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2 theSun | MONDAY JULY 20 2009

news without borders


Security checks
at border areas
TYRE (LEBANON): Malaysian extremists in the Jemaah Islamiah (JI)
security forces, including the police, to be behind them.
have intensified surveillance at the Head of the Anti-Terrorism Divi-
country’s border areas and entry/exit sion in the Indonesian Security Min-
points to ensure that those involved in istry Ansyaad Mbai was quoted by the
the two bombing incidents in Jakarta media as saying there was evidence
do not sneak into Malaysia. to show that Malaysian-born terrorist
Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Noordin Mat Top was behind the two
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said Malaysia
will also cooperate with its Indonesian
bombing incidents.
Indonesian police said the self-
Najib and Rosmah at the Kaabah ...
and international counterparts on this
made bombs used in the two hotels
were similar to the ones used by Noor- P RIME Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak (second from left) accompanied by wife Datin
Seri Rosmah Mansor performing the sacred circumambulation ritual or ‘tawaf’ in front
of the Kaabah in Mecca on Saturday night. Behind them is their son Nor Ashman Razak. The
“Initial measures have already din in previous bombing incidents.
been taken to prevent those behind This most wanted terrorist in Asia prime minister earlier met Saudi Arabia’s monarch King Abdullah to discuss bilateral relations
the bombing incidents from sneak- is believed to be in hiding in Indone- in the course of his four-day visit to Saudi Arabia.
ing into Malaysia,” he told Malaysian sia.
journalists after visiting the office of In another development, Ahmad
the United Nations Interim Force in Zahid said the performance of the

Myanmar under pressure

Lebanon (Unifil), here, on Saturday. Malaysian contingent on peacekeep-
Ahmad Zahid was, however, con- ing duty in Lebanon had exceeded the
fident the culprits behind Saturday’s KPI (key performance index) of the
bomb explosion at the JW Marriott UN Security Council.
Hotel and another at the Ritz Carlton,
both in Jakarta, would not escape the
“The UN Security Council has given
the Malaysian peacekeeping team a
big trust because of its high level of
at Asia security forum
He said initial information received professionalism and good perform- PHUKET: Military-ruled Myanmar is set to Her party won the country’s last elections
after the bomb explosions pointed to ance,” he said. - Bernama face renewed pressure over its trial of Aung in 1990 but was never allowed to take office.
San Suu Kyi when foreign ministers and dip- Critics say her trial is a way for the junta to
lomats from Asia, Washington and Europe keep her locked up for elections promised by
meet this week, analysts say. the junta in 2010.
The Nobel Peace Prize-winning democracy Activists urged the ministers meeting this
leader faces up to five years in jail on charges week to get tough. – AFP
of breaching her house arrest after a bizarre
incident in which an American
man swam to her lakeside
residence in May.
The ruling junta has de-
fied international outrage
about her trial and dealt
a humiliating snub to UN What’s on the agenda
chief Ban Ki-moon by refus-
ing to allow him to visit the BANGKOK: The Thai resort island of Phuket is hosting
opposition figurehead when Asia’s biggest security gathering, the Asean Regional
he visited the country earlier Forum (ARF), alongside a meeting of Southeast Asian
this month. foreign ministers from yesterday until July 23.
The issue is set to be a The ARF was created in 1994 with a focus on se-
major topic on the agenda curity and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Besides
of the 27-nation Association most Asian countries, the European Union, Russia and
of Southeast Asian Nations the United States also take part in meetings.
(Asean) Regional Forum, Thai officials say North Korea, which has sent its
the region’s biggest security foreign minister to previous ARF meetings, will this
dialogue, and associated meet- time send a low-level delegation. It is highly unlikely
ings that started yesterday. those officials would engage in talks about anything
The presence of US Secre- of substance, assuming they show up.
tary of State Hillary Clinton will The Phuket meeting could provide an opportunity
also add to the pressure on My- for talks between the foreign ministers of China and
anmar’s ruling generals, while Australia on Beijing’s detention of an Australian execu-
China, the junta’s key backer, tive working for Rio Tinto on spying charges. Three of
will also be at the forum. his Chinese colleagues are also held.
But, historically, there has Expect strong words from the United States and
been little that anyone can do European Union over military-ruled Myanmar’s trial
to force the regime’s hand, said of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. And expect
Bridget Welsh, an associate no response from Myanmar’s foreign minister. The
professor of political science generals snubbed UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon
at the Singapore Management on a visit this month and they are unlikely to budge
University. this week.
“Most certainly Clinton’s China’s growing economic clout make it an im-
presence will build pressure, but portant participant in Asean meetings but tensions
pressure alone has proven not to persist over competing claims in the South China Sea.
be effective. The aim should be China says there is no dispute over its jurisdiction over
to broaden the dialogue with the a series of tiny islands and atolls. China’s flexing of its
region to allow for more points of maritime military muscle has also prompted concern
discussion,” Welsh told AFP. from the United States, whose ships have been jostled
The 10-member Asean spoke by Chinese vessels several times in recent months.
out strongly against the trial of The climate change agenda is set to be discussed
Aung San Suu Kyi but has faced although officials say it is not yet known what will be
international criticism in the past raised or if any specific requests for talks had been
for failing to take on Myanmar, the made.
most troublesome member of the After the anti-government “red shirts” embarrassed
bloc. Thailand by forcing the cancellation of April’s East Asia
The international community has, Summit, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has taken no
however, struggled to find any lever- chances with security. Close to 10,000 troops and
age with Myanmar’s military, which hundreds of police will enforce a no-protest zone in
has ruled the country since 1962 and Phuket. – Reuters
kept Aung San Suu Kyi in detention
for most of the last two decades.

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