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SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

QA and DI

1. Find the least five digit number exactly divisible by 279.
1. 10,000 2. 10044 3. 10279 4. 10329

2. When we multiply a certain two digit number by the sum of its digits, 324 is achieved. If you
multiply the number written in reverse order of the same digits by the sum of the digits, we get 567.
What is the sum of the digits?
1.7 2. 6 3. 8 4. 9

Directions for Q 3: A diamond thief after stealing n diamonds had to pass through 3 doors with security
guard. At the first door, the thief had to give the diamonds he was carrying plus one additional
diamond. At the second he had to part with 1/3
of the diamonds he was now carrying plus two more
diamonds. At the third door he had to give 1/4
of the diamonds he has now carrying plus 3 diamonds.
At last he was left with just m (m 0) diamonds.

3. If m =9, what is the value of n?
1. 32 2. 38 3. 44 4. 56

4. On a table are kept 10 coins, all turned head upwards. Rahul comes and makes a total of 15 flips
(either same coin flipped over 15 times or many coins flipped up few times to add up to 15 times).
Now the number of coins with head turned up are
1. even 2. odd
3. sometimes even or odd 4. none of them

5. A gardener plants rose bushes in his garden, each bush having 66 roses. The total number of roses
in his garden are 49a81b, a and b being single digits. How many different numbers can represent
the possible number of rose bushes?
1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

6. Of the two numbers 10
and 11
which is greater?
1. 11
2. 10
3. Both are equal

7. A shepherd on the 1
of every January adds p% of the sheep that he owns to his live-stock. Also
on 31
of every December he sells off q% of the sheep that he owns. These are the only changes
that he does to his live-stock through the year. If the number of sheep that he has on 30
J une of
2004 is same as the number of sheep he has on 30
J une 2006 which of the following is true
1. p >q 2. p <q 3. p =q
4. The relation between p and q cannot be determined.

8. Lalitaji bargains and manages to get the price of a dozen of oranges reduced by Re. 1 and thus gets
1 dozen more oranges in Rs.240 than what she would have got. Find the original price of a dozen
1. 15 2. 16 3. 20 4. 24

9. Which of the following is a better deal for a customer:
i. Two successive discounts of 10% and 20%
ii. A single discount of 30%

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1. I 2. ii 3. Both are same

10. If A : B : C =2 : 3 : 4, then find the ratio of
1. 6 : 4 : 3 2. 1 : 1 : 1 3. 8 : 9 : 24 4. 4 : 9 : 16

11. A factory employs skilled workers, unskilled workers and clerks in the proportion 8 : 5 : 1 and the
wages of a skilled worker, unskilled worker and a clerk are in the ratio 5 : 2 : 3. When 20 unskilled
workers are employed, the total daily wages of all amount to Rs. 318. Find the wages paid to each
employee of each category of workers.
1. Rs. 40 , Rs. 10, Rs. 3
2. Rs. 75, Rs. 48, Rs. 10
3. Rs. 7.5, Rs 3, Rs 4.5
4. can not be determined

12. A cat takes 5 leaps for every 4 leaps of a dog, but 3 leaps of the dog are equal to 4 leaps of the cat.
What is the ratio of the speed of the cat to that of the dog?
1. 5 : 4 2. 5 : 3 3. 3 : 5 4. 15 : 16

13. The expenses of a school are partly constant and partly vary as the number of boys. The expenses
were Rs.10,000 for 150 boys and Rs. 8,400 for 120 boys, what will be the expenses when there 330
1. Rs.18,400 2. Rs. 19600 3. Rs. 23,100 4. Rs. 22,000

14. The average percentage scored by Amit in the six subjects in the board exams is 83%. If the highest
percentage scored in any subject is 91%, what could be the lowest percentage of marks scored in
any subject?
1. 43% 2. 48% 3. 66% 4. 75%

15. Consecutive natural numbers starting from 1 were written on a black board. A student comes and
erases one of the numbers. The average of the numbers now is 35
. Find the erased number.
1. 10 2. 15 3. 16 4. 20

