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Bible Studies

for use with Enquirers

(Facilitators Copy)

Ian McL. Hawley

Sandy Citro
Greg Craanen
194 Little Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, Vic 3000
p: +61 3 9623 9199
f: +61 3 9623 9188

Last modified on 21/10/2008

Table of Content

Introduction .................................................................................................... 1

Lesson 1 – Who is Jesus Christ ..................................................................... 4

Lesson 2 – Who is Jesus Christ – His Identity? ............................................. 7

Lesson 3 – Jesus‟ Teaching ........................................................................ 12

Lesson 4 – Jesus‟ Death and Resurrection.................................................. 18

Lesson 5 – Why did Jesus have to die? (God‟s attitude towards Sin and

sinners)........................................................................................................ 23

Lesson 6 – Why did Jesus have to die? (The reason for Jesus‟ death and

resurrection) ................................................................................................ 30

Preface to Lesson 7 and 8. Notes to the facilitator ....................................... 36

Lesson 7 – Jesus Christ and You (How can you receive salvation?) ........... 38

Lesson 8 – Jesus Christ and You (Your response) ...................................... 44

Conclusion ................................................................................................... 53
Bible Studies for use with Enquirers 1


This study is adapted from the “Bible Studies for Use with Enquirers” by I.
McL. Hawley. This study employs a question and answer bible study format
to help both facilitators and enquirers to dig into the topics and to promote

This study provides a guideline only. The way it is conducted may vary
according to the enquirer‟s situation and need. The aim is to raise with the
enquirer the possibility that Jesus Christ is, in some way, vitally relevant to
his/her present life situation. As a consequence, the content and/or the way
this lesson is conducted should vary from person to person.

In planning, always work from the enquirer‟s standpoint; the known to the
unknown; the enquirer‟s felt area of need and the possibility of such a need
being met through an imperceptible, yet real encounter with the living Jesus

Some possible entry points for the Gospel:

(i) The need of a spiritual dimension to life. Matt 4:4

(ii) The need for a purposeful existence. John 10:10
(iii) The need for rest from the attempt to win God‟s favour. Matt 11:28-30
(iv) The need for an abiding peace and unfailing hope. Romans 5:1-4
(v) The need for freedom from enslavement in all its forms, e.g., from a
certain vice/addiction, a movement/organisation, an ideology, people –
anything or anyone who prevents the enquirer from realising his/her
latent potential. John 8:31-36
(vi) The need for love. John 3:16; John 15:13
(vii) The need for wisdom. James 1:5-8
(viii) Other felt needs?

 It is important in this first lesson to establish the fact that the aim of the
studies is not to discuss religion, or the merits of one religion against
another. The aim is to learn what the Bible has to say about Jesus Christ,
and the possible relevance of this knowledge to the enquirer‟s present

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2 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

 Show by example, that Jesus is very much part of your life. Start each
study with prayer, seeking God‟s help and guidance.
 Remember you are involved in a spiritual battle. Ephesians 6:12. Don‟t
neglect to daily pray for the person you are seeking to lead to Christ.
II Corinthians 10:4
Expect to see God‟s saving power touching his/her life. Romans 1:16-17.
 Allow the enquirer to hear the Gospel as presented in Scripture. Only
speak by way of clarification where the enquirer requires this help in
 Each enquirer, coming from different backgrounds, has different
knowledge about Bible and Christianity. Never assume that they know a
particular aspect of the Bible, and never assume that they don‟t know
either. Always check their understanding: “Have you ever heard about
this?”, “Have you come across this story?” etc. Don‟t use jargons and keep
it simple as much as possible.
 From time to time, the enquirers may ask questions that are beyond the
scope of the study. It is tempting to discuss theology and try to answer
their questions as much as possible. However, although it is crucial for you
to be ready and prepared for the enquirer questions, try to keep the
discussion within the topic of the lesson. Avoid debates and unnecessary
theology discussions unless if you think it is really necessary to help point
them toward Jesus and His Work and Character.
 You may from time to time refer or cross refer to other passages.
However, it is recommended to keep it to the minimum. Some cross
reference may add extra information to the perhaps already overwhelmed
enquirer. However, some cross reference may help the enquirer
understand more of a certain topic and help answer their questions.
Therefore, you need to prepare the cross reference beforehand if you want
to use it.
 The best way to answer enquirer questions or doubts by sharing your own
experience walking with Christ. There is no one who can invalidate your
honest life experience. That is the most powerful tool you have at your
disposal to show who Jesus is in your life. In each discussion question, try
to have ready with you a personal testimony that can support the
discussion and can help them understand God‟s work in your life, and
potentially their lives.
 The Good News Bible is more easily understood by non-Christians. Go
through the Scripture passages to be read and mark down the page
numbers. This will save the enquirer from embarrassment in not being
able to locate a particular book of the Bible.

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Bible Studies for use with Enquirers 3

 Each lesson contains:

 Objectives: This is the objective of each lesson, to help both
enquirer and facilitator to focus and to study each lesson with a
clear goal.
 Focus: This section provides some aspects to consider before
going into the study questions.
For the facilitator, this section provides suggestions on how to
start each lesson and provides some aspects that the facilitator
may need to keep in mind throughout each lesson.
For the enquirer, this section provides some secondary
objectives and helps the enquirer to be open to the Bible
regarding the materials discussed in each lesson.
 Study Questions: This is the main content of each lesson which
allows the facilitators to interact with the enquirers to discuss
about the topic of each lesson. The facilitator copy contains a
suggested answer for each question. The answers are not to be
used as is. Feel free to expand on the answer or to use only part
of the answers depending on the need of the enquirers.
 Additional Questions: If time permits, this section may be covered
to provide additional discussion to help the enquirer understand
more of each lesson topic.
 Key Verse: This is the bible verse that may best summarise the
content of each lesson. Feel free to discuss, dig deeper and
expand on this key verse. Some enquirers may also want to
memorise this, although it is not compulsory for them to do so
since they may not be a believer yet.
 Next Lesson: This section mentions what the next lesson is about.

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4 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

Lesson 1 – Who is Jesus Christ

Objectives (Facilitator)
- This lesson provides as a starting point for the enquirer to know how
Jesus came to the earth.
- In this lesson, the enquirer will be introduced to the person Jesus as the
Son of God who is conceived not by human flesh, but by the Holy Spirit.
- This lesson is important as it establishes the foundation that although
Jesus is human, He is also the Son of the living God with power over
nature as shown in His miracles.
- Allow the enquirer to read from the Bible about the facts around His
birth, His baptism and some of His miracles, and allow him/her to
conclude from what they read from the Word.

Focus (Facilitator)
- Before getting into the study questions, allow the enquirer to share
about how much they know or has heard about Jesus. Allow the
enquirer to express who they personally think Jesus is, and get him/her
to share how they first heard about Jesus. Most importantly, allow
him/her to share what they would expect to get out of the whole study.
- This serves as a very important foundation for both you and the
enquirer as a guide to determine how fast or slow you should pace the
study, to be sensitive to their knowledge about Jesus, to be sensitive to
their perspective about Jesus and Christianity, and most importantly, to
flexibly shape the whole study to suit their need so that in the end, they
may know Jesus personally through His Word, not through what others
said about Him.

Study Questions

 His Birth - Matthew 1:18-25

1. True or False? Jesus was conceived by the union of Joseph and

Answer: False

2. How was Jesus conceived? What do you think it means?

Answer: Jesus was conceived from the Holy Spirit, not as a result of
a union between a man and a woman. It means that Jesus was not a
mere human being and He incarnated to earth as a human with Mary
as a vessel.

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Bible Studies for use with Enquirers 5

3. In verse 23, with what other name was Jesus called?

Answer: Immanuel, which means “God with us”. It is a fulfilment of

God‟s promise through the prophets that a Messiah will come to
earth to dwell among people.

 His Baptism – Matthew 3:1-3, 11-17

4. The main message of John the Baptist is “__________, for the

kingdom of heaven is near.

Answer: Repent. In those days, baptism with water was common as

an outward expression that someone is repenting from his sins and
will not redo his past wrong-doings.
Today, water baptism is a symbolic burial, by which the new
Christian publicly declares they have died, and are now beginning a
new life, in Christ. The baptism itself does not bring salvation; on the
contrary, salvation inspires water baptism.

5. As soon as Jesus was baptized, a voice from heaven said, “This is

_____________, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.”

Answer: My Son.

6. From this portion of the Bible, who do you think Jesus is?

Answer: Jesus is God‟s Son, whom He loves. Jesus came to earth

with a mission to glorify God in fulfilling God‟s promise and to save
man. His baptism marked the beginning of His ministry on earth.

