijing 1998 to 2003 and is best known for mother’s home in London.
SCG @ 9am & CW @ 10.30am to the investigation of 114 generals and Japan, police said yesterday. his 2000 summit with North Korean Jamie Waylett, 19, who has
SCG|School of Christian Growth (Bible Study classes) for alleged corruption or bribing their The pair were reported missing leader Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang played school bully Vincent Crab-
CW|Carpenter’s Workshop (Children’s programme) way to their rank. – AFP on July 7, the fourth day of the trip, that led to quickly warming ties be- be, was arrested with a friend
after they failed to join other mem- tween the two states. – Reuters after he took a photo of police as
For non-Muslims only

Tel: 03-7728 6000
Maid who ‘poisoned’ bers of their tour group. the pair drove past officers.
employer’s meal freed
A source quoted in the Hongkong
Standard newspaper said three let-
Technical problem seen When police searched his
friend’s black Audi they found a
HONGKONG: An Indonesian ters were found in their cabin on behind Iran plane crash number of bags of cannabis.
maid arrested after mixing her board the Costa Classica outlining TEHERAN: A technical problem is Ten cannabis plants were later
menstrual blood in a pot of veg- how their assets should be distrib- believed to have caused the crash discovered at the home of Waylett’s
Senior Pastor: Rev. Tan Sri Prince Guneratnam, M.A., D.D., D.Litt., LLD. etables she was cooking for her uted in the event of their deaths. In- of an Iranian airliner which burst into mother in Kilburn. – Reuters

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