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The 2 Korea - Indonesia Workshop & International Symposium on Bioenergy from Biomass

DRN Building, Puspiptek, Serpong-BSD City, Indonesia, 13 15 June 2012


ISSN: 2302-1454 (online)


Energy Balance and Exergy analysis of large scale algal biomass production

K. Sudhakar1, M. Premalatha2 K.Sudharshan3 Energy department, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India 2 CEESAT, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli, India

* Corresponding author; e-mail:; tel.: +62-21-7560929; fax: +62-21-756-0549.

Abstract: Microalgae Technology for the production of biochemical and bio fuels is emerging rapidly. Large-scale production facilities are necessary to fulfil the expected future demand for biodiesel and biochemical produced with algae. The present study assesses the sustainability of biofuel produced from microalgae and examines the environmental feasibility of a large-scale production through the use of energy balance and Exergy analysis adopting Life Cycle concept.Estimates of energy requirements for cultivation, harvesting, and oil extraction for algae biodiesel production are developed. Energy output in the form of algal biodiesel and the total energy content of algal biomass are compared to energy inputs required for algal cultivation & processing. Exergy analysis of algal-biodiesel cycle shows the overall process to be renewable. The results obtained indicate the energy content of the algae produced exceeds the energy required for cultivating algae. Keywords: Biodiesel, Large open pond, Life Cycle Analysis, Microalgae, Net energy Ratio



Without a doubt, the world is now dependent on alternate sources of energy. Eukaryotic microalgae represent a promising alternative renewable source of feedstock for biofuel production. With over 40,000 identified species; microalgae are one of the more diverse groups of organisms on Earth. Algae has seemed like a great renewable energy source because it's extremely efficient at creating energy from sunlight and it could potentially form closed loops for power plants - absorbing exhaust while creating new fuel. (Sheehan, 1998). hey naturally produce large quantities of biomass and many biomaterials, including lipids/oil. The theoretical maximum biomass and oil production of from microalgae has been calculated at 240 T ha-1yr-1 and 57, 000 L ha-1yr-1 for Indian Conditions.( .,2012), Algal biomass residues derived from the oil extraction process can be used to produce ethanol, and methane, and high-value biomaterials, such as biopolymers, carotenoids, and very long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.( al.,2008) Microalgae naturally remove and recycle nutrients (such as nitrogen and phosphorous) from water and wastewater and carbon dioxide from flue-gases emitted from fossil fuel-fired power plants, providing an added environmental benefit ( al.,2008) The integration of wastewater bioremediation and carbon sequestration with biofuel production has not been demonstrated on Industrial scale. The micro algal research and development effort couples the use of microalgae for biofuels production with environmental bioremediation. However there are many challenges to be addressed which include refinement of the cultivation process, downstream processing of biomass and development of an economic feasibility model for commercialization of algae-based biofuels and biomaterials.Algae may be grown in large open raceway ponds or closed photo bioreactors. A number of closed photo bioreactors are being investigated, for cost-effective production of the algae. These include

horizontal tubular, vertical tubular, thin lm and helical/inclined systems. Productivity is higher in the case of algae cultivated in a photo bioreactor, but capitals and operating expenses are significantly higher than for open systems.(Chisti.Y.,2007) Fig. 1, Shows algae cultivation systems.

(a)Open Pond

(b) Tubular Photo bioreactor Fig 1: Algae Cultivation System Over the past two decades, algal-based biofuel research has progressed from outdoor large open pond to large-scale photobioreactor design and optimization, and downstream processing (i.e., harvesting, dewatering, and drying), to algal oil extraction. At the moment, algal biodiesels are not commercially produced and no economically viable production processes exist. Hence there exist many unknowns associated with the algae biodiesel production .Based on the state of the technology, there exists a need to quantify the energy and environmental sustainability effects of microalgae-tobiofuel process.