16. A solution having milk and water in the ration 2 : 3 is mixed with another solution having milk and
water ratio 3 : 2. If the resultant solution has milk and water in the ratio 1 : 1, in what ratio were the
two solutions mixed?
1. 1 : 1 2. 1 : 2 3. 2 : 1 4. 2 : 3

17. Going from office to home, I take 20 minutes if I travel at a speed of 40 kmph. If I increase my
speed to 50 kmph, how many minutes will I save?
1. 2 minutes 2. 2.5 minutes 3. 5 minutes 4. 4 minutes

18. At his usual rowing speed, Rahul can travel 12 miles downstream in a certain river in six hours less
than it takes him to travel the same distance upstream. But if he could double his usual rowing
speed for this 24 mile round trip, the downstream 12 mile would then take only one hour less than
the upstream 12 miles. Find the speed of the current in miles per hour.
1. 7/3 2. 4/3 3. 5/3 4. 8/3

SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

19. It takes six days for three women and two men working together to complete a work. Three men
would do the same work five days sooner than nine women. How many times does the output of a
man exceed that of a woman?
1. 2 times 2. 3 times 3. 5 times 4. 6 times

20. Ram and Shyam run a 2000 meter race. First Ram gives Shyam a start of 200 meters and beats him
by 50 seconds. Next Ram gives Shyam a start of 2 minutes and is beaten by 100 meters. Find the
speed of Shyam.
1. 5 m/s 2. 4 m/s 3. 3 m/s 4. 2 m/s

21. A man can complete a certain job in 8 days. He works at the job for a day and is then replaced by a
man who could complete the whole work in 7 days. He also works for only one day and is replaced
by a man who can complete the whole work in 6 days. This process of replacing a man after one
days work with a man who could have done the entire work in one day less than the previous man
continues. On which day is the job completed?
1. Fourth Day 2. Fifth Day 3. Sixth Day 4. Seventh Day

22. A thief escapes from prison at 2 pm and runs at a speed of 12 kmph. The police realize the escape
at 3 pm and starts chasing the thief at a speed of 15 kmph. At what time do the policemen can the
1. 4 pm 2. 5 pm 3. 6 pm 4. 7 pm

23. How many three digit numbers exist that are a multiple of 8 but not of 6?
1. 83 2. 82 3. 75 4. 76

24. 1
+ 100
1. 5040 2. 5040 3. 5050 4. 5050

25. In the figure shown AB =AD = 130 cm and BEDC is a square. Also the area of triangle AEB =
area of square BEDC. Find the area of BEDC.
1. 5 2. 10 3. 20 4. 25

26. Triangle ABC is a right angle triangle with AB =60 cm and BC =25 cm. Triangle BDC is also a
right angle triangle with ZD =90 and BD =7 cm. Line AEF is parallel to BD. Find the ratio

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SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

Directions for the questions 27 to 32: The following pie chart gives the break-up of the CTV market
among the various CTV producing players in the market for the years 2003 and 2004. Assume that each
of these companies just produces CTVs. Answer the questions that follow based on the following pie-

27. Find the difference between the sales of Samsung in the year 2003 and 2004.
1. 7.14 2. 14.7 3. 12.5 4. 9.22

28. What is the difference in sales of LG and Videocon in the year 2003?
1. 103.9 2. 105.9 3. 107.9 4. 109.9

29. What the ratio of sales of Sony and Onida in the year 2004?
1. 13 : 10 2. 13 : 11 3. 10 : 9 4. 11 : 9

30. By what percentage has the market grown from the year 2003 to 2004?
1. 3.5% 2. 3.2% 3. 4% 4. 4.5%

31. What is the ratio of sales of Kenwood in the years 2003 and 2004?
1. 125 : 78 2. 5 : 3 3. 3 : 2 4. 75 : 28

32. What is the growth rate of sales of Videocon from 2003 to 2004?
1. 13.33% 2. 18.88% 3. 15.55% 4. Cannot be determined

LG, 25%
Others, 11%
Market in 2003: Rs. 1765 mn

LG, 25%
Sony, 11%
Market in 2004: Rs. 1835 mn
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Directions for Questions 33 to 36: Income of two plastic manufacturing companies A and B over the
years 1992 to 1998 are plotted as line graphs as shown below. All figures are in Rs. Lacs. Answer the
questions that follow based on the graph.

