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///WEEK: 1

Date of preparation: August,21

Date of teaching : August,23
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to have some more knowledge about describing peoples
appearance, know about favorite activities.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: seem, receive, classmate, next-door neighbor, enough, lovely, smile
2/ Structures: seem + adj, what does/do like ? , adj + enough + to-inf
3/ Skills : R- W
III/ Technique:
Brainstorming, pair work, group work.
IV/ Teaching aids:
Textbook, stereo, tape, OHT, OHP, pictures
V/ Procedures of teaching:
Teachers activities Students activities
1.Lead in: (5)
- Teacher asks students some questions to
have them focus on the content of the lesson.
+ What time do you usually go to school ?
+ What are you doing ?
+ What are you going to do tomorrow?
+ Will you have a test next week?
+ What did you do yesterday?
-Teacher says Today were going to review
5 tenses .
2.Pre practice:
A Tenses :
- Teacher helps the students to review five
+ Teacher asks students about the usage, the
way to recognize the tense.
+ Teacher asks them to give some examples.
+ Teacher has them give the formation.
1. Present simple tense:
* usually, always, often, sometimes, never.
a) To be: am/ is/ are
ex: I am often busy in the mornings.
b) Ordinary verbs:
ex: My father always watches TV very
a. The simple present tense:
* S + V (e,es)
Do/does + S + V ?
S + do/does + not + V.
-Students listen and answer the teachers questions.
Eg:+ I usually go to school at 6.
+ I am learning English.
+ I am going to see amovie.
+ Yes ,I will.
+ I played soccer.
- Students answers.

Eg:ex: I am often busy in the mornings.
- Students pay attention to the teacher.
- Listen, answer the teachers questions when
necessary and write down.
* Expresses a habit, the truth.
Adverbs followed: often, always
b. The present continuous:
* S + is, am, are + V-ing.
S + is, am, are + not + V-ing.
Is, am, are + S + V-ing ?
* Expresses an action happening in
the present.
* Adverbs: now, at the moment,
c. The simple future:
* S + will/shall + V(b-inf)
S + will/shall + not + V(b-inf)
Will/shall + S + V(b-inf) ?
* Expresses an action that will happen
in the future.
* Adverbs: Tomorrow, next,
d.The simple past:
* S + V (ed/2
S + did not + V (b-inf)
Did + S + V (b-inf) ?
* Expresses an action that happened
in the past.
* Adverbs: Yesterday, last, ago.
3) Controlled practice:
- Teacher asks students to give the suitable
verb forms.
a. Lan (do) _______ her homework at
the moment.
b. I (borrow)_______
a book from the library last week.
c.What you () c. What you (do)_____ at recess
d. We ( watch) _____ T.V. every night.
-Give feedback
4) Free practice:
- Teacher has students write complete
sentenses using these words and phrases:
a)I / often / go / school /bike.
b) Uncle/ buy/ new/ house/ two weeks ago.
c)You/ see/ her/ tomorrow.

-Asks sts to give the answers
-Teacher corect and give key.
5.Consolidation:(5 ms )
- Asks Ss to write sentences using cues
given about their actions yesterday, today,
tomorrow, carefull, safely.
- Gets some Ss speak out and corrects
6. Homework: (2m)
- Do the exercise 1,2 page 5,6 in work
- Review or learn the lesson.
- Listen, answer the teachers questions when
necessary and write down.
-listen to the teacher and write them
- do these exercises
- work in pairs and then give their answers
Eg: a. is doing
b. borrowed
- Answer and give examples as much as possible.
- write down

- do the excersise
- read the answers
Eg: a/ I often go to school by bike.
b/Uncle bought a new house two week ago.
c/You will see her tomorrow.
- Write
- Speak out
@. Preparation for the next lesson:
-Prepare for unit 1(getting started +
Listen and read)
@. Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: August,21
Date of teaching: August,24
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to have some more knowledge about describing peoples
appearance, know about favorite activities.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: seem, receive, classmate, next-door neighbor, enough, lovely, smile
2/ Structures: seem + adj, what does/do like ? , adj + enough + to-inf
3/ Skills : L - S - R - W
III/ Technique:
Brainstorming, pair work, group work.
IV/ Teaching aids:
Textbook, stereo, tape, pictures
V/ Procedures of teaching:
Teachers s activities Students activities
I. Lead in:5
- Asks students to look at the pictures page 10
What are they doing?
- Have you got many friends?
- What do they usually do in their free time ?
-Well, today well study Unit 1 , My Friends
Period 2 : getting started + Listen and read
- Answer or describe the activities in picture
a) They are playing soccer
b) They are doing the homework / reading
/learning the lesson.
c/ They are playing chess
d/ They are playing volley ball
- Yes , I have
- They usually play soccer/do the homework/

II. Pre Practice 10

- Do you know Hoa?
- Wheres she from ?
- Who does she live with?
Where ?
- Well, Hoa is talking to Lan . Now listen for the
first time .
- Lets the Ss listen to the dialogue twice.
- Yes , I do / we do.
Shes from Hue .
She lives with her uncle and aunt in Hanoi.
- Listen to the tape.
- Listen
- Teaches new words:
- seem (v): (situation and example)
Ex: He seem tired.
- receive (v):(example:Yesterday I receive a
gift from my penpal friend.)
- nextdoor neighbor : person who live
nextdoor your house.
- look like (v) :
Ex: What does she look like?
She is thin and tall.
- Gives form :
-> What do/does + S + look like?
- enough (translation)
- Gives the form
Ex:Nien is not old enough to be in Hoaclass.
-> (not) adj + enough + to inf
- Gives situation and present exclaimatory
- Ex : What a lovely smile!
-> What + (a/an) + adj + N!
- Checks the Ssunderstand. Blank fill
Lan . happy. She a letter from Hoa, her
in Quinhon.
- Has the Ss listen again and repeat sentence by
- Teaches some structures
- Checks understanding ( give situations in
Vietnamese , sts answer in English )
- Get newwords and structures and take note
- Listen and repeat
- Do exercise
-Listen and copy
- Listen
III. Controlled Practice: 15
a. Practice the dialogue with parner:
- Asks the Ss to work in pair to practice speaking
the dialogue.
- Calls some pairs to speak out. Helps the Ss
correct pronunciation.
b. Answer the questions:
- Has the Ss to do pairwork again asking and
answering the questions in books.
- Where does Nien live?
- Does Lan know Nien?

-correct mistakes and give the key.
* Key:
+Nien lives in Hue.

+No ,she doesnt.
+The sentence is : She wasnt old enough to
be in my class
- Pairworks
- Speak out and correct
- Pairworks
Eg: +Nien lives in Hue.
+No ,she doesnt.
+The sentence is : She wasnt old
enough to be in my class
+ She is going to visit Hoa at Christmas
- Listen and write down
+ She is going to visit Hoa at Christmas

IV. Free Practice:10
4. Free-practice:
- Asks the Ss to work in pairs asking and
What does you father/ mother/ look like?
- Calls some pairs to talk in class and corrects.
- Gives some cues and asks the Ss to write a
paragraph about Hoa and Lan. Devides the class
into four groups with four mini boards.
* Cues:
a. Lan / Hoabest friend
b. They / same class / Quang Trung school
c. Last year /Hoa / to school first time.
d. Lan / show / around / introduce / to
new friends
- Asks four groups to hang the para on the
blackboard. Helps Ss correct
- Talk
- Write paragraph
( groupwork of 4)
- Hang the board
- Take note
V. Consolidation: 3
- Revises the structures and asks some questions
about Nien ( Where is Nien from?...)
VI. Homework(2)
Asks Ss to
- write their para on their notebooks
- write three sentences using (not)adj + enough
+ to inf.
- prepare speaking and listening part: find
some descriptive adj, sentences to introduce
someone and respond.
- Revise
F/ Self Evaluation:

Date of preparation: August,2

Date of teaching : August,26


I/ Objectives:By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to describe peoples appearances and use some
structures. Ps make a short conversation when they meet other people at the first time or introduce one
person to others
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: Body build, slim, straight, curly, bold, fair, blond
2/ Structures: He/she has long curly hair. Its my pleasure to meet you.
How do you do. Would you like to meet?
Nice to meet you. Id like you to meet.
3/Skills: S- L
III/ Technique:
Brainstorming, pair work, group work, repetition, Q and A.
IV/ Teaching aids:
Textbook, pictures, tape, stereo
V/ Procedures of teaching:
Teachers s activities Students activities
I .Warm up 5: Game: Nought and cross word
Parts of the body
Eye Nose Ear
Mouth Head Hair
Hand Leg Heart

- Calls 2 Ss:
+ One answers the questions:
- What do you often play at recess ?
- Who do you often play with ?
- Do you play in a team / group / indiridually ?

+ One summarires the dialogue & answer:
- Who is Nien ?
- Where does she live ?
- Is she Hoas classmate ?
- Remarks, corrects and marks.
A. Speak 18
1. Lead in:
- Uses a picture of a girl & questions What does she
look like ?
- Corrects Shes very beautiful with long blond hair.
She has big brown eyes
- Tells the aims of the lesson: Describe S.OS
2. Pre-practice:
- Asks the Ss to look at the pictures in the book
- Gets all to repeat the adj in the box, asks about the
- Introduces the game Guessing who he/she is based
on your partners description
Ex: A: This person is short and their
She has long blond hair
B: Is this Mary ?
A: Yes
Asks the Ss to repeat the dialogue sentence by
- All take part in the game
- The Ss called do the requirement
*Eg :+I often play soccer.
+I play with my friends
+I play in team.
- Listen
- Look at the picture & answer
- Listen& Look at
- Repeat chorally
- Listen & know
- Repeat chorally
3. Controlled practice:
- Asks the Ss to do pairworks
+One describes a person
+ One guesses who he/she is
(based on the pictures in the book)
- Calls some Ss to describe the persons in the pictures,
the others guess who he/she is
- Corrects
4. Free practice:
- Asks the Ss to work in groups to think of a person in
class, then describe him/her
- Call some representatives of some groups to speak
B. Listen: 17
1. Lead in:
- Asks the Ss to complete the conversation
Lan: Hello. My names Lan
Nice___ you
Hoa: Hi. Nice___ you, too. My___ Hoa
- Corrects & says about the aim of the period: listen
and know how S . O is introduced & how to response
2. Pre-practice:
- Review: the expressions
- Nice to meet/see you
- Its a/my pleasure to meet you
- The pleasure is all mine
- How do you do ?
Id like you to meet
Come and meet
- Gets all to repeat the expressions
3. While listening:
- Lets the Ss read the conversation and guess the
expressions need felling
- Asks the Ss to listen & complete the conversation
- Has the Ss listen once
- Has them listen again & do the excercise
- Asks them to compare the results
- Calls some to check & corrects by listening the last
4. Post listening:
- Asks the Ss to work in groups of three to make a
short conversation like this
Lan : Hello. Nam
Nam : Hi, Hoa. Id like you to meet my close friend,
Lan : Nice to meet you Minh
Minh : Nice to meet you, too
- Gets some groups to speak out
- Work in pairs
- One describes & the others guess
- Discuss in groups
- Some Ss Called
- Complete
*Eg : - to meet
to meet/names
- Listen
- Review and take note
- Repeat chorally
- Read silently
- Listen
- Listen
- Listen & complete
- Compare
Id like you to meet.
How do you do.
Its a pleasure to meet you
Come and meet
The pleasure is all mine
Nice to meet you
- Discuss in groups of three & make a
- Speak out
- Some Ss called do the requirement
- Calls some to go to the bb, look at the hidden
pictures, then describe the persons in the pictures
- Asks some to guess
IV.Consolidation(3 ms)
- Asks the Ss to complete
A: Miss Lan, IMy father
Miss Lien : .., Mr Tan
Mr Tan :, Miss Lien
- Calls some to checks & corrects
V:Home work(2 ms)
- Asks the Ss to
- Find a person you know & describe him/her
- Do exercise 3 / 6, 7 (Write sentences describing the
persons in the pictures
- Prepare : Read ( find some adj describing
characters)Listen and read
- Others guess
- Complete
- Answer
- Listen & take notes
F/ Self Evaluation:

WEEK : 2
Date of preparation: August,28

Date of teaching : August,31
Period: 4 LESSON:4 READ
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Pupils will be able to talk about their friends characters.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: out-going, character, sociable, kind, hard-working, reserved, generous, volunteer, local
orphanage, sense of humor.
2/ Structures: Adjective + enough + to-infinitive
3/ Skills : R -W
III/ Technique:
Brainstorming, prediction, scanning, skimming, group work
IV/ Teaching aids:
Textbook, pictures, handouts, charts
V/ Procedures of teaching:
Teachers s activities Students activities
1. Lead in:5
- Calls some to answer

- Listen
- The Ss called answer
a) Do you have many friends ?
b) Who is your close friend ?
c) Can you describe him/ her ?
- Corrects & introduces the aims of the lesson know
about Ba and some of his friends
2. Pre-reading:10
- Teaches some new words
- Character (n) / explanation/
- Sociable (a) / explanation /
- Generous (a) //
- Reserved (a) //
- Outgoing (a) //
- Volunteer (v) /example /
- Be/get tired of /translation/
- Jokes (n)
- Checks the Ss understanding by rub out and
- If there is time gets the Ss write word by word on the
- Gives T/F statements prediction.
- Gets the Ss work in pairs to guess which are true ,
which are false.
a. Ba only has 3 friends: Bao, Song, Khai.
b. Ba and his friends have the same characters.
c. Bao, Song, Khai are quiet reserved in public.
d.They all enjoy school and study hard.
- Gets feedback.

3. Controlled practice:15
- Asks the Ss to read the text then check their
- Gives the keys: a.F, b.F, c.F, d.T.
a) Asks the Ss to read the text again & make the right
- Gets some to give their ideas
- Gives correction
Keys: a. A, b. C, c. B, d. D
b) Asks the Ss to work in pairs to practise asking &
answering the questions
(a f page 14)
- Calls some pairs to speak out
- Gives correction
2. Answer questions:
a) Ba feels lucky having a lot of friends.
b) Bao (is) (the most sociable)
c) Khai likes reading
Khai (does)
d) (A bad thing about Bas Jokes is that) some times
his friends.
e) At the local orphanage
Eg: a/ Yes , I have.
b/ She/He is ..........
c/She istall and thin and has short black
- Listen & know
-Listen, guess the words meaning, then
repeat,then write down.
- Do exercise
- Write word by word
- Read the statememts
- Guess.
- Gives feedback
Eg: a/ F
b .F
d/ T
- Read the text and check the predictions
- Gets the result
- Read again, do the requirement
- Give ideas
Eg: a. A, b. C, c. B, d. D
- Take notes
- Discuss & practise asking & answering in pairs
- Speak out
- Take notes
f) I and my friends have the some characters.
I and my friends have the different characters
4. Post reading:10
- Asks the Ss to describe one of their close friends
(group work )
- Appearance: tall/ short..
- Characters: honest, friendly,
- Hobbies: reading books,
- Calls some to speak out & corrects
5.Consolidationza (3 ms)
- Asks the Ss to play the game Find S . O who in
stabilization will help the Ss master the lesson well.
Find S . O who Name
Usually helps other people
doesnt speak a lot in public
always goes to the library
sometimes tells funny story
V. Homework : - Learn new words:
(2ms) - Write about your friends characters
( Name , character , activities)
@. Preparation for the next lesson : (1m)
- Unit 1 , write
- Describe one of their close friends
- Speak out
- Play as teacher directed
@ . Self evaluation :
Date of preparation: August,28

Date of teaching : August,31
Period: 5 LESSON: 5 WRITE
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to write information about themselves or other people.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: appearance, age.
2/ Structures: the present simple tense.
3/ Skills : R - W
III/ Techniques:
- Brainstorming, questions and answers , pair work , group work.
IV/ Teaching aids:
Textbook, pictures, real objects, handouts,
V/ Procedures of teaching:
Teachers s activities Students activities
1. Lead in:(2ms)
- Last period , you studied or read about Bas friends .
Today youll know how to write about your close
2. Pre-writing(10ms)
- Asks the Ss to read the information about Tam. Then
answer some questions.
a) Whats his name ?
- Listen
- Read and answer
b) How old is he?
c) Where does he live ?
d) Who does he live with ?
e) What does he look like ?
f) What is he like ?
g) Who are his best friends?
- Gets some to answer
- Lets the Ss read the paragraph describing Tam
- Asks them to compare the summaring information &
the complete para
- Asks the Ss to give (review) some attributive &
precative adjectives
- Guides how to write the information in short & into a
3. While writing:(15ms)
a) Asks the Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the
information about their parners friends using the
questions in the books
- Whats his/ her name?
- How old is he/ she ?
- Has them to write the information in the sheet of
ex : Name: Nguyen Van Long.- Age : 14
- Gets some to check & corrects
b) Asks the Ss to write a para to describe their friends
based on the information in the paper. Goes around
and help the Ss.
- Asks the Ss to tick their para on the wall, change to
another to read.
- Reads gets two para to read out and corrects.
- Gives correction of commam mistakes and errors.
+ Model passage
His name is Long and hes fourteen years old .
He lives at 105 Tran Cao Van street in Da Nang with
his parents . He tall and skin and has short black hair .
He is quite reserved his best friends are Nam & Trinh
4. Post writing:(10ms)
- Asks the ps to write a similar para about
- Leaves time then goes round to help the Ss
- Gets some papers & corrects (read out sentence by
5/.Consolidation (5 ms)
- Sticks a paper on the bb with the content: His
names Tran Duc Thuan. Hes 14 years old. He lives in
HCM city with his mother, father & his younger sister,
Thao. Hes tall & thin & has short black hair. Hes out
going, humorous and helpful. His best friends are Bao
and Hoa
- Calls some voluntary pairs to play the game: One
goes to the bb to read & remember rach sentence of
a/ His name is Le van Tam .
b/He is 14
c/ He lives at 26 Tran Phu Street.
d/He lives with his father ,mother , elder
brother -Hung.
e/ He is tall and thin and has short black
f/ He is sociable, humorous ,helpful.
g/ They are Ba and Bao.
- Give answers
- Read
- Compare the 2 forms
- Answer: tall, thin, sociable, generous,
- Takenotes
- Asks & answer in pairs
a)His names Nguyen Van Long.
b) He is 14 (fourteen).
c) He is tall and slim.
He has short black hair .
d) He is reserved .
e) He lives with his parents .
f) His best friends are Nam and Trinh .
- Get the information & write down
- Write a para
- Listen & do follow the requirement.
- Listen,take note
- Listen,take notes
- Write down
- Get the help
- Listen & take notes
the para, then comes back & tall the partner to write
until they have a complete para
6. Homework : (3ms)
+Write a paragraph about your sister , brother , or
mother , father
+ do exercise 7/11,12
+ prapare Language focus Tenses
- Do the game
7/ Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: September , 4
, 2011.
Date of teaching : September , 6
, 2011.
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to review the simple present tense and simple past tense.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: move, set , rise, the Sun, the Earth, Mars, the Moon, the Mercury
2/ Structures: the simple tenses.
3/ Skills : R - W - S
III/ Techniques:
Pair work, group work.
IV/ Teaching aids:
Pictures, real objects, gestures
V/ Procedures of teaching:
Teachers s activities Students activities
*Exercise1,2: The simple tenses(15ms)
1. Lead in:
- Asks the Ss to give the correct verb tense
a) Hoa (be) tall and thin
b) She (be) my neighbor when I lived in Vinh
- Asks the ps to the names of 2 tenses using above
- Tells the aims of the lesson: To review the
simple tenses
2. Pre-pratice:
- Asks the Ss to draw out the structures again.
Simple present Simple past
a) S + V(s, es) S +V(ed/2
b) a habit, general, things happend in the
truths past
c) always, usually, yesterday, ago,
. sun (n)
2. to rise_to set .
4. earth (translation)
5. planet ( ex: the sun, the moon, the earth)
- Give the correct verb tense
- Answer
+ a/ is b/ was
- Listen & know
- Draw out
- take notes
- Listen, repeat and guess the meaning of new
- write down.
6. Mars proper
names 7. Mercury (translation)
- Teacher cheeks vocabulary: slap the board.
- revises enough
Nhien is not old enough to be in my class
3. Controlled practice:
O Complete the paragraphs :
- Asks the Ss to work in pairs to do the exercise :
use the correct verb tenses
- Lets them compare the answers
- Calls some to give the answer & corrects
> a) 1. lives
2. Sent
3. was
4. is
b) 1.
2. Came
3. showed
4. introduced
O Complete the dialogue :
- Asks the Ss to practise in pairs to complete the
- Asks them to comprare the result with the others
- Calls one pair to present
- Gives corrections
* Answers:
1. sets
2. goes
3. moves
4. is
5. is
6. is
Exercise 3: Describe (12ms)
1.Lead in:
- Gives ths picture, asks the Ss to describe the man
- Gets feedbacks and leads
2. Pre-practice:
- Asks the Ss to tell the structure to describe some
- Notes: . What + do/does + look like?
-> S + be + adj
-> S + has/have + noun.
-> S + be + wearing +
3. Controlled practice:
O Look and describe :
- Asks ps to have a look at the picture then asks
them to close their books
- Asks the Ss to work in pairs : ask & answer the 3
a) How many people are there ?
b) What does each person look like ?
- play the game slap the board.
- remind enough

- Do exercise
- Compare
- Answer-listen & know &write down

- Pair works
- Compare the result
- Speak out
- Listen
-Take notes
- Look at and describe
Eg: He is tall and thin and has short black
- Take note
- Draw out
- Look at the picture
- Discuss & find the correct answer
- Eg: a/ there are 4 people
b/ the man is short and fat. ...........
c/ He is wearing a pink
S + be + adj + enough + to infinitive.
c) What is each person wearing ?
- Calls some pairs to speak out
- Gives corrections
4. Free-practice:
- Asks the Ss to work in groups one describe
someone in group and orther guess.
- Gets the representator to speak out
Exercise 4: Enough(13ms)
1.Lead in:
- Asks: Can I touch the ceiling?
- Says: Yes, I am not tall enough to touch the
- Leads the Ss to the exercise
2. Pre-practice
- Asks the Ss to review the structure
ex: The water is warm enough to drink
He is not old enough to go to school.
3. Controlled Practice:
O Complete the dialogues :
- Asks the ps to work in pairs to complete the
- Calls some pairs to speak out
- Writes some situations, asks the Ss to make
sentence with enough
a) He is strong. He can move the table
b) Hes not tall. He cant be a good basketball
4. Free- practice:
- Gets Ss feedback & corrects
- Game : lucky number
- Devides the class into 4 groups
- Draws a square with question or exercise in each
blank(in which the number (6 &9 are lucky
1 2 9
3 4 11
5 6 14
7 8 17
- Asks each group to choose the number, then
answer or do the exercise in the number if they are
wrong the others will answer instead
IV. Consolidation (3ms)
-Uses a chart, asks the Ss to do the exercise :
Rearrange the mixed words
a) She/ brown/ has/ big/ eyes
b) Daughter/ blond/ has/ hair/ Longs/
c) go/ not/ warm/ is/ enough/ to/ swimming/ it
d) East/ in/ always/ rises/ sun/ the/ the
- Gets Ss feedback & corrects
V. Home work(2ms)
- Asks the ps to write the exercise again in their
- Groupwork
- The representator called speak out
- Answer
-No, you cant.
- Take notes
- Review
- Pair works
- Speak out
- Make sentences

a/ He is strong enough to move the table.
b/ He isnt tall enough to be a good
basketball player.
- Take notes
-Take part in the game
- Do the exercise
a/ She has big brown eyes.
b/Long daughter hasblond hair.
c/ It is not enough warm to go swimming.
d/ The sun is always ries in the earth.
- Listen & take notes
- Guides them to do exercise 5,6/ 9,10
- Has them prepare Unit 2 (getting started & listen
& read)- Questions
Whats this ? what is it used for?