 His Miracles

7. Read Matthew 4:23-25. What did Jesus do?

Answer: Jesus preached the good news, healed diseases,

sicknesses, severe pain, demon-possessed, and paralysed people.
He is a healer, and He has power over sicknesses, diseases and

8. Read John 11:17, 38-44. What did Jesus do?

Answer: Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. He is able to raise the
dead and He has power over death

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6 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

9. Read Luke 8:22-25. What did Jesus do?

Answer: He calmed the storm. He has power over nature.

10. Read Mark 8:1-9a. What did Jesus do?

Answer: He fed 4000 men. He multiplied as little as seven loaves

and a few small fish to feed them enough until seven basketfuls of
food pieces were left over. He has power over materials and He has
power to create.

11. What do all these miracles mean to you? What do they (His
miracles) say about who Jesus is?

Answer: Allow the enquirer to share and express him/her honest

response to what they have read.

Additional Questions

 Read Luke 2:4-15. What was the good news that the Angels brought to
the shepherds? What do you think it means?

Answer: “Today in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you.
He is Christ the Lord.” Here, again, we can see that Jesus‟ birth was a
fulfilment of God‟s promise to save human kind.

 “Jesus is 100% human and 100% God”. What do you think about this

Answer: Allow the enquirer to share their response honestly. Do not

judge, or direct the answer in any way. But rather, pray earnestly in your
heart that God will bring revelation to him/her in some way.

Key Verses

Matthew 3:17 (NIV)

And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am
well pleased.”

Next Lesson
In the next lesson, we will study about various claims about Jesus, both those
which were stated by Jesus and those by other people.

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Bible Studies for use with Enquirers 7

Lesson 2 – Who is Jesus Christ – His Identity?

Objectives (Facilitator)
- This lesson provides deeper understanding on the person of Jesus
- In this lesson, the enquirer will look at the Bible to see what are Jesus‟
claims concerning Himself and what are claims made of Him by
different people.
- In this lesson, you may invite the enquirer to pray to God even though
they may not believe in God yet. Let them know that God will hear their
prayer, whether or not they are already Christian. In fact, give them
confidence that God will help them see Him and help with their

Focus (Facilitator)
- Guide the enquirer through each passage that will describe Jesus‟
personal attributes, and allow him/her to read and draw conclusion from
each passage. There may be some Christian jargons or terms that the
enquirer may not be familiar with, therefore be prepared to explain them
in everyday English.
- This lesson is extremely important as the enquirer may become either
extremely excited or extremely sceptical about Jesus. Allow the
enquirer to absorb what they are going to read and to ask questions.
Don‟t hesitate to admit that you might not know all the answers.
Highlight the fact that as we continue to seek God, He will continue to
reveal Himself to us and to help us understand fully who He is.
- It is okay for the enquirer to not understand fully what some of the terms
mean (even born again Christians may not know or understand all of
them). Encourage him/her to continue to read the Bible in their own time
and ask God to help them to understand.
- As both of you will look at some of Jesus‟ attributes (claims about Him),
allow the enquirer to share about some of Jesus‟ attributes that they
has heard from friends, family or other people. It can be about His
personality, His claims, His characters, or even His teaching.
- Allow the enquirer to draw from their experience and knowledge about
Jesus. They may also recite from the first lesson.
- Use Christian jargon or terms as minimum as possible. You should use
simple English to help them understand, and encourage them to
continue to read the Bible for themselves in their own time.

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8 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

Previous Lesson
In the previous lesson, we learnt about Jesus‟ birth, baptism and miracles. Is
there any particular aspect from the first lesson that you want to ask or clarify
or comment?

Study Questions
 Claims concerning Himself

1. Read Luke 5:18-24.

What did He do?

What did He say about Himself in regards to our sin (v24)?

Answer: He healed a paralysed man and also forgave his sin. Jesus,
the Son of Man, has authority on earth to forgive sins (v24).

Note: There might be questions about His title “Son of Man”. If Jesus
is Son of God, why did He call Himself Son of Man? The following
provides you with some understanding of this. However, as a
facilitator, don‟t focus on explaining this. Rather, pick one or two of
the following contexts that are most suitable with the enquirer‟s felt
need. Explain briefly, and encourage him/her to read the Bible to
see for him/herself.

Jesus used the term “Son of Man” from time to time in different
contexts. In some context, He use the term Son of Man as a
substitute for the pronoun “I” (e.g. Luke 9:58). In other context, it is
an emphasis that although Jesus was God, He was also 100% man.
(See Philippians 2:6-8). In another context, He use the term Son of
Man to identify Himself as Messiah as prophesied in the Old
Testament (see Daniel 7:13-14). In yet another context, the phrase
"Son of Man" also emphasizes who Jesus is in relation to His
incarnation and His work of salvation. In the Old Testament
(Leviticus 25:25-26, 48-49; Ruth 2:20), the next of kin (one related by
blood) always functioned as the "kinsman-redeemer" of a family
member who needed redemption from jail. Jesus became related to
us "by blood" (that is, He became a man) so He could function as our
Kinsman-Redeemer and rescue us from sin.

In verse 24, Jesus said that He, the Son of Man, has ____________
on earth to ___________ sins.

Answer: Authority. Forgive.

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Bible Studies for use with Enquirers 9

2. Read John 10:22-30.

In verse 27 and 28, Jesus said that for whoever listens to Him and
believes, He will give them ______________ and they shall never

Answer: Eternal life. Perish

Further, in verse 29-30, what did Jesus claim about Himself in

regards to God the Father?

Answer: Jesus claimed that He and God the Father are one. He
claimed that He can give eternal life. He claimed that the Father is in
Him, and He in the Father (v38).

Note: There might be a question about what does it mean by “the

Father”? Trinity is always a topic that we, human, cannot understand
fully. Share with the enquirer that God is one, but God is in three
Persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy
Spirit. Don‟t focus too much on trinity, but rather, emphasise that
Jesus is indeed God, even though He was also human.

3. Read John 6:35-40.

What did Jesus claim about Himself?

Answer: He is the bread of life. Everyone who comes to Him will

never go hungry, and those who believe in Him will never be thirsty.
Everyone is looking for satisfaction in life, whether it is through
possession, love, money, power, or even through sexual activities.
However, one can never be satisfied over those things. People are
not content, they want more and more.
In everyone‟s heart, there is an emptiness that only Jesus can fill.
Before this is filled, one will never be satisfied in life. That‟s why
Jesus said that whoever finds and comes to Him will never go
hungry and thirsty (not physically, but rather spiritually).

What is God‟s desire for everyone, including you? (v40)

Answer: It is His will that everyone who looks to Jesus and believes
will have eternal life, and will be raised up at the last day. (Read
John 3:16)

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10 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

4. Read John 14:6.

Jesus is the _________, the _________ and the _________.

We can come to the Father only through ____________

Answer: Way. Truth. Life. Jesus

What does the above statement means?

Answer: Jesus is the only way or gate to heaven. He is the one true
God and whatever He says is true. He is the source of life – He is the
life giver. Jesus has come to earth to provide us an otherwise
impossible way to come to the Father.

5. Read John 11: 25-26.

Jesus is the _______________ and the ___________

Answer: Resurrection. Life

What did Jesus mean?

Answer: He has the power to give life and to raise people from the
dead. He is the source of life. He is the only one who can give life -
eternal life. Note: Perhaps for the facilitator, have the thought that
“eternal life” is not only referring to the length of time but also the
quality of life – no more suffering, pain etc.

 Claims made of Him by different people

6. Read John 1:32-34. What did John the Baptist claim about Jesus?

Answer: He testified that Jesus is the Son of God.

7. Read Mark 1:21-25. What did the evil spirit say about Jesus?

Answer: The evil spirit certainly knew that Jesus is the Holy One of

8. What did the Roman Centurion said about Jesus in Matthew 27:54?

Answer: Jesus is the Son of God.

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9. Read Mark 8:27-30. Who did Peter, one of Jesus‟ disciples, say
Jesus is?

Answer: Jesus is the Christ. Christ means the Anointed One or the
Chosen One or the Messiah

 What do you think who Jesus Christ is? Is He mad, bad, or exactly
what the Bible claims Him to be?

Answer: This is a personal question that anyone who meets Jesus must
face and make. Allow the enquirer to share his/her honest opinion and
expression after going through this lesson. Encourage him/her to
continue to seek Jesus, and to ask God to help him/her to know who
Jesus really is. Invite the enquirer to say a few words of prayer to invite
Jesus to work in his/her life and to help him/her to believe.

Additional Questions

 Read John 10:7-13.

Jesus made several claims concerning Himself:

o Jesus is the _________ that leads to Salvation.

o Whoever enters through Him will be ____________
o Jesus has come so that we may have _________ and have it to
the ___________

Answer: Gate. Saved. Life. Full

What do you think the above statements mean?

