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➢ Parietal

➢ Temporal
➢ CNS ➢ Occipital
– Brain
– Spinal Cord Frontal Lobe – 3 sulci into 4 gyri
➢ PNS • Precentral sulcus
– Cranial and Spinal Nerves • Superior frontal sulcus
– Ganglia • Inferior frontal sulcus( superior,
middle and inferior frontal gyri)
Weight of an Adult Brain
Parietal Lobe – 2 sulci into 3 gyri
– Male: 1,380 grams • Postcentral sulcus(postcentral
– Female : 1,280 grams gyrus)
• Intraparietal sulcus( superior
3 major divisions: parietal gyrus/lobule, inferior
parietal gyrus/lobule)
– Prosencephalon –
Telencephalon (cerebrum) Temporal Lobe – 2 sulci into 3 gyri
Diencephalon (Central Part) • Superior temporal sulci
– Mesencephalon (midbrain) • Middle temporal sulci
– Rhombencephalon
• Metencephalon (pons) Occipital Lobe- occupies the small area
behind the parieto-occipital sulcus.
• Myelencephalon (medulla
oblongata) Medial Surface of the Cerebral
• Cerebellum Hemisphere
 Corpus Callosum – largest
Cerebrum commisure of the brain; C-shaped
 Cingulate Gyrus – begins beneath
1. Consist of two cerebral the anterior end of the corpus
hemispheres callosum and continuous above the
2. Connected by corpus callosum corpus callosum until it reaches its
3. Separated by longitudinal fissure posterior end.
which contains the falx cerebri and  Callosal sulcus – gyrus that
anterior cerebral arteries. separates the corpus callosum.
4. Thrown into folds called gyri
5. Separated by fissures called sulci 3 main parts:
 Paracentral lobule-
Main Sulci of the Brain rectangular in shape.
➢ Lateral Surface - surrounds the indentation
• Central Sulcus produced by the central
-anterior: motor cortex sulcus on the superior
-posterior: sensory cortex border.
• Lateral Sulcus – deep cleft  Precuneus – bounded
on the inferior and lateral anteriorly by the upturned
surface divided into: posterior end of the
• Anterior horizontal cingulate sulcus and
posteriorly by the parieto-
ramus, anterior
occiptal sulcus.
ascending ramus,
continuous as the
 Cuneus – triangular area of
cortex bounded
posterior ramus
above :parieto-occipital
➢ Medial Surface
• Parieto-occipital
inferiorly: calcarine sulcus
posterioerly: superior medial
• Calcarine sulcus margin.
Lobes of the Brain
➢ Frontal
Inferior Surface of the Cerebral - completely divided by
Hemisphere a band of nerve
fibers(internal capsule)
 Collateral sulcus- runs anteriorly -divided into:
below the calcarine sulcus
 Lingual gyrus- between the 1) Caudate nucleus-
collateral sulcus and the calcarine large C-shaped mass
sulcus of gray matter that is
 Parahippocampal gyrus- closely related to the
anterior to the lingual gyrus lateral ventricles.
 Uncus – hooklike that terminates - divided into : head,
in front. body & tail.
 Medial occipitotemporal gyrus
– bounded by: 2) Lentiform nucleus
Medially: collateral and rhinal sulci - wedge-shaped
Laterally: occipitotempral sulcus mass of gray matter
 Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus related medially to
–lateral to the occipito temporal the internal capsule
sulcus w/c separates it to
 Olfactory Bulb & Tract – overlie from the caudate
sulcus called olfactory sulcus nucleus and
Medial to olfactory sulcus: gyrus thalamus divided
rectus into:
Lateral to olfactory sulcus: orbital A. Putamen
gyri B. Globus Pallidus

b) Amygdaloid Nucleus - situated in the

Internal structures of the Cerebral temporal lobe close to the uncus.
Hemisphere - considered part of the limbic system.

➢ Lateral ventricle c) Claustrum – thin sheet of gray matter

➢ Basal Nuclei that is separated from the lateral surface
➢ White Matter of the lentiform nucleus by the external
1. Lateral Ventricles
• There are two lateral ventricles and Function of the Basal Nuclei
one is present in each cerebral Collaborates as a collective whole with the
hemispheres cerebral cortex.
• Roughly C-shaped cavity lined with
ependyma and filled with CSF. 3. White Matter
• Divided into: body, anterior, • Composed of myelinated nerve
posterior and inferior horn. fibers of different diameter
• Communicates with the cavity of supported by neuroglia.
the 3rd ventricle through • Classified into 3 groups according
interventricular foramen to their connections: Commisural
fibers, Association fibers,
2. Basal Nuclei Projection Fibers
• Applied to a collection of gray
masses of gray matter situated a) Commissure Fibers
within each cerebral hemisphere. • Essentially connect corresponding
• Consist of : regions of the two hemispheres.
○ Corpus striatum They are as follows: Corpus
○ Amygdaloid Nucleus Callosum, Anterior Commisure,
○ Claustrum Posterior Commisure, Fornix,
Habebular Commisure
a) Corpus striatum –
situated lateral to the
thalamus a) Corpus callosum –largest
commisure of the brain that
connects the two cerebral 1. Thalamus
hemispheres. 2. Subthalamus
- for purpose of description, it is 3. Epithalamus
divided into : rostrum, the genu, 4. Hypothalamus
the body, and the splenium