F/ Self Evaluation:

WEEK : 3
Date of preparation: September , 4
, 2011.
Date of teaching : September , 7
, 2011.
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to talk about intention (future actions). To arrange for
appointments and take a telephone message.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: fax-machine, mobile phone, directory, answering machine, hold on, downstairs, a bit.
2/ Structures: Near future : Be going to + inf.
3/ Skills: L - S - R - W
III/ Technique:
Pair work , group work, brainstorming, Q & A.
IV/ Teaching aids:
Pictures, real objects, gestures, stereo.
V/ Procedures of teaching:
Teachers s activities Students activities
1. Lead in:(5ms)
Uses 6 pictures of 6 objects, asks the ps to look at &
- What is this ?
- When do we use it ?
- Asks the ps to work in pairs to match each picture
with its name
- Calls some to answer & corrects
- Gets all to repeat the words :
- answering machine
- mobile phone
- fax machine
- telephone directory
- public telephone
- address book
2. Pre-pratice:(10ms)
- Draws a picture of a telephone & questions :
- Whats this ?
- Do you often phone your friends ?
- What do you often talk on the phone ?
-Asks the Ss to look at the picture Introduces the
- Look at & ask and answer
- a) an answering machine
- b) a mobile phone
- c) a Fax machine
- d) a telephone directory
- e) a public telephone
- f) an address book
- Repeat chorally
- Look at, answer
lesson content Nga phones Hoa to invite her to see a
film at Sao Mai theatre
- Has the class listen the dialogue once
Questions :
- What does Hoa say when she picks up the phone to
answer it ?
- How does Nga say and introduce in the phone?
- Teaches some expressions:
- Holdon situation & explanation
- Where it is on
- Im using ( I until use )
- All right
- Asks the Ss to listen & repeat
* Present continuous tense means an ation that until
happen in the near future
- Im using my cousins bike tonight .
(-> future)
3.Controllod practice:(15ms)
a) Lets the Ss listen the dialogue a gain
- Asks them to work in pairs, practising speaking the
- Calls some to speak out
- Corects the pronunciation, intonation
b) Asks the Ss to read the dialogue silently
- Asks them to do pair works, ask & answer the
questions (a-f/19)
- Calls some to speak out
- Corects & gives keys
* Answer :
a) Who made the call ?
Nga (did)
b) Who introduced herself ?
c) Nga
d) Nga
e) Hoa
f) Nga
4.Free practice:(10ms)
- Asks the Ss to make the conversation on the phone and
make arrangement using given cues:
Nga : 646941
Lan : Can I speak
Nga : Hi, .
Lan : see a play ?
Nga :Yes
Lan : where
Hoa : at sao Mai theatre
Lan : what time
Hoa : 7.00
Lan : (Dis) agree
IV. Consolidation(3ms)
- Asks the Ss to work in groups to give a chain story
EX : A : Nga phones Hoa
B : ............................she invites Hoa to go the
- Listen and answer
- Take notes and write down.
- Listen & repeat
- Draw out then take notes
- Listen
- Do pair works
- Speak out
- Listen & repeat
- Read silently
-Asks & answer in pairs
- Speak out
- Listen & take notes
- Pairworks
- Discuss in groups & write down
- Listen
- Listen & take notes
-Do the exercise
- Gets some papers & reads out
- Recalls the lesson content
VI. Homework : (2ms
- Asks the ps to make a short dialogue : phones & make
an arrangement
- Has them do exercise 1,2/14,15
- Guides them to prepare Unit 2 - Speak & listen
@. Self evaluation :
Date of preparation: September , 7
, 2011.
Date of teaching : September , 9
, 2011
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to make an appointment or taking a message for some one.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: pop concert, kid, band, cafe corner, junior high school, principal
2/ Structures: Would you like ? Can I speak to? Would you like to leave a message?
3/ skills : L _ S _ R
III/ Technique:
Pair work, group work, Q & A.
IV/ Teaching aids:
Pictures, real objects, gestures, stereo, tape
V/ Procedures of teaching:
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up previous knowledge: (5ms)
* Questions: make a phone call
A. SPEAK(20ms)
1. Lead-in:
- Set a situation & question You want to invite your
friend to play badminton. What will you do ?
- From the Ss answer, says & tells the aims of the lesson
practice speaking conversation & know how to make a
meeting arrangement on the phone.
2. Pre-practice:
a) Lets the Ss read all the sentences in part 1
- Has them guess & answer
- make a call
- Listen and answer
- Take notes
- Read
- Guess and answer
- Who made the call ?
- What did he/she call for ?
- Gets some to answer & corrects
b) Helps the Ss review:
+ Can I speak to., please?
+ Would you like to ..?
+ be + going + to + V(b-inf)
Ex: Im going to the pop concert at the
City Concert Centre tonight.
3. Controlled practice:
a) Asks the Ss to read the sentences silently, then
rearrange the dialogue.
- Asks them to give their answers
- Give correction & keys
1.b; 2.f; 3.j; 4.a; 5.i; 6.c;
7.e; 8.k; 9.g; 10.h; 11.d
- Asks the Ss to practice speaking the conversation in
b) Lets the Ss read the open dialogue, answer
- Who made the call ?
- What did he/she call for ?
- Gets some to answer & corrects.
Asks the Ss to work in pairs to complete the
- Gets feedback, corrects.
- Asks the Ss to practice the dialogue in role ( asks them
to change the roles)
- Calls some pairs to speak out
- Gives correction (pronunciation)
4. Free practice:
- Asks the Ss to make another conversation (making an
Ex: inviting your friends to play table tennis, to go
swimming, to go for a picnic,
- Calls some pairs to speak out
- Corrects the pronunciation
B. LISTEN:(15ms)
1. Lead-in:
- Gives situation, says & leads to Listen part
- Situation: you phone your friend. What will you do if
you cant meet him/her on the phone ?
2. Pre-listening:
- Question How do you give a message if you want to
make an appointment to see him?
- Guides the Ss to write a massage:
Date .......................... Time..................
Telephone number.........................................
3. While listening:
- Lets the Ss to listen to the tape once & answer.
a) Who made the call ?
Eg: +Adam made the call.
+He called for inviting the other to see a
pop concert.
- Answer
- Review
- Read
- Give the answers
- Take notes
- Pair works
- Change the role
- Read and answer
Eg: Bao made the call.
He called for inviting the other to play
- Answer
-Take notes
- Practice the dialogue
- Speak out
- Make conversation
- Speak out
- Take notes
- Listen
- Listen and answer
- Answer
- Take notes
- Listen and answer
a/ Mary nguyen
b/ The princibal -At the office.
- Fill in
b) Who did she want to meet ? When ?
- Asks them to fill in the massage
- Has them listen the last time & check the answer
- Corrects, writes the massage on the board
4. Post listening:
- Guides the way to get information in short: leave &
write a massage
IV.Consolidation (4ms)
- Sets the situation: You phone your friend, to invte her
to go to the Lan but she isnt home. Leave a massage
for her father
- Get Ss feedback & corrects
- Uses a chart: complete and practice
Phong: Hello. is 8537471
Tam: Hello. Is this.?
Phong: Yes, .this ?
Tam: Its me, Tam. Will you be free?
Phong: Yes,
Tam: Would you like.?
Phong: Sure. time will it start ?
Tam: Itll start at.. lets meet at
Phong: .will we meet ?
Tam: Well
Phong: Great. Ill see you.Bye
Tam: .
- Gets some pairs to complete the conversation
- Give correction
VI. Homework : (1m)
-Asks the Ss to make another conversation (making an
arrangement) & do exercise
- Guides them to prepare Read
- Find some new words
- Whats the reading about ?
- Who was Alexander Graham Bell
- Listen the last time and check
- Write down
- Take notes
- Listen and take notes
- Give feedback
- Look at, listen, complete
- Speak out the conversation
- Take notes
- Make another conversation
- Take note

@. Self evaluation :
Date of preparation: September , 11
, 2011.
Date of teaching : September , 13
, 2011
Period:9 LESSON:4 READ
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to know some things about the invention of telephone.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: Scotsman, emigrate, 1870s, deaf-mute, university, experiment, transmit, invention,
assistant, conduct, demonstrate, countless.
2/ Structures : Simple past tense: Active and passive.
3/skills: R _ W
III/ Technique:
Q and A, prediction, scanning, skimming, group work, guess word
IV/ Teaching aids:
Textbook, pictures, handouts, OHT,OHP
V/ Procedures of teaching:
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up previous knowledge5
- Calls 2 Ss to make a dialogue making an arrangement
to do st
1. Lead in:(5ms)
- Uses the picture of a telephone & asks
a) What is this?
b) Is it useful?
c) Who invented it?
d) When did he invent it?
- Gives the picture of A lexan- der Braham Bell. Then
tell something about him
- Tells the aims of the lesson knwong about the
inventor of the telephone, Alexander Braham Bell
2. Pre-pratice:(10ms)
a) Gives one more question How could/did Bell
invent the telephone
- Gets 2 Ss to answer the question
b) Teaches the words
- emigrate (v)/ emigreIt/ - move to another country
- deaf mutes (n), ps guessing
- transmit (v) sent sounds to s w
- invent (v)
invention (n) inventor (n)
- device (n)/ divais/ tool (n)
- conducts (v), ps guessing
- exhibition (n)/ /
( showing, things to evenyonw)
- commercial (a) / /
c) Checks Ss understanding of the words by slapping
the board
- Lets the Ss listen to the text, check their

- make a dialogue
- Listen and answer
Eg : This is a telephone.
-Yes ,it is.
- Alexander G Bell.
-In 1876
- Listen & know
- Answer in their own
- Listen, guess the words meaning, then take
- Play the game
3.White reading :(15ms)
- Has the Ss read the statements in the books, guess T
or F
- Gets Ss feedback. Dont corect
a) Asks the Ss to read the text silently & decide ( true
or false) ( if its true you have to give out the evidence
& if its false you have to correct it)
- Has the Ss discuss the answers with their friends
- Calls some to give their answer out corrects
1/ True on False .
a. F . he was born in Edinburgh , Scotland .
b. F . He works with deaf mutes in Boston University
c. T .
d. F . in 1876
e. F . He experimented with ways of transmitting
speech over along distance.
F . T
b) Asks the ps to read the text again & put the events
in the correct order
- Has them discuss the order with their friends (in
- Calls some to read the sentences which are in the
correct order
- Gives correction
2 /e - a -g -c -b - f
Notes : Neithernor
4. Post reading :(5ms)
- Asks the Ss to work in groups of four to summarize
the content of the reading
Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone,
was born in Edinburgh on march 3, 1847..
- Calls some to speak out
- Gives correction
5.Consolidation (3ms)
- Asks the Ss to close their books & answer
Questions :
a) When was Alxander Gramham Bell born? Where?
b) What did he invent?
c) Which led to the invetion of the telephone?
d) Who conducted many experiments with Bell?
e) When was the first telephone in use?
- Gets some to answer directly
- Gives correction
6. Homework : (2ms)- Asks the ps to reread the text
& learn by heart the words & questions
- Asks them to do exercise 5 (p.18) (work book)
- Guides them to prepare write
- How to write/ leave a (telephone) massage
- Read and guess
- Gets feedback
- Read silently, find if each sentence true or false
- Discuss the answers in pairs
- Speak out
- Listen & write down
- Read silently do as required
- Discuss the orders in pairs
- Listen
- Summarize text in group of four
- Speak out
-Take notes
-Book closed answer
a) He was born on March 3,1847 in Edinburgh
b) He invented telephone .
c/Experimenting with ways of transmitting
speech over a long distance led to the invention
ofthe telephone.
d/ Thomas watson.
e/In 1877
- anwser
- Take notes
@. Self evaluation :
Date of preparation: September 12
, 2011.
Date of teaching : September , 14
, 2011.
Period: 10 LESSON:5 Write
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to write a message when taking a message of a phone call or from
a passage.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: delivery service, furniture, reach, stationery order, pick up, racket.
2/ Structures : the simple past tense, simple present tense.
3/ Skills : R - W - S
III/ Technique:
Questions and answers, group work, scanning.
IV/ Teaching aids:
Textbook, real objects, OHP, OHT.
V/ Procedures of teaching:
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Homework 5
- read the text and answer some questions
Where was A. Bell born ?
What did he invent ?
Who was Bells assistant?
1. Lead in:(5ms)
- Sets the situation : you want to invite Hoa your friend
to see a movie. You phone her but shes out & her
sister answer the phone what will you do?
- Tells the aim of the lesson :
writing a telephone massage
2. Pre-pratice:(10ms)
- Teaches new words:
- customer(n): a person who comes to buy some
thing at a shop
-delivery(v): translate
-furniture delivery
-stationary (n) : translate
- Stationary order
- Guides how to write a telephone massage: time, date,
who sent, to whom, content of the massage & telephone
3.White reading :(15ms)
a) Lets the Ss read the information in the telephone
massage, to fill in the gaps
- Calls some to present
- Corrects & asks the Ss to write down the complete
Keys : 1. (telephoned) 2. May 12
3. Speak 4. took
5. name 6. delivery
7. Mr Ha 8. at
b) Explains the requirements of exercise 2,
has the Ss read the passage silently & complete the
- read then answer
- Listen & guess &repeat
- Leave a massage
- time place
- Read and fill in the gaps
- Present
- Write down
- Listen & read silently, complete the message
- Discuss
- Asks them to work in pairs, discuss the answers
- Calls some to read out & corrects
Date : June 16
Time : After midday
For : Mrs Van
Massage : Mr Nam called about his stationary order.
He wanted you to call him at 8 634 082
c) Asks the Ss to read the model in part 1 again
- Asks them to read the conversation & complete the
telephone massage
Qs : Who makes the call?
What does he/ she want?
What time will he come?
- Leaves time for Ss to complete
- Asks them to compare the answers in pairs
- Calls some to read out
- Gives correction
4. Post reading :(5ms)
- Asks the Ss to work in groups, devides the class into
four group each group sets a situation then change to
another group to write the massage
- Gets each representative of each group to hang extra
board with the massage on the board
- Remarks & corrects
IV.Consoli dation (3ms)
- Sets the situation
You called your friend, Lan about learning English
but she isnot at home Lans younger sister answer the
phone. You leave a massage to ask Lan to come to you
housse before 7p.m tomorrow evening
- Asks the Ss to asks and answer about the information
necessary to write this massage
- Gets some to read out & corrects
VI. Homework : (2ms) Complete the following
sentences with the best word .
1. She is out . Can I . Your message ?
2. Her mother said that you can .. her
after lunch ( reach)
3. Im sorry the line is would you like to
? (busy / hold)
- Guides them to prepare Language focus
- Read out
- Takenotes
- Read silently
- Read the conversation & complete the message
- Check with partners
- Read out
- Listen
- Work in groups
- Do as required
- Listen
- Asks and answer
time : before 7pm
Date: tomorrow evening
Massage : Miss Hoa ealled about......
- Listen & take notes
- Take notes
@Self evaluation............................................................................................................................
Date of preparation: September , 18
, 2011.
Date of teaching : September , 20
, 2011.
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to use Be going to to express a future action or an intention and
Ps will be able know some adv of place..
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: Fishing rod, novel, action movie.
2/ Structures : Near future : Be going to + Inf.
Adverbs of place
3/ Skills : R-W - L - S
III/ Technique: Pair work, explanation
IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook
V/ Procedures of teaching:

Teachers s activities Students activities
Checking up(5ms ) Check Ss's homework (writing a
message for Nancy).
(a) fishing rod
(an) action movie
upstairs (adv) downstairs (adv)
A. Be going to + v
1/Lead in (3ms)
- Sets the situation :
I have a funny story I have nothing to do tonight what
am I going to do?
- Im going to read a funny story tonight

- Introduces & says the aims of the lesson : telling
about the intention for the future
2. Pre-pratice:(3ms)
a) Asks the Ss about the structure of future intentions
Be going to + Infinitive
- Note: indicating the intentions for the future
b) Notices some words & expressions
- fishing rods
- action movies Ps
- invite .S.O to guessing
- homework in math
c) Guides how to do each exercise
3.Controlled practice :(14ms)
- Lets the Ss read the situations in the exercise
- Has the Ss work in pairs practising speaking the
: Nga has a movie ticket
: shes going to see a movie
- Calls some pairs to speak out & corrects
Keys :
a) Theyre going to go fishing
- Write on the board
-- Listen & guess
- Listen & know
- Recall
- Be going to + inf
- Recalls the words & their meaning

- Listen
- Practice in pairs
- Practise speaking the situations in pairs
- Take notes
- Do as required
a) shes going to read the new novel
b) shes going to do her homeuork
c) Hes going to watch
d) Shes going to give him a birthday
Exercise 2:
a) Asks the ps to practise in pairs to ask & answer
What are you going to do on the weekend ? in the
- Asks the Ss to write three activities more in the
- Asks the ps to tick (V) & make crosses (x) in you
- Has them compare the answers in pairs
- Calls some pairs to present
b) Asks the ps to work in pairs: one asks & one
answers, then mark (V) or (x) into the columm your
- Calls some to speak out before class
- Gives correction
4. Free practice:(2ms)
- Asks the Ss to ask and answer about their intention in
next week, month, year
- Calls some pair to talk in class
B. Adverbs of places
1. Lead in:(3ms)
- Draws the picture and asks:Where is the cat?
- Introduces the aim of the exercise:review adverd of
2. Pre- practice:(5ms)
Recall some adverbs of place
- here there
- outside inside
- downstairs upstairs
3. Controlled - practice:10ms
-Write 3 activities in the questionaire
- Do as required
- Compare the answer in pairs
- Asks & answer in pairs
- Speak out
- Listen
- Do as required
- Talk in class
- Look at the picture and answer
- Take notes
- Complete
- Compare the answer in pairs
- Present the roles
- Listen - Take notes
- Asks and answer
Example :
Im very thirty (what/you/drink) what are you
going to drink ?
Iam going to drink water
a) Im very hungry (what/eat?)
b) Im bored (what/do)?
c) Hoas not going by bicycle (what/Hoa/go)
- take notes
- Asks the Ss to practise in pairs to complete the
speech bubbles using the adverbs of place
- Has the ps compare the answers with the partners
- Calls 2 pairs to present
- Corrects
Keys : a) upstairs d) outside
b) here e) there
c) drunstairs f) inside
V.Consolidation ( 3 ms )
- Asks the Ss to make questions & answer
VI. Homework: - Distinguish be going to V will
(2ms ) - Do exercises page 113 19 ,
work book.
- Prepare :Unit 3 , getting started , Listen & read
( the chores you often do at home)
@ Self evaluation :
Date of preparation: September , 18
, 2011.
Date of teaching : September , 21
, 2011.

I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to talk about chores (housework) they often do at home and Ps
know how to say someone has to do some things and give advice.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: sweep, feed, be home, yourself, have to, ought to, sauce pan, forgot, cupboard.
2/ Structures: Reflexive pronouns.
3/ Skills : L - S - R
III/ Techniques: Pair work, group work, brainstorming, Q & A, scanning.
IV/ Teaching aids: Pictures, real objects, gestures, stereo.
V/ Procedures of teaching:
Teachers s activities Students activities
*. Checking up previous knowledge: (5ms)
- Calls one to talk about the intentions for
the situations below
a) Nam bought a cassette yesterday
b) Its my birthday next week
c) Ba is learning to drive
- One st called does the exercise
*Warm up ( 5 ) :Getting started
- Asks the Ss to look at the six pictures quickly in a
minute and try to remember the verds in the pictures as
many as possibles. Which team remembering more
verds is the winner
*Listen and read :
1. Lead in:(5ms)
- Asks somes questions
- what do you have to do at home?
- Do you have to water the flowers, vegetable?
- Do you have to cook meals?
- Introduces the situation in the dialogue Mrs Vui has
to go home late & she asks Nam to do some things
2. Pre-pratice:(10ms)
- Asks the Ss to guess What does Mrs Vui ask Nam to
do ?
- Corrects the answer (in Ss way)
- Teaches some words & structures
- yoursefl (prom)
- cupboard (n) picture
- steamer (n) explanation
- under (prep) drawing(to illustrate)
- beside (prep) : ps recalling
- sauce pan (n)
- frying pan (n) pictures
- rice cooker (n)
-sink (n)
- Checks the Ss understanding of the words, sticks the
pictures of some things & draws ......, then asks the Ss to
match the words with the correct picture
- Gives examples to explain the 2 modal verbs : have to
& ought to
: Its raining now. I have to wear raincoat
: you ought to go to bed early
- Asks the ps to elicit the form & the meaning & usages
- Gets Ss feedback and notes:
a) Have/has to + bare infinitive
Ought(not) to + bare infinitive
b) Have to -> must = obligation
3. Controlled practice :(10ms)
- Asks the Ss to listen & repeat sentence by sentence
(plays the cassette once)
1. Has the Ss practise reading the dialogue in pairs
-Look at the pictures,and remember
- Representator write verds on the board
- Answer
+I must clean my house, wash dishes,............
+ Yes,I do/ No, I donot.
- Listen and Anwer
* cook dinner

*go to the market & buy some fish & vegetables
- Listen, repeat, guess the words meaning &
write down
- Matching
- Take notes
- Draw out
- Take notes
- listen & repeat
- practise in pairs
- Calls some pairs to read out
- Corrects the pronunciation, intonation
2. Asks the Ss to read the dialogue silently & list out the
work that Nam has to do
- Calls some to read out the answer
Keys :
- Nam has to cook dinner
- He has to go to the market & buy some fish &
4. Free practice :(5ms)
- Asks the Ss to work in pairs to discuss the answer
what do you often do at home (besides your learning) ?
- Gets some to speak out & corrects
IV.Consoli dation (3ms)
- Calls some Ss to answer
- What does Nam have to do ?
- What do you have to do at home ?
- Do you have to feed the chickens ?
- Corrects
4. Homework: 2ms
- Asks the Ss to
- write the chores that they often do on their notebooks
- do excrcise 1/20
- Prepare unit 3 speak
Finds prepositions of position
- listen the work that Nam has to do again
- read out
- Discuss the questions in pairs
Eg: feed the pig ,clean the floor,........
- Speak out
- The Ss called answer
- Listen
- Listen & take notes
- Take notes
6. Self evaluation :
Test 15
I/Nghe v in vo ch trng:
1. Alexander G. Bell was born in ........................... On March,3,1847.
2. He emigrated to Canada and then to ................................ in 1870s
3. In American , he worked with deaf mutes at Boston ............................
4. His assistant was .............................................
5. Bell demonstrated his invention at a lot of .................................

1. Edinburgh 2. USA 3. University 4. Thomas Watson 5. exhibitions
WEEK : 5
Date of preparation: September , 20
, 2011.
Date of teaching : September , 23
, 2011.
Period: 13 LESSON: 2 SPEAK
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to describe the positions of things.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: counter, refrigerator, chopping board, rug, cushion
2/ Structures: Using to be to describe the positions
Lets / We ought to
3/ Skills : L - S -R
III/ Techniques: Pair work, group work, Q & A.
IV/ Teaching aids: Pictures, real objects, gestures
V/ Procedures of teaching
1. Stabilization: (1m) a. Warm up : Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Procedures
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up previous knowledge: (5ms)
* Questions: one st lists the things Nam has to do
* Keys to questions: cook dinner / go to the
market / call Aunt Chi
1. Lead in:(4ms)
-Asks Ss the prepositions of the items in the pictures
+ Where is the clock?
the fruit ?
the flowers?
the rice cooker?
the cupboard?
2. Pre-pratice:(8ms)
a. Helps Ss review the prepositions of places they have
learned : in, on at, next to, above, under, below, behind,

- Reviews vocabulary about the item in the room:

-rug (n)
-cushions (n)
b. Notes: - Lets
- ought to
- should = d better
c. Guides Ss how to do exercises
3. Controlled practice :(15ms)
a. Asks the Ss to look at the pictures (page 28), has them
work in pairs to practice speaking about the position of
the iteam

- Calls some pairs to speak out
* Keys(suggestion)
+ The calendar is all the wall, under the clock and
above the refrigerator
- answer
- Answer
+ Its above the fridge
in the bowl
on the table
next to he bowl of fruit
on the wall , above the counter
- Review
- Take notes
- Listen and take notes
- Look at the picture in the books, do pair work
talk about the position of the item
+ The calendar is on the wall, under the
clock and above the refrigerator
- Speak out
- Listen and take notes
+ The sink is next to the stove.
+ The cupbard is on the wall, above the counter

b. Asks the Ss to look at the picture on Page 29. Then

answer :
- What is this? Is it put in the correct order?
- Can you put it in the correct order?
- Asks the Ss to work in pairs to arrange the furniture
in Mrs. Vuis living-room
- Encourage the Ss to draw the room with the arrange
funiture in their opinion.