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The 2 Korea - Indonesia Workshop & International Symposium on Bioenergy from Biomass
DRN Building, Puspiptek, Serpong-BSD City, Indonesia, 13 15 June 2012


ISSN: 2302-1454 (online)

Hence the key objective of this study is to perform a LCA of the large scale microalgae biodiesel process and to identify the specic research efforts to make this process environmentally sustainable. This consequential life cycle analysis of algae biodiesel is based on estimated production potential of large scale algae biomass cultivation, process thermodynamics, and academic literature data. This LCA follows algal biodiesel production through five stages: cultivation, harvesting, lipid extraction, transesterification, and reuse of the leftover biomass. The carbon and energy balance for each stage of production considering energy required, the energy produced, and the environmental impact are quantified.

Fig. 2 shows a owchart listing main stages and inputs of microalgae biodiesel production process.Fig.3 shows step involved in LCA process.

1. Goal Definition

2. Life Cycle Inventory

4. Interpretation

3. Impact Assessment
Fig.3. Life Cycle Assessment framework.
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a decision making tool to identify environmental burdens and evaluate the environmental consequences of a product, process or service over its life cycle from cradle to grave .The functional unit for the LCA analysis is 1 hectare of land. To evaluate the energy consumption during the life cycle of the micro-algae bio-diesel, a cradle to grave analysis is carried out. The data were organised in a MS-Excel spreadsheet, for transparency and easier calculations. Considered in the interaction during the lifecycle is indirect energy given to the system and not the materials, direct energy inputs like solar energy taken by the plant (micro-algae). 2.1 Exergy Analysis and Energy balance When converting energy from one form to another more useful form the second law of thermodynamics dictates that some energy will be lost. Net energy gain (NEG), the difference between the total energy outputs and total energy inputs, is one of the accepted indices for analysing biofuels. Net Energy Gain = Energy output Energy Input. 2.2. Carbon balance CO2 Reduction = CO2 Sequestered by microalgae CO2 produced during each Input stage. 2.3 Net Energy ratio (NER)


Materials and Method

Large Scale open raceway pond cultivation system is considered in this study. For this energy input at each stage of the cycle during cultivation, harvesting, dewatering, oil extraction, transesterification is estimated. Total of energy input in all the process gives the total energy demand of the algae biodiesel cycle, which is energy input to the system. This energy input is called as indirect energy. The energy contained in the micro-algal bio-diesel (Eout) is compared with the total energy input (Ein). Water CO2 Light Algae


Liquid Algae


Harvesting/ Drying

Algae Cake

Extraction Water

Green Crude


The energy efficiency of bio fuels can be analyzed by finding Net Energy ratio (NER). Net energy ratio is defined as the ratio of total energy outputs to total energy inputs. Ein =Egrowth+Eharvest+Edewatering +Edrying +Eoilextraction+Etransesterification (MJ ha-1) Eout = CV *T*1000* Where, CV= Calorific value of Micro algal biodiesel (MJ Kg-1) = 41 (MJ Kg-1) ( al., 2006) T= Quantity of biodiesel (tonne) =brake-thermal efficiency of a CI Engine (20%)




Fig.2. Flow diagram of Algal Biodiesel production process.

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The 2 Korea - Indonesia Workshop & International Symposium on Bioenergy from Biomass
DRN Building, Puspiptek, Serpong-BSD City, Indonesia, 13 15 June 2012


ISSN: 2302-1454 (online)

2.4 Assumptions: The various parameters and values used for this study are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Parameters used for the study ( al,2010) Stage Inputs Unit value Growth Diesel fuel L/ha 10 consumption

Algae dewatering Lipid extraction

Electricity Consumption Electricity use Natural gas Consumption Electricity consumption

KWh/ha KWh/ha MJ/ha

41404 30788 141994

Fig 4: Energy assessment of Microalgae biodiesel.