Answer: Jesus is the only way to receive salvation. It is a guarantee that

whoever believes Him will indeed be saved. Not only he/she is saved,
they will enjoy life on earth with overflowing blessing from God, and
they will be satisfied physically, emotionally, and most importantly
spiritually as we serve Him wholeheartedly.

Key Verses
Mark 8:29 (NIV) 29“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
Peter answered, “You are the Christ.”

Next Lesson
In the next lesson, we will look more into the life of Jesus. In particular, we will
study some of His most commonly known teachings.

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12 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

Lesson 3 – Jesus’ Teaching

Objectives (Facilitator)
- This lesson provides a deeper understanding on Jesus‟ way of life
through His teaching.
- In this lesson, the enquirer will look at some of Jesus‟ most commonly
known teaching, and will be able to know more about the kind of person
Jesus is and what kind of life He desires for us to live.
- One of the aims of this lesson is to provide an understanding that
Jesus‟ teaching shows His desire for us to lead a fulfilling and abundant
life, not a restricted and constrained life.
- In this lesson, you may continue to invite the enquirer to say a word of
prayer. As they become more confident in prayer, continue to assure
the enquirer that God hears their prayer and will answer it according to
His great plan.

Focus (Facilitator)
- As both of you will look at some of Jesus‟ teaching, this lesson is by no
means a chance for you to brainwash the enquirer or to strongly
challenge the enquirer to obey and follow His teaching straight away.
Instead, it is your role to help the enquirer understand why Jesus taught
what He taught.
- Jesus being God has standard morale and ethics higher than other
human teaching that we might ever heard. The enquirer may have
some questions as to whether we as human are capable of following
them. Instead of focusing on how difficult His teaching is or how
hopeless we are to observe His teaching, we should focus on His
holiness and righteousness, and how in spite of His standard, He still
cared to come down to earth to seek us and to love us.
- At the start of this lesson, you may want to allow the enquirer to share
which teaching of Jesus that they may have heard from someone else.
Allow them to share what they think of that and whether it is for our
good or not.
- Again, it should be emphasized that you should let the enquirer to read
for him/herself from the Bible to understand Jesus‟ teaching. Your role
is to clear up ambiguity or to explain some of the terms that the enquirer
may not have heard of.
- There might be a need for you to share why do you think Jesus taught a
certain teaching. Be reminded that this is not about how knowledgeable
you are about Jesus‟ teaching. Although your knowledge about His
teaching is certainly beneficial, it is more important to share your honest
opinion and your honest experience about following and obeying His

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Bible Studies for use with Enquirers 13

teaching, and more importantly, how you have benefited from His
teaching in your daily life.

Previous Lesson
In the previous lesson, we looked deeper at the person of Jesus Christ: His
claims concerning Himself and what others said about Him. Is there anything
from the last lesson that you want to ask about or comment?

Study Questions

 The beatitude (Matthew 5:1-12)

1. Jesus taught the following:

o The poor in spirit are blessed because

Answer: the kingdom of heaven is theirs

o Those who mourn are blessed because

Answer: they will be comforted

o Those who are meek are blessed because

Answer: they will inherit the earth

o You who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness are blessed
because ________________________________________
Answer: you will be filled

o You who are merciful are blessed because

Answer: you will be shown mercy

o Peacemakers are blessed because

Answer: they will be called sons of God

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14 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

o If you are persecuted because of righteousness, you are blessed

because _________________________________
Answer: the kingdom of Heaven is yours

o If people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil
against you because of Jesus, you should rejoice and be glad,
because _____________________________________________
Answer: your reward in heaven is great

2. Which one of the above points you like the most? Why?

Answer: Let the enquirer share their own opinion. There is no right or
wrong. This is to help him/her process the above points. You should
also share about your answer to this question.

3. Which one is the most difficult for you to accept? Why?

Answer: Let the enquirer share their own opinion. There is no right or
wrong. This is to help him/her to process the above points. You
should also share about your answer to this question.

4. What do you think Jesus wants for us from His above teaching?

Answer: Share your experience. And allow the enquirer to share their
opinion and experience too

 Love your enemies (Matthew 5:38-45)

5. Despite our honest attempt to treat people such that they have
positive feeling about us, unfortunately, there are times when people
just don‟t like us and are hostile toward us. What do people usually
do when someone hurts them? What do you do when someone hurt

6. Jesus in verse 39 suggests that instead of retaliation or “pay back

time”, there is a better way. What did Jesus teach us regarding this
“pay back time”?

Answer: Instead of retaliating against your enemy, you should love

him by doing good to him!

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7. Why do you think Jesus taught to love your enemies and do good to
them? Does it mean we should be defenceless and accept whatever
hurting people do to us?

Answer: Jesus knew for sure that retaliation only feeds the negative
emotions and make the already bad situation worse. When we
retaliate, not only we try to hurt them back, we will be hurt even
more. Then we will end up in cycle of hurting each other even worse.

Jesus invites us to immediately break this cycle. Instead of

escalating the conflict by retaliating, Jesus asks us to respond
positively, and hence cool down the situation. By doing this, we will
eliminate/reduce both the conflict and the hurt that we have received
or we might have caused to others (see Romans 12:17-21)

Furthermore, Jesus wants us to love others despite the

circumstances because the world would then know that we are
Christians by our love (v46, 47 and John 13:34-35). The real mark of
true Christianity is unselfish love and a laying down of our lives for

Jesus has got all the rights to retaliate toward us as we have hurt
Him by sinning. But instead of claiming His right to retaliate, He
chose to lay down His life. This is the kind of love that is not of this
world. This is the kind of love that only God can give. This is the kind
of love that is surprising and contagious, and attracts others to God‟s
divine love.

Finally, by responding positively, Jesus wants us to be free from

anger, bitterness, and hatred. Jesus knows for sure that these can
burden us and hinder us from living an abundant life in serving God.

8. Share about the time you did good to someone who hurt you. What
happened then? How did you feel? How did the other party feel?

Answer: Let the enquirer share their experience. There is no right or

wrong. This is to help him/her process the above points. You should
also share about your own experience.

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16 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

 The Golden Rule (Matthew 7:7-12)

9. What did Jesus teach about asking good gifts from God? What do
you think it means?

Answer: God can and will supply anything to the righteous who seek
His purposes.

10. The Golden Rule can be found in verse 12:

_________ to others what you would have them ________ to you

Answer: Do. Do.

Most other religions teach “Do not do to others what you don‟t
want others do to you”. How is it different from Jesus‟ teaching?
Why is it significant?

Answer: Jesus‟ teaching is proactive, not reactive. This means we

initiate good deeds regardless of what others do to us.

11. In light of the above points, why do you think Jesus taught this
particular teaching? (What does Jesus want for us by following this
particular teaching?)

Answer: Jesus wants us to initiate good deeds pro-actively, not a

reaction to what others have done to us. Jesus wants us to do good
regardless what others may have done to us. Jesus wants us to be
contagious in doing good to each other. We can only do this with
God‟s help.

 The Greatest Commandments (Mark 12:28-31)

12. What was the first Greatest Commandment?

Answer: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.

13. What was the second Greatest Commandment?

Answer: Love your neighbour as yourself

14. What do you personally think about those commandments?

Answer: Sharing time! 

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Additional Questions

 The parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7)

o Talk, share and discuss: “what does this parable mean?”
o What or who does the sheep represent?
o What or who does the sheep owner represent?

Key Verses

Mark 12:30 - 31 (NIV)

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all
your mind and with all your strength.‟ 31The second is this: „Love your
neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

Next Lesson
In the next lesson, we will look at Jesus‟ death and His resurrection. In the
next lesson, we will focus on the facts around His death and resurrection.
Then in the following lesson, we will look at why He had to die and what is the
significance of His resurrection.

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18 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

Lesson 4 – Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

Objectives (Facilitator)
- This lesson presents and discusses the facts around Jesus‟ death and
- The main aim of this lesson is to allow the enquirer to draw conclusion
from the bible that Jesus did indeed die and rise from the dead.
- This lesson provides a very important foundation for the next lesson
where both of you will discuss about the reason and significance of His
death and resurrection.