- Calls some pairs to present the arrangements(with
their pictures)
- Corrects
* I think the coffee table should be between the couch
and the armchair.
* Lets put the magagines on the shelf above the

4. Free practice :(5ms)

- Lets the Ss play the game
- Asks the Ss to draw a plan of their house.
- Gives some words: Cupboard, shelf, bed, coffee table,
picture, clock, lamp, wardrobe, letter, photos,..
- Asks ss to put the words in the correct room
- Gets feedback
- Corrects

5 .Consolidatio n (5ms)
- Lets Ss play another game: crosses & Noughts
On In Near
Next to Behind Between
Under Beside In front of
Team A : Noughts
Team B : Crosses
- Devides the class into 2 teams
- Each member of each team must choose the prep &
make sentence with it and a noun showing the
furnituer. If the sentense is right, that team has - What
does Nam have to do ?
- What do you have to do at home ?
- Do you have to feed the chickens ?
- Corrects
6. Homework (2ms): - Review the prepositions
of position .
- Write the items in your own room or any room in
your house
- Do exercise 7 page 26 , workbook
- Prepare unit 3 . Read -
- Look at the picture
- Answer
- It is.No, it isnt
- Work in pairs
- S1: I think the telephone should be put
on the coffee table
- S2: Ok, you are right/ No, I think wed
better / ought to/ I think it should be
- Speak out
- Correct
- Draw the picture of the room
- Take notes
- Play the game
- Draw
living room
- Take part in the game
- Take notes
- Take notes
6. Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: September , 25
, 2011.
Date of teaching : September , 27
, 2011
Period: 14 LESSON:3 LISTEN
I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to talk about chores (housework) they often do at
home and Ps know how to say someone has to do some things and give advice.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: sweep, feed, be home, yourself, have to, ought to, sauce pan, forgot, cupboard.
2/ Structures: Reflexive pronouns.
3/ Skills : L - S - R - W
III/ Techniques: Pair work, group work, brainstorming, Q & A, scanning.
IV/ Teaching aids: Pictures, real objects, gestures, stereo,
V/ Procedures of teaching:
1. Stabilization: (1m) a. Warm up : Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Procedures
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Check up: (5ms)
- ask 1 - 2 ss go to the board , show the picture and
talk about some positions of things
1. Lead in: Questions (4ms)
- Do you have to tidy up your room
- Do you have to cook meals ?
- How do you cook rice ?
- What about fried rice ?
- Corrects says the aims of the lesson to listen & find
out things needed & how to cook the speccal Chinese
Fried rice ?
2. Pre-pratice:(10ms)
- Asks the Ss to work in groups & predict what food
material & spice needed to cook the special Chinese
Fried rice & how to cook it
- talk to class
- Anwer
+Yes, I do
+ Yes, I do
+ I wash rice, pour the water into the
- Listen & know
- Work in groups of 4
- Look at
- Sticks some pictures on the bb & asks the Ss to look at
- Asks them what each item is
- Guides the Ss to the listening listen & check the eight
item as desscription
3. Controlled practice (10ms)
- Plays the cassette for the first time
- Asks the Ss to listen & answer what food do they talk
about ?
a. the special Chinese rice
b. the special Chinese Fried rice
c. the special Chinese noodles ?
- Asks the Ss to listen again & check the right item (2
- Asks them to compare the answer with the 1
- Gets them to listen again & corrects
Keys : a. fried rice
b. pan
c. garlic and green peppers
d. ham and peas
4. Free practice :(8ms)
- Asks the Ss to re-order the sentences (chart)
1. Put the ham and the peas in
2. Wait untit its hot
3. Put the pan on the stove
4. Fry the garlic and the green peppers
5. Prepare a pan, a little oil, garlic some peppers, a
piece of ham & some peas
6. Put the rice and a teaspoon of salt in
7. Pour or little oil in to the pan
- Gets Ss feedback & corrects
5. Consolidation (5ms)
- Asks one to speak out How to cook the special
Chinese fried rice again
- Gets some to speak out & corrects
6. Homework (2ms) : - Review the prepositions of
position .
- Write the items in your own room or any room in your
- Do exercise 7 page 26 , workbook
- Prepare for the new words in Read
- Answer
a) a plate of fred rice/a plate of noodles
b)a sauce pan/ a frying pan
- Listen & anwer

b. the special Chinese Fried rice
- Listen & check the right item
a. fried rice
b. pan
c. garlic and green peppers
d. ham and peas
- Compare the answer with the guessing words
- Listen, give the answer
- Take notes
- Work in groups of 4
5 - 3 - 7 - 2 - 4 - 1 - 6

- Correct and take notes
- Speak out
- Listen & Take notes
- Take notes
6. Self evaluation:

Date of preparation: September , 26
, 2011.
Date of teaching : September , 28
, 2011.
Period: 15 LESSON:4 READ
I/ Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to know how to keep safety in their home.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: chemical, drugs, candy, dangerous, match, destroy, injured, cause, fire, socket,
electricity, kill, out of childrens reach.
2/ Structures : Use of Must / Mustnt / have to
3/ Skills : R - W - S - L
III/ Techniques: Brainstorming, Q and A, prediction, scanning, skimming, group work, guess word
IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, handouts, real objects
V/Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (1m) a. Warm up : Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Procedures
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up : (5ms)
Questions: Describe the items in your kitchen

1. Lead in: (5ms)
- Gives drugs, scissors, knives and asks:
* What are they?
* Are they dangerous for children?
* How can we keep children out of dangerous?
- Introduces the content & the aims of the lesson Read
some warnings in the posters & find some dangerous things
& objects to small children in the house?
2. Pre-practice:(10ms)
a)- Asks the Ss
what can be dangerous to small children in the house ?
- Maches
elctical sockets
cookers in the kitchen
medicine & chemicals
all of them
b)- Corects & teaches some new words
- precaution (n) explaination
- drug (n) medicine
- destroy (v) / /
Students description of their kitchen .
- Listen & answer
+ They are knives,scissors, drugs...
+ Yes ,They are
+We can put them out of the children
- Listen
- Listen, guess the words meaning, repeat &
take note
- Listen, guess the words meaning, repeat &
take notes
EX : the storm destroyed 10 houses in the city
- fire (n) cause a fire
- object (n) example with real things
- injure / / hurt (not die)
-socket (n) (realia)
-safety (adj)
- keep.......out of explanation
c) Checks the Ss understanding of the words : Blank fill
+ A match can.............................
+ Some..............such as scissors, knives....... can be dangerous
to small children
+ Fire..........home and............the children because someone
plays with matches
+ You should put locked cupboard
- True/False statements prediction
- Asks the Ss to read the statements in the book and guess
which is true or false
- Asks one student to read and the other says true or false
- Gives the correction .
1 . Answer :
a. F . It is safe to keep medicine in locked cupboards .
b. T
c. F . A kitchen is a dangerous place to play
d. F .Playing with one match can start a fire
e. T.
f . T.
- Asks them to work in pairs by asking and answering with
why / Because
3. Controlled practice (15s)
Question :
why do we keep children out of dangerous things ?
- Asks the Ss to read the reading silently and answer again
what are dangerous to the children?
- Gets them to read it again & find if each True or False
- Asks some to speak out & asks them to correct the false
- Gives correction
- Asks the Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions
(read silently first)
a) Why must we put all chemicals and drugs in looked
cupboard ?
Because children often try to eat and drink them
- Calls some pairs to present
- Gives correction
keys :
b) Because the kitchen is a dangerous place
c) Because playing with matches can cause a fire
d) Because children mustnt put anything into electrical
Do exercise
+...cause a fire objects
+ objects
+. ..destroys & injures
+chemicals & drugs keep ......out of
- Read in silent and guess
-Work in group of 4

1 . Answer :
a. F . It is safe to keep medicine in locked
cupboards .
b. T
c. F . A kitchen is a dangerous place to play
d. F .Playing with one match can start a fire
e. T.
f . T.
- Answer
- Read silently & answer
- Read the text again & do T/F sentements
- Listen & take notes
- Read the text silently them ask & answer
in pairs
- Present
e) Because the dangerous cbjects can injure or kill children
4. Post reading : (5ms)
- Asks the Ss to work in pairs & list out what mustnt we
let the children do ?
- Calls some to speak out
- Gives correction
- From Free practice questions
a) Why mustnt children play in the kitchen ?

- Calls some to answer

- Confirms the safely precaution in the home
- Revises the vocabulary related .
6. Homework (1m) : - Learn lesson , vocabulary
- Do exercise 5 page 24 ( why / Because ) workbook
- Observe and read the passage of write , page 32
-Work in pairs
- Ask answer before class
- Take notes
- Pair work & answer
example: children mustnt
- play in the kitchen
- play with matches
- put some thing in the electrical sockets
- The other listen and give comments
- Listen
- Listen and remember
evaluation: ..................................................................................................................................................................
WEEK : 6
Date of preparation: September , 28
, 2011.
Date of teaching : September , 30
, 2011.
Period: 16 LESSON 5 WRITE
I/ Objectives:By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to write a description of a room in their house.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: folder, wardrobe, beneath, towel, lighting fixture.
2/ Structures: there is / there are.
3/ Skills : R _ W _ S _ L
III/ Technique:Questions and answers, gap filling, group work, discussion.
IV/ Teaching aids:Textbook, real objects, discussion.
V/Procedures :
1. Stabilization: (1m) a. Warm up : Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2 Procedures
Teachers s activities Students activities
*Checking up : (5ms)
Questions: Why must we cover the sockets out
* Keys to questions: Because electricity can
of childrens reach ?
1. Lead in:(5ms)
- Hangs picture & gives the questions
a) what is this ?
b) where is it ?

- Uses the answers of the questions above to

introduce the aims of the lesson describing a room in
sentence & in para level
2. Pre-pratice:(10ms)
- Recalls & teaches
- on/to the left (right) of
- in the left (right) corner of
- opposite
- in the middle of
- beside
- next to
- beneath above
* dish rack
* towel rack
jar (n) of sugar/ flour/ tea pictures
lighting fixture
- Has the Ss read the paragraph describing Hoas
bedroom as well as look at the picture of Hoas room to
define where each furniture is
- Gives some comprehension questions
+ What is there on the left of the room?
There is the desk on the left of the room
+ Where is the refrigerator ?
Its in the right corner of the room
+ Where is the table ?

Explains the requirement of the exercise

* Notes there is/ are
3. Controlled practice (15ms)
- Gets the Ss to write sentences or a para to describe
Hoas kitchen based on the cued & the model & the
- Asks them to change the writing in pairs & compare
- Calls some to check & corrects
* Suggestion :
This is Hoas kitchen. There is a refeidgerator on the
right corner of the room. Next to the
refrigerator is the stove & the oven . On the other side
of the oven, there is a sink.
4. Free- practice:(5ms)
- Asks the Ss to talk about their bedroom/ living
room/kitchen to their partners
5.Consolidation (3ms)
- Remind the outline of writing a description of a
room , some relating words
5Homework : 1m
- Write a description of a room in your house .
kill children or children dont try to put things
into them .
- Look at the picture & answer.
Its a bookshelf.
Its above the desk
- Listen
- Listen, guess the words meaning repeat and
copy down
- Read silenthy
- Look at the picture & anwer
+ There is the desk on the left of the room
+ Its in the right corner of the room
- Listen
- Practise writing
- Change, compare the writing in para
- Listen & write down
- Talk each other
- Speak out
- Listen and write down
Take notes
- Organize a game. Error hunter (gives one two
papers for each group to find errors .)
- Who finds more errors in a suitable time will be
winner .
- prepare for next period ( language Focus )

6. Self evaluation :
Date of preparation: October,2
, 2011.
Date of teaching : October,5
, 2011
I/ Objectives :By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to use reflexive pronouns, modals: must / have to /
ought to, make questions and answer with why and because.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: empty, dust
2/ Structures: reflexive pronouns, modals: must / have to / ought to, make questions and answer
with why and because.
3/ Skills : R - W - S - L
III/ Techniques: Question and answer, repetition , explanation.
IV/ Teaching aids:Textbook, pictures
V.Procedures :
1. Stabilization: (1m) a. Warm up : Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2.Presentation of the new materials :
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up : (5ms)
Questions: Asks the Ss to write some new words
and describe Hoas kitchen.
1. Lead in:(2ms)
- Calls one to answer what do you have to do at
home ?
- Calls another to answer
- Remarks & tells the aims of
Excrrise 1 (8ms): Review and practise sentences
using have to & must
2. Pre-pratice-Asks the Ss to recall the usage of Have to
Keys to questions: According to each Ss ideas.
-The Ss called answer
+ I have to clean the house , sweep the
floor ,...........
- Listen
- Recall
& Must
* Have to + bare inf obligation
( necessary to do st)
* must + bare inf
- Asks the Ss to look at the pictures & asks about the
action in each picture
- Explains the requirement of the exercise
3. Controlled practice
- Asks the Ss to work in pairs using Must, Have to &
the verbs in the box to complete the dialogue
- Asks the Ss discuss each other (between 2 pairs) about
the answer
- Calls some pairs to present & gives correc tion
- Gets one pair to speak out the complete dialogue
4. Pree practice
-Asks the Ss to work in pairs ask & answer the question
What do you have to do at home ?
-Calls some pairs to present
Exercise 2 :(8ms) Look at the pictures
1. Lead in :
- Asks: What do you often do in your freetime?
- Says:You ought to help your mother with the
- Introduces the exercise using ought to advice
2. Pre-practice - Asks the Ss to recall
- Ought to give advice to S.O
EX : I failed my English test you ought to study
harder (Asks the Ss to look at the picture & explains)
- Explains the requirement look at the pictures & give
advice to the people in the pictures by using Ought to
3. Controlled practice
- Asks the Ss to look at the pictures & the situation then
give advice to the people using ought to
- Asks the Ss to take the roles of the people in the
Eg : A : Im late
B : You ought to got up early
- Calls some to present before class
- Gives correction
Keys : (suggestion)
a) You ought to get up eary
b) You ought to eat more fruit & vegetables
c) You ought to go to the dentists
4. Free-practice :
- Calls some Ss to illustrate the situations by actions
- Calls some to give advice to him
- Corrects in their own mistake
Exercise 3 :(7ms) Complete the dialogue
1. Lead in :
-Asks the Ss to look at the pictures again & questions:
Did anyone help her to do the chores ? she did the
chores herself relexive pronoun
-Introduces the aims of exercise 3 To review &
practise the usage of reflexive pronouns
- Look at the pictures & answer
- Listen
- Complete the dialogue in pairs (silently)
- Compare the answer in the 2 pairs
- Present the roles
- Role play
- Asks &answer in pairs
- Listen & answer
- I often play games, listen to music,

- Listen
- Look at the pictuve & the situation, give advice,
play the roles
- Present the roles
- Listen
- Take notes
- The Ss called get to the bb & act
- Give advice
- Listen
- Look at & anwer No one
- Listen
2. Pre practice :
Persmal pronouns Reflexive pronouns
I Myself
You Yourself/yourselves
He/ she/ It Himself/ herself/ itself
We ourselves
They themselves
* Notes : Refloxive pronouns can be used
as an object or fust for empbas ic
EX : I myself do the home work->emphasic
I cut myself (o)
- Guides the Ss how to do the exercise Complete the
dialogues by using the reflexive promouns
3. Cotrolled practice :
- Asks the Ss to complete the dialogues by putting
Reflexive pronouns in the right blank in paris
- Calls some to speak out & correct
4. Frec practice :
- Asks some to make sentences with each of reflexive
- Calls some to speak out & correct
Exereise 4 :(7ms)
1. Lead in:
- Asks the Ss to look at the picture in the books &
- Why did Hoa go to school late this morning ?
- Introduces : Q-A with why because
2. Pre- practice :
- Recalls Questions : Why.....
Answer : Because.........
- Guides Practise in pairs ask & answer using why
3. Controlled - practice :
- Asks the Ss to practise asking why & answering
Because in pairs
- Calls some to speak out & correction
4. Free- practice :
- Make question & answer from the situation
a) It was very cold we didnt go to the beach
b) Bob didnt have a city map so he got lost
- Calls some pairs to speak out
- Gives correction
IV.Consoli dation (5ms)
- Has the class play a game:
Lucky number : 3,5,6,8
1. Fill in : He look at in the mirror
2. Give advice : Im thin
4. Give advice : Im bored
7.Make question : I didnt put on warm clothes so I felt
- Devides the class into 4 groups & explains the rules of
the game
Choose the number & do the requirement. If you
choose lucky number you will get 2 points. Each right
- Draw out
- Draw out from example & take note
- Listen
- Complete the dialogue in pairs
- Speak out
- Make sentences
- Speak out
- Look at the picture, listen & answer
Because she watched TV late last night
- Practise in pairs
- Work in pairs ask & answer
- Speak out
- Listen
- Work in pairs
- Speak out
- Listen
- Take part in the game
answer take 2 points If you are wrong, the left can
V.Homework (2ms)Asks the Ss to learn the grammar
notes above and do exercises in the exercise book.
- prepare for next period: Review
-Listen and take notes
6- Self- evaluation:

Date of preparation: October 5
, 2011.
Date of teaching: October 7
, 2011.
Period: 18
I/ Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to use reflexive pronouns, modals: must / have to /
ought to, make questions and answer with why and because.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: (reviewing)
2/ Structures: reflexive pronouns, modals: must / have to / ought to, make questions and
answer with why and because.
3/ Skills : R - W - S - L
III/ Technique: Question and answer, repetition , explanation.
III. Procedures in class:
1. Stabilization: (1ms) a. Warm up : Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new materials:
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up previous knowledge: (4ms)
* Questions: Asks the Ss to write two sentences
with reflexive pronouns.
1. Lead in:(3ms)
- From the exercise 1, 2 asks the Ss to tell the
grammartical points
- Tells the aims of the lesson review some points of
grammar learned
2. Pre-pratice:(5ms)
- Asks the Ss about some grammar points.
- Notes:
a) ( not) + adj + enough + to inf
* Eg:Its warm enough to go swimming
b) Be goimg to + V b-inf -> intention
* Keys to the questions: According to each
Ss ideas.
- Answer
* Why questions
* ought to + V(b-inf)
- Listen
- Answer
- Take notes
* Eg:We are going to learn Chinese next month.
c) Modals
Have to -> necessary to do St
Must -> necessary to do St
Ought to giving advice
d) Asks for & gives reason why Because
* Eg : Why is Nam tired ?
Because he stayed up late last night
- Asks the Ss to give some kinds of exercises again
- Guides the Ss to do each kind of exercise, does modal
or give example.
3. Controlled practice:(23ms)
- Gives exercise:
I. Rewrite the sentences with the words given :
1. Nam was sick so he didnt go to school
2. It was very hot. You could fry an egg on the
pavement Enough
3. Your friend begins smoking Ought to
4. Lan has a stamp and an envelop Shes going to.
II.Rearrange the words into correct sentences :
1. Married/ fat/ man/ she/ short/ a/
2. Summer/ going/ music/ to/ listen Nam/ is/ this
3. Ought/ computer / stop/ to/ playging games.
4. Have/ children/ wear/ uniform/ to school/ go/ when/
III.Underline the best complete :
1. Mrs Nga called (on/ at/ about) her newspaper
2. Thomas Watson was Bells (assist, assistance/
3. The sun(sets/ set/ is setting) in the west
4. I repaired the bicycle (myself/ itself/ myselves)
- Calls one by one to go to the bb & do the exerises
- Gives correction
4. Free practice :(4ms)
- Asks the Ss to make sentences with the structures
above( one sentence for one structure)
Eg :I am not old enough to be in the 9
- Calls some to speak out, then go to the bb & write
IV.Consoli dation (3ms)
- Recalls the grammar points & asks them how to do
some exeries
- Pays attention to common mistakes when doing
V.Home work (
- Asks the Ss to prepare the knowledge for TEST I
- Asks them to pay attention to the kinds of exercises
- Listen and take notes
- Recall
- Do exercise
1. Nam didnt go to school because he was sick
2. It was hot enough to fry an egg.....
- Rearrange the sentences
1. She married a short fat man
2. This summer Nam is going to listen to music
1. about
2. assistant
3. sets
4. Myself
- Do the exerises
- Take notes
- Make sentences
- Speak out, write on the bb
- Listen
- Take notes
6- Self- evaluation:
Date of preparation: October 8
, 2011.
Date of teaching: October 11
, 2011.

(Time : 45 minutes)
I. Aims and objectives:
* Language content:- To help the students to review all the knowledge from unit 1 to 3
* Language function: - To enable students to use English Fluently
* Educational aim: - To make the students aware of the importance of hard studying
II. Contents:
1/ Subjects
- My friend
- Making arrangements
- At home
2. Language:
a. Vocabulary : Words describing house and home.
Name of telecommunication devices.
Words describing appearance
b. Structures : - Simple past tense + Simple Present tense
- Enough
- Modal verbs ought to / have to / must
- Question words
- Adverbs of place.
- Prepositions of time.

3. Skills: Integrated skills : writing - reading.
4. Education factor: - To know to learn English more effectively
III. Teacher and Students preparation:
1. Method: Communicative Approach :
2. Techniques: gap-filling, answer the questions.
3. Materials needed: copies of test 45 ms
4. Students preparation: review 3 units
5. Previous exercises: grammar practice
IV. Procedure in class:

Nhn bit Thng hiu vn dng
Cng Cp thp Cp cao
1 My
to + v
of a

h to +
- S cu
- S
-T l %










s of
to + V

- S cu
- S
-T l %




At home
Why -
- S cu
- S
-T l %







-Tng s
Tng s
-T l %


Full name: __________________________________ The first English test
Class: 8__ Duration: 45ms

I. Chn p n ng in vo ch trng : (2ms)
1. Thomas Watson was Bells (master / inventor / assistant / editor)
2. The Earth , the Sun and the Mercury are . (objects / planets / friends /
3. The weather is warm enough for us .. out. (go / to go / going / are going)
4. The calendar is . the clock, the picture and the lamp.
(under - between / on next to / behind beside / above on)
5. Well have to try and fix the washing machine .............................
( themselves / ourselves / herself / himself )
6. Why did you go to school late?.............................I watched TV late last night.
( So / And / Because / However )
7. I think Phongs upstairs. No, he isnt upstairs and he isnt ..............................
( outside / downstairs / inside / there )
8. I can't go to the cinema tonight. I my homework.
( should / could / have to / ought to )
II.Chn mt t khng cng nhm vi cc t cn li :(1m)
1. tall slim short blond 1 ............
2. rise set move planet 2 ............
3. sun earth west moon 3 ............
4. character humorous generous sociable 4 ............
III. Ghp ct A vi ct B: (2ms)
A B Answers
1. Where can I put the armchairs?
2. Why must we put all chemicals and
drugs in the locked cupboard?
3. What is he like ?
4. Who invented the telephone ?
b. He is sociable, humorous and
d. Alexander G. Bell.
f. In the living -room.
g. Because children often eat
or drink them.
3 .
4 .
IV/. Cho dng ng ca ng t.(2ms)
1. Mai ought to (get )...................................... up early.
2. I know the moon (move) ................................... around the Earth.
3. I (send)......................a letter to my cousin yesterday.
4. What...................... he (look)............................ like?
V/. Kt hp cc cu sau s dng t trong ngoc (2ms)
1.Lan is beautiful.She can become Miss World. (enough)
Lan ..................................................
2. My friends and I bought new ball. (be going to )
We ...............................................
IV/. c on vn v tr li cu hi: ( 2ms)
Nam has a lot of friends. Of all his friends, Hoang and Hai are the ones he spent most of his
time with. They are in the same class. Hoang is tall and thin and has short curly hair. He is very
humorous and sociable. He enjoys telling jokes. He always makes his friends happy. Unlike Hoang,
Hai is short and fat. He is quite reserved in public. All of them have a different character but they
enjoy school and they are hard-working students.