3. 2 Carbon balance of large scale raceway ponds (i)Algae Cultivation: Diesel Use in growing microalgae = 10 L/hectare/year. Electricity Use in growing microalgae = 41,404 KWh/hectare/year. Carbon dioxide emission for diesel = 22.2 gallons/pound. I.e. Carbon dioxide emissions = 22.2 x 8.34 L/kg = 185.15 L/kg Density of Diesel = 0.832 kg/L. Therefore, Mass of diesel in 10 L = 8.32 kg So, carbon dioxide emission = 8.32 x 185.15 L = 1540.45 L of CO2 = 0.154 m3 of CO2 Density of CO2 = 1.842 kg/m3. Therefore, weight of CO2 = 1.842 x 0.154 = 0.28 kg/hectare/year. From electricity usage = 41,404 x 0.8 = 33,123.2 kg/hectare/year of CO2 Therefore, CO2 emission in growth stage = 33123.5 kg/hectare/year. Total Carbon Dioxide emissions = 33123.78 kg/hectare/year. (ii)Carbon Dioxide Sequestration by Microalgae: 1 gram of algal biomass consumes 1.8 grams of CO2 So, 91,000 kg/hectare of algae consumes (91,000 x 1.8) = 1, 63,800 kg/hectare/year. Total Carbon Dioxide sequestered during growth of microalgae is 1, 63,800 kg/hectare/year. (iii)Biomass Processing: Dewatering electricity use = 30,788 KWh/hectare/year. Carbon Dioxide emissions = 30,788 x 0.8 = 24,630 kg/hectare/year. Carbon Dioxide emissions in Biomass Processing are 24,630 kg/hectare/year. (iv)Extraction and Esterification: Electricity Consumption in expeller = 12,706 KWh/hectare/year Carbon Dioxide emission = 12,706 x 0.8 = 10,164.8 kg/hectare/year. Natural gas required = 1, 41,994 MJ/hectare/year Total power consumption = 1, 41,994 x (33/1000) = 4685.80 kg of CO2 Total Carbon dioxide emission during extraction is 10164.8 + 4685.80 = 14, 850.60 kg.



Results Net Energy balance, GHG Balance and NER for algal biodiesel production based on current technology, has been determined. 3.1 Net Energy Balance Assessment of large scale raceway ponds. (i)Algal Cultivation: Diesel Use in growing microalgae = 10 L/hectare/year. Calorific Value of Conventional Diesel = 44,800 KJ/kg Density of Diesel = 0.832 kg/L. Therefore, Mass of diesel in 10 L = 8.32 kg Energy consumption of Diesel = 372.74 MJ/hectare/year. Electricity Use in growing microalgae = 41,404 KWh = 149054.4 MJ/hectare/year. Total energy consumption in cultivation = 149427.14 MJ/hectare/year (ii)Biomass Processing: Biomass processing (dewatering, drying) electricity use = 30,788 KWh/hectare/year. = 110836.8 MJ/hectare/year. Energy consumption in biomass processing is 110836.8 MJ/hectare/year. (iii)Extraction and Esterification : Electricity Consumption in expeller = 12,706 KWh = 45741.6 MJ/hectare/year Natural gas required = 1, 41,994 MJ/hectare/year Total power consumption in extraction and esterification is 187735.6 MJ/hectare/year. (iv)Energy Available in Biodiesel Produced: Total quantity of biodiesel produced = 40,000 kg/hectare/year. Calorific Value of Biodiesel = 37,800 KJ/kg Total energy available = 1512000 MJ. (v)Net Energy Assessment: Net Energy generated = 1512000 - 149427.14 110836.8 - 187735.6 = 1064000.46 MJ/hectare/year. Net energy generated is 1064000.46 MJ/hectare/year from Microalgae Biodiesel. A cumulative energy analysis of algae biodiesel process is shown in Fig.4


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The 2 Korea - Indonesia Workshop & International Symposium on Bioenergy from Biomass
DRN Building, Puspiptek, Serpong-BSD City, Indonesia, 13 15 June 2012


ISSN: 2302-1454 (online)