33. For which of the following combinations of company and year is the percentage increase in income
from the previous year the maximum?
1. B - 1994 2. B -1996 3. A - 1993 4. A - 1994 5. A - 1997

34. If company A incurred a loss of 15% in the year 1992, what approximately was its expenditure in
that year?
a. 22 lakh 2. 29 lakh 3. 21 lakh 4. 28 lakh 5. 23 lakh

35. If the percentage profit earned by both the companies A and B in 1997 is equal and the expenditure
of company B in 1997 is Rs. 50 lakhs, what approximately is the amount of profit earned by
company A in 1997
1. 4.5 lakhs 2. 5 lakhs 3. 6.2 lakhs 4. Data inadequate 5. 5 lakhs

36. For the period 1992 to 1998, the average income of company A per year is approximately what
percentage of the average income of company B per year?
1. 80% 2. 110% 3. 115% 4. 90% 5. 75%

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

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Directions for Questions 37 to 41: The bar graph below gives details of the Profit and Loss account of
ABC Ltd. for the period 2001 2005. Answer the questions based on the following graph.

37. In which year did the sales show the highest growth rate?
1. 2002 2. 2003 3. 2004 4. 2005

38. In which year was the OPM the highest? OPM is Operating Profit Margin and is the difference of
Sales and Operating Expenses expressed as a percentage of Sales.
1. 2001 2. 2002 3. 2003 4. 2004

39. For the year 2003, Depreciation accounted to what percent of the total expenses? Total expenses is
the sum of Operating Expenses, Depreciation and Interest.
1. 2001 2. 2002 3. 2004 4. 2005

40. In which year was the profit the highest? Profit is defined as the difference between the sales and
the total expenses as defined in the earlier question.
1. 2001 2. 2003 3. 2004 4. 2005

41. The entire sales of the year 2001 is represented as a pie chart and the three expenses were then
marked as sectors in this pie chart. What is the angle subtended by the sector that would be left
after the three expenses are drawn as adjoining sectors?
1. 40 2. 41.5 3. 43 4. 44.5

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005


ABC Ltd., 2001-2005
Operating Expenses
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

GA and VA:

1. Match the explanations of the idiomatic references given on the right hand side to their
respective idiomatic references given on the left hand side.
(i) Up to (a) To run away
(ii) To turn tail (b) Occupied with
(iii) Come to grips with (c) To get revenge
(iv) To get even (d) To confront squarely and attempt to deal
decisively with

1. (i) b, (ii) a, (iii) d, (iv) c
2. (i) c, (ii) d, (iii) a, (iv) b
3. (i) a, (ii) c, (iii) b, (iv) d
4. (i) c, (ii) b, (iii) d, (iv) a

2. Find the maximum number of times any one of the given words fits the sets of sentences.
(i) Most of the employees were on ------------------.
(ii) A car and a bus ----------- at an intersection.
(iii) Early man --------- fire from the flints.
(iv) The thought -------------------- me from out of the blue.

1. In all 4 sentences 2. In 3 sentences
3. In 2 sentences 4. In 1 sentence

3. Which two sentences in the following convey the same idea? Choose from the combinations listed
(i) During the debate my opponent kept cutting in.
(ii) My opponent kept praising me.
(iii) My opponent kept criticizing me. .
(iv) My opponent kept intruding or interrupting me.