1.What does Hoang look like ?
2. Who is reserved in public?
3.Do they have the same character?
4.How do they learn at school?..................
......................................... END ..................................................
I/ Mi cu ng c 0.25 x 8 = 2 ms
1. assistant 2.planets 3. to go 4. under - between
5. ourselves 6. Because 7. downstairs 8.have to
II/ Mi cu ng c 0.25 x 4 = 1 m
1. c 2.d 3. d 4. d
III/ Mi cu ng c 0.25 x 8 = 2 ms
1. f 2.h 3. a 4. c
5. e 6. g 7. b 8.d
IV/ Mi cu ng c 0.5 x 4 = 2 ms
1. get 2.moves 3. sent 4. does ................... look
V/ Mi cu ng c 0.5 x 2 = 1 m.
1.Lan is beautiful enough to become Miss World.
2 We are going to play football.
VI/ Mi cu ng c 0.5 x 4 = 2 ms.
1.He is tall and thin and has short curly hair.
2. Hai is reserved in public.
3. No , they dont.
4. They work hard at school .
Date of preparation: October 9
, 2011.
Date of teaching: October 11
, 2011.
I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to talk about the past, using structure used to +
inf & simple past tense.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: had to, great-grandma, meal, sound, without, modern equipment, lit, remember, folk,
2/ Structures: used to, sound + adj, whats .like ?, simple past tense.
3/ Skills: L - S - R - W
III/ Techniques: Pair work, group work, brainstorming, gestures, T or F .
IV/ Teaching aids: Pictures, real objects, stereo, handouts.
V/ Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (1ms) a. Warm up : Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new materials (44ms)
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up : (4ms)
* Questions:
- Asks the Ss to write some new words and
answer the questions:
Did you use to cry at lot when you were a small
child ?
* Getting Started(5ms)
- Asks the Ss to look at the picture on page 38 and tell
the names of the things that not belong to the past
- Gives correction
- Asks the Ss to ask and answer in pairs
Modal:Do you have a mobilephone?
No, I dont
Do you have school uniform?
Yes, Ido
- Calls some Ss to speak out.
1. Lead in:(5ms)
- From the Getting started tells the aims of the lesson
we are going to learn a dialogue about the thing Ngas
mother used to do
2. Pre-pratice:(10ms)
- Plays the tape for the first time
Question:What did grandmother use to do?
- Plays the tape the second time
- Calls some to list the things
- Lets the Ss listen to once more check the result and
pay attention to the pronunciation
- Preteaches new words:
-look after (v) = take care of
-great grandmother(n)= grandmas mother
-folktale (n)
Eg: Tam cam is a tradional folktale story.
-equipment (n)-> eg: refrigerator, washing,
- From the listening task, asks Ss to retell What
grandmas mother used to do teaches structure
- Asks Ss draw the structure and usage.
* Note:
a) Form: Used to + V(b- inf)
Usage: Express the action that usually happened in
the past and finishes now.
b) Had to ( past form of have to)
c) What + be + S + like?
Eg: What was the life like?
- Checks SS understanding: ( blank fill)
-Your grandmas mother is called
-Ngas grandmother had to her sister and
-Today we do the housework with the help of the
3. Controlled practice: (10ms)
a) Asks the Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs
* Keys to questions: .Yes , I did / No I didnt
- Look at the picture and tell the names of the
- The TV,the radio, the mobilephone, the light
fixture, modern clothing / school uniform
-Ask and answer
- Speak out
- Listen
- Listen and list What great grandmother used to
- Listen, compare
- List
-Listen, check the result ( book opened)
- Take notes
- Listen and repeat and read in individual

- Answer: She used to live on a farm. She had to
look after younger brother .
- Answer and take notes
- Do exercise

- Practise in pairs
- Roleplay
(change the role)
- Calls some pairs to role play.
b) Has Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs
- Calls some to answer.
- Gives correction.
a) She used to live on the farm.
b) Because he had to stay at home and help her mom.
c) She used to cook meal,..
c) Explains the requirement in exercise 3.
Fact (F) = truth
Opinion ( O) = personal idea
Eg: I learn English (F)
English is difficult (O)
- Asks the Ss to read the statements and predict they
are F or O
- Gets Ss prediction
- Asks Ss to reread the dia, and check their prediction.
- Asks Ss to correct the false statements
- Gets feedback
Guess Answer Correction
4. Free practice : (5ms)
- Has Ss read the statements part 3 on page 39 and
decide which is their fact, which is their opinion.
Statements F O
- Gets feedback
5.Consolidatio n (2 ms )
Did you use to.? Name
get up late
ride bicycle fast
go to school
eat too much candy
forget to do homework
- Gets feedback: Asks: Who used to get up late/ ride
bicycle to fast/...
- Asks Ss to write the result of their survey on
6.Homework (3ms)
- Aks Ss list out what their grandma did (45years)
-Asks the Ss to prepare Speak part find the
differences between life in the past and now.
- Ask and answer
- Answer
- Take notes
- Take notes
- Do the exerises
- Gives prediction
- Reread and check
- Correct

- Do exercise
- Gives feedback
- Survey
- Gives feedback
- Take notes
6- Self- evaluation:
Date of preparation: October 12
, 2011.
Date of teaching: October 14
, 2011
Period : 21
I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to talk about the differences between the past and
the present. In the other way, Ps will be able to talk about what they used to do in the past and what they
do now.
Ps will be able to understand the story Chicken laid gold eggs and have a moral lesson.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: revision (using the words Ps have learnt). laid (laid eggs), discover, amazement
2/ Structures: Used to + inf
3/ Skills : L - S - R - W
III/ Techniques: Brainstorming, Pair work, group work, Q & A.
IV/ Teaching aids: Pictures, chart.
V. Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (1m) a. Warm up : Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new materials:(44)
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up : (5ms)
* Read the dialogue and answer the questions
below :
a>Where did Ngas grandma use to live ?
b> What did her Great- grandma use to do ?
A .SPEAK(19ms)
1. Lead - in
- Asks the question
What can you see in two pictures ?
2. Pre-speaking :
- Reminds some words
+ work on paddy field
+ traffic lights.
+ Stack of straw
- Asks the Ss to read the new words.
- Read and answer
- Listen and answer the question
( people ,children, streets, means of transport )
- Focus on the teachers explanation and write
- Read the new words.
- Checks understanding of the new words by using the
technique: what and where.
- Teaches structure :
S + used to + Vinf
S + didnt use to +Vinfi
3. While-speaking
<1> Asks sts to work in groups
- Calls some representatives to list all things
- Gives keys
- Asks them to continue to work in groups to list the
things that do not belong to the past in VN
- gives keys
<2> Now you work in pairs , looking at the picture ,
and the words listed , talk about differences between
life in the past and now by using used to
- Asks each pair to compare with another pair
- Calls some representation standing in front of class to
present their ideas guides
good afternoon , every today . Today Im very happy
to talk to you about
- Gives suggestions
- Says Based on the usage of used to , you now work
in pairs talking about things you used to do compare to
those at the present
- Calls some ( 3,4) students to present
B> LISTEN (17ms)
- Chatting Do you like folktale ?. Which tales do
you know ?
2. Pre-listening
- Explains some new words:
+ foolish (adj) (translation).
+ gold(n) (realia)
+ lay-laid-laid (v)(picture)
+ amazement(n) (translation).
- Checks understanding of the new words by using the
technique: what and where.
- You like reading folktales very much. Why? Which?
Moral lesson do you get from it ?
- There are a lot of VNamese folktales which have
precious moral lessons
- We are going to listen to one of those stories .
- You listen to it and decide which of the followings is
the most suitable moral lesson .
a) Dont kill chickens
b) Dont be foolish and greedy.
c) Be happy with what we are .
d) Its difficult to find gold
- Plays the tape and asks all sts to listen and catch the
main idea of the story to choose the most suitable moral
- Play the game with the teachers guiding.
- Listen and take notes
- Work in groups
- Each pair compare with another pairs.
- Some representatives stand in front of class to
present their ideas
- Listen , write down
- Listen and work in pairs
- Compare .
- Correct
-Work in pairs
- Talk to class
Answer the teachers question
+ Yes I did.........
- Focus on the teachers explanation and write
- Play the game with the teachers guiding.
( they may say the moral lesson in VNese)
- Listen.
- Listen and choose the most suitable moral lesson
- Some students will present the story with their
own words .
- Listen
b) Dont be foolish and greedy.
- Take part in a
- The teacher doesnt require them to present exactly
words from the tape Just asks them to express or use
their own words to present the content of the story
- Collects the ideas and gives the content of the story
-Asks what moral lesson do you get from it ?
- Plays the tape and pauses to check understanding
- Asks 4 groups to tell a story and gives marks for their
content , fluency and accuracy.
- Gives feedback and corrects.
- Asks the Ss some questions:
1 .What did he discover?
2.What did he decide to do?
3.How was the result
- Summaries the story
- Draws out the moral lesson.
D. Home work : ( 1m)
- Asks the Ss to learn the new words well,
practice the exercises again .
- Asks the Ss to prepare for the next period:
- Remember competition of telling stories
- Listen
- Tell the story.
- Take notes.
- Answer
1 .He discovered one of the chickens laid a gold
2.He decided to cut open all the chickens and find
more eggs.
3. There were no more eggs for the foolish farmer
and his greedy wife.
- Listen and take notes.
6- Self- evaluation:
Date of preparation: October 16
, 2011.
Date of teaching: October 18
, 2011
Period: 22 LESSON: 3 READ
I/ Objectives:By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to understand the story The lost shoe and learn a
moral lesson.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: daughter, marry, unfortunately, cruel to, make, upset, broken heart, held, harvest
festival, prince, choose, fairy, magically, rag, ran, immediately.
2/ Structures: The simple past tense, make + sb + inf
3/ Skills : R- W - L - S
III/ Techniques: - Q and A, prediction, scanning, skimming, group work, guess word
IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, gestures, handouts, OHT,OHP, real objects
V. Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (1ms) a. Warm up : Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new materials:(44ms)
Teachers s activities Students activities
*Checking up : (4ms)
Questions: - Asks the Ss to change the verbs into
simple past:
1. go 2. is/are 3. discover 4. shout
5. finish 6. look
1. Lead in:(3ms)
-Do you like folktales ?
-Can you tell me the names of some stories ?
-What are these stories usually about ?
- Calls some to answer & corrects
- Tells the aims of the lesson
Were going to read the folktake the lost shoe what
can you guess from the tittle ?
2. Pre-reading: (10ms)
a) Has the Ss to read the story quickly and answer
-Who was little pea ?
-Who was stout Nut
-Whose shoes were lost ?
b) Corrects and teaches the words
-Cruel (a) hate & treat unequally
to S.O
-upset (a) unhappy
-Broken heart heart attack
-hold- held- held meeting
-harvest festival explaination
-fairy (n) explanation
-rags (n)
- Review structure:
The past simple:
S + V ( ed/ 2
c) Checks the Ss understanding of the words : Blank fill
1. Dont beto animals
2.Hes verybecause his son failed exam
3.She dreams a apprears and her into a
beautiful girl
4. People held a in the fall
3.While reading: (15ms)
a) Asks the Ss to read the text silently find the words or
phrases to complete the sentences
- Gets them to compare the answer with their partners
- Write the answer on the board
- Answer
+ Yes , I do / No .I dont.
+ Tam Cam, So Dua, Co Be Lo Lem ...........
+ They usually about ................
- Listen and answer
- Read and answer
+ She was a farmers daughter
+She was Littlte Pea s step mother
+ Little Peas shoes
- Listen guess the words meaning and repeat
then copy down
- Do the blank fill
4.harvest festival
- Read silently and complete the sentences
- Calls some to present before class
- Corrects & gives keys
Keys :
a) a farmer
b) died
c) usedagain
d) marry/choose
e) new dothes
f) lost
b) Asks the Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the
questions in the book on page 42
a) Who was Little pea ?
b)What did stout Nuts mother make Litte pea do all
day ?
c) d, e (textbook p.42)
- Gets the pairs to discuss the answer toge ther
- Calls some to answer
- Gives correction and keys
Keys :
a) She was a poor farmers daughter
b) She made Little pea do the chores all day
c) Before the festival started, a fairy appeared and
magically changed her rags into beautifut clothes
d) The prince decided to marry the girl who fitted the
lost shoe
e) Ss answers
4. Post reading: (8ms)
- Chooses 14 students to make 2 team (each team
includes 7 Ss)
- Asks the Ss to stand into a raw
- Explains the rule of the game
- Each team has to tell a story without preparation each
student in each team has to make a sentence and the
story continues until the last sentence read out
Eg :
St 1. Once upon a time there was a beautiful her
St 2.Her name was .........
- Checks if each team has a logic content
- Recalls ( T/ F sentences)
1.The main character in the story is little pea
2. Stout Nuts mother is little peas step mother
3. She treated little pea well
4.The prince wanted to marry the girl named lithe pea
5. Little pea had not of new clothes for the harvest
6.A fairy magically changed little peas rags into
beautiful clothes
7. The prince decided to marry he girl who fitted the
lost shoe
5.Consolidation (3ms)
- Gets Ss feedback and recalls the content of the lesson
- Asks the Ss to summame the story at home
6. Homework : ( 1m)
- Asks the Ss to learn the new words and read the
- Compare the answer in pairs
Listen & copy down
- Asks and answer in pairs
- Answer
- Takenote
- Do exercise
- Takenotes
- Tell the story in teams without preparation
- Decide T or F
1. T
2. T
5. F
6. T
7. T
- Do as directed
story and exercise again
- Summarize the story.
- Asks the Ss to prepare for the next period: unit 4
- Listen & take notes
6. Self evaluation :
Date of preparation: October 17
, 2011.
Date of teaching: October 19
, 2011
Period: 23 LESSON 4 : WRITE
I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to write the story How the tiger got his stripes
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: burn, left, escape, tie, graze,
2/ Structures: The simple past tense
3/ Skills : R - W - L - S
III/ Techniques: Sentence building , group work
IV/ Teaching aids:Textbook.
V. Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (1ms) a. Warm up: Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new materials:(44)
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up :(5ms)
- Asks the Ss to read the text, write some new
words and answer the questions
Who was little pen? What did Stoutmos mother
make her do all day?
1. Lead in: Questions (4ms)
- Asks the Ss to look at the picture of a tiger & answer
Do you know why tigers have black stripes ? which
story tell you about that ?
-Asks the Ss can tell the story (in Vietnamese)
- Correts and introduces the storyHow the tigers got
back stripes
2. Pre-writing:(10ms)
-Asks the Ss to read the story silently
- Gives out some new words & asks the Ss to guess the
* Keys to questions:
She was a poor farmers daughter / She had
to do chores all day?
- Look at and answer
- Tell the story
- Listen
-stripe (n)
-master (n) servant (n) Guess the
-wise (a) wisdom (n)
meaning fromth
-escape (v)
-straw (n)
-tie (v)
-light- lit - lit (v) lighted
- Gets all to repeat all the words chorolly
- Explains the requirement of the exercise
1)- Asks the Ss to use the words given to complete the
story (p.43)
- Asks them to discuss the answers in pairs
- Calls one to speak out the complete story
- Corrects & gives keys
Keys :
1.appeared/ came 6.tied
2.was 7.lit
3.said 8.burned
4.left 9.escaped
2)- Gives some comprehension questions:
a. Where was the man?
b. What did the buffalo do when the tiger appeared?
c. What did the tiger want to know?
d. What did he do before going home? Why?
e. What did he do when he returned?
- Gets Ssanswer and corrects
3. While writing:(15ms)
- Asks them to rewrite the story put the subject I
instead of the man using the words given
- Has them discuss with their partners about the written
- Calls some to write the story on the bb
- Give correction.
Keys : (suggestims)
- One day as I was in the field and my buffalo was
grazing nearby a tiger came. It asked why the strong
buffalo was my servant and why I was its
4. Post writing:(6ms)
- Asks the Ss to work in groups to retell the story taking
the role of the man & the tiger
- Calls some groups to present
- Gives correction
sample :
Tiger : Can you tell me why you are the master while
the stronger buffalo is your servant
Man: Because I have something called wisdom..

- Recalls the content of the story
- Pays attention to how to write a story
- Guess the meaning of the words
- Repeat in chorus
- Listen
- Compelete the story using the words given
- Discuss
- Speak out
- Listen and take notes
- Read the story again and answer
a. He was in his field
b. It grazed nearby.
- Read the story magine one of them is the man
retell the story (written task)
- Write on the board
- Listen & take noke
- Discuss & retell the story (dialogue)

- Present the roles (pairwork)
6. Homework: ( 2m)
- Asks the Ss to describe or write your story and
learn vocabulary.
- Asks the Ss to prepare for the next period: unit
4 language focus.
6.Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: October 18
, 2011.
Date of teaching: October 21
, 2011
I/ Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to understand and know more about the simple
past tense, prepositions of time and used to....
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: prepositions of time
2/ Structures: the simple past tense.
3/ Skills : R - W - S - L
III/ Techniques : Pair work and group work, repetition , explanation.
IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures
V. Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (1ms) a. Warm up: Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new materials :(44)
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up : (4ms)
* Questions:
-Asks the Ss to tell the story and answer the
1. Where was the man?
2. What did the tiger want to know?
Eexrcise one (9ms): Past simple form of verbs
1. Lead in:
- From stabilization say & leads to the exercise write
the past form of each verb (irregular verbs)
2. Pre-writing:
- Write some verbs on the bb
(both regular & irregular verb)
- Asks the Ss to give out the past form of verb (pair
* Keys to questions: According to each Ssideas
- The student called complete the sentences
- Listen
- Write on the note books
- Write the past form of verbs in pairs
Run go solve sit
fly work open
Take do ride bave
Be have eat buy
3.Controlled practice:
- Has the pairs write the past form of verbs
- Calls some to write on the bb
- Gives correction
Keys : Run-ran be-was/ were
Fly-flew go-went
4.Post writing:
- Asks the Ss to make sentences with the past verb form
Eg : I came to Lans house last night
- Calls some to speak out
- Corrects in the Ss ways
Exercise 2((10ms)): Complete the dialogue use the past
1.Lead in :
- Form Ss sentences above make questions & leads to
exercise to complete the dialogues by making the
questions for the answers
Eg : Where did you go last night?
(I went to Lans house)
2.Pre practice :
- Gets the Ss to pay attention to the past form of verbs
- Guides how to complete the dialogue (by making
correct sentences)
3.Controlled practice :
- Has the Ss to do pairwork. Completing the dialogues
- Calls some to speak out
- Gives correction (in Ss ways)
4.Free practice :
- Asks Ss to work in pairs, making questions & answers
using the past simple
Eg : Which folktale did we learn last period ?
We learned the folktale the lost shoe
- Calls some pairs to speak out & correts
Exercise 3:(10ms) Complete the sentences:
1.Lead in :
- Asks the Ss to compare
-I had Math,English yes terday
-I will have literature, history
on Friday
prep of time
- Says and leads to the exercise
2.Pre practice :
- Asks the Ss to recall the preps of time
Nov, 2004
-In Summer
- Write on the board
- Look at & take notes
- Make sentences
- Speak out
- Listen
- Take note
- Listen & know
- Listen & know
- Listen
- Do pairwork comple the dialogue
- Speak out (the pairs called)
- Listen and takenotes
- Asks & answer in pairs
- Speak out and correct
- Compare the ways to express time
- Listen
- Recall the prep of time then copy down
The morning
Monday, July 2
-On Monday morning
-At - 6 a.m
-Between 7 a. m and & p.m
-after 3 p. m
- Guides how to do the exerise
3.Controlled piactice :
- Has the Ss use the prepositions above to complete the
sentences (in pairs)
- Lets the Ss compare the answers
- Call some Ss to present
- Gives correction & keys
a) on d) at / after
b) in e) before
c) between
4.Free practice :
- Asks the Ss to make sentences using prepositions of
Eg : Were going to have a miniTEST on Tuesday
- Calls some to present (write on bb)
Exercise 4 (8ms): Complete the dialogue using used to
+ V
1.Lead in :
- Sets the situation & example
I used to have short hair .Now I have long hair
-> A habit in the past
- Says & leads to the point
2.Pre practice :
- Recalls the form usage of used to
(+) used to + V (bare inf)
(?) Did + S + use to + V
(-) S + did not use to + V
* Expresses an action, a habit that usually happened in
the past
- Guides the Ss to do the exercise look at the picture
complete the dialogue use used to and the verbs in the
3.Controlled practice :
- Gets the Ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogue
by using used to and the verbs in the box
- Has the pairs compare the answers
- Calls some to speak out
- Gives correction
Keys : Hoa (1) : used to have
(2) : used to be
(3) : used to live
4. Free practice :
- Asks the Ss to say a bout the things habits.used to
happen (relate themselves & their relatives)
Eg : I used to follow my mother to the market when I
was a kid
- Calls some to speak out & corrects
- Listen
- Complete the sentences using prep of time
-The pairs compare the answer together present
the sentences
-Take notes
- Make sentences
- Write on the bb
- Listen to
- Recall
- Listen & know
- Complete the dialogue in pairs
- Compare
- Speak out
- Take notes
- Do the require ment
- Speak out
* Consolidation (2ms)
- Recalls the verbs & its past form (pay a ttention to
irregular verbs) & the past simple
- Asks about the form & usage of used to again
* Homework : ( 1m) - Asks them to do exercises 1, 2, 7
page 27 and
- To review the content of the lesson.
Prepare: getting started and speak, unit 5.
- Listen
- Give form & usage
6. Self evaluation :

Date of preparation: September , 23
, 2011.
Date of teaching : September ,25
, 2011
A/ Objectives : After the lesson, students can:
- Learn from the errors in the tests.
- Control better method of learning for next lessons.
Teacher can evaluate students knowledge and change suitable method in
next teaching lessons.
B/ Language content:
1. Vocabulary: (Review):
2. Grammar: ( Review)
3. Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Techniques: Chain- game, picture cue drill, pair- work, gap-fill
D/ Teaching aids: A4 papers
E/ Procedures :
1. Class organization: (1 min)
2. New lesson:( 44 mins)
3. Key
I. Chn p n ng in vo ch trng :
1. assistant 2.planets 3. to go 4. under - between
5. ourselves 6. Because 7. downstairs 8.have to
II.Chn mt t khng cng nhm vi cc t cn li :
1. c 2.d 3. d 4. d
III. Ghp ct A vi ct B
1. f 2.h 3. a 4. c
5. e 6. g 7. b 8.d
IV/. Cho dng ng ca ng t
1. get 2.moves 3. sent 4. does ................... look
V/. Kt hp cc cu sau s dng t trong ngoc
1.Lan is beautiful enough to become Miss World.
2 We are going to play football.
IV/. c on vn v tr li cu hi:
1.He is tall and thin and has short curly hair.
2. Hai is reserved in public.
3. No , they dont.
4. They work hard at school .
4. Results
Lp Bi HS lm/ s HS >= 8 >= 5 < 5 < 3.5
8A1 41 2 36 3 0
8A2 38 1 33 4 0
8A3 41 4 26 11 0
8A4 36 17 17 2 0
All 156 24 112 20 0
5. Homework (1 minute) : Prepare unit 5: Getting started + listen and read
F/ Self- Evaluation:

Test 15
I. Change the sentences into negative and interogative(3ms):
1/ Hoa lived in Hue last year.
II. Write the past form of each verds(2ms):
1. eat . 2. sit
3. get 4. take ..
5. ride . 6. fly .