Focus (Facilitator)
- Although this lesson‟s aim is to help the enquirer to believe that Jesus
indeed died and rose again from the dead, this lesson is by no means a
chance for you to brainwash the enquirer or forcefully convince him/her
about the subject. Instead, it is your role to help the enquirer read from
the Bible and draw their own conclusion about the subject.
- Be reminded that the enquirer may have heard some story about Jesus‟
death and resurrection, and may have heard other people‟s opinion
about it, both correct ones according to the bible and incorrect ones.
- As the start of this lesson, you may want to allow the enquirer to share
what they know about Jesus‟ death and resurrection. Allow them to
share what they think about it and whether they believe it or not.
- Having come from various backgrounds, the enquirer may or may not
accept or believe that Jesus did really die and He rose from the dead.
o If they accepts and believes, they may start asking about the
reason behind His death and resurrection. As the facilitator, you
may start talking briefly about the next lesson. However, it is
suggested that you spend one whole good session for the next
o If they does not accept or believe, you may take more time to go
through this lesson. It is fine. Do pray that God will help him/her
with their unbelief. You may also invite him/her to pray that God
may miraculously reveal His truth to him/her.
- Again, it should be emphasized that despite what they have heard
about this subject, you should invite the enquirer to read and see for
him/herself from the Bible to understand Jesus‟ teaching. Hopefully, by
this time, the enquirer has already been comfortable in opening and
reading the Bible.
- Your role is to clear up ambiguity or to explain some of the terms that
the enquirer may not have heard of.

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- Most importantly, do uphold the enquirer in prayer and do ask for Holy
Spirit to work in their heart to be open to what the Bible has to say.

Previous Lesson
In the previous lesson, we studied some of Jesus‟ commonly known
teachings. Is there any question or any comments that you want to share
about the previous lesson before we move on with this lesson?

Study Questions

 Jesus’ prediction about His death and His resurrection

1. Read Matthew 16:21. What did Jesus say about His death and

Answer: He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things. He must

be killed and on the third day be raised to life.

2. Read Matthew 20:17-19. What did Jesus say about His death and
resurrection? (Cross Ref: Mark 10:32-34, )

Answer: He will be betrayed, condemned to death, mocked, flogged,

and crucified. And on the third day he will be raised to life.

3. What do these facts tell you about Jesus?

Answer: Jesus knew His purpose of coming down to earth, and He

came down to die and be raised from the dead. He knew that He will
die and on the third day He will resurrect. He has power over His life,
His purpose, His future and even His death.

 Bible references which refer to the fact that Jesus actually died

4. Read the following Bible references. What do they tell you about
Jesus‟ death?

a. Matthew 27:57-60 (Cross ref: John 19:38-42)

Answer: Jesus died and was buried in the tomb of Joseph of


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20 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

b. John 19:33-34

Answer: Jesus died on the cross. At that time, those who were
crucified died due to suffocation, exhaustion, and pain. It took
some time for a person to die on the cross.

The tradition was that the roman soldier will break the legs of the
criminals on the cross if it took too long for him to die. That‟s what
happened to the two criminals crucified with Jesus. But when they
were about to break Jesus‟ legs, he was already dead. That‟s why
they did not break His legs. Instead, they pierced Jesus‟ side with
a spear bringing a sudden flow of blood and water. Medical
experts confirm that when a dead body is pierced, blood and
water (separately) will flow out of the body.

c. Mark 15:44-45

Answer: Pilate‟s investigation concluded that Jesus had already


 Bible’s evidence for Jesus’ resurrection

5. Read the following Bible references, and discuss what they tell you
about Jesus‟ resurrection.

(Facilitator note: You don‟t need to go through all bible references.

Just go through enough to let the enquirer see that Jesus indeed
was raised from the dead)

a. The empty tomb. Mark 16:1-8, Matthew 28:1-7, Luke 24:1-12, and
John 20:1-10.

b. Testimonies by various people that they saw Jesus subsequent to

His resurrection.
 Mary Magdalene – Mark 16:9-11 (Cross ref: John 20:11-18)
 The other women – Matt 28:9-10
 Simon Peter – Luke 24:34, 1 Cor 15:5
 Two men on the road to Emmaus – Mark 16:12-23, Luke
 Jesus Christ‟s disciples – Mark 16:14, Luke 24:36-43, John
20:19-25, John 20:26-31
 Seven disciples by the sea – John 21

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 The disciples who heard Jesus‟ final words – Mark 16:15-20,

Matt 28:16-20, Luke 24:44-53, Acts 1:3-12
 Over 500 people at one time – 1 Cor 15:6
 James – 1 Cor 15:7
 Paul – 1 Cor 15:8

6. The change in Jesus Christ‟s disciples.

a. Read John 20:19, John 18:15-17, and Mark 14:43-50.

How were Jesus Christ‟s disciples before the resurrection (when
Jesus was arrested and about to be crucified)?

Answer: They were afraid, they deserted Jesus and even Peter
disowned Jesus. They lost hope. They always hoped that Jesus
would rise up to be king to restore Israel from the Romans, their
occupier. But when Jesus was arrested and was going to be
crucified, they did not know what to do and fled for their lives.

b. Read Acts 2:14-41, Acts 3:1-10 and 1 Cor 15:3-4

How were Jesus Christ‟s disciples after the resurrection?

Answer: Their spirit and strength were renewed. Their hope was
renewed knowing that Jesus had conquered death. They boldly
proclaimed Jesus‟ death and resurrection to many people and
they were given supernatural power to perform miracles in Jesus‟
name. The resurrection was the reason for this dramatic change
in the disciples. Jesus‟ resurrection brings hope and power to the
disciples and for us too.

7. Jesus‟ Ascension after 40 days spent with His disciples.

a. Read Mark 16:19, Luke 24:50-52 and Acts 1:9-11. What do those
verses tell you about Jesus ascension?

Answer: He was taken up into heaven 40 days after His

resurrection. He is coming back, and we should all be prepared
for that day.

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Additional Discussion

 The existence of the Christian Church.

o From that day onwards, the Church has worshipped on the
resurrection day – Sunday
o The observance of the Lord‟s Supper to remember Jesus‟ death
and resurrection.

Key Verses

1 Corinthians 15:3 - 4 (NIV)

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance£: that Christ
died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4that he was buried, that he was
raised on the third day according to the Scriptures

Next Lesson
In the next lesson, we will study the reason behind Jesus‟ death and the
significance of His resurrection (Why did Jesus die and rise from the dead?).

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Lesson 5 – Why did Jesus have to die?

(God’s attitude towards Sin and sinners)

Objectives (Facilitator)
 In this session you will lead the enquirer to begin to understand why
Jesus had to die and rise again.
 In order to do this they first need to grasp the holiness of God, the
seriousness of sin and God‟s love for us.
 It is extremely important here that you help them understand that God
loves the sinner (the person) but cannot coexist with sin.

Focus (Facilitator)
 This lesson leads them to understand the dilemma that God faced when
dealing with our sin. It is very important to clearly contrast God‟s attitude
towards Sin vs. God‟s attitude towards sinners. The enquirer should be
led to the point of understanding how terrible sin is and how great is the
love of God for us.
 God has a dilemma:
o God is just and holy and cannot compromise His own character
o God is love and loves us so much yet we have sinned against him
o Therefore, what can God do? This is where you wish to leave the
Enquirer to ponder until the next lesson.

Previous Lesson
In the previous lesson we looked at the fact of Jesus‟ death and resurrection.
You may still have some doubts and questions regarding what we discussed.
Feel free to express them before we start the lesson.

Study Questions

 God’s attitude towards sin

1. Read 1 John 3:4, Jeremiah 44:23 and Deuteronomy 9:16.

What is sin according to those verses?

Answer: Sin is openly or privately breaking God‟s law. Sin is

basically not doing what God declared in His law, commandments,
statutes and testimonies.

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2. In fact Sin is not just doing wrong thing. Read the following verses,
and write down the various manifestations of Sin.

a. Galatians 5:19-21.
Answer: All different actions against fellow human being, actions
that may cause grieve, impure and immoral actions are all forms
of sin.

b. Romans 1:21
Answer: Ungrateful heart. Sin does not always have to manifest in
actions against other people. Having an ungrateful heart, a heart
that does not acknowledge God‟s kindness, or a heart that does
not glorify God is also Sin.

c. Matthew 5:27-28

Answer: Sin in the mind. Sin does not always take form in action;
it is not only about the attitude. Our impure thinking is also sin.
Jesus‟ statement really shows how God‟s standard is far higher
than human‟s standard.

3. According to Deuteronomy 25:16, Psalms 5:4, and Zechariah 8:17,

what is God‟s attitude towards sin?

Answer: God hates sin. He detests it.

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4. The following verses show why God hates sin. Read the following
verses and write down the various reasons why God detests sin so

a. Isaiah 6:3, Deuteronomy 32:3-4


Answer: God hates sin because God is Holy. His ways are just.
He is righteous, perfect, upright, just and does no wrong.

The word Holy does not mean „righteous‟. It means „set apart‟. To
be holy means to be separate from evil by not associating with
evil and not being found in a situation where one could get the
idea of being evil.

