Thesun 2009-07-17 Page10 Doubts Over Maccs Partiality

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Doubts over
Nades is not on the panel (though Selangor administration? Since
I understand that his name was according to Navaratnam, the
proposed but rejected by the MACC’s No 2 said that all com-
powers that be). What can we do? plaints must be investigated, can
Thus if those entrusted to advise we assume that the former mentri
the MACC resort to shrugging their besar will also be subject to the
shoulders and asking the public same kind of treatment Ronnie Liu,

MACC’s partiality
to forward their complaints to the Ean Yong Hian Wah and Lau Weng
commission, of what use are these San have been subjected to?
advisory panels? After all, the MACC claims it
Tan Sri Robert Phang was very is independent and doesn’t play
Down2Earth vocal with the fight against corrup- favourites right? It has the initiative
by Terence Fernandez tion, even to the extent of slipping to go after the mentri besar over
into an ACA press conference, to be cows and cars, then it should have
seated between the agency’s two top no problems focusing its radar on
ON June 10, Citizen Nades and I you want but as long as the people complaint they should investigate,” officers, but has clammed up since the multi-million ringgit house
were seated in the office of Daniel running the agency have the same Navaratnam said. being appointed to the panel. owned by Tan Sri Abdul Khalid
Li, the deputy commissioner of attitude and are seen to be subser- “Very good Tan Sri. Please ask The silence of two senior editors Ibrahim’s predecessor.
Hongkong’s Independent Commis- vient to politicians than the fight Abu Kassim what happened to the (journalistic etiquette prevents me Putting things into perspective,
sion Against Corruption (ICAC). against corruption the institution in complaints against Barisan Na- from naming them) on the advi- it would be wrong to say that the
What was to be a courtesy call on charge of it will not be taken seri- sional assemblymen for the same sory panel was deafening when MACC shuts an eye to alleged
the island’s No1 graft fighter turned ously. offences lodged by Pakatan Rakyat Malay Mail reporter Nevash Nair misdeeds of members of the ruling
into a counselling session where Fast forward to the morning representatives last year,” I replied. was hauled up for questioning, his coalition. Several junior politicians
we poured out our frustrations over of July 15. I answer the phone at “Well, why don’t you write a phone and laptop seized and made and at least three senior government
the implementation of the Malay- my friend Lawrence Nicholson’s letter of complaint to Abu Kassim or to drive two MACC officers from officers have also been charged.
sia Anti-Corruption Commission apartment in London. It’s Tan Sri the MACC?” he suggested. Petaling Jaya to Shah Alam for six But again to the rakyat, these
(MACC) Act which Li had helped Ramon Navaratnam returning a While I have a lot of respect hours of questioning over his report are small fish who have been made
to draft. call to Nades. for Navaratnam and some of the on land grab involving a politician. sacrificial lambs as part of a public
“Surely it can’t be that bad,” Navaratnam is chairman of members in the advisory pan- So now that the MACC is seen to relations exercise to pull wool over
Li said, pointing out the various the Corruption Consultation and els, I must say that to date their be only going after reports against the people’s eyes to the fallacy that
provisions that have been included Prevention Panel – one of the five performance has been below par selected political parties, can we the MACC is an independent and
in the Act including the five com- watchdog bodies that is supposed to when it comes to addressing public assume that the report lodged impartial entity.
mittees to oversee the activities of help bring credibility and improve perception. It seems that their role against a former assemblyman for
the commission. the people’s trust in the MACC. is merely cosmetic and if people for using almost RM500,000 in state
He raised his eyebrows when I told him the reason we called have to continue writing “complaint allocations in 44 days is gather- With the likes of the MACC throw-
we told him that certain provisions, was to get his feedback on the letters”, one begs the question what ing dust somewhere in the filing ing a spanner in the works, Terence
such as having assets disproportion- MACC’s raid of the offices of are they there for when in fact the cabinets of the MACC Selangor is having a tough time trying to
ate to one’s income, were omitted. Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen panel members are supposed to be branch in Shah Alam? – as was the convince Malaysians in London
It would not be fair to Li for us in Selangor over reports of the eyes and ears of the people to case with state allocations involving that things are not as bad as they
to disclose the rest of our conversa- mismanagement of state ensure that the MACC performs its former assemblymen in Kampung seem back home. He is deputy editor
tion but we told him that our initial allocations. duties judiciously and without fear Tunku, Kajang and Taman Medan. (special reports and investigations)
reservations over the MACC have “(MACC deputy commissioner) or favour. What of the many complaints and can be reached at terence@
been confirmed – call it anything Datuk Abu Kassim said if there is a I am not on the panel. Citizen lodged against the previous