I. 2 x 2 = 4 pts
Hoa didnt live in Hue last year.
Did Hoa live in Hue last year ?
II . 1x6 = 6pts
1 .ate 2 .sat 3. got 4. took 5. rode
6 . flew
Date of preparation: October 24
, 2011.
Date of teaching: October 26
, 2011
Unit 5

I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to use indirect sentences (reported speech) and give
simple advice.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: report card, excellent, proud of, semester, improve, Spanish, pronunciation, sound, try
my best, believe, promise.
2/ Structures: need + to-inf, ask + sb + to-inf, reported speech
3/ Skills : L - S - R - W
III/ Techniques: Question and answer, pair work, group work, T or F .
IV/ Teaching aids: Pictures, real objects, stereo,
V. Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (1m) a. Warm-up: Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new materials:(44)
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up 4ms:
*Question: What subjects do you like best?
How many subject do you have
1. Lead in(2)
- Asks the sts to look at the picture in the book (p 46)
and answer
- Who are they?
- What are they talking about?
- Gets the stss answer and corrects.
- Introduces the lesson content: Discussing about the
study habits
2 . Pre practice : (10 )
- Has the sts listen to the tape and answer
- Who is Jim?
-Is he a good student?
- What were they talking about?
- Gets the sts answer and corrects.
- Teaches some new words
- report/ report card sts guessing from the context
- be proud of (example)
Eg: Tim learns well. His parents are proud of him.
- improve(v) (explanation: make st better)
- pronunciation(n) ( translation)
- try ones best ( situation and example)
Ex: Ill try my best to improve my English.
- semester(n) ( 1st semester, 2
* Checking vocabulary: Blank fill
He .. his best to get a good school this ..
. His learning a lot. So his parents are him.
- Introduces reported speech from the situation in the
3. Controlled practice :(12 )
- Has the sts listen to the tape once again and pay
attention to the pronunciation
- Asks the sts to work in pairs to practise the dialogue.
- Calls some pairs to speak out
- Has them read the text silently and decide if the
statements are T or F
- Calls one to answer: Was Tim out when his mother
called him?
- Asks the sts to do the same: Make Qs and As to
decide T or F
- Lets the sts make questions to the teacher. T answer
and gives keys.
Keys a) F b) T
c) F d) T
e) F f) T
- Asks the sts to read the dialogue again and answer
all the questions in the textbook (p47)
- Has them work in pairs to practise asking and
- Calls some pairs to speak out loud and corrects.
*Keys to question :
a week ? (I like math best / I have thirteen
subjects a week)
- Look at the picture and answer
- Give feedback
- Listen and know
- Listen and answer
- Give feedback
- Listen, repeat, guess the words meaning, then
copy down.
- Fill in the blank
- Listen and know
- Listen again and pay attention to the
- Practise the dialogue in pairs
- Speak out
- Read, then decide T or F
- One answers
- Do as required
- Read the dialogue, answer
- Practise asking and answering in pairs
- Speak out
Answer keys:
a) Miss Jackson is Tims mother
b) She gave Tims mother his report card
c) Tim study well this semester
d) ; e) ; f)
4. Free practice : (8) Survey
- Asks the Ss to work in groups
- Asks them to stand up and asks the other the
question: What subject do you need to improve? -
They have to write the names and the subjects that
their freinds answer.
Name What subject
Mai Literature
- Gets the sts answer and give feedback.
- Asks the sts who need to improve the same subject
work in groups and find out how to improve.
- Calls some to answer again
- What subject do you need to improve?
- How do you do to improve it?
- Recalls the lesson content from the sts answer.
6. Homework(3)
Ask sts to take notes
+ Review the lesson at home.
+ Prepare a short paragraph to talk about your
favorite subjects/ what you are good at/ bad at
- Do the survey
- Give feedback.
- Do as required
- Answer ( book closed)
7. Self evaluation :

Date of preparation: October 25
, 2011.
Date of teaching: October ,28
, 2011
Unit 5
I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to talk about their studies. complete the task, talk
about the difficulties in Studying English and talk about their studies.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: spend ... on, late at night, half an hour, less than/ more than an hour, do grammar
exercises. due to ,sickness, attendance, acceptable, participation, co-operation, satisfactory,
2/ Structures: Used to + inf, present Simple Tense.
3/ Skills : L - S - R - W
III/ Techniques: Brainstorming, Pair work, Q & A.
IV/ Teaching aids: Text books.
V. Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (1ms) a. Warm-up: Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new materials:(44ms)
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up : (4ms)
*Questions: write the past form of verbs (run /
be/ do / fly / spend)
A. Speak
1. Lead in(1)
- Calls one to answer
- Are you good at English?
- How do you learn/ improve English?
- Corrects and leads to the point: Talking about ones
habits of learning
2 . Pre practice : (5 )
- Has the sts read all the cues and the questions.
- Asks if the sts understand all of them
- Emphasizes on some words:
- technology(n)
-watch films/ read newspapers in English
- speak to foreigners
- .
- - Guides the sts to do the pair works
3. Controlled practice :(10)
- Asks the sts to answer the Qs in 5 mins
a) When do you do your homework?
b) Who helps you with the homework?
c) ; d) ; e)
- Calls some to answer the questions above.
- Asks the sts to work in groups of four: one in turns is
the interviewer and the others are interviewees
A: When do you do you homework?
B: I do my homework after dinner
C: I do my homework at 8p.m
D: I do my homework late at night

- Asks the interviewer to take notes.

Name Do home
- work
Help with
the home


Mai At 7 p.m Her


*Keys to questions: ran / was were / did /

flew /spent
- Answer
No,I am not
I do my English grammar,.......... .
- Listen and know
- Read the Qs and the cues to answer
- Listen and answer
- Listen, give the meaning
- Listen and know
- Answer the Qs in their papers
- Answer
- Do the interview in groups
- Copy down the table and do as required
- Report what the interviewers said
- Calls some to report what the interviewees said
Eg: Lan said that she did the homework after dinner
- Calls some to speak out and corrects
4. Free practice :(5)
- Asks the Ss to work in pairs to discuss this question
* What do you do to improve your speaking/ reading/
listening/ writing English?
In speaking: talking to friends, go to the English
- Gets some representatives to write on the b.b
- Gives correction
B. Listen
5. Pre-listening(5,)
- Introduces and explains some new words and the
content & form of a report card
Marking period
Days present
Days absent
Behavior participation
A : Excellent B : good
C : Fair D : poor
E :Fall ; S : satisfactory
U : unsatisfactory
-Teachers signature
- Parents signature
-pleased (adj) (please (v,n)
-aceptable (a)
-writing skills
- Listenning comprehension
- Encourage sb to do st
- Gets all Ss read the words
- Calls some to read
- Explains the requirement listen and complete the
report card after having them guess the results of
Ngas report
6.While listening: (8)
- Has the Ss listen once
- Asks them to listen once more & answer:
How many people are there in the conversation ?
who are they ?
What is Ngas teachers name?
What subject was reported? For what term?
- Plays the cassetle 2 more times, asks the Ss to
complete the report
- Has them compare the results with the gueeses
- Asks them to listen for the last time & checks
(sentence by sentence)
- Gives correction
- Discuss the question in pairs
- some representatives write on the b.b
- Listen
- Listen, guess the words meaning or the content,
form then repeat the new words
- Repeat chorally
- Read out
- Listen
- Listen only
- Listen & answer
- There are three. They are Ngas teacher & her
- Listen twice
- Listen & checks
- Takenote
- Make school report
- Discuss
- Speak out
(1) 87 days presents
(2) 5 days absent
(3) Spanish pronunciation
(4) Listening: comprehension
(5) Speaking: A
(6) Reading : A
(7) Writing: B
7.Post listening:(3)
- Asks the Ss to make a school report based on the
listening task
- Gets them to discuss with their partners about the
report card
- Call some to speak out
Eg : Last year, I learned very hard and my grades were
- Recalls how to write, complete a report card (content
& form )
- Recalls the new wods
- Encourages them to work hard to have a good report
- Asks the sts to look at the ways to improve the 4 skills
- Recalls the lesson content and notice the sts how to
improve English
9.Homework (1)
- Asks the sts to copy down
+ Write a paragraph to say about how to learning
English well.
+ Prepare Listen
- Listen
- Listen
- Do as directed

Listen and remember
10. Self evaluation :

Date of preparation: October 30
, 2011.
Date of teaching: November, 1
, 2011
Unit 5
Period: 28 LESSON:3 READ (period 1)

I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand how to learn new words and to
improve reading skills.
II/ Language contains:
1. Vocabulary: mother tongue, revision, underline
2. Structure: in order to/ so as to + inf
3. Skills : R - W - S - L
III/ Technique: Brainstorming, group work, pair work
IV/ Teaching aids: Text books, tape, stereo,
V/ Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (1ms) a.Warm up: greeting
b.Checking absence: whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new materials:44
Teachers s activities Students activities
*Checking up : (5ms)
* Questions: students present their report
card of the last year
1. Lead in: (2)
- Get some pairs of Ss to ask and answer about their
study habits.
Questions :
- Do you like learning English?
-How many words do you try to learn a day ?
-What do you do when you have a new word ?
-How do you learn that new word ?
-Do you have any special ways to leam English
words ?
- Gets Ss answer & corrects in their ways
- Tells the aims of the lesson
2. Pre-reading: (10)
- Has the Ss to read the text silently, answer whats
the text about ?
- Teaches the new words
-make a list
-put onto
-mother tongue explanation
-instead situation & example
-leam by heart context
-come across meet
-underline (v) action
-hightlight (v)
-revise(v) revision(n)
-so as to in order to translation
Eg: He joins an English club to speak English better
- Gets all to repeat chorally
Brainstorming (Ss can talk in Vietnamese the ways
they learn new words)

underline the

copy the word several times ways you learn
new words

* Key to question: students presentation
- Ask and answer
- Answer
-Yes , I do.
- 5 words
- I learn by heart
- I learn by heart
- Yes , some ways
- Listen
- Listen
- Read quickly answer Its about.
- Listen, guess the words meaning, then repeat
- Repeat chorally
- Write the way to learn new word
3. While Reading:(10)
1.- Questions How many ways of learning vocab
does the text mention? what are they ?
2.- Asks the Ss to read the text
silently again and decide true or false
- Has them to change to their partners
- Calls some to speak out and give explaination for
their choice
Keys : a: F c: F
b:T d: T
4.Post - reading: (10)
- Asks the Ss to work in groups to make a list of ways
of learning new words (in the book & some ways that
they know)
Eg : Make a list and put in to it the meanings of new
words in their mother tongue
- Calls some to speak out & corrects
5.Consolidation (5)
- From the ways of learning the words recalls and
makes them remember should try different ways of
learning words so as to find out the best way for you
- Asks the Ss to take notes
-write the ways of learning new words on the
-Do excrises
-Prepare read-p2
- Scan the text & answer
- Read silently, devide T or F
- Discuss with their partners
- Do as required
- Discuss in groups of four & list some ways of
learning words
- Speak out
- Listen and takenote
- Listen
6. Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: October 30
, 2011 .
Date of teaching: November, 2
, 2011
Unit 5
Period: 29 LESSON:3 READ (period 2)

I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand how to learn new words and to
improve reading skills.
II/ Language contains:
1. Vocabulary: mother tongue, revision, underline
2. Structure: in order to/ so as to + inf
3. Skills : R - W - S - L
III/ Technique: Brainstorming, group work, pair work
IV/ Teaching aids: Text books, tape, stereo,
V/ Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (1ms) a.Warm up: greeting
b.Checking absence: whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new materials:44
Teachers s activities Students activities
*Checking up : (5ms)
* Questions: talk some ways to
learn new words
1. Lead in: (2)
Questions :
- Did you learn words by underline or highlight ?
- Did you learn by heart ?
- Do you revise the words you learnt?
2. Pre-reading: (10)
- Give some pictures and some words and ask ss
- Correct and give key.
1. do the home work.
2. Stick a paper on wall
3. underline
4. foreigner
3. While Reading:(10)
- Asks the Ss to read the text silently again and
decide answer the questions in ex2
- Has them to change to their partners
- Ask some give answers
- Correct
a) No, they dont. They learn new words in different
b) Because they want to know how to use the words
in the right ways.
c) They write words and its uses on small pieces of
paper and stick it some where.
d) Because they want to learn important words.
e) Revision is necessary in learning words.
f) I should learn words in different ways.
4.Post - reading: (10)
- Ask some ss to read the passage
- Correct pronunciation
- Ask some translate it into vietnamese.
- Correct
5.Consolidation (5)
* Key to question: students presentation
- answer
- Match
- copy
- read and answer.
- Work in pairs
- Give answers
- Write down
- Read
- Traslate.
- Ask ss recall some ways to learn new words
- Makes them aware of the importance of learning
words by heart
- Asks the Ss to take notes
-write the ways of learning new words on the
-Do excrises
-Prepare write
- Speak out
- Listen and takenote
- Listen
6. Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: November,1
, 2011.
Date of teaching: November, 4
Unit 5
Period: 30 LESSON:4 WRITE
I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter in English following the model.
II/ Language contains:
1. Vocabulary: regards, pleased, enjoyable, receive, result, almost,...
2. Structure: simple past, simple present, near future.
3. Skills : R - W - L - S
III/ Technique: Brainstorming, group work, question and answer.
IV/ Teaching aids: Text books,
V. Procedure in class:
1.Stabilization: (1 ms) a.Warm up: greeting
b.Checking absence: who is absent today?
2.Presentation of the new materials:44
Teachers s activities Students activities
*Checking up : (4 ms)
* Questions: (answer) the question in
1. Lead in:(4)
- Gets the Ss to play the game we write letters
- Devides the class into 6 groups
- Hands out some papers in which there is one part
of a letter
- Asks the Ss to discuss & re arrange the to parts
into a letter

* Keys questions: answer questions in exercise 2
- The Ss called do the require ment
- Listen
- Play the game as quired & directed
2. Pre-writing: (10)
- Asks the Ss to draw out the frame of a friendly
- Asks them to label the parts
* A friendly letter : 4 parts
A: Heading writers address
and the date
B: Opening Dear,
C: Body of the letter
D: Closing Your friend,/ regards,/ love,
- Has them to read the letter carefully & answer
whats it about?
- Gets them to read the cues & compare with the
complete letter
3.While writing: (10)
- Leaves time & asks the Ss to write a friendy a letter
using the words given
- Lets the Ss compare their writing with their
- Calls some to write on the bb
- Gives correction
4. Post-writing : (9)
- Gets the whole class play the game Error
- Asks the Ss to work in groups
- Delivers uncomplete/ uncorrect letters
- Asks the Ss to find out & corrects .The group who
find out & corrects the error most quickly is the
5.Consolidation (5)
- Recalls the form of a friendly letter
- Asks if they dont know who will receive this letter
- Asks the Ss to write on their notebooks
-write a letter to your friend to tell about your
result of learning last semester/ year
-do exercise 9/37 (workbook)
-prepare Language focus
- Draw out
- Look at & label the parts of a letter
- Read the letter & answer
- Read the cues and compare
- Write the letter individually
- Compare the results with their partners
- Write on the bb
- Listen & copy down
- Play the games as required & directed
- Do as require
- Recall &listen
7.Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: November,6
, 2011.
Date of teaching: November, 8
, 2011
Unit 5
I/ Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to understand and know to use reported speech,
should and review adverbs of manner.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: replant , aloud, pronounce
2/ Structures: adverbs of manner, Model should, Command, requests and advice in reported
3/ Skills : R - W - S - L
III/ Technique: Pair work and group work, repetition , explanation.
IV/ Teaching aids: Brain storming, Question & answer, Discussion, pair works, group works
III. Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (1ms) a.Warm up: greeting
b.Checking absence: Whos absent today?
3.Presentation of the new materials:44
Teachers s activities Students activities
*Checking up : (5ms)
* Questions: Asks some students (2.3) to correct
mistakes handed before.
I.Complete the dialogce :(13)
1. Lead in:
Questions : How did you do the TEST ?
- Analyses the answer
Very badly
Adv of manner
- Introduces the grammar point and exercise.
2. Pre-practice:
- Asks about the form, uses of adverbs of manner
*Adj + LY Adv of manner
*He studies well
(modifies to a verb)
- Notices the irregular case :
good well hard hard
fast fast far far
3. Controlled- practice:
- Lets the Ss read the dialogues silently & complete
them by using adverbs of manner
- Has the Ss discuss with them partners about the
- Calls some to speak out
4 . Free- practice :
- Has the Ss make sentences to compare adj & adv
Eg : Hes a good student

He studies well

III. Reported speech :(22)
1.Lead in :
- Gives two sentences and asks the Ss to compare:
* Keys to the questions: According to each

- Answer
- Have a look at the adverbs
- Recall- >Adj+ly -> adv
- Listen, answer & take notes

- Read silently & complete the dialogue
- Change the answer with their friends
- Speak out
- Make sentences
- Look at the example & analgse
Miss Jackson saidCan you give tim this
Timmother report it to Tim:
Miss Jackson asked me to give you this dictionnary
- Gets Ss feedback
- Analyses the direct speech, reported speech &
introduces the topic
2. Pre- practice :
- Gives example & asks the Ss to analys
Eg : stand up she said to one she told me to
stand up
Eg : Can you help me she said she asked me to
help her
Eg : You should work harder on English grammar
she said I should work harder
- Asks the Ss to elicit the structure
* Commands & requests :
S + V + O + (not) to infi
Introductory v
+ Advice :
S + V + O + should + V (bare infi)
* Notes : Changes in Reported speech
person 3
person the same as O (main clause)
person not changed
Changes in tenses
Simple present simple past
Present progressive past progressive
Future Future in the past
Changes in adverbs / pron
This/ there that/ there
Here there
Now then
Today that day
Tomorrow the next day
The following
Yesterday the day before
Last night the night before
- Notices the Ss the exercise in the books just use the
-Tell/ ask sb to do st and changes the person
3.Controlled practice
-Asks the Ss to read the 2 example carefully
- Has them report Miss Jacksons commands
requests & advice
- Gets the Ss to change the answer to their friends &
- Calls some to speak out
- Gives correction & keys
4: Free practice:
- Has the Ss to work in pairs
- Speak out
- Listen
- Answer
- Listen & know
- Read the examples carefully
- Elicit and takenote
- Takenote
- Read the example
- Do the exercise
- Discuss the answer with friends
- Speak out
- Practise in pairs
-One gives commands requests or advice
-One reports what his partner said
-Uses a chart Turn in to Repoted speech
1.Teacher said to Trung write that exercise down
2.Mrs green said please sing at our party, Lan
3.Mary said to John Can you open the box for
4.You should change the way you learn English she
- Gets the Ssfeedback & corrects
5. Homework(2)
- Asks the Ss to write down
-Learn the lesson carefully
-Do exercise 2,3,4,7 (work book)
-Prepare Listen & read (Unit 6)plan &
intention for the future
1.The teacher asked Trung to write...
2.Mrs Green told Lan to sing.....
3.Mary asked John to open the box for her
4.she said we should change the way we learned
- Listen & Take notes
6.Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: November,7
, 2011.
Date of teaching: November, 9th , 2011
Unit 6 :
I. Aims and objectives:
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to know what activities the Y & Y joins in
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: blind, elderly, handicapped, care for, take part in, enroll
2/ Structures: Present simple with future meaning, gerunds, modal: may, can, could.
3/ Skills : L - S - R - W
III/ Technique:
Brainstorming, question and answer, pair work, group work, T or F.
IV/ Teaching aids:
Pictures, text book, real objects, stereo, OHT, OHP

III. Procedure in class:
1.Stabilization: (1ms) a. Warm up: Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2.Presentation of the new materials:44
Teachers s activities Students activities
2.Checking up : (5ms)
*Questions: reporting game : Song the song
Children of the world unite
1. Lead in:(4)
- Asks Ss some questions about their activities and
their summer holiday?
* What do you usually do on your summer
* Are you members of the Young Pioneers and
youth Organization?
* Are there any activity programs for the summer?
* Do you take part in them?
* What activity do you like most?
- Gets Ss feeclback. Introduces the title of the lesson
2. Pre-practice: (10)
1.-Has the Ss listen to the tape once
- Asks if their guesses are right
- Questions what information does Nga give to the
2.-Teaches the new words
-enroll (v) introduces above
-take part in participate in (v)
Eg : He usually takes part in games at school
-application form (n) explanation & realia
-fill out (v) action (in an application form
*Keys to question: Song Children of the world unite
- Listen & know then answer the questions
I often stay at home
Yes ,Iam

No, there arent
- Listen & know
- Listen
- Listen, repeat, guess the words meaning and then
copy down
-hobby (n) = interest (n)
-out door activities (n) Ss guessing
3.-Checks the Ss unders tanding of the words :
Blank fill
Nga wanted to (1) for some activities given
by the youth Union the secrectary gave her an (2)
.and asked her to (3) Nga had to give her name,
address, phone number and her (4).she
said she liked drawing (5).and acting
4.-Introduces the new language Gerund
Eg : I like drawing
Drawing is my hobby
S ( G)
-Elicits : G = V ing
+Function O/ S/ C
+Like/ enjoy + gerund
3. Controlled practice: (13)
a) Has the Ss listen to the tape again
- Asks them to work in pairs practising the dialogue
- Calls some pairs to speak out loud
b)- Asks the Ss to work in pairs to fill in the
information about Nga by asking & answering the
-Whats her name ?
-Where does she live ?
Whats her address ?
-Whats her phone number ? / Does she have a
phone number ?
-Whats her date of birth ?
-What are her hobbies / interests ?
- Gets Ss feedback & gives correction
4.Free practice: (7)
- Gets the Ss to do pairwork again to ask & answer
the questions. Do you want to attend the Young
pioneers club this summer ?
Why or Why (not) ?
- Calls one to make a model
- Gets some pairs to speak out loud
- Corrects in Ss ways
5 .Consolidation(3)
- Uses the chart in checking new word to recall the
- Makes them know the importance of the Young
pioneers club & Youth Union
-Asks the Ss to take notes
-Answer the question which activitives of the Y
& Y do you like best ? why ?
-Prepare speak
- Look at the chart & fill in
1.- enroll
2.- applicatin form
3.- fill out
4.- interests/ hobbies
5.- outdoor activies
- Listen, have a look at the example elicit the structure
*Like + Gerund
- Copy down
- Listen
- Practise the dialogue in pairs
- Speak out loud
- Complete Ngas details by asking & answering the
questions first

- Listen
- Do pairworks asking & answering the Qs
- Practice with the T
- Speak out
- Listen
- Listen & know
6.Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: November,9, 2011.
Date of teaching: November, 11 , 2011

Unit 6 :

I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to ask and offer favor or assistance and respond to
these. Ps will be able to understand the main ideas and complete the blanks with the missing words of the
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: favor, respond, unite, peace, right, north, south.
2/ Structures: Using modal verbs. present simple tense.
3/Skills : L - S - R - W
III/ Techniques: Brainstorming, brainstorming, pair work, Q & A.
IV/ Teaching aids: Text books, things around. cassette, tapes
V. Procedure in class:
1.Stabilization : (1ms) a. Warm up : greetings
b. Checking absence: whos absent to day?
2.Presentation of the new materials:(44)
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up : (4 ms)
* Questions: calls one student(one asks, one other
- Says, In daily life, we always have to ask for and
respond to favors; offer assistance what structures do you
know to express these ideas?
- Introduces the structures in the students book:
* Asking for favors :
e ngh c giup
+ Can / Could you help me, please?
+ Could you do me a favor?
- Think and answer
- Write down.
+ I need a favor
+ Can / Could you?
Ban co the giup toi c khong?
* Responding to favors:
ap lai li e ngh
- Asks students to think and give the responses
- Asks them to close the book to guess.
* Offering assistance
- Gives one example
May I help you?
+ Do you need any help?
+ Let me help you.
* Responding to assistance
+ Yes, thank you
+ No, thank you
+ Yes, thats very kind of you
+ No, thank you. Im fine.
* New words:
+ Do me a favor
+ Assistance
- Asks them to read a, b
- Asks sts to recognize which questions are asking for
favors or offering assistance and how to respond
- Asks them to practice and read aloud.
- Corrects the mispronunciation .
- Asks the Ss to answer the questions:
1. What do you say to ask for a favor?
2. When do you ask for favor?
3. How do you say to respond to favor?
- Asks them to make a similar dialogue in pairs (they can
choose 1)
- Calls on some pairs to practice before the class.
- Now you work in pairs think of a situation and make up
a new dialogue using the structures to ask for and respond
to favors
- Think and cooperate to build the lesson.
- Close the books and guess.
- Give a example.
- Write down.
- Read.
- Distinguish the asking for favors or offering
- Practice in pairs and read aloud
- Listen
- Answer the questions:
1. Can/Could you help me?
Could you do me a favor?
2. Need some help.
3. Certainly/ of course/ sure/ no problem.
- Make a similar dialogue in pairs
- Practice before the class.
- Open the door
- Show me the way
- Borrow some money
- Give a lift
*Listen (18)
Now lets sing a song
- Supplies some new words:
Right (n)
Peace (n)
Unite (v)
* structure
Lets V .
- Guides the students to concentrate listening
The song is about children, now you words again and
have a guess of the words in the blanks
- Listen and write down.
- Listen and answer
- Guess
- Listen and fill in blanks.
- Now you will listen to the tape and complete the song by
filling the words you hear in the blanks
- Plays the tape twice or three times.
- Asks them to compare their results with a partier
- Calls some sts to read aloud their words
- Gives keys
- Plays the tape and checks finally.
- Asks sts to master the main idea peace and union for
- Organizes the contest of singing in groups following
the tape.
V. Homework: (2)
- Asks the Ss to learn the lesson and make a dialogue by
- Asks the Ss to prepare for the next period : unit: 6
- Listen to the tape.
- Compare their results with partners
- Some read aloud their words
- Listen and write down
- Listen for checking
- Master the main idea
- Sing in group
.Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: November13, 2011.
Date of teaching: November 15 , 2011