However, taking example from Jesus, it doesn't mean we should

not have any friends that are not Christians, for even Jesus spent
time with the social and religious outcasts of His day.
When we associate with those people our behavior needs to
demonstrate that we are different from the people or the evil
things surrounding us at that given moment.

b. Deuteronomy 9:16, Psalms 51:4


Answer: God hates sin because sin is an action against God. We

were created to love and worship God, not to act against God. It
is sin that causes us to do things against God.

c. Genesis 3:16-19, Romans 6:23

Answer: God hates sin because the fruits of sin are tragic. God
never intended human being to be in such a miserable state – a
state of being separated from God. God created human being to
commune and fellowship with Him, not to live separately from
God (eternal death).

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 God’s attitude towards sinner

5. According to Romans 3:23, who are considered “sinners”?

Answer: All of us, you and me, human beings. We are all sinners,
and we all fall short of the glory of God.

What about some so-called good guys? Are they also sinners?
(Read also Psalms 14:3, Romans 7:19-20, Romans 1:18-32)

Answer: Yes, according to the bible all of us are sinners. No matter

how good a person may be, he/she can never reach God‟s standard
of holiness. Even when a person does only one wrong thing, it is
already a sin.

The enquirer may ask:

“But what about if the person has done a lot of good things,
charities, etc. There must have been some consideration? He must
not fall into the category „sinners‟?”
They might have a particular reason why they ask such question.
Sometime they don‟t like the idea that their parents, their relatives or
their best friends are considered “sinners” just because the bible
says so.
God‟s standard is much higher than man. Doing many good things or
many charities will never cover one wrong doing. You don‟t have to
break all law to break the law. You need only to break one law to
break the law. The same thing, you don‟t have to do all kinds of sin
before you become a sinner. You need only to do one sin to become
a sinner.
Since there is no one who never does wrong, everyone is a sinner.

6. Read the following verses. Write down what some consequences of

Sin are according to these verses.

a. John 5:14 ___________________________

Answer: Some sickness

b. Isaiah 48:22, Romans 3:12-17

Answer: Lack of peace

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c. John 8:34
Answer: Inner condition of slavery to sin

d. Isaiah 59:1-2, Romans 6:23, Ezekiel 18:4

Answer: Separation from God

e. Matthew 13:50, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, Rev 21:8

Answer: Eternal death in Hell

7. If God hates sin, does God hates us – sinners – too?

Read the following verses to see what is God‟s attitude towards us

a. Hosea 3:1
Answer: God loves Israelites even though Israel has betrayed
God to turn to other gods.

b. 1 John 4:19
Answer: God loves us even before we love Him. He loves us even
we do not love Him.

c. John 15:13, Romans 5:6-8, 1 John 3:16

Answer: He loves us so much that He demonstrated the ultimate
expression of love, which is to die for us. He did not wait until we
are good enough before He laid down His life. He died even
though we were still sinners.

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d. John 3:16-18, 1 John 4:9-10, 1 John 3:16

Answer: God loved us and sent His only Son to die for us, so we
may live -- not because we loved Him -- or even asked Him to. He
suffered for us because He loved us.
He has not changed. God still loves you and me now.

e. Luke 15:7
Answer: The attitude of Heaven towards the sinner who repents is
very obvious here. Heaven is longing for each of the sinner to
repent. God even sent Jesus to die so that sinners like us can be
saved and reunited with Him in eternity.

8. To summarise, God‟s attitude expressed in the death and

resurrection of Jesus.
 Towards sin – punishment. This punishment is commanded by
God‟s holiness.
 Towards the sinner – forgiveness. This forgiveness is
commanded by God‟s love.

Additional Questions

Why couldn‟t God just „forgive‟ us and let us off the hook and ask us not
to do it again.

Answer: God is both Holy and Merciful. He is both Just and full of
Grace. The wages of sin is death. That can not be compromised. Sin
has to be punished. He loves us so much that He does not want us to
take the punishment. We have only one life. If we are to take the
punishment of sin, then we can never be united with God since we will
be eternally dead.

So, instead, Jesus took our punishment to fulfil both God‟s Holiness and
Mercifulness. God is just that He does not leave sin unpunished. But He
also gives us grace that we don‟t have to suffer the punishment for our

Note: Don‟t worry so much about convincing them about this aspect of
God‟s character. We will discuss further about this in the next lesson.
But at least this question may invite them to start thinking about the

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relationship between Jesus‟ death and God‟s Holiness and


Key Verses

Romans 3:23 (NIV)

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Next Lesson
In the next lesson we will discuss further how God‟s holiness and God‟s love
are satisfied in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

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Lesson 6 – Why did Jesus have to die?

(The reason for Jesus’ death and resurrection)

Objectives (Facilitator)
- To lead the Enquirer to see how the holiness and the love of God
(discussed in the previous lesson) are both satisfied in the death and
resurrection of Jesus.
- To help the Enquirer understand that the reason Jesus came to earth
was to glorify God and solve the sin problem without compromising
God‟s character.

Focus (Facilitator)
- This lesson is important because it gives the solution to the problem of
sin and leads up to the personal response in the next lesson.
- This lesson may be quite difficult to absorb for some people, especially
the part whereby sacrifice is needed for forgiveness to be granted.
Instead of focusing much on the horror of sacrifice itself, focus more on
how God loves us so much that He went all the way to endure the worst
just to give us the best.
- Pray and pray and pray…. Pray that this lesson will be rooted in their
hearts and they will be able to make a decision for Christ based on it
during the following lessons.

Previous Lesson
 In the previous lesson we learnt about God‟s attitude towards sin and
towards the sinner. Before we move on to look at God‟s solution to the
problem of sin, is there any questions, doubts or comments that you
may have about the previous lesson?

Study Questions

 Jesus died in order to bear the penalty of sinners

1. According to Leviticus 17:11 and Hebrews 9:22, how can forgiveness

of sin be granted?

Answer: Forgiveness is granted through death. It‟s the blood that can
make atonement for one‟s life („to atone‟ means „to make right‟, or „to
create harmony‟)

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In the Old Testament, God has already shown the wages of sin is
death. In order for sin to be forgiven, death penalty must be paid. In
the Old Testament, God demanded animal sacrifice to show that
death penalty must be paid to make atonement for sin.

2. Read Leviticus 22:21. In the Old Testament, God demands a perfect

animal for sacrifice, without defect or blemish. Why do you think He
demands such sacrifice?

Answer: He wanted to show that sin can only be paid by a perfect


Say for example, everyone own the same amount of money. You are
guilty of breaking a certain law, and you are fined to pay the whole
sum of your money. The only way to make it up (to atone) for your
wrongdoing is to pay the penalty yourself OR you get someone to
pay for you. That someone however has to be without blemish (i.e.
without sin, or does not break any law). If he is also guilty of breaking
a certain law, he cannot pay your penalty, since he can only pay for
his own penalty.

Therefore a sinner cannot atone for another sinner. God showed this
by demanding a perfect animal sacrifice, without blemish or defect,
to show that an imperfect life cannot atone for another imperfect life.

3. In the Old Testament, the people of Israelites were required to obey

the law perfectly. However, because they could not keep it perfectly,
they have to make regular sacrifices for their shortcomings. They
had to do this again and again because an animal is just not able to
serve as a perfect atonement for human‟s life.

However, the good news is that God has prepared a perfect sacrifice
for us. Read the following verses and write down what you discover.

a. Ephesians 5:2, Romans 3:25

Answer: Jesus Christ offers Himself as a sacrifice offering to God.
His death is seen in the Bible as a sacrifice

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b. Hebrews 4:15
Answer: Because Jesus is God, Jesus is without Sin. He is
perfect, without defect and without blemish. Therefore, He is the
only one who can fully atone for human sin.

c. Hebrews 10:10-12.
Answer: The meaning of sacrifice, the death of one in order to
obtain forgiveness of sin of the other. Jesus‟ death is once for all.
His sacrifice lasts forever.

In contrast to animal sacrifice which has to be done regularly,

Jesus‟ death is once for all because Jesus is perfect, and His
death can fully atone for human sin.

The wages of sin is death. Human sin can be atoned by human

life. Therefore since Jesus is also human, His death fully atones
(i.e. covers) human life

d. 1 Peter 3:18, 1 John 2:2

Answer: Jesus‟ death atones for the sin of the whole world
regardless of your racial or cultural background.

There are two questions that might arise.

A. Why can Jesus‟ death cover all? Isn‟t a sacrifice for each
person necessary?
B. Does it cover everyone or just those who believes?

A. He is not only a perfect human, He is also God.

God Himself has chosen Jesus as a way to reconcile the world to
Himself (2 Corinthians 5:18-21).

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Just like sin entered the whole human race through one person
(Adam), grace and forgiveness also enters the whole human race
through one person Jesus (Romans 5:12-21).

Furthermore, Jesus is not an ordinary human. He is also God.