Cooperative movement has lost its moorings

AFTER reading “Co-op tapped began as a people’s self-help development like even neu- poor state of affairs. members. for good governance. But
dry” (July 15), I must state as movement in the early 19th trality in politics and religion It is sad that Angkasa (the The prime minister talks the new commission rules
a former CEO of a large co- century in Europe. Its original which was subsequently with- National Co-operative Front) of 1Malaysia, but I do not see forbid this. This is a sure
operative that the co-op move- four main principles were: drawn to avoid isolation of the that is duty-bound to assist a single Indian or Chinese on system for the downfall of
ment has lost its principles open membership; democratic movement by certain types of the government to keep the the Co-operative Commis- many co-ops.
and identity in this country. control (management), ie one government. co-op movement on the right sion as if these two races do If we examine the
It has become a vehicle for a man one vote; equitable distri- Co-operative education track has failed miserably in not exist in this country. character of co-ops today, it
few unscrupulous technocrats bution of surplus in proportion and training in its principles its responsibilities and duties Recently, I attended an is those co-ops with multiple
to enrich themselves using the to transactions; and limited and philosophy was greatly with its own internal conflicts AGM of a cooperative where subsidiaries registered under
loopholes and weaknesses in interest (dividend) on capital. emphasised by ICA. Many co- for power and control. As a I was shocked to learn that the Companies Commission
the system through the various Later the International operative leaders today know consequence some genuine the internal auditors of of Malaysia that are misman-
subsidiaries that they create Cooperative Alliance (ICA) very little about the philosophy and dedicated co-operative the cooperative cannot be aged because members have
under the co-op banner. introduced other important of co-operation otherwise our leaders were sidelined. appointed by the AGM but by no control over them.
The cooperative movement principles for its sustainable co-ops would not be in this Therefore the Co-op- the board of directors. I call upon the gov-
erative Commission that By tradition and rule, the ernment to review the
was recently established has internal auditors as well as functions of the Co-operative
made sweeping changes to the external auditors have Commission.
the character of the co-op- always been appointed by
eratives thereby diminishing the AGM of delegates/mem- R. Rama Chandran
the democratic control of the bers as a check and balance Petaling Jaya

Be ready for nuclear fusion

WHILE the government is Hence, scientists are now using of its kind in the world since it
contemplating building a superconductors to build the had succeeded in maintaining
nuclear fission power plant tokamaks since superconduc- the plasma for several minutes
to secure the nation’s future tors have almost zero electrical instead of seconds.
energy needs, I hope some resistance and will not produce According to Prof Gao,
effort will be taken to study an heat when a large current is his institute does get foreign
alternative but cleaner nuclear passed through. postgraduate physics students
technology which is thermonu- Several large experimental who are interested in nuclear
clear fusion. tokamak reactors are now in fusion studies. Surprisingly, the
Although this technology operation around the world courses are taught in English
was initially projected to be where scientists are looking since most of the literature on
realised four decades ago, for ways to maintain the this subject is in this language.
scientists encountered some plasma for long durations so I hope the government can
difficulties in containing the that the thermonuclear fusion send a few of our top physics
ultra-hot gases, known as reaction can be continuously students to China to study
plasma, required for fusion maintained. fusion research so that by the
to take place in a doughnut- Recently, I had the oppor- time a working fusion reactor
shaped magnetic machine tunity to meet one of China’s is developed in the future, we
called a “tokamak”. leading fusion scientists, Prof will have the required human
In order to produce the Xiang Gao, of the Institute capital to build such a reac-
strong magnetic fields required of Plasma Physics in Hefei. tor and exploit this unlimited
to contain the plasma, a very He described his institute’s energy technology.
large current is used but this Experimental Advanced Super-
will cause the tokamak’s elec- conducting Tokamak (EAST), ZA Hartono
trical conductors to overheat. which is the most advanced Kuala Lumpur

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