Unit 6 :
Period: 33 LESSON: 3 READ
I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to know something about the YN organizations in
other countries and improve reading skills.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: citizenship, coeducational, voluntary, fitness, although.
2/ Structures: relative pronoun WHICH.
3/ Skills : R - W - S - L
III/ Technique: Skimming, guessing words, group work, discussion
IV/ Teaching aids: Text books,
III. Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization : (1ms) a. Warm up : greetings
b. Checking absence: whos absent to day?
2.Presentation of the new material

Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up : (5 ms)
* Question: Calls on 2 students (one is the
secretary, one is Nga)

* Keys to questions: According to each Ssideas.
1. Lead in :(3)
-Ask some questions :
Do you know the YU?
When did the YU found ?
Who founded the YU?
-Tells the aims of the lesson Well learn about the
aims of YU
2. Pre-practice :(10)
a)-Teaches the words
-encourage(v) (explanation: give the verd which
means to give somebody support)
-personalfitness (translation)
-aims (n) purpose (n)
-princible (n) : ( example)
- Calls some to speak out the word loud
b)- Checks the Ss understanding of the words : slap
c)- Sticks the poster with the statements on the bb.
Asks Ss to guess T/F
3. While reading(16 )
-Asks the Ss to read the text silently & do exercise 1
1. Fill in the missing information
- Goes round & helps
- Has them compare the results with their partners
- Calls some to speak out loud & explain their choice
- Correct and give the answers
a. March,26,1931.
b. December,1976.
c.their public awareness and form their
d. The guidelines
2 Answer.
-Ask ss work in pairs to anwser the questions
-Ask some ss to answer
-Ask some to write them on the bb
- correct and give the key
* Key :
A He/She can thYU from 15 to 30.
B. It was founded on March ,26 ,1931
C . It is The HCM Communist Youth Union.
D Helping the handicapped, Cleaning the
Environment,Green Summer VolunteersCampain.
E.they aims tohelp the young develop their public
awareness and form their personality.
F.The president HCM
G. Ss answer
- Asks the Ss to discuss in groups of four
-What social activitives do the YU in your
schooloften do ?
Eg: outdoor activities
- Calls some representatives to speak out & corrects
- Lets Ss play game:Yes-No.Ten Ss go to the board,
- Answer
- listen
- Listen; guess the words meaning then repeat in

- Speak out loud
- Slap the board
- Guess T/F
- Read and do exercise
Fill in the missing information
- Compare the results with their friends
- Speak out loud
-Take notes
- Work with partner
- Answer
-Write on the bb
- Take notes

- Work in groupsof 4

-Speak out and take notes
teacher read one statement if it is mentoined in the
text Ss will run to the place of Yes. And do
opposite.The Ss who run to No will come back to
their seat.The last one is the winner
6.Homework: (2m)
- Asks the Ss to learn the new words and answer of
- Asks the Ss to prepare for the next period: unit 6
- play games
7.Self Evaluation
Date of preparation: November 13, 2011.
Date of teaching: November 16 , 2011

Unit 6 :
Period: 34 LESSON: 4 WRITE
I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter about future plans in English
following the model, using be going to.
II/ Language contains:
1. Vocabulary: recycle, resources, fund, register.
2. Structure: revision of near future.
3. Skills : R - W - S - L
III/ Technique: Brainstorming, pair work, group work, question and answer, guided discussion, sharing
and comparing.
IV/ Teaching aids: Text books,
V/ Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (1) a. Warm up : greetings
b. Checking absence: Whos absent to day?
2. Presentation of the new materials:

Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up : (5 ms)
* Question: content of Read
1. Lead in: (4)
- Introduces the aims of the lesson relates the Y &
Y and some activitives then says about the notice.
2. Pre-writing: (8)
a)-Pre teaches some words
-help the community (explanation)
-recycling program
( explanation)

* Keys to questions: activities of UN
- Listen
- Listen guess the words meaning & copy down
-collect (v) used glass
-save (v) explanation
-natural sources translation
-raise fund explanation
-register (v) (n)
-participate in = take part in
-environment month translation
b)-Checks the Ss unders tanding of the words( slap
the board)
c)-Asks the Ss to read the Notice carefully
3. While writing:(12)
a)- Asks the Ss to complete the letter based on the
- Lets them check with their partners
- Calls 2 to read out the complete letter
- Gives correction
(1)community (2)recyling
(3)collect (4)send
(5)recyling (6)save
(7)earn (8)participate
(9)planting (10)helping
b)-Asks the Ss to pratice the dialogue between Hoa
& Aunt in pair
- Has them to take the role of Hoa.
- Gives compreheshion questions:
* Why does Hoa look happy?
* What is she going to do in the envirement
* What are they going to do?
- Gets feedback, correct and asks Ss to write a
letter to Hoas partners telling what she is going to
- Goes roud and helps
- Calls some to read out the letter
- Gives correction
Suggestion :
Dear Mom and Dad
Im very happy to tell you that Y & Y green group
of my school
The green group is holding an environment month
plan. We are going to clean the lake banks on
weekends. We are going to plant tree and floewrs
in the school garden and water them after class.
We are planting young trees and plants to sell to
other schools
I hope that we can bring more and earn some
money for our school.
The program is very interesting I will tell you more
about the group activities late
4.Post writing:(10)
- Do as requird & directed
- Read silently
- Complete the letter
- Check with friends
- Read out
-Take notes
- Practice the dialogue in pairs
- Role play
- Answer
* Because she is able to join in the Y & Y Green
* .......
- Write a letter telling what Hoa is going to do
- Asks the help
- Take note
- Sets a situation & asks the Ss to write a letter
Your school Y & Y is holding the Voluntary
summer campaign and you are going to join it.
You are going to collect rubbish plant and water
trees in the street, teach street children Vietnamese
and help policemen in the intersection maintain
traffic order
- Calls some to write on the bb
- Gives correction
- Asks about the activitives of the Y & Y again &
encourages the Ss to join them
- Notices how to write a letter
Four parts in the letter: Heading , opening, body
of the letter, closing
6.Homework: (1m) - - Asks the Ss to write down
-write the letter above on your exercise notebook
-Give the correct verb forms
1.(recycle) programs are very useful to protect the
2.Our duty is to save (nature) resources
3.All member in the class enroll the Y & Y
4.You can keep these flowers fresh by (water) them
-prepare Language focus
*Present tense with future meaning
*Modals: Can, Could, May
- Have a look at the situation then do the assignment
- Write the letter on the bb
- Listen
6.Self Evaluation
Date of preparation: November,16, 2011.
Date of teaching: November 18 , 2011

Unit 6 :
I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the simple present tense better and
understand how to use gerunds and modal verb may / can / could.
II/ Language contents:
1. Vocabulary: support, cultural-sport programs
2. Structure: revision of the simple present tense, gerunds and modal verb may / can / could.
3. Skills : R - W - S - L
III/ Technique: pair work, group work, question and answer.
IV/ Teaching aids: Text books, OHP, OHT
V/ Procedure in class:
1.Stabilization: (1ms) a. Warm up : greetings
b. Checking absence: who s absent to day?
2.Presentation of the new materials: 44
Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up : (5 ms)
Question: talk some Y&Y

I/Pessent tense with future menning(11)
1. Lead in:
- Situation & example
-when does the program start/ finish ?
furure meaning
2. Pre-practice:
- Recalls (after analyzing the example above)
-Shedule future event present
-a certain event/ plan tense
implyes future meaning
- Lets the Ss read the Y & Y spring Activities
- Explains the requirement
- Introduces the 2 phrases
-Collects and empty garbage
-gather to support cultural sport program
- Calls one to make a model
T: When do they collect and empty garbage ?
where ?
S : On January 8/ AT Dong Xuan market
3. Controlled practice:
- Lets the Ss read the plan indi vidually
- Has the Ss work in pairs asking and answering
about the activities
- Calls some to speak out loud
- Gives correction
4. Free- practice:
- Asks them to look at all the sentences again and
answer which tense do we use in this exercise
- What does it imply ?
- Calls some to make sentences using this
grammar point
II/ Gerunds :(10)
1.Lead in :
- Questions What do you like doing in your free
time ?
Eg: I like reading books
- Introduces the point & the exercise
2. Pre practice :

* Keys to questions : situation you want to be in
member of Y.Y
- Listen and answer
- Recall then copy down
- Read the frame carefully
- Listen
- Take notes
- Read the plan individually
- Do pairwork
- Some pairs called speak out
- Present simple to express an arranged action that
will happen in the future
- Answer
- Analy the examples & elicit the structure
- Gives examples
I like reading books
Reading books is my favorite pastime
My favorite pastime is
reading books
C of S
- Asks the Ss to elicit the structire
a)Function object
complement of S

b)Verbs are followed by gerunds like enjoy, hate,
love, dislike, stop
* Prepositions + gerunds
- Guides how to do the exercise
talk about their friends hobbies by looking at the
chart then talk about themselves.
3.Controlled practice :
a)-Asks the Ss to look at the table and talk about
their friends
Eg : Ba loves playing soccer, but he doesnt like
washing up
- Calls some to speak out loud
- Gives correction
- Lets the Ss work in pairs asking and answering
the questions
A: Do you like playing soccer ?
B: No.I hate it what about you ?
A: Yes.I live playing soccer
- Calls some pairs to speak and loud
- Corrects in Ss ways
III/ Work with a partner Modals :(17)
1. Lead in:
- Sets a situation & example
T: Can you help me ?
S: Certainly. What can I do for
you ?
T: Can you turn on the light ?
S: Sure. Ill help you
- Intrduces the point of grammar
2. Pre- practice :
- Asks about asking for & responding to favor &
offering & responding to assistance
* Asking for favors
- Can/could you help me, please ?
- Could you do me a favor ?

* Offering assistance
- May I help you ?
- Explains the exercises requirement
3. Controlled- practice :
a)-Asks the Ss to work in pairs to complete the
- Takenote
- Elicit
- Listen
- Look at the table & talk
- Speak out loud
- Do pairwork asking & answering the Qs
- Speak out
- Know the situation & make a modal with the teacher
- Listen
- Answer
- Responding to favors certainly/ of course/ sure
- Responding to assistane Yes/ No. Thank you
- Listen & takenote
- Complete the dialogue using cues in the box
dialogue using the cues in the box
- Calls some pairs to speak out loud
- Gives correction
b)-Asks the Ss to work in pairs again to complete
the dialogue by using the structures have learnt
(asking for favors ..)
- Monitors & helps
- Lets the Ss to practise the dialogues in pairs
- Calls some pairs to speak out
4.Free- practice:
- Asks the Ss to do pairwork again, creating a
situation and the making a dialogue based on it
- Goes round & helps
- Calls some pairs to speak out
Model :
A : Can you help me, please ?
B : Sure. How can I help you ?
A : Could you bring this bag for me ? Its heavy
- Recalls the 3 points of grammar
( Give the correct verb forms)
a. I enjoy (cook ) meal
b. (Play) badminton is her favorite.
c. The Y & Y members (collect) and (empty)
garbage on January 9
- Gets feedback and corrects.
- Notices how to do the exercise
5.Homework: (1m) - - Asks the Ss to write down
on their notebooks
-Make a new dialogue using a new creation
-Do exercise 2.3.4 (workbook)
-Prepare knowledge for the
Language review :grammar structures
- Speak out loud
(4 pairs)
- Do pairwork again
- Practise the dialogue in pairs
- Speak out
- Make a dialogue in pairs
- Speak out
- Recall
- Do exercise
6.Self Evaluation
Date of preparation: November,20, 2011.
Date of teaching: November, 22 , 2011
Period: 36 REVISION
I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to review the knowledge they learned from unit 3 to
unit 6 and do some type of exercises to prepare for the test.
II/ Language contents:
1. Vocabulary: (reviewing)
2. Structure: (reviewing)
3. Skills :
III/ Technique: Explanation, giving excercises.
IV/ Teaching aids: Text books, OHP, OHT, extra board
V. Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization : (1ms). a. Warmup: Greetings
b. Checking absence: Who absent today?
2. Presentation of the new materials:

Teachers s activities Students activities
1. Lead in:(2)
- From Ss task leads to the point . To revise some
grammar points & do exerises using these grammar
2. Pre-practice:(10)
- Asks the Ss about the form, usages of the present &
past simple
a. Present :
+ S + V( s es (3
*Express a habit, general wich in presend
*Adv : Adv of prequency; today
b.Past simple:
S+V( ed/ V2
*a habit, an action happend & finished in the past.
*Yes terday, ago, last
c. Preposition of time & places : in, on, at
d. Reported speech :
Changes tense
Ex : Can you show me the way to the National park,
please ?
=>He asked me to show him the way to the National park
* Command & request :
S + V + (not) to infi
* Advice: S + V + S + should
e. Modal verbs :
a)Modals + bare infi
b)Used to ask for favor offer assistance; give advice,
f. Gerund To- infi :
Form of verbs :
Bare infi (After modals)
To infi V, to V
Gerund (After prep; enjoy,,.)
g. Form of a letter :
3..Body of the letter

- Draw out
- Tell the form and usage
- Takenote
-Turn into reported speech
- Recall some structures using these verbs draw
out & give examples
- Give the content of each part
- Asks Ss to do exercise
Exercise 1 (8) : Choose the best answer
1.Can you fill (in/ out/ on) this form for me ?
2.The doctor asked him (to take/ taking/ take) a rest
3.Nam hates (going/ go/ to go ) to the market
4.Its too cold outside. (Could/ Are/ Do) you close the
door for me?
5.They are planing (to join/ join/ joining) the club
6.The boy scout do (voluntaryl/ volunteer/ voluntaring)
7.Its very kind (in/ of/ to) you to say so
8.The world health(organize/organizing/organization) is
an international one
9. He didnt study (good/ well/ goodly) He always gets
bad mark
10. (Wacth/watching/ towatch) is my favorite.
Exercise 2 (10): Rewrite the sentences
1.You should stay in bed for a few days she said
(change into reported speech)
2.Mrs Jackson said to Jim Would you give me a hand,
please ? => Mrs Jackson asked Jim.............................
3.The teacher said to Tim, Come into my office, please
=>the teacher told Tim............
4.Bao/ help/ his fninds in the orphanage/ play fooball/ last
week => Bao helped..............................................
Exercise 3 (10): Read the passage, then decide if the
follwing sentences are True (T) or False (F)
We are all destroying the Earth. The seas and rivers
are too dirty to swim in. There is so much smoke in the
air that it is unhealthy to live in many of worlds cities.
We have cut down so many trees that there are now vast
areas of waste land all over the world. As a result,
farmers in parts of Africa certain you ?
countries in Asia there is too little rice. Wild animals are
quickly disappering. For instance, tigers are rare in India
now because we have killed too many However, it not
enough simply to talk about the problem. We must act
now because it is too late to do any thing about it . Join
us now! Save the Earth. This is too important to ignore.
1.The sea and rivers are polluled now
2.Smoke is harmful to human health
3.We have planted many trees now
4.In all over the world, farmers cannot grow enough to
5.Wild animals are threatened by extinction
6.There are only a few tigers exist in India

3.Controled practice : (2')
- Gets the Ss to do the exercises
- Leaves time & then goes round to help
- Calls one by one to do the exercise (write on the bb)
- Gives correction
4.Fre e practice :2
- Do exercise
Keys: Exercise1
1. out
2. to take
3. going
5. to join
6. voluntary
7. of
8. organization
9. well
10. Watching
Exercise 2:
She said I shuold stay in bed
- Do the exercise
-Write the answers on the bb
- Asks the Ss to make sentences using forms of verbs
Eg : I like collecting stamps
- Calls some to speak out
- Recalls the grammar points and the exercises using
there points
4. Home work(1m)
- Asks the Ss to review lessons from unit 4 to unit 6.
- Asks the Ss to prepare for the test 2
- Make sentences
6. Selfevaluation:
Date of preparation: November,20, 2011.
Date of teaching: November, 25 , 2011
(Time : 45 minutes)
I. Aims and objectives:
* Language content:- To help the students to review all the knowledge from unit 4 to 6
* Language function: - To enable students to use English Fluently
* Educational aim: - To make the students aware of the importance of hard studying
II. Contents:
1/ Subjects
- Our past
- Study habits
- The young pioneers club
2. Language:
a. Vocabulary : Words relating the past.
Words about study habits
Words about the young pioneers club
b. Structures : - Simple past tense + Simple Present tense
- Used to + V
- Modal verbs should / can / could/ may
- Gerund
- Adverbs of manner.
- Prepositions of time.
- Report speech

3. Skills: Integrated skills : writing - reading.
4. Education factor: - To know to learn English more effectively
III. Teacher and Students preparation:
1. Method: Communicative Approach :
2. Techniques: gap-filling, answer the questions.
3. Materials needed: copies of test 45 ms
4. Students preparation: review 3 units
5. Previous exercises: grammar practice
IV. Procedure in class :

Nhn bit Thng hiu vn dng
Cng Cp thp Cp cao
1. Our past
Past simple
used to+ V
s of time
ns of time
vocabulary Past simple
used to+ V
- S cu
- S im
-T l %
Ch 2
-adverbs of
Read the
,do T/F
- S cu
- S im
-T l %
Ch 3
The young
the future
- S cu
- S im
-T l %

Tng s cu
Tng sim
-T l %
Full name: __________________________________ The second English test
Class: 8__ Duration: 45ms

I. Tim 1 t c cch pht m khc vi cc t cn li :(1m)
1. A. planted B. worked C. collected D. needed
2 A. close B. so C. onion D. window
3. A. enroll B. help C. pencil D. spend
4. A. graze B. escape C. participation D. magically
1............ 2. .................. 3. ............................ 4. ...............
II. Chn p n thch hp hon thnh cc cu sau . (2ms)
1. She enjoys comic.( reads / reading / to read / read)
2. She was born ..................... May 15, 1995. (to / in / at / on )
3. Cat Ba Island in 1994 .(lived / lives / living / live)
4. The teacher told me .you this dictionary.give/ giving /
to give / gives)
5. Tim should ................... his best to learn Spanish pronunciation. (try / tried / tries / trying)
6. Its hot here. .you turn on the air conditioner, please? (Could / Should /
May / Why dont )
7. There didnt use to a hospital in our town 10 years ago. (is/ be /was / were)
8. Mr. Smith likes ........................ to music in his free time. (listens/ listened/ listen/ listening)
III.Cho dng ng ca ng t trong ngoc .(2 ms ).
1. Mrs Jackson ( give ) .Tim a lot of homework last week.
2. Can you ( do )......................... me a favor ?
3. Where did you use to ( be) ............... when you were a child ? .
4. Nga ( join) . the Y&Y green group this summer vacation.
IV. c on hi thoi chn cu tr li ng (T) hay sai (F). (2ms)
How different students learn their English vocabulary.
Hoa: I have a little book. Its an address book with the letters of the alphabet, and I
write the new words in two or three times a week. I write English words first,
then the translation. I try to learn 10 new words a day.
Lan: I have a little notebook. I always have it with me. I try to fill one page a day.
Sometimes I put words in groups, like fruit- all kinds of fruit; or colors, or
clothes, or things and the shops where you buy them.
Nam: I write the new words on a little piece of paper, with the English on one side and
the Vietnamese on the other side. I write the English words in a sentences so I
know to use them, and what words they are used with.
1. Lan has a little notebook with the letters of the alphabet.
2. Hoa writes the new words in the book two or three times a week.
3. Nam sometimes puts words in groups.
4. Nam writes the English words in a sentence so he knows how to use
V. Tng thut li cc cu sau : ( 2 ms)
1. Can you help me do my homework ? asked she.
- She asked me................................................................................................................
2. You should improve your English everyday . Mrs Jackson said to Tim.
- Mrs Jackson said
3. Please lend me my book , Ba . said Hoa .
- Hoa asked ..
4. You shouldnt translate each sentence into Vietnamese, my brother said.
- My brother told me........
VI. Tm li sai v sa li (1m)
1- I know you worked really hardly this semester. ...........................................................................
2. He was born in July,20 1994 ................................................................................
I/ Mi cu ng c 0.25 x 4 = 1 m
1. B 2.C 3. A 4. D
II/ Mi cu ng c 0.25 x 8 = 2 ms
1. reading 2.on 3. lived 4. / to give
5. try 6. Could 7. be 8.listening
III/ Mi cu ng c 0.5 x 4 = 2 ms
1. gave 3. be 4. joins
III/ Mi cu ng c 0.5 x 4 = 2 ms
1. T 2.F 3. F 4. T
V/ Mi cu ng c 0.5 x 2 = 2ms.
1. - She asked me to help her do her homework.
2. - Mrs Jackson said that Tim should improve his English everyday
3. - Hoa asked Ba to lend her his book
4. - My brother told me that I shouldnt translate each sentence into Vietnamese
VI/ Mi cu ng c 0.5 x 4 = 2 ms.
1.C -> hard
2. C -> on

Date of preparation: November,20, 2011.
Date of teaching: November, 23 , 2011
I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to tell about the different things between city life
and the country life.
II/ Language contains:
1. Vocabulary: peaceful, permanently, remote, not onlybut also, medical facilities, accessible,
2. Structure: present progressive tense to describe the future and talk about the changes.
3.Skills : L - S - R - W
III/ Technique: pair work, group work, question and answer, brainstorming, fill in the blank.
IV/ Teaching aids: Text books, stereo, pictures, tape.
1. Stabilization: (1ms)
a. Warm up: Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new material:

Teachers s activities Students activities
*. Checking up : (3ms). Questions:
Do you love traveling?
Like reading a book?
Enjoy watching the TV?
1.Lead in: (5 )
- From the stabilization, asks Ss what they call the
places around their house. Introduces the topic and
the lesson content you will listen to a dialogue
between Nam & Na to know about where are there
in the neighborhood & what are in their
2. Pre-practice: (10)
a)-Asks the Ss to listen to the tape once & answer
- Who is new to the neighborhood ?
- What is there around the corner ?
- Gets Ss answer
- Lets them listen once more & checks
b)-Teaches some words
-Closeby nearby
-Serve (v) explainnation
-Pancakes (n) explannation
-Delicious (a) tasty (a)
c)-Checks : Rub out & remember
d)-Introduces the structure :
Eg: Nam has lived here for 10 years
Weve been here since last week
- Elicits the structure from examles
Form :(+) S + have/ has + Vpp
(?) Have/ Has + S + Vpp?
(-) S+have/has+ not + Vpp
+Usage :
Expresses an action happened :
In the past & continuing to the present
+For/ since :
For : a period of time
Since : a point of time
3. Controlled practice: (15)
a)-Asks the Ss to listen to the tape once more
- Has them practice the dialogue with a partner
- Calls some pairs to speak out loud & corrects
pronunciation & intonation
b)-Has the class read the dialogue silently &
complete the sentences
- Goes round & help
- Calls some to read the complete sentence
- Gives correction
a) new d) Restaurant
b) Last week e) Hue

- students answer.
- Listen
- Listen & answer
- Book opened
- Listen repeat guess the words meaning & copy
- Play as Ts guide
- Have a look sentences & look the strutures
- Takenote
- Listen
- Practise in pairs
- Speak out
- Read the dialogue silently
- Read the complete sentence
- Listen
c) Tired f) Pancakes
4.Free - practice:(6)
- Asks the Ss to work in groups & talk about there
Eg: I have lived here for about 13 years. There is a
wet market in my neighborhood we can buy fresh
fish here.
- Calls some representative to present
- Gives corection
-Questions :
-Who is new to the neighborhood ?
-Does Nam live in the neighbor hood ?
- How long has he live there ?
-What is there around the conner in the
neighborhood ?
-Is the food good?
- Summarizes the lesson content & recalls the
precent perfect tense
6. Homework(1)
- Asks the Ss to copy down on their notebooks
-Do exercise 1,2 (workbook)
-Prepare speak How to send a letter.
- Discuss in proups
- Speak
- Listen
- Book closed
- Na is.....
-Yes, Hes lived there.
- about 10 years
- A restaurant
-Yes, it is
- Listen

7. Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: November,23, 2011.
Date of teaching: November, 25 , 2011

I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to produce a conversation about the changes in a town and their
hometown or talk about the differences between a city and a countryside. Ps understand and complete the
conversation and make a similar phone call.
II/ Language contents:
1. Vocabulary: Students background knowledge
2. Structure: present progressive tense to describe the future and talk about the changes.
3. Skills : L - R - W - S
III/ Techniques: Question and answer, brainstorming, pair work, group work
IV/ Teaching aids: Picture, textbook, charts.
V. Procedures
1. Stabilization: (1ms)
a. Warm up: Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new material: students answer.