God the Father Himself has placed everything in Jesus‟ hand that
whoever believes in Him will be saved (John 3:31-36)
Jesus was the end and the fulfilment of the strict Law Covenant
requirements at the Old Testament because Jesus perfect life
was used to redeem mankind (Romans 10:4)

B. Jesus death does have worldwide coverage. However, not all

people are automatically saved because of Jesus‟ death. Only
those who believes in Him will be saved (John 3:16).

Say for example in your area there is a radio or broadband or

television signal coverage. It does not mean you can hear the
broadcast, or watch the picture straight away. You have to believe
that there is such coverage, and then based on what you believe,
act on it, and use a radio or a television set.

Similarly, although Jesus‟ death covers all, you have to believe in

order to receive His forgiveness and then, by faith act on it by
accepting Him as your saviour.

4. Read Romans 5:8. Why did Jesus want to become the sacrifice to
God for us?

Answer: The answer is simply because He loves us that He was

obedient to the Father even to the cross to fulfil God‟s salvation plan.

 The reason for Jesus’ resurrection

5. Read John 1:1-2, 14 and Romans 1:4

What is the reason for Jesus‟ resurrection according to those

Answer: It is to clearly show the relationship between Jesus and

God. He was with God, and then dwelt among men. His resurrection
declares and affirms Him as the Son of God.

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6. Read also Colossians 1:19-23 and Ephesians 1:19-22. What is the

reason for Jesus‟ resurrection according to those verses?
Answer: As a testimony to the fact that Jesus‟ death, as a sacrifice,
was accepted by God.

7. In 1 Peter 1:3-5, we can read that “God has given us a new birth to a
living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” What do you
think it means by this living hope?
(Read also 1 Corinthians 15:20-23)

Answer: Jesus rose from the dead to show the He has power over
death. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then we have no hope of
live after death.
He rose from the dead to give us hope that we will be raised from the
dead to live with Him when He comes back.

The resurrection of Jesus means that God's promised new beginning

without end has begun. The resurrection of Jesus is not simply a
past event of no continuing significance. Rather, it is the act of God
in vindicating Jesus and investing him with power to redeem and
save. It involves the giving of the Holy Spirit so that people come to a
personal relationship with Christ. It ensures Christ's high priestly
Jesus' resurrection is the pledge of the believers' hope: because he
lives, we shall live also. Life and immortality have been brought to
light! God has justified his Son, that through faith in him you might be
declared not guilty and receive eternal life as a free gift of God's
mercy. This is indeed good news! Jesus lives! Jesus reigns! Jesus is
Lord! He is the one on whom you are to believe. It is before him that
you must bow.
(Rowland Ward, “What Jesus' Resurrection Meant for Him”, New
Horizons, March 2002)

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Additional Questions

Jesus has gone all the way from Heaven to earth to die for us, to atone for
our sin. Share in your own words how this particular knowledge has impacted
your heart. Share your response or reaction, if there is any, to what you have
learnt from this lesson.

Facilitator note: This is a preliminary thinking prior to the last two lessons.
This is to get the enquirer start thinking about all they have learnt and allow
them to let it sink and allow them to absorb what they have studied before
both of you look deeper into God‟s salvation plan.

There is no right or wrong about their sharing. Their honest sharing is what
you want, not a fabricated sharing to please God or to please you. Pray that
this lesson become a good foundation for them before moving on to look at
how they can respond to His salvation plan.

Key Verses

Romans 5:8 (NIV)

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners,
Christ died for us.

Next Lesson
In the next lesson you will see how this relates to you personally:
(a) We will see how that:
 You can receive forgiveness for sins
 You can receive eternal life
 You can become a follower of Jesus Christ
(b) Jesus‟ words to consider before looking at these possibilities:
 His invitation should be accepted – Luke 14:15-24
 Before accepting an invitation of Jesus, one should think deeply
about it. Luke 14:25-33, i.e., the first place in life must be given to
Jesus and this requires, if needed, a willingness to suffer for Christ.

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Preface to Lesson 7 and 8.

Notes to the facilitator

1. The previous six lessons looked at all facets of Jesus‟ life, His
teaching and His death and resurrection. The next two lessons will
explain about consequence of Jesus‟ death and resurrection, the offer
of salvation and the way they can receive salvation. Both lessons are
the most important lessons since the enquirer may be challenged to
respond to God‟s plan for their salvation.

2. The enquirers come from different backgrounds. And depending how

well they have received and learnt the past six lessons, there might
be something that they have not understood about Jesus. Please
allow the enquirer enough time to absorb all that they have learnt
from the past 6 lessons, and allow them enough time to respond.

3. Remember that the aim of this whole study is NOT to force or push
them to receive salvation, but rather to draw them towards God‟s
salvation plan and to allow them to respond according to their own

4. Regardless of their decision, encourage them to regularly attend a

small group to allow their faith to form in due time.

5. Towards the end of lesson 7, you will finally explain to the enquirer
how they can receive salvation. This is not done in questions and
answers format, but rather using some statements which you can go
through with the enquirer and explain what it takes to receive

6. Both lessons provide explanation to them that they can receive

salvation and let them know that the offer is always on the table for
them should they want to receive it. If they don‟t receive it in lesson 7,
it is fine, there is still lesson 8. If they don‟t receive it in lesson 8, it‟s
totally fine too. As long as you have informed them well that such
offer is available and you have informed them how to accept it.

7. If they are not ready to accept Christ in lesson 7, it is fine. Affirm them
that they might need a bit more time, and God loves them regardless
of their decision. Remind them that there is still lesson 8 where both
of you will look deeper on the work of Jesus Christ as the bridge from

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us to God to help them understand more on what the Gospel

message is all about.

8. If they still are not ready to do so in lesson 8, it is fine too. You have
two options now:
 You may want to continue meeting them regularly to continue
share and discuss some questions that they might need to know
before making a decision for Christ, or
 You may want to encourage them to regularly attend cell group
and pray that one day they will know Jesus and accept Him as
their personal saviour.
Although the first option is always best, you may want to choose
second option due to other commitments. Whatever option you take,
be assured that you have done what you are supposed to do, you
have sowed the seed, and let‟s hope that one day someone will reap
the harvest. 

9. However, if at the end of this study they decide to accept Christ,

rejoice with the heavenly hosts that one soul is saved and affirm them
that salvation is taking place and they have a new life in Christ. Now it
is our responsibility to help them take the first step in Christ and
walking and growing in the Lord.

10. The next step would be one-to-one discipleship, where both of you
will meet up regularly to build each other up to be more and more like
Jesus each day. New believers need assurance that their salvation is
real, and their sins are really forgiven. There are some materials
available from church to help you with that. It is our wish that you will
continue meeting him/her in one-to-one discipleship. Also encourage
them to join cell group.

11. However, you may have other commitment and you may not be able
to continue meeting him/her in regular basis. If this is the case,
encourage them to regularly attend the cell group AND please let your
cell leader, your mentor, your spiritual carer, or any leader at church
about their decision for Christ, and request them to find someone to
help them to grow in Christ.

12. Finally, we thank you for your willingness to spread the Word to all
nations. Be assured that your labour is not in vain, and the Word of
God that has been shared will not return void. Let‟s continue to sow
the seed until Jesus returns.

- Soli Deo Gloria! Only To God be the Glory! -

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38 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

Lesson 7 – Jesus Christ and You

(How can you receive salvation?)

Objectives (Facilitator)
- The next two lessons (lesson 7 and 8) presents God‟s salvation plan
through Jesus Christ, and provides an opportunity for the enquirer to
respond to God‟s invitation.
- Following up the previous lesson where the reason for Jesus‟ death and
resurrection was discussed, the aim of the next two lessons (lesson 7
and 8) is to present to the enquirer the plan for us as a result of His
death on the cross, and to let the enquirer know how to receive
salvation should they want to.

Focus (Facilitator)
- The next two lessons are most important lessons since the enquirer
may be challenged to respond to God‟s plan for their salvation.
- Please allow the enquirer enough time to absorb all that they have
learned from the past 6 lessons, and allow them enough time to
- Please be reminded that the aim of this whole study is NOT to force or
push them to receive salvation, but rather to draw them towards God‟s
salvation plan and to allow them to respond themselves according to
their own conviction.
- If they decide not to receive Jesus as their personal saviour, it is totally
fine. There is still next lesson. If they still decide not to receive Jesus at
the next lesson, it is also fine. You have done your best to present
Jesus to them, and the rest is up to them. Just assure them that God
loves them no matter what, and you love them too as a friend no matter
- Regardless of their decision, encourage them to regularly attend a small
group to allow their faith to form in due time.

Previous Lesson
In the previous lesson, we learnt more about the reason for Jesus‟ death and
resurrection. Are there any aspects of the previous lesson that you want to
ask, or comment, or talk about before we start this lesson?

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Study Questions

 God has given you a free will. Now, there are two options open
before you.