✔ Rostrum- thin part of the 1) Thalamus

anterior end of the corpus • -large ovoid mass of gray
callosum. matter that forms the major
✔ Genu- curved anterior end part of the diencephalon.
of the corpus callosum that
• -region of great fxnal
bends inferiorly in front of
importance and serves cell
the septum pellucidum.
station to all the main
✔ Body of the corpus
sensory system (except the
callosum- thickened part
olfactory pathway).
• -anterior end: narrow and
b) Anterior Commisure – small rounded and forms the
bundle of nerve fibers that small boundary of the
crosses the midline in the interventricular foramen.
lamina terminalis. • posterior end: expanded to
c) Posterior Commisure – form the pulvinar( which
crosses midline immediately overhangs the superior
above the opening of cerebral colliculus and the superior
aqueduct into the 3rd ventricle. brachium.
d) Fornix – myelinated nerve • -lateral geniculate body
fibers and constitutes the forms a small elevation on
efferent system of the the under aspect of the
hippocampus that passes to the lateral portion of the
mammilary bodies of the pulvinar.
hypothalamus. • -superior surface of the
– The nerve fibers first form the thalamus is covered
alveus. medially by the tela
e) Habenular Commisure- choroidea and the fornix.
small bundle of nerve fiber that • medial surface of the
crosses the midline in the thalamus forms the superior
superior part of the root of the part of the lateral wall of the
pineal stalk. third ventricle and is usually
connected to the opposite
thalamus by a band of gray
matter, the interthalamic
DIENCEPHALON connection(interthalamic
➢ Consist of the third ventricle and adhesion)
the structures that form its • lateral surface is separated
from the lentiform nucleus
➢ Extends posteriorly to the point by the very important band
where the third ventricle becomes
of white matter called
continuous with the cerebral
internal capsule.
aqueduct and anteriorly as far as
the interventricular foramina
2) Subthalamus
• Lies inferior to the thalamus,
Gross Features
Bounderies situated between the thalamus and
Superior wall: roof of the 3rd ventricle the tegmentum of the midbrain;
Lateral surface: internal capsule craniomedially, it is related to the
Medial surface: superior part by the hypothalamus.
medial surface of thalamus. • Collection of nerve cells are the
Four (4) major parts: ○ Red nuclei

○ Substantia nigra the pineal gland with
• Subthalamic nucleus has the age
shape of a biconvex lens,involved • possess no nerve
in the control of the muscle activity cells.
due to its conncetion to corpus
striatum functions
 Recognized as an
3) Epithalamus endocrine gland
• -consist of the habenular nuclei capable of
and their connections and the influencing the
pineal gland. activities of the
pituitary gland, the
 Habenular Nucleus islets of langerhan,
the parathyroid , the
• small group of
adrenal and the
neurons situated just
medial to the
 for Melatonin
posterior surface of
the thalamus.
 Plays an important
• believe to be the role in the regulation
center for integration of reproductive
of olfactory, visceral, function.
and somatic afferent
pathway. 4) Hypothalamus
• part of the diencephalon that
 Pineal Gland(body)
extends from the region of the
• small, conical optic chiasma to the caudal border
structure that is of the mamillary bodies.
attached by the
• Lies below the hypothalamic sulcus
pineal stalks to the
diencephalon. on the lateral wall of the 3rd
• it projects backward
so that it lies • Relatively the small area of the
posterior to the brain that is strategically well
midbrain. placed close to the limbic system,
the thalamus, the ascending and
• the superior part of
descending tracts, and the
the base of the stalk
contains the
habenular • Controls and integrates the fxns of
commisure the ANS and endocrine system and
plays important role in maintaining
• the inferior part of
body homeostasis.
the base of the stalk
contains the • Involved in such activities as
posterior commisure regulation of body temperature,
body fluids, drives to eat and drink,
• completely divide
sexual behavior and emotion.
into lobules by
connective tissue
Relations of the Hypothalamus
septa that extends
 Optic chiasma
into the gland from
 Tuber cinereum and
the capsule
• types of cell found:  Mamillary bodies
pinealocytes and
the glial cells. Optic chiasma
• concretion of • Flattened bundle of nerve fibers
calcified material situated at the junction of the
called brain sand anterior wall and floor of the third
progressively ventricle.
accumulate within

• Superior surface: attached to the – Posterior wall is formed by the
lamina terminalis opening into the cerebral
• Inferiorly: related to hypophysis aqueduct,
cerebri from which it is separated – Lateral wall is formed by the
by the diaphragm sellae. medial surface of the thalamus
• Anterolateral corner : continuos superiorly and hypothalamus
with optic nerves
– Superior wall or roof is formed
• Posterolateral corner: continuous
by a layer of ependyma that is
with the optic tracts continuous with the lining of the
• Superior surface: optic recess of ventricle.
the 3rd ventricle – The te;a choroidea of the third
• It is important to remember that ventricle – two-layered fold of pia
the fibers originating from the mater
nasal half of each retina cross the
medial plane at the chiasma to
enter the optics tract of the
opposite side.

Tuber Cinereum
• Convex mass of gray matter, as
seen from the inferior surface.
• Continuos inferiorly with the
infundibulum (hollow and become
continuous with the posterior lobe
of the hypophysis cerebri.
• Median eminence is a raised part of
the tuber cinereum to which is
attached the infundubulum.

Mammilary Bodies
• Two(2) hemispherical bodies
situated side by side posterior to
the tuber cinereum
• Possess a central core of gray
matter invested by a capsule of
myelintated nerve fibers.
• Posterior to the mammilary bodies
lies an area of the brain that
pierced by a number of small
apertures and is called posterior
perforated substance (transmits
the central branches of posterior
cerebral arteries)

Third Ventricle
– Derived from the forebrain vesicle
– Slitlike cleft between two thalami.
– Communicates anteriorly with the
lateral ventricles through the
interventricular foramina (foramina
of monro)
– Communicates posteriorly with the
fourth ventricle through the
cerebral aqueduct.
– Anterior wall is formed by a thins
sheet of gray matter(lamina

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