Teachers s activities Students activities
* Checking up : (5ms).
Do you love traveling?
Like reading a book?
Enjoy watching the TV?
1.Lead in: ( 4)
- From the stabilization, asks Ss what they call the places
around their house. Introduces the topic and the lesson
content you will listen to a dialogue between Nam & Na to
know about where are there in the neighborhood & what
are in their neighborhood
2. Pre-practice: (10)
a)-Asks the Ss to listen to the tape once & answer (twice)
- Who is new to the neighborhood ?
- What is there around the corner ?
- Gets Ss answer
- Lets them listen once more & checks
b)-Teaches some words
-Closeby nearby
-Serve (v) explainnation
-Pancakes (n) explannation
-Delicious (a) tasty (a)
c)-Checks : Rub out & remember
d)-Introduces the structure :
Eg: Nam has lived here for 10 years
Weve been here since last week
- Elicits the structure from examles
Form :(+) S + have/ has + Vpp
(?) Have/ Has + S + Vpp?
(-) S+have/has+ not + Vpp
+Usage :
Expresses an action happened :
In the past & continuing to the present
+For/ since :
For : a period of time
Since : a point of time
3. Controlled practice:(10)
a)-Asks the Ss to listen to the tape once more
- Has them practice the dialogue with a partner
- Calls some pairs to speak out loud & corrects
pronunciation & intonation
b)-Has the class read the dialogue silently & complete the
- Goes round & help
- Calls some to read the complete sentence
- Gives correction
a) new d) Restaurant
b) Last week e) Hue

- students answer.
- Listen
- Listen & answer
- Book opened
- Listen repeat guess the words meaning &
copy down
- Play as Ts guide
- Have a look sentences & look the strutures
- Takenote
- Listen
- Practise in pairs
- Speak out
- Read the dialogue silently
- Read the complete sentence
c) Tired f) Pancakes
4.Free - practice:(10`)
- Asks the Ss to work in groups & talk about there
Eg: I have lived here for about 13 years. There is a wet
market in my neighborhood we can buy fresh fish here.
- Calls some representative to present
- Gives corection
-Questions :
-Who is new to the neighborhood ?
-Does Nam live in the neighbor hood ?
- How long has he live there ?
-What is there around the conner in the neighborhood ?
-Is the food good?
- Summarizes the lesson content & recalls the precent
perfect tense
6. Homework(2)
- Asks the Ss to copy down on their notebooks
-Do exercise 1,2 (workbook)
-Prepare speak How to send a letter.
- Listen
- Discuss in proups
- Speak
- Listen
- Book closed
- Na is.....
-Yes, Hes lived there.
- about 10 years
- A restaurant
-Yes, it is
- Listen

6. Self evaluation:

Date of preparation: November,27
, 2011.
Date of teaching: November, 29
, 2011
Period: 41 LESSON 3 . READ
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to understand country life and city life and tendancy of leaving the
countryside and moving to the city
II/ Language contents:
1. Vocabulary: rural, urban, well-paying, struggle, typhoon, flood, drought, destroy, increase, put a strain
on, supply, tragedy
2. Structure: (review)
III/ Techniques:
Skimming, scanning, Question and answer, True or false, brainstorming, multiple choice
IV/ Teaching aids:
Picture, textbook, OHT, OHP
1. Stabilization: (1m)
a. Warm up: Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new material: Students answer.
Teachers activities Students activities
* Checking up : (5ms).
1. Questions: present the occurring in your
2. Keys to questions: students answer
1. Lead in: (4)
- From the stabilization ask the ss where they can do all
the above activities.
- Is it different from shopping or market ?
- Introduces the aims the lessons content.
Well, in order to know the exact answer please come to
reading. Unit 7, read, page 67
2. Pre-reading : (10)
a)Asks Ss to read the advertisement . Helps ss to
understand it.
b)Teaches some words
-Be different from the same as
-Convenient (a) situation & explanation
-Customer (n) buyer
Eg: Customers will shop in comfort and wont worry
about anything
-Take ones business take ones job
-goods (n) clothes; hat books,..
-Concern about pay attention to
-A wider selection of products translation
-Organized (v) <=>organization(n)
c) Checks the Ss understanding(Rub out and remember)
d) Helps the Ss review structures.
+ The present perfect
S + has/ have + Vpp
Eg: The residents have been concerned about the new
mall for a few months
Eg: They have organized a community meeting in order to
discuss the situation
3. While - reading :(10)
a) Gets the whole class to read the text silently and decide
True or False
- Leaves time & controls the class to do the exercise
- Lets the Ss check the answer with their partners
- Calls some to give out their answer and explanation for
these choice
- Gives correction
a)False b)False c)False d)True e)True
b)Has the class read the text again and answer the four
questions in the book (p.68)
- Leaves times & helps the Ss to answer the questions
- Calls some to write the answer on the board, other write
on the notebooks
- Answer
+ Yes,it is / No, it isnt
- Listen
- Read
- Listen, guees the words meaning, copy down
- Read and write the words
- Recall
=>S + has/ have + Vpp
- Read the text silently and check True or False
- Disuss the answer with their partners
- Speak out
- Takenote
- Read the text silently again & answer the Qs
- Answering the Qs
- Speak out and some write on the board.
- Takenote
- Gives correction.
1. Answer the customer
a) It s very different from the present shopping area. The
shops are under one roof. That will be very convenient,
especially during the hot and the humid summer months.
Customer will shop in comfort and wont notice the
b) In the shopping mall, there are 50 air conditimed
stores, 4 movie theatres, and 10 restaurants, there is also
a childrens play .
c) They think the new shopping mall will take their
d) The stores in the mall will offer a wider selection of
products, some kinds of goods are at cheaper prices.
4.Post - reading : (5)
- Controls the class the play the game Making sentences
- Asks the Ss to make sentences with a number or a word
that is related to the text
Eg: 50 there are 50 air conditioned specially stores in
the shopping mall
*50, 4, 10, 1, 2
Customers owners , goods
5. Consolidation(5)
- Asks the Ss to close their books & answer
1.Is the shopping mall different from the present shopping
area ?
2.Is it convinient or un .?
3. How convenient ?
4.What facitities does the shopping mall offer ?
4. Homework: (3ms)
- Asks the Ss to write down
-Find out some advantages & disadvantages in shopping
in a big mall or supenmarket
-Prepare write Read the advertisement of the reading
text and find out How to write a notice
*Prepare for Write
- Play a game
- Bookclosed, making sentences based on the
numbers or words
- Bookclosed, answer the Qs
6. Self evaluation:

Date of preparation: November,28, 2011.
Date of teaching: November, 30 , 2011
Period: 42 LESSON 4 .WRITE
I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to write a letter to their friends to tell them about
their neighborhood, using the present simple tense.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: Ss background knowledge
2/ Structures: the present simple tense.
III/ Technique:
Questions and answers, group work, cross check

IV/ Teaching aids:
Textbook, OHP, OHT.
1. Stabilization: (1m)
a. Warm up: Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new material: students answer.
Teachers activities Students activities
. Checking up : (5ms ).
Questions: Read the dialogue.
1. Lead in: (4)
- Guides & controls the class to play a small game-
Asks the Ss to take a small piece of paper
- Reads one by one word notice a write, to , how,
about, leam will, we, today
- Asks the Ss to read this backword
- Asks some questions:
What have the residents and store owners (intended
to ) down at the end of the reading ?
- Introduces the aims of the lesson Before holding
the meeting, they have to write a notice to inform
everyone in the neighborhood. How do they write a
notice: Today we well study about this
2. Pre-writing : (10)
a)-Write down and teaches some words
-effect (n) / Ifekt/ changed by st or s.o
-Hardware store (translation)
-Contact (v)/Kantsekt/ Sb
Eg: Where can I contact you ?
- Checks the Ss understanding of the words : Rub
outs & remember
b)-Has the Ss read the notice & answer the questions
-Who wrote the notice ?
-Whats the notice about ?
-When does the meeting happen ?
-What time & where will it take place ?
-Who can we contact ?
- Gets Ss answer & elicits the form of a notice
*A notice usually includes
Topic :
Time :
Place :
Participants :
- Sets the scene the school speaking club is going to
hold a speaking contest write a notice about this
3. While- writing :(12)
- Asks the Ss to write a notice about the English
speaking contest
- Monitors & corrects
- Lets the Ss check with a partner
- Calls some to write on the bb
- Gives correction
Keys to questions: students answer
- Listen
- Play the game as required & directed
=>To day we will leam about how to write a notice
(after one min)
=>They have intended to organize a meeting to
- Listen & answer
- Listen
- Listen, repeat, guess the words meaning then
copy down
- Repeat, write the words again
- Read and answer
=>Tran Phu Residents & store owners meeting to
=>On May 20
=>At Binhs Hardware store,....
Mr Pham Van Tri....
- Elicit and then write down
- Listen & know
- Do the writing
- Check with a partner
- Write on the bb
- Have a look & copy down
The school English speaking club HOLDING A
Date : November 15
Time : 7.30 p.m to 10.00pm
Place : Has 204, Building G
Please contact Tran Thi Thu Hang of class 8H at the
above address for more information
4. Post - writing : (10)
- Asks the Ss to use the above notices as examples to
write a notice for a class meeting a picnic, a sport
club, a group discussion or a Y & Y meeting
- Has them to write the notice in groups of four
- Gives round & helps
- Calls some representatives to present
- Corrects in Ss ways
- Running dictation
- Sticks a small piece of paper on the board with the
intend The Y & Y of class 8A
is going to organize a
picnic to Hoang Hau Beach in Qui Nhon city the
picnic will be on January 1. We will start at 7.00 at
the school gate the person to contact is the monitor
Nguyen Xuan Kien at 830233
- Asks the Ss to work in pairs one goes to the bb
reads the passage & turns back to tell the other
information they get & they left has to write these
into a notice
- Gets some paper & read out
- Recalls how to write a notice
- Asks the Ss to write down
-Write the notice of above writing on the notebooks
-Prepare Language focus
- The present perfect with for & since
- Comparison with like (not) as ; (not) the
same as, ..
-Listen & know
- Discuss & write a notice in groups of four
- Present the notice
- Listen
- Play the game as required & directed
- Pairwork
- Read out
- Listen & copy down
6. Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: November,29
, 2011.
Date of teaching: December, 2th , 2011
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to the present progressive tense to talk about the future or to show
the changes with get and become
II/ Language contents:
1. Vocabulary: destination, departure, origin, arrival, status, revised time
2. Structure: the present progressive tense, comparison
III/ Technique:
pair work, group work, question and answer.
IV/ Teaching aids:
Text books, OHP, OHT
1. Stabilization: (1m)
a. Warm up: Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new material: students answer.
Teachers activities Students activities
Checking up : (5ms ).
Questions: Read the dialogue.
Keys to questions: students answer
Exercise 1,2,3,4 :(20)
1. Lead in: Qs
-How long have you studied E ?
=>Ive studied E for 3 years since 2002
- Asks Ss what tense is used ?
- Introduces the aims of the (lesson) execises To
study more about the present perfect tense.
2. Pre-writing :
- From example, asks about the form, usage of the
*Form:(+) S + have/ has + Vpp
*pp = past pasticiple
V3rd column
(irregular verd - ed)
*Usage : expresses an action that happened in the
past & is continuing to the present
*For & since
For : a period of time
Since : a point of time
*The present perfect with how long
- How long have you lived here ?
- I have lived here for 10 years
- Asks if the Ss can undestand how to do the
3. Controlled- practice :
Exercise 1 :
- Asks the Ss to distingush the regular or irregular V
& find pp
- Gives correction
1. Match each verb to its past participle:
Be Gone
Go Lived
Eat Attended
Live Been
Attend Eaten
See Collected
Do Seen

- Answer
- Ive (weve) studied E for 3 years (since.....)
- Listen & know
- Recall the form, usage of the present perfect
- Give example
- Asks if necessary
- Find out
- Take notes
Write Done
Work Written
Collect Worked
Exercise 2 :
- Asks the Ss to use For or since to complete the
- Gets them chek with their friends
- Calls some to speak out loud
- Give feed back
2. Complete the expression.
- For+ a period of time(for five months)
- Since+ a point of time(since Tuesday)
For five minutes
Since January
Since 1990
Since the Summer
For there hours
For ten Weeks
Since Friday
For 20 years.
Exercise 3 :
- Gets the Ss supply the correct verb tense
- Has them check with partners
-Calls some to write on the bb
-Gives feedback
3.Complete the sentences, use the present perfect form
a. Have lived, b. havent eaten
c. havent seen, d. have attended
e. has worked. F. has collected
- Asks the Ss to complete the dialogue using the
correct verb tenes
- Goes round & help
- Has the Ss work in pair to practise the dialogue
- Calls some ro speak out loud
- Gives correction
4.Post- writing :
- Write some verbs on the bb: be, live, send, work
- Asks the Ss to give the correct pp of each verb then
make sentences using them
4 .Complete conversation
1. have been, 2. hope. 3.have 4. Is. 5. want, 6. looks,
7. have you ever been. 8. have seen
Exercise 5 :(5 )
1.Lead-in :
- Give Two pencils, one is new and anoter is old.
Asks Ss : Is it new ?
- Says: Yes, this pencil is not as new as that one
- Says & introduces the aims of the exercise
2.Pre- practice :
- Recalls some ways of comparison
-The same as different from
-Like same
Eg: she is like a prencess
This pen is different from that one
-Complete the exp ressions with for & since
- Check with partners
- Speak out
- Copy down
- Supply the correct verb tense
- Check
- Write on the bb
- Copy down
-Complete the dialogue in pairs & practise it
- Speak out
-Supply the correct pp & make sentences using thses
- Have a look listen & answer
- Listen
- Elicit from examples
- Gives more examples
This ruler is as long as that one
- Guides the way to do this exercise
=>Similarity : the same as, like
difference : different from
Comparison of equality (not)
3.Controlled- practice :
- Asks the Ss to compare the 2 things using the
adjectives & the pictures in the book
- Has the Ss compare the answes with their partners
- Calls some to read out loud
- Gives correction
6. Complete the sentences(5)
a. not as large as
b. different from
c. different from
d. the same as
e. not as big as
f. the same as
g. as long as
h. not a modern as
i. not as cheap as
Suggestion :
c)-The red dictionary is different from the blue
4.Free -practice :
- Asks the Ss to make sentences to compare the 2
things or 2 persons in the picture
a) ve hnh
- Recalls the 2 exercises above
- Notices the way to compare 2 things , 2
persons..and how to supply the correct verb
a)-Uses a mini board : cicle the right answer
1.My room is ..from her room (same/ different/
2.This classroom is..clean as that one( as/ same/
3.I havent (see/ saw/ seen) him since last month
4.John has worked in that firm..1990(in/ for/
8. Homework(2)
- Asks the Ss to write down
-Do exercise 5,6,7 (p.46,47 workbook)
-Prepare Unit 8 Getting started & Listen and read
- Find some words or phrases to say the similaty &
differences between the countryside & the city
-Write sentences to compare the 2 things
-Check with partners
-Read out loud
a)these bag is not as big as Lans
Lans bag is different from this.........
- Listen
- Choose the best
=> as
- Copydown
6. Self evaluation: ......................................................................................................

Date of preparation: December, 5th , 2010
Date of teaching: December, 7th , 2010
A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can:
- Learn from the errors in the tests.
- Control better method of learning for next lessons.
Teacher can evaluate students knowledge and change suitable method in next teaching lessons.
B/ Language content:
1. Vocabulary: (Review):
2. Grammar: ( Review)
3. Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing
C/ Procedures :
1. Class organization: (1 min)
2. New lesson:( 44 mins)
3. Key
I/ Tm mt t c cch pht m khc vi nhng t cn li
1. B 2.C 3. A 4. D
II/ Chn p n ng in vo ch trng
1. reading 2.on 3. lived 4. / to give
5. try 6. Could 7. be 8.listening
III/ Cho dng ng ca ng t trong ngoc:
1. gave 3. be 4. joins
III/ c on vn v xc nh cu ng sai
1. T 2.F 3. F 4. T
V/ Vit li cc cu sau :
1. - She asked me to help her do her homework.
2. - Mrs Jackson said that Tim should improve his English everyday
3. - Hoa asked Ba to lend her his book
4. - My brother told me that I shouldnt translate each sentence into Vietnamese
VI/ Tm li sai v sa li
1.C -> hard
2. C -> on
4. Results
Lp Bi HS lm/ s HS >= 8 >= 5 < 5 < 3.5
8A1 41 2 36 3 0
8A2 38 1 33 4 0
8A3 41 4 26 11 0
8A4 36 17 17 2 0
All 156 24 112 20 0
5. Homework (1 minute) : Prepare unit 8: Getting started + listen and read
F/ Self- Evaluation:

I.Chn t,cm t ph hp hon thnh cu
1.She is (as tall/taller ) as her sister.
2.A new house is (the same/different) from an old one. for hoc since vo trng hon thnh cc cu sau
1.We havent seen Tomlast Monday.
2.I have known herthree weeks.
3.He has studied English. years.
4.She has lived in Ho Chi Minh City..2004.
III.Dng th hin ti hon thnh v t gi hon thnh cc cu sau.Mt v
d c lm sn
0.I/know/her/five months.=>I have known her for five months.
1.I/learn/English/ three years.=>.
2.She/not/come back here/a long
3.My brother/live /there/last
I.Chn t,cm t ph hp hon thnh cu
1.She is as tall as her sister.
2.A new house is different from an old one. for hoc since vo trng hon thnh cc cu sau
1.We havent seen Tomsincelast Monday.
2.I have known herforthree weeks.
3.He has studied Englishfor. years.
4.She has lived in Ho Chi Minh Citysince..2004.
III.Dng th hin ti hon thnh v t gi hon thnh cc cu sau.Mt v
d c lm sn
0.I/know/her/five months.=>I have known her for five months.
1.I have learnt English for three years
2.Shehas not come back here for a long time
3.My brother has lived there since last summer .
4.They havenot met Nam for ten years.

Date of preparation: : December, 5, 2011 .
Date of teaching: December, 7 , 2011
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to tell about the different things between city life and the country
II/ Language contains:
1. Vocabulary: peaceful, permanently, remote, not onlybut also, medical facilities, accessible, definitely.
2. Structure: present progressive tense to describe the future and talk about the changes.
III/ Technique:
pair work, group work, question and answer, brainstorming, fill in the blank.
IV/ Teaching aids:
Text books, stereo, pictures, tape.
V/ Teaching procedures:
III. Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (3ms) a. Warm up : Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
Teachers activities Students activities
Checking up: (5ms)
- Supply the correct verb tense
1. I(not, meet) her for one month
2. He (know) Lan sinxe 1995
3. My sister (start) a new job since
4.My family (be) here last christmas
1. Lead- in: (4)
- Chatting: Talk to Ss about life in the city and life
in the country by asking some questions:
a. Where do you live?
b. Do you want to live in the city? Why?
c. Do you want to live in the country? Why?
- Calls some to speak out
- Writes the ideas on the bb
- Introduces the aims of the lesson Hoa & Na are
talking about life in the country & changes there
2. Pre-practice : (10 )
a)-Asks the Ss to listen & answer (play the casette
-Where did Na go ?
-How does she think it is ?
-Does Hoa like living in the country ?
- Asks the Ss to listen & check (3
time )
b)-Writes down & teaches some words
-Relatives (n) =>explanation
-Permanent (a) exiting all the time
-Permanently (adv)
-Remote (a) far
-Medical facitities =>translation
-Accessible (a) => canbe used
-Change for the better => Ss guessing
-Definitely (adv) => explanation
c)-Checks Ss understanding of the words slap the
d)-Asks the Ss about the present progressive
Ex: Things are changing in the countryside
-Form :
(+) S + is/ am/ are + V-ing
(?) Is/ am/ are + S + V-ing
(-) S +is/am/are +not + V-ing
Usage: Used in talking about
Changes => indicating the future
3. Controlled- practice : (13)
a)-Plays the cassette twice
- Gets the Ss to work in pairs to practise the
- Calls some to read out loud
- Corrects Ss ponunciation & intonation
b)-Asks the Ss to read the dialogue silently &
answer the Qs (p.73)
- Chat
a. I live in country.
b. Yes , I do / No .I dont. Because.............
c. Yes , I do / No .I dont. Because.............
- Speak out loud
- Listen
- Listen & answer (book closed)
- Listen & check (book open)
- Wirte down
=>b con ,h hng
=>lu di , mi mi
=>Xa xi
=>c th tip cn
- Slap the board
- Recall
-S + be + V-ing
-Be + S+ V-ing?
- S + be + not + V-ing
- Takenote
- Listen
- Do pair works
- Read out
- Read the dialogue
- Check with their partners
- Read out loud the answers
- Takenote

6. Self evaluation:

Date of preparation: December, 7 , 2011 .
Date of teaching: December,9 , 2011

I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to produce a conversation about the changes in a town and their
hometown or talk about the differences between a city and a countryside. Ps understand and complete the
conversation and make a similar phone call.
II/ Language contents:
1. Vocabulary: Students background knowledge
2. Structure: present progressive tense to describe the future and talk about the changes.
III/ Techniques: Question and answer, brainstorming, pair work, group work
IV/ Teaching aids: Picture, textbook, charts.
. Stabilization: (`1ms) a. Warm up : Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new materials:
Teachers activities Students activities
. Checking up (4ms)
* Questions: Asks the Ss to read the dialogue,
answer the questions and write some new
I. LEAD-IN:(5)
- Asks some questions:
+ Where do you live?
+ Do you want to live in the city or in the country?
- Explains some new words.
Traffic jam (expl)
Entertainment (n)
* Keys to questions: According to each
- Listen and answer the questions:
+ I live in a house in Cmok .
+ I like the country but I prefer living in the city.
- Listen
- Focus on the teachers explanation and write
Beautiful views (n)
- Asks them to look at the two picture and asks:
What do you see in two pictures?
Picture 1: small houses, bicycles, narrows reads.
Picture 2: high buildings, cars, bikes, taxis, long and
wide roads
- Asks them to work in pairs and compare the two
pictures using comparative and get/become to talk
about the changes.
- Asks the Ss to discuss as guided.
- Calls on some Ss to talk.
- Gives suggestions and corrections.
+ Traffic is getting busier.
+ There are more tall buildings and houses.
+ The town is becoming more beautiful.
+ There are more green trees.
+ The streets are becoming cleaner /longer,
- Asks the Ss to talk about the changes of the city or
town they are living.
- Calls on some Ss to talk freely
- Asks the Ss some questions:
+ Did you travel anywhere in the summer?
+ Did you telephone your parents when you were
away from home?
- Now, whole class work in groups and put the
words in the right order.
a. speaking/ is/ who?
b. are/ where/ from/ phoning/ you?
c. we/ to/ next/ coming/ visit/ are/ you/ weekend.
d. I/ talk/ to/ your/ want/ to/ mom.
- You can have only three minutes to do this.
- Introduces the new lesson: Listen about a
telephone call.
- Hangs the conversation on the board and
introduces the situation: Aunt Hang is talking to
Lan on the phone. She is coming to visit Lan in
- Asks the Ss to listen and repeat the open dialogue.
- Has the Ss look at the open-dialogue and guess the
words in the blanks
- Plays the tape 2 times.
- Asks the Ss to give feedback after writing on the
- Plays the tape third time.
- Checks again the feedback and corrects mistakes if
- Observe and answer
- Work in pairs
- Listen and remember
- Discuss
- Some Ss to talk
- Listen and take notes.
- Talk about their citys changes
- Some demonstrate
- Take notes.
- Answer the questions:
+ Yes, I did.