1. Read Romans 6:23. What are the two options open before us?

Answer: Either we die in our sins, or receive the gift of eternal life in
Christ Jesus

 For those who never receive forgiveness of sin.

2. Read John 8:24. What would happen to us if we do not believe that

Jesus is God and Saviour?

Answer: We will be punished for our sins, and we will die in our sins.
We will forever be suffering in eternity without God.

3. In Matthew 13:50, Jesus told the parable of the net. According to this
parable, what will happen to the wicked at the end of the age?

Answer: They will be thrown into the fiery furnace, where there will
be weeping and gnashing of teeth. They will suffer forever in the
blazing fire of hell and there will be an agonising regret of not
choosing the right choice while they were still living on earth.

4. Similarly in Revelation 21:8, what will be the home for the wicked in
the next life?

Answer: Their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulphur. This
is the second death. The first death is the physical death on earth.

 For those who receive salvation through Jesus Christ.

5. Read John 14:6 and Romans 4:10-12. How can we be saved?

Answer: Only through Jesus Christ. He is the only way to salvation.

Only by His name can we be saved. He is the bridge between God
and us.

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40 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

6. Read Matt 11:28-29 and Col 2:13-14. What does Jesus offer to do
to/in our lives? What do you think Jesus meant by “weary and
burdened” soul?

Answer: He will make our weary and burdened lives and hearts light
and easy. He will give our souls rest. He will forgive all our sins. He
has taken them away and nailed them to the cross.

Before receiving Jesus Christ, we are all in constant search of truth,

happiness and peace. We try to find happiness in every wrong facet
of our lives. We accumulate wealth, we possess power, we satisfy
our carnal desires, we try religion, we do drugs, and some even hurt
ourselves in order to please their gods. But all of them are to no
avail. We can never be happy.

As a consequence, instead of happiness, we find dissatisfaction.

Instead of peace, we find our heart messed up. Instead of truth, we
find the constant changing norms of society. Instead of joy, we find
our hearts burdened.
Jesus knows that only He can satisfy our longing heart; and only He
can give our souls rest and peace and joy. And that‟s exactly what
He offers us.
Instead of condemnation, we receive forgiveness. Instead of death,
we receive life. Our heart can rest forever in Jesus Christ our Saviour
and Lord.

7. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, what will we become when we are in Christ?

Answer: We are a new creation. The new has come and the old has
Please note that a new creation does NOT mean we will no longer
do sin. As long as we are in this earthly body, we will still be tempted
in all measure, and we can from time to time fall into temptation and

What it means by a new creation is that we are no longer bound by

the power of Sin. Sin still exists in this world, but we have freedom in
Christ. We are no longer defeated when it comes to sin. God gives
us the Holy Spirit to help us gain victory over temptation, from
strength to strength, from victory to victory.

Before receiving Christ, we are under the Punishment, the Power

and the Presence of sin. When we receive Christ, we are no longer
under the punishment and the power of sin. The presence of sin is

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still on earth until Jesus comes back to demolish the presence of sin
and to make us perfect.

8. Read each of the following verses.

What are the results of this new life (as mentioned in each of these

a. John 10:10 and Col 2:10.


Answer: A fulfilled life.

It does not mean that we will be rich and be famine proof or

always have everything we want. It does not mean material

It means that we will be content with whatever we have because

we have Jesus and we have hope that we will be with Him in
eternity. That hope is enough for us to live this life on earth in
whatever condition God has called us to.

God will take care of us and He will attend to our needs to the
extent that it will glorify His name and will not make us proud or
make us arrogant such that we think we don‟t need God. (See
Proverbs 30:8-9)

b. John 14:27 and Eph 2:13-14


Answer: Peace.

It does not mean that we will not be troubled or we are free from
bad things. As long as we are living in this ageing and decaying
world, troubles are always present and bad things happens both
to followers and non-followers of Jesus without discrimination.

Jesus gives us peace so we can face the troubles and sufferings

on earth with our eyes focused to heaven. Jesus gives us peace
in our heart that no matter what happens, we can always trust that
God is in control and He will do all things for the good of the ones
whom He has chosen and loved. (See Romans 8:28 and
Jeremiah 29:11)

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42 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

We will never have peace if we are not sure what tomorrow may
hold. But we can have peace if we know tomorrow is in good
hands, in God hands.

c. Romans 8:14-15

Answer: God‟s Spirit

For examples of the work of Holy Spirit, see John 16:5-16, John
14:26, Acts 1:8, Acts 4:31, Eph 1:13-14, and 2 Tim 1:13-14

 How can you receive salvation?

Facilitator note: This is the most crucial part of this whole study, where
you finally explain to the enquirer how they can receive salvation. The
following points are not in questions and answers format. The following
points are meant for you to go through with the enquirer and to explain
what it takes to receive salvation. Be extra sensitive on how you

Remember, this is to explain them that they can receive salvation and
to let them know that the offer is always on the table for them should
they want to receive it. If they don‟t receive now, it‟s fine. As long as we
inform them that such offer is available and we inform them how to
accept it.

If at the end of this study, they decide to accept Christ. Then rejoice
with the heavenly hosts that one soul is saved. Then confirm with the
enquirer what has taken place (see the points below after question 11)

If they are not ready to accept Christ, it is fine. Affirm them that they
might need a bit more time, and God loves them regardless of their
decision. Remind them that there is still the next lesson where both of
you will look deeper on the work of Jesus Christ as the bridge between
God and us to help them understand more on what the Gospel
message is all about.

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9. This is an act of faith on your part.

a. Romans 10:17 – This faith can take place after you have heard
about Jesus Christ.
b. Heb 11:6 – Faith expresses itself in following God‟s will in
addition to believing in God.
c. The devils even believe in God – James 2:19. However they
do not follow God‟s will.

10. Faith expresses itself in a number of ways

a. You must confess your sins to God – Rom 3:23, 1 John 1:9
b. You must repent of that sin, i.e., turn from that sin to Jesus –
Luke 13:3, Acts 26:17-20
c. You must receive Jesus, i.e. , commit your life to Him – John
3:16, John 1:12
d. Lastly, you must in faith, confess that Jesus is the new Lord of
your life – Romans 10:9

11. You can do each of these things now by praying to God. Remember
what they are:
a. Confessing that you are a sinner.
b. Repentance from sin
c. Accepting Jesus
d. Confessing Jesus as your Lord

 (Facilitator ONLY) After the decision to accept Jesus, confirm to

the enquirer what has taken place.
 A forgiveness of sins – Colossians 2:13-14
 New Life in Jesus – 2 Corinthians 5:17
 A member of God‟s family – Galatians 4:4-5
 The gift of God‟s Holy Spirit – Romans 8:14
 The gift of eternal life – 1 John 5:11-12

Key Verses

1 John 5:11 - 12 (NIV)

And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his
Son. 12He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God
does not have life.

Next Lesson
In the next lesson we will look deeper at the work of Jesus Christ and the
salvation that He has made available through His death and resurrection.

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44 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

Lesson 8 – Jesus Christ and You (Your response)

Objectives (Facilitator)
- This lesson again presents God‟s salvation plan through Jesus Christ,
and provides an opportunity for the enquirer to respond to God‟s
- The aim of the this lesson is to present to the enquirer the plan for us as
a result of His death on the cross, and to let the enquirer know how to
receive salvation should they want to.

Focus (Facilitator)
- This lesson starts with a brief discussion to again outline the options
available for the enquirers with regards to salvation.
- This lesson then provides you with some commonly known illustration
to present the Gospel to pre-believers. You may employ one or more of
the available illustrations to depict God‟s salvation plan to the enquirer.
You do NOT have to use the illustrations provided in this booklet. Feel
free to use your own illustration if you want to.
- It is best to decide in advance which illustration(s) you want to present
AND then memorise it so that you can do it without having to look at it.
When you do the illustration, draw it in the space provided in the
enquirer booklet. This will have greater impact rather than showing the
pictures from this booklet.
- Please be reminded again that the aim of this whole study is NOT to
force or push them to receive salvation, but rather to draw them towards
God‟s salvation plan and to allow them to respond themselves
according to their own conviction.
- If they decide not to receive Jesus as their personal saviour, it is totally
fine. You have done your best to present Jesus to them, and the rest is
up to them. Just assure them that God loves them no matter what, and
you love them too as a friend no matter what.
- Regardless of their decision, encourage them to regularly attend a small
group to allow their faith to form in due time.
- No one can form faith in their heart other than the Holy Spirit. Therefore,
remember to keep praying for the enquirer that one day God will touch
and soften their hearts to receive His salvation and His will for their

Previous Lesson
In the previous lesson, you were presented with God‟s salvation plan for us
through Jesus Christ. Is there any thing that you want to ask or comment
before going on to this lesson‟s study?

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 Jesus Christ’s invitation to you.