(v)Carbon balance: Total emissions for biodiesel extraction from algae = -1, 63,800 + 33123.78 + 24,630 + 14850.60= -91,195.7 kg. Answer is negative because carbon dioxide is sequestered during the cycle. Total Carbon dioxide sequestration for biodiesel production from microalgae is 91,195.7 kg. A cumulative life cycle GHG emission of algae biodiesel process is shown in Fig.5

cultivation, CO2 from the waste gas of coal-fired power plants and ammonia plants is funneled into the bioreactors to provide algae with the CO2 needed for growth. This reduces the carbon footprint of algal biodiesel production. At the moment, the lack of infrastructure for large-scale production of algal biodiesel prevents its use as a commercially feasible fuel alternative. However, ongoing research to more efficiently produce environmentally friendly algal biodiesel is promising. Future research should be done to investigate the methods to optimize algal growth conditions for biodiesel production.

5. Conclusions
Microalgae are third generation energy crop with a lot of potential to supply multiple energy carriers. The possibilities exist to obtain solid, liquid and gaseous energy products from microalgae with the use of appropriate conversion technologies. The net energy ratio for algae biomass production is very attractive and beneficial in the long run. The results show that exergy of algae biofuel production process is energetically favourable and sustainable. Raceway Pond Systems have a more desirable NER than PBR Systems due to high energy consumption. This LCA study can assist the policy makers to assess the potential benefits, energy and environmental impact of algae biomass production.Several processes like waste water treatment; Carbon sequestration can be coupled to algal open pond to improve the GHG and energy balance.

Fig 5: Life Cycle GHG emission of Micro-algae Biodiesel

3.3 Net Energy Ratio:

Eout = 41 * 140 *1000*0.2 = 1,14,8000 MJ ha-1 Ein = 447999.54 MJ ha-1 NER = (Energy Output)/(Total Energy Input of various stages) = 1, 14, 8000/447999.54 = 2.56 Net Energy Ratio of Microalgae Biodiesel is 2.56.

Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank DST,Govt of India for providing us the funding to carry out this research. References K.Sudhakar, M. Rajesh & M. Premalatha (2012): A Mathematical Model to Assess the Potential of Algal Bio-fuels in India, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 34:12, 11141120 Sheehan, J. et al (1998). A Look Back at the U.S. Department of Energys Aquatic Species Program Biodiesel from Algae. Li, Y.;Horsman,M.;Wu,N.; Lan,C.Q.;Dubois-Calero,N.Bio from Microalgae. Biotechnol. Prog. 2008, (24), 815820. Raja, R.;Hemaiswarya, S.; Kumar,N. A.; Sridhar, S.; Rengasamy, R.Aperspective on the biotechnological potential ofmicroalgae.Crit. Rev. Microbiol. 2008, 34 (2), 7788. Liaw Batan, Jason Quinn,Bryan Willson, Thomas Bradley: Net Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emission Evaluation of Biodiesel Derived from Microalgae, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2010, 44, 79757980 Chisti Y. Biodiesel from microalgae. Biotechnol Adv 2007;25(3):294306. Q.Wu, X.Miao; High quality biodiesel production from a Microalga Chorella protothecoides by heterotrophic growth in fermenters,Journal of Biotechnology 126(2006) 499-507.



This study assesses the energy and carbon balance of a algae biodiesels process which does not exist at this stage at industrial scale, and for which many technological issues remains unsolved. More refined methods for harvesting, lipid extraction, and transesterification, and advances in bioreactor technology would surely improve the energy balance in biodiesel production and make it commercially viable. The last stage, the recycling and disposal of residual biomass, provides the greatest opportunity for the largest gain in energy. This stage allows for creativity in research because the residual algal biomass has many useful applications. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids extracted for vitamin supplements are potentially more valuable than biodiesel. The profit from selling these extra compounds could be used to help offset the energy cost of biodiesel production. LCA appears as a relevant tool to evaluate and compare new technologies for energy balance and environmental impact. The benefits of algae in biofuels are matched by the environmental savings and benefits of their use. Further environmental benefits come from the carbon-neutral nature of the biodiesel production process. During

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