- Work in groups.
a. Who is speaking?
b. Where are you phoning from?
c. We are coming to visit you next weekend.
d. I want to talk your mom.
- Groupwork.
- Listen.
Look at the open dialogue and listen to her
- Repeat after the open-dialogue.
- Look at the open dialogue and guess the words
in the blanks.
Ex: 1. that 2. th
- Listen to the tape.
- Answer the feedback.
- Listen to the tape.
- Checks again and correct the mistakes.
- Has the Ss practice in pairs the dialogue.
- Calls on some pairs to practice before the class
- Calls on some pairs to practice the class without
looking at the book.
- Gives remarks and marks.
- Asks the Ss some questions:
1. Who is phoning to Lan?
2. Where is Aunt Hang phoning from?
3. Where is Aunt hang going to come next week?
4. When is Aunt Hang arriving to visit Lan?
5. Does Aunt Hang want to speak to Lan mom?
- Asks the Ss to work in pairs after calling on some
pairs to practice.
4. Homework: (2m)
- Asks the Ss to write 5 sentences about the
changes of the country / city. You are living.
5. Preparation for the next lesson: (3ms)
- Asks the Ss to Prepare Read
- Practice in pairs.
- Practice before the class.
- Practice without looking at the book.
- Listen and take notes.
- Answer the questions:
1. Aunt Hang is phoning to Lan.
2. She is phoning from Hue.
3. She is going to visit lan next week.
4. On Thursday
5. Yes, she does.
- Work in pairs.
- practice in front of class.
6. Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: December, 10 , 2011 .
Date of teaching: December,13 , 2011
Period: 47 LESSON: 2 READ

III.I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to produce a conversation about the changes in a town and their
hometown or talk about the differences between a city and a countryside. Ps understand and complete the
conversation and make a similar phone call.
II/ Language contents:
1. Vocabulary: Students background knowledge
2. Structure: present progressive tense to describe the future and talk about the changes.
III/ Techniques: Question and answer, brainstorming, pair work, group work
IV/ Teaching aids: Picture, textbook, charts.
Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (1ms) a. Warm up : Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new materials:

Teachers activities Students activities
2. Checking up : (5ms)
* Questions: write 5 sentences of changes of city
1. Lead - in: (4)
Questions :
-Do you like to live in the city?
-Do you thinh many people want to live in the
city ? why ?
- Introduces the aims of the lesson:
Many people want to live in the city, they move to
cities and there are some problems about this.
2. Pre-reading : (10)
- Writes down & teaches
-Rural (a) > < urban (of the city)
-Leave behind
Ex: They leave behind their
traditional way of life and move to the city
-Well paying job (n)
-Plenty of (a) much
-Struggle (n)
-Typhoon (n) bigstorm
-Flood (n) situation &
-Drought picture
-Over crowding explanation
-Strain (n)
-Increased pollution
-Live apart =>explanation
-Migrant(n)mifration (n)=>explanation
- Checks the understanding of the words (slap the
- Give a guiding questions What problems may
arise when so many people move to the city ? what
is the most urgent problem ?
3.Controlled - practice : (10)
a)-Gets the Ss to read the text silently and complete
the summary
- Goes round & helps if necessary
*adequate (a) enough
- Lets the Ss check the answer with their partners
- Calls 2 Ss to read the complete summary out
- Gives correction
b)-Gets the Ss to read the phrases & find the words
that have meanings as followed
Eg: a great pressure = strain
- Calls some to read out loud the answers & to
explain for their choice
- Gives correction
a) Rural b) Plentiful
c) Increase d) Strains
e)Tragedy f) Urban
4.Post - reading: (10)
- Has the Ss work in groups of four & make an

* Keys to questions: According to each Ssideas.
+ Yes , I do
+ No, I dont think so .Because it too noisy
and busy.
- Listen

- Listen, repeat,guess the words meaning & copy
_ Do as directed
- Answer in their way
- Read silently & complete the summary
- Work in pairs comparing the result
- Read out the summary
- Work individually finding the words that have
the meaning as the phraces
- Make an interview in groups of four
Qs : Suppose that you go to a big city to look for a
job what troubles you ?
traffic jam
- Gets some to be interviewees
- Asks the Ss to turn back the summary & words
- Makes Ss aware of some problems arisen in the
city because of atrain
6. Homework: (2m)
- Asks the Ss to copy down
-Copy the summary & reread it
-Do exercise 3/50/workbook
-Prepre write How to write a friendly letter
- Have a look at the summary & then listen
-Take notes
7. Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: December,12 , 2011
Date of teaching: December, 14 , 2011
Period: 48 LESSON: 2 WRITE

I/ Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to write a letter to their friends to tell them about
their neighborhood, using the present simple tense.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Vocabulary: Ss background knowledge
2/ Structures: the present simple tense.
III/ Technique:
Questions and answers, group work, cross check
IV/ Teaching aids:
Textbook, OHP, OHT.
V. Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: (1 ms) a. Warm up: Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. Presentation of the new materials:
Teachers activities Students activities
2. Checking up : (5 ms)
* Questions: Asks the Ss to read the text, answer the
questions and write some new words.
1. Do the farmers leave from the countryside
moving to the city? Why?
1. Lead- in:(4)
- Reads some sentences of a letter:
Phuoc Son village,
Tuy Phuoc district,
Binh Dinh province
Dear Lan,

- Asks if the ss know what the teacher is reading.
- Asks them how to write a letter to a friend, then
introduces the lesson content: Practicing how to write a
letter to friend
2. Pre- writing : (10)
- Asks the ss to retell the form of a friendly letter and what
they write in each part.
+ Heading: writers address
+ Opening: Dear ,
+ Body of the letter: letter content
+ Closing: Regards, / Love, /
- Asks the ss to answer the questions in the book in 5
- Gets some answers.
- Has the ss practice asking the questions and answering in
pairs(Exercise 2 on page 76)
a.Where do you live? (smal town/ big city/ village)
b.What does your house look like? ( nice/small with 4/5
room and a nice small garden)
c. What can you see from your bedroom window? (small
park with many green and tree)
- Guides the sts to write the letter to their friends telling
about theirneighborhood basing on the answers .
3. While- writing:(12)
- Gets the whole class to write the letter to their friends.
- Has them check the writing in pairs.
- Calls two ss to write the letter on the board.
- Gives correction.
Dear ,
I live in a small town. My family has a large house with
four rooms and a small garden. My sister and I share the
bedroom. From the bedroom, I can see a lot of trees and
In my neighborhood,
4. Post- writing: (80
- Has the sts work in groups of 4 and find out 10 mistakes
in the letter.( write on the mini board)
Dear Lan,
Thank you for the letter you send me last week.
I live in a appartment in the center of Hanoi. Its small
* Keys to questions: According to each
- Listen and answer
- Listen and know
- Recall the form of the letter.
- Answer the 5 Qs on the book.
- Answer out
- Practice asking the questions and answering
in pairs.
a. I live in a village.
b. My house is small,....
c. .....
- Listen and know
- Do the writing
- Check the writing in pairs.
- Write on the board.
- Correct the writing
- Work in groups of 4 and find out 10 mistakes
in the letter.( write on the mini board)
with 3 rooms: a bedroom, a living room and a kitchens.
Near my house there are a park. I often take a walk or
plays soccer there. The thing I like best are the Chilrens
Palace. I go there everyday play the piano, sing and dance
.What do you like best on your neighborhood? Please
write to me.
I has to stop now to go to sing with my class. Im looking
forward to hear from you soon.
With best wishes,
- Gets some mini board and check
- From the letter above, asks the ss about the form of a
friendly letter again.
- Notices them what needs to write in each part.
- Notices Ss how to write a friendly letter, and how to write
about the neighborhood
4. Homework: (2m)
- Asks the Ss to copy down
-Copy the writing again
-Do exercise 4/ 51(workbook)
-Prepre Language focus
( The present progreesive tense + Comparative)
Send sent
to play
- Listen and know
6. Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: December, 14 , 2011 .
Date of teaching: December, 16 , 2011
I/ Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to the present progressive tense to talk about the future or to show
the changes with get and become
II/ Language contents:
1. Vocabulary: destination, departure, origin, arrival, status, revised time
2. Structure: the present progressive tense, comparison
III/ Technique:
pair work, group work, question and answer.
IV/ Teaching aids:
Text books, OHP, OHT
V. Procedure in class:
1. Stabilization: ( ms) a. Warm up: Greeting
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
3. Presentation of the new materials:
Teachers activities Students activities

. Checking up : ( 5 ms)
* Questions: Read the letter they wrote at home
I/ The present progressive tense(18)
1. Lead- in:
- Calls some to answer: What are you doing tonight?
- Asks about the tense and introduces the point: The
present progressive tense
2. Pre- practice :
- Eg: What are you doing tonight?
Im doing my homework.
- Asks the sts to elicit the form, use of the present
a) Form: Is/ am are + V- ing
b) Uses:
+ to talk about the future
+ to show changes with get, become.
* Get, become + adj
- Explains the requirement of exercise 1,2,3.
3. Controlled- practice:
- Gets the whole class to repeat the two dialogues.
- Asks them to make similar dialogues
- Gets some pairs to speak out.
- Asks the sts to complete the dialogues in pairs.
- Calls some pairs to speak out.
- Gives corrrection.
- Gets the sts to complete the sentences:
1. boy/ get/ tall.
2. old men/ become/ weak.
3. weather/ get/ cold
- Asks the whole class to repeat the sentences in chorus
4. Free- practice:
- Has the sts work in pairs: What are you going to do
- Calls some to answer and corrects.
II/ Comparative and superative adjectives.(16)
1. Lead- in:
- Sets the situation and example::
- The blue pen is the cheapest.
- The pen is the most exspensive.
- The white pen is more exspensive than the blue
- .........
- Introduces the points.
2. Pre- practice :
- Ask the sts to recall the form of the Superative and
Comparative Superative
Short adj - er than Short adj- est
More + long adj than the most +adj
* Good/ well - better - the best
Bad/ - worse - the worst

* Keys to questions: Students reading
- Listen and Answer
- Listen
- Answer
- Elitcit
- Listen& Repeat
- Make dialogues in pairs
- Speak out
- Complete the dialogues.
- Speak out
- Listen and take notes.
- Complete the sentences:
- Repeat in chorus
- Ask and answer in pairs
- Answer
- Listen the example and take notes
- Listen and know
- Copy down
- Helps the sts to find the suitable adjectives to make
comparison between the city and the countryside.
3. Controlled- practice:
- Leaves time and lets the sts make comparisons ( 4
- Calls three sts to go to the board and write down.
- Calls one to read the left.
- Sticks the 3 aids on the b.b
- Asks the sts to read tem carefully.
* Questions:
-Is the house/ ... new/ ?
-How large is the house?
- How much is it per month?
- Gets some to make sentences with the adjs: old,
exspensive, small, big, hot, beatiful, modern, new, good.
4. Free- practice:
- Gets the sts to play the games: Noughts and Crosses
Old exspensive Beautiful
Big hot good
small modern new
- Controlls the class to play the game.
III/Consolidation (3)
- Has the sts to choose the best one:
1. Lets play soccer on Sunday.
+ Sorry I cant. I (do/ did/ am doing)
2. The weather is becoming hotter
( is/ becomes/ is becoming)
3. Life in the coutry is than in the city. ( peaceful/
more peaceful/ peacefuler)
4. London is bride in Europe.
4. Homework: (2m)
- Asks the sts to copy down
-Learn by heart the structures
-Do the exercises again.
-Prepare vocab and structures from Unit 1-8
- Find adj and make sentences with them.
- Make comparisons ( 4 things).
- Write down
- Read out
- Have a look at the three aids
- Answer
- Play the game as required and directed
- Do the multiple choice.
1. am doing
2. is becoming
3.more peaceful
4. The biggest
6. Self evaluation:

Date of preparation: December, 18 , 2011 .
Date of teaching: December, 20, 2011
Period: 50 REVISION
I) Objectives
By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to talk their friends
Help sts know to choose the good friends
II) Language content
1- Vocabulary
There are no vocabularies
2- Grammar
Adj + Enough + to do st
Talk about intentions with be going to
3- Skills
S L- W - R
III) Technique
Pairwork, individual
IV) Teaching aids :
Text book , exercise, poster
V.Procedure in class:(4)
1.Stabilization: a.Warm up: Greetings
b.Checking absence: Whos absent today?
Teachers activities Students activities
I. LEAD IN:(3)
- Says: Today, youll review all important things
from unit 1 4. Youll have to master them
because it will help you speak English fluently,
II. ACTIVIT/,,Y 1:(10)
- Divides class into 8 groups. Two groups will list
important things in unit 1, two groups for unit 2, two
groups for unit 3, and the last for unit 4.
- Asks students to stick their charts on board.
- With students, checks the out line of 8 groups.
- Asks students to give comments and give correction
or suggestion.
- Asks students to give examples on their charts, too.
- Asks students to have any questions.
- Replies.
- Gives examples and asks them to do more exercises.
- Asks them to work individually.
- Circles.
- Asks them to exchange and compare.
- Gives keys.
- Asks them to write about themselves about 5
- Circles to choose good or bad writing.
- Calls on students to read aloud.
- Gives suggestion.
- Reminds the content of the lesson.
- Asks students to remember and try their best to do
4. Homework: (3m)
- Asks the Ss to copy down
- Notices the kinds of exercises above.
- find out some ways of doing exercises in the texts;
do the writing
- Listen
- Work in groups discuss what are important points
in each unit.
- Stick their answer on board.
- Give comment.
- Copy down
- Give examples.
- Raise questions or doubts.
- Listen
- Do exercises.
- Work individually
- look at
- Exchange compare
- Copy down
- Write about themselves
- Listen
- Read aloud
- Look at and write down.
- Listen .
6. Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: December, 18 , 2011 .
Date of teaching: December, 21 , 2011
Period: 51 REVISION
I) Objectives
By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to talk about what they do at home
Help sts know to do somethings at home
II) Language content
1- Vocabulary: There are no vocabularies
2- Grammar
Modals: must , have to , ought to
Why -Because-
3- Skills : S L- W - R
III) Technique
Pairwork, individual
IV) Teaching aids :
Text book , exercise,
V. Procedure in class:
1.Stabilization: (3ms) a. Warm up: GreetingsZ
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
2. New lesson:
Teachers activities Students activities
I. LEAD IN:(4)
- Says, Today youll continue to revise lessons from
unit 5 8. Youll have to master them because it will
help you much in daily speaking.
II. ACTIVITY: 1 (13)
- Divides class into 8 groups: two groups will list
important points in unit 5, two for unit 6, two for
unit 7, and two for unit 8
- Circles
- Asks students to stick their charts of listing key
points in each unit on board.
- Asks the class to observe and compare with each
other, give comments.
- Asks representatives of each group to present and
give examples, others can ask her, him. Other
members in each group can help his/ her
- Gives final keys.
- Gives some more exercises or do exercises left in the
work book.
- Asks students to do individually.
- Asks students to compare with their partner.
- Calls on some students to read aloud their answer,
asks others if it is right or wrong.
- Listen
- Work in groups
- Look at
- Stick charts on board
- Observe, compare and give comments
- Present and ask
- Listen .
- Do exercises
- Do individually
- Work in pairs
- Answer
- Copy down
- Gives keys.
- Directs the Ss to practice some exercises relating to
these topic.
- Reminds the key points.
4. Homework: (2m)
- Asks the Ss to copy down
- Notices the kinds of exercises above.
- find out some ways of doing exercises in the texts;
do the writing
- Do exercises.
- Listen and remember.

6. Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: December 19,

Date of teaching: December 23, 2011
I) Objectives
By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to talk about what people do in the past and present
Help sts know about the life in the past
II) Language content
1- Vocabulary: There are no vocabularies
2- Grammar:Used to.; Simple past tense; prepositions
3- Skills: S L- W - R
III) Technique: Pairwork, individual
IV) Teaching aids: Text book , exercise
1. Stabilization:2
a. Warm up: Greetings
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
Teachers activities Students activities
Says, You have just taken the first semester test. You
have studied hard and tried your best to do it. But some
grammatical points you didnt understand inside out. So,
today well review them together
- Asks students to look at the photocopies.
- Calls students to correct the test.
- Asks them to compare.
- Gives keys.
- Draws out some important points of grammar.
- Lists some important grammatical points.
1.Key points:
+ Old enough (U.1)
+ Ask SO to do sth (U.5)
+ More + adj + than (U.8)
+ S. adj_er + than
- A: Could you help me?
A: Can you ?
Ask for favors
- B: Reply to favors
- Certainly
- What can I do for you? (U.6/ p. 55)
2. Revises tenses:
+ Present perfect with since/ for/ How long
S + have/has + p.p (since/ for)
2/ Past simple:
S + Ved / V
(did) ( yesterday, last)
+ Simple past (yesterday, last week)
S + Ved / V
(did) ( yesterday, last)
+ Present simple (everyday/ always)
S + V/ Vs, es (do/ does)
+ Future simple (tomorrow)
S + will + V
Look at photocopy
Do the test
Copy down
Listen and take notes
List or copy down
Give example
Copy down
Give example
3. Reported speech:
She said to her son: Go to bed early.
She told
4. Another way of comparison
- Not as as.
- The same as
- Different from
- Like
*Consolidation (3)
-Recall all the structures
4. Homework: (2m)
- Asks the Ss to copy down
- Notices the kinds of exercises above.
- find out some ways of doing exercises in the texts; do the
S + will + V
Go to black board to write it
Write on black board

-Listen and know
6. Self evaluation:
Date of preparation: December 25, 2011
Date of teaching: December 27, 2011
I) Objectives
By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to talk how to learn English
Help sts know to how to learn Enlish
II) Language content
1- Vocabulary
There are no vocabularies
2- Grammar
Direct and reported speech
Adverbs of manner
3- Skills
W S L- R
III) Technique
Pairwork, individual
IV) Teaching aids :
Text book , exercise,
2. Stabilization:1
a. Warm up: Greetings
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
Teachers activities Students activities

1. Lead- in: 5
- Asks about some points of grammar of the three
sentences again
- Has the sts list the grammar points from Unit 1-8.
- Introduces the lesson content: To review the some

- Answer
- Make a list in groups
- Listen and know
points and do some exercises using them.
2. Pre- practice : 10
* Form of verb:
1. V-ing
+ After like, enjoy, hate, dislike, love
+ After preposition
2. Bare infinitive:
+ After modals
3. Full infinitive:
+ V
to V
+ Adj + enough + to infi
+ Ask/ tell s.o to do something
+ would like + to infi
+ Prep of time: in, on at,
+ Prep of position/ place: in, on, at, ...
+ Adj + prep
+ V/ N + prep
* for + a period of time in the present
Since + a point of time perfect tense
+ (not) as + as
The same as/ different from
Comparative Superative
Short adj - er than Short adj- est
More + long adj than the most +adj
* Good/ well - better - the best
Bad/ - worse - the worst
1. Be giong to+bare infi intention
2. (not) adj + enough + to infi
3. Why - Because reasons
4. Reported speech
* Commands & requests:
S + V + (not) to infinitive
* Advice:
S + V + S + should + bare infinitive
3. Controlled- practice:20
- Asks the sts to take notes then do the exercises:
I/ Supply the correct verb tense & form:
1. She likes roses in the garden (plant)
2. My father used ( smoke) a lot last year.
3. They are thinking of (import) flowers from Vietnam.
4. Lan told her sister ( move) the table.
5. I ( go) to the movies tonight. The film (begin) at 7.30.
6. Susan ( not, go ) to work yesterday.
7. The weather ( get) warmer.
8. I like your car. How long you (have) it.
9. I (know) her since January.
II/ Rewrite the sentences:
1. Mary said to me, Can you carry my bag ( Mary
asked me )
2. The boy is not strong. He cant lift the case. (enough)
3. He didnt prepare the lesson at home, so he got bad
marks. ( because).
- Tell the three form of verb.
- Elicit the form
- Recall where and when these prepositions are
- Give examples with for and since
- Elicit the form then give examples using the
- Revise some structures and their form
- Take notes then do the exrcises.
- planting
- to smoke
- importing
- to move
- am going
- begins
- did not go
- is getting
- Have you had
- have known
1.Mary asked me to carry her bag.

4. This book is cheap, but that book is cheaper, ( as as )

- Has the sts check the task together
- Calls some to write the answer on the b.b
- Gives correction.
4. Free- practice: 4
- Asks the sts to make sentences using the structures
- Lets them check the answer together.
- Calls some to speak out loud.
- Asks the sts to choose the best one:
1. Jane is beautiful than her sister. (as/ the most/
2. Weve been here last week.
( since/ for / in)
3. The Moon around the Earth.
( move/ moves/ is moving)
4. Vietnamese language is different ( as/ like/
4. Homework: (1m)
- Asks the Ss to copy down
- Notices the kinds of exercises above.
- find out some ways of doing exercises in the texts;
do the writing
- Check the task together
- Copy down
- Make sentences with the structures.
- Check the As together
- Speak out loud
- Choose the best one
- Copy down
6. Self evaluation:

Date of preparation: December 19
, 2010
Date of teaching: December 21
, 2010
3. Stabilization:1
a. Warm up: Greetings
b. Checking absence: Whos absent today?
4. Checking up previous knowledge:4
Time needed:
Keys to questions:
Teachers activities Students activities
1. Lead- in: 5
- Asks about some grammar points and introduces
the aims of the lesson: to practice doing some kinds
of exercise deal with the points have learn
2. Pre- practice :10
- Recalls:
a) topic: relating to 8 topic
* Excercises:
+ Answer the questions
+ T/ F statements
+ Fill in the blanks
+ Multiple choice
b) writing
- letters
- Description of something/ s.o
- Massages/ notice
* Exercises:
- write a paragragh
- using the words given
- rearrange the words
3. Controlled- practice:20
- Has the sts copy the exercises and do them.
I/ Complete the passage with the words from the
- Listen and know
- Give out the kinds of exercise
- Copy down, then do the task
Many (1) . Believe that life on a farm is quiet and
easy, but (2) is very hard, I myself have (3) on a
farm for nearly 20 years and I know what farm work
(4) . You must get up early, (5) the chickens
and the cows, water the vegetables, flowers, do a (6)
of gardening and then (7) on the fields. But my
aunt likes this way and (8) do her children.
II/ Write a passage using the words given:
Dear Mum and Dad,
1. I/ have/ wonderful time/ HaLong Bay
2. weather/ be/ lovely/ and/ beach and islands/ look/
3. Yesterday/ I/ visit/ Thien Cung Grotto.
4. I/ be/ visit/ Dau Go cave/ tommorrow.
5. I/ be/ going/ takee/ photos/ there
See/ soon
- Asks the sts check the answer keys in pairs.
- Gets some to tell the answer.
4. Free practice:
- Asks the sts to find some topics to do these kinds of
- Gets the st feedback and gives suggestions.
5. Consolidation 3
- Recalls how to do the exercises relating to the
passages, and written tasks
4. Homework: (2m)
- Asks the Ss to copy down
-review vocab and structures from Unit 1-8
- Notices some passages and written tasks relating
to the 8 topics
-Prepare knowledge for the first semester test.
(1) people
(2) it
(3) lived
(4) is
(5) feed
(6) lot
(7) work
(8) so

Im having a wonderful time in Ha Long Bay.

- Check the answer in pairs

- Find some topics to do these kinds of exercise
- Listen and know
6. Self evaluation:
Is lived it feed
People lot so

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