1. Jesus told the Parable of the Lost Son in Luke 15:11-24.

a. In this parable, who does the father represent?

Answer: God the Father (or simply God)

b. In this parable, who does the younger son represent?

Answer: Us, sinners.

c. What did the younger son do to deserve his father‟s forgiveness?

Answer: Nothing. There is nothing that he did to deserve his

father‟s forgiveness.

Just like us, sinners, having done uncountable wrong doings,

there is nothing we can do to deserve or earn God‟s forgiveness.
However, just like the father in the story, God the Father is always
waiting for us to come back. He is ready to extend His arm of
forgiveness to receive us back to His home (kingdom) whenever
we are ready to come back and to admit that we have been lost.

2. Read Titus 3:3-7.

Why does God want to save us? How does He save us?

Answer: The verses are self explanatory. God saves us NOT

because of righteous things we had done, but solely because of His
mercy. And He saves us through the washing or rebirth and renewal
by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ.
Having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having
the hope of eternal life.

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46 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

3. Jesus told the Parable of the Great Banquet in Luke 14:15-24.

The master in the parable depicts Jesus inviting people into His
banquet. But the people made excuses for not accepting the

In the previous lesson, you have learnt the invitation that Jesus
offers with regards to salvation. In order to receive salvation, we
have to accept His invitation. If you have not accepted His invitation,
is there any particular reason why you have not done so?

Answer: This is their personal answer. Pray that God will soften their
hearts to at least share what hinders them from accepting Jesus as
their Lord and Saviour. You may want to share your own testimony
on what made you decide to accept His invitation and how you never
regretted that decision.

If their personal reason is something that you can help them

address, then feel free to talk about it and even pray together.
But it you think you cannot address it, then it‟s best just to share your
testimony and take some time during the week to consult with your
leaders about this and see if they might be able to help you address
the matter.


(Taken from “Navigator Tools – The Bridge to Life”, Navpress)

This “Bridge Illustration” can be sketched out anytime, anywhere, in 15

or 20 minutes. When you draw out the Bridge for a friend, you walk
them through four major points of the Gospel: (1) God‟s Love, (2) Man‟s
Problem, (3) God‟s Remedy and (4) Man‟s Response.

As you draw out the illustration, turn to each Scripture reference and
have your friend read it. Included with each step of the diagram are
several questions for you to ask. These will help you understand what
your friend thinks about his/her relationship with God.

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1. God’s Love.
God created us in His own
image to be His friend and to
experience a full life assured of
His love. But He didn‟t make us
robots. He gave us the freedom
of choice.

What do you think it means to

really live life to the fullest?

2. Man’s Problem
Mankind has chosen to
disobey God and thus become
separated from Him.
This separation means the
penalty of an eternal spiritual

3. God’s Remedy.
On our own, we cannot attain the perfection needed to bridge the
gap between mankind and God. Christ‟s death alone is adequate
for our sin and bridges the gulf between God and man.

If death can be defined as separation from God, what is life?

Why did Christ die?

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48 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

4. Man’s Response
Believing means trust and commitment - acknowledging our
sinfulness, trusting Christ‟s forgiveness, and letting Him control our
life. Eternal life is a gift for us to receive.

Where would you place yourself in this illustration?

Is there any reason why you shouldn‟t cross over to God‟s side and
be certain of eternal life?

(Adapted from Bill Hybels, “Just Walk Across the Room”, Zondervan, 2006)

This is one of the simplest illustrations to articulate what sets

Christianity apart from other religions.

Religion is spelled D-O. Every religion except biblical Christianity

teaches its followers to do enough right things to earn God‟s favour. To
get in God‟s good graces, they have to do this and do that and
sacrifice and clean up their acts and make all sorts of promises.

Christianity, on the other hand, is spelled D-O-N-E. The bible says that
what Christ did on the cross is enough. He did what we could never do
– He uniquely satisfied God‟s requirement for a perfect sacrifice to take
care of our past, present and future sin – and if we receive what he
accomplished, then not only will you be „in God‟s good graces,‟ but your
live will be made brand new. Because of what Christ did on the cross,
our sins can be forgiven and we can find favour in God‟s eyes right
here, right now.

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Law 1
God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life.

God's Love
"God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that
whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John
3:16, NIV).

God's Plan
[Christ speaking] "I came that they might have life, and might have it
abundantly" [that it might be full and meaningful] (John 10:10).

Why is it that most people are not experiencing that abundant life?


Law 2
Man is sinful and separated from God. Therefore, he cannot know
and experience God's love and plan for his life.

Man is Sinful
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).

Man was created to have fellowship with God; but, because of his own
stubborn self-will, he chose to go his own independent way and
fellowship with God was broken.
This self-will, characterized by an attitude of active rebellion or passive
indifference, is an evidence of what the Bible calls sin.

Man Is Separated
"The wages of sin is death" [spiritual separation from God] (Romans

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50 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

This diagram illustrates that God is holy

and man is sinful. A great gulf separates
the two. The arrows illustrate that man is
continually trying to reach God and the
abundant life through his own efforts,
such as a good life, philosophy, or
religion -but he inevitably fails.

The third law explains the only way to

bridge this gulf...

Law 3
Jesus Christ is God's only provision for man's sin. Through Him
you can know and experience God's love and plan for your life.

He Died In Our Place

"God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet
sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

He Rose from the Dead

"Christ died for our sins... He was buried... He was raised on the third
day, according to the Scriptures... He appeared to Peter, then to the
twelve. After that He appeared to more than five hundred..." (1
Corinthians 15:3-6).

He Is the Only Way to God

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one
comes to the Father but through Me'" (John 14:6).

This diagram illustrates that God has

bridged the gulf that separates us from
Him by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to
die on the cross in our place to pay the
penalty for our sins.

It is not enough just to know these three


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Law 4
We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord;
then we can know and experience God's love and plan for our

We Must Receive Christ

"As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become
children of God, even to those who believe in His name" (John 1:12).

We Receive Christ through Faith

"By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as result of works that no one
should boast" (Ephesians 2:8, 9).

When We Receive Christ, We Experience a New Birth

(Read John 3:1-8.)

We Receive Christ through Personal Invitation

[Christ speaking] "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one
hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him" (Revelation

Receiving Christ involves turning to God from self (repentance) and

trusting Christ to come into our lives to forgive our sins and to make us
what He wants us to be.
Just to agree intellectually that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that
He died on the cross for our sins is not enough. Nor is it enough to have
an emotional experience. We receive Jesus Christ by faith, as an act
of the will.

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52 Bible Studies for use with Enquirers

These two circles represent two kinds of lives:

Self-Directed Life Christ-Directed Life

S - Self is on the throne - Christ is in the life and on
- Christ is outside the life the throne
- Interests are directed by S - Self is yielding to Christ,
self, often resulting in resulting in harmony with
discord and frustration God's plan
-Interests are directed by
Christ, resulting in harmony
with God's plan

Which circle best represents your life?

Which circle would you like to have represented your life?

The following explains how you can receive Christ:

You Can Receive Christ Right Now by Faith through Prayer

(Prayer is talking with God)

God knows your heart and is not as concerned with your words as He is
with the attitude of your heart. The following is a suggested prayer:

“Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I
open the door of my life and receive You as my Saviour and Lord.
Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life.
Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You
want me to be. “

Key Verses

John 3:16 (NIV) 16“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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In the past eight lessons, you have learnt and studied about the life and the
work of Jesus Christ. You have read about His power over nature, and His
power to do miracles. You have learnt about His hatred toward sin and His
love towards sinners. You have studied about His death and His resurrection,
and their significance to God‟s salvation plan.
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, be assured that
that is the best decision in your life. As you began your journey walking and
growing in the Lord, we hope that you will continue to learn from His Word
and will continue to fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ to grow
together and to encourage each other in love and unity. It is our prayer that
God, through His Holy Spirit will continue to strengthen you in your walk with
Christ through the good and tough times. It is also our prayer that you will let
the people that you love – your friends, family members, colleagues – that
have not known about Jesus about this new relationship that you have with
Jesus. May you make God famous in all you do!

If, however, you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, be
assured that you have made the right decision to know and learn about
Jesus. With this knowledge in your mind, my prayer is that someday, through
some occasion or some circumstance in your life, God will touch your life and
the knowledge you now have in your mind will become a conviction in your
heart that Jesus is the way to God. We hope that you continue to seek Him
personally in your daily life, and we trust that God will honour your journey
and will reward your with a true and fresh revelation about Himself one day.

Finally, it has been our privilege to journey with you in learning about Jesus.
We trust that His Word that has been spoken and shared to you will not return
void. As Jesus said in Luke 8:18 - “However, when the Son of Man comes,
will He find faith on the earth?” – It is our prayer that He will indeed find faith
on the earth – in our hearts – yours and mine. Amen

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