1. (i) and (iii) 2. (i) and (iv) 3. (i) and (ii) 4. None of these

4. Find the correct match of grammatical function with usage for the word, FLOW which has been
used in 4 different ways in the following sentences.
(i) Ideas flowed from her pen.
(ii) The police controlled the flow of the crowd.
(iii) The crowd flowed out of the stadium.
(iv) She was engrossed in watching the quiet flow of the olive-green water.

1. Verb, verb, verb, noun 2. Noun, verb, verb, noun
3. Verb, noun, verb, noun 4. Noun, verb, verb, verb.

5. The plural of the word BARRACKS is
1. Barrack 2. Barrackses 3. Barracken 4. Barracks

6. If bear is to bears, and bee is to bees, then deer is to:
1. Deers 2. Deer 3. Deeres 4. None of them
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

7. Choose the sentence where the underlined word is used in-correctly
1. Scientists predict a meteor shower in the near future.
2. The commoners showered confetti on the parade.
3. They were re-united in the shower of kisses and tears.
4. The shower organized a marvelous exhibition for us.

8. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word from the options given below:
Neither of the two traffic lights ------- working.
1. Is 2. Are 3. Were 4. Both Is and are

9. One sentence has been written in 4 different ways. Choose the option that is grammatically the
most appropriate way of writing the sentence.
1. The sight of teenagers hitting each other violently upset an elderly couple.
2. The sight of teenagers, violently hitting each other, upset an elderly couple.
3. The violent sight of teenagers hitting each other upsetted elderly couple.
4. Upsetting the elderly couple, by violently hitting each other, the teenagers.

10. Fill in the blank with using the most appropriate option from the options given below:
The security agent ------------------ at the event was held responsible for the burglary.
1. At charge 2. On charge 3. In charge 4. With charge

11. Choose the correct meaning for the word boorish from the options given below:
1. A person who is ill-mannered and rude in behavior.
2. A person who is urbane and pleasant in manners
3. A person who is very congenial.
4. A person who is very loud in talking.

12. Choose the word with the correct spelling:
1. Genteel 2. Neanderthel 3. Pyree 4. Galant

13. Choose the option which represents the grammatically correct sentences out of the following given
(a) The renowned wellness guru has become a culted figure among the new generation.
(b) His powerfulness was concealed by a gentle faade.
(c) He was having his documents with him at the time of the theft.
(d) Fatigue sapped all his strength.
1. (a) and (b) 2. (b) and (c) 3. (a) and (d) 4. (b) and (d)

14. If archipelago: island, then,
1. Village: hamlet
2. Constellation: star
3. River: sea
4. Finger: hand

15. If Tragedy: drama, then,
1. Farce: actor
2. Cartoon: film
3. Prosody: Poem
4. Epigram: anecdote
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

16. Genuflect is closest in meaning to:
1. To be elated
2. To reflect on something
3. To be involved in genocide
4. To bend as in worship

17. Choose the option which is nearly opposite in meaning to Conspicuous:
1. Blatant 2. Evident 3. Imperceptible 4. Apparent

18. From the words given below, find the odd one out:
1. Weary 2. Blithesome 3. Nonchalant 4. Insouciant

19. Complete the sentence from the options given below: The play had started -------------
1. By the time we arrived at the theater.
2. By the time we had arrived at the theatre.
3. By that time we were already in the theater.
4. Already by the time we had arrived at the theater.

20. Match the several meanings of the word Feel with their appropriate usages on the right hand side.
(i) To perceive a physical sensation (a) He feels like a million bucks after he
got his promotion
(ii) To grope or feel in search of something (b) He felt his way around the dark room
(iii) To find by testing or cautious exploration (c) He felt for his wallet
(iv) To be in excellent health and spirits; (d) He felt his flesh crawl.

1. (i) (c), (ii) (d), (iii) (a), (iv) (b)
2. (i) (d), (ii) (c), (iii) (b), (iv) (a)
3. (i) (a), (ii) (c), (iii) (b), (iv) (d)
4. (i) (c), (ii) (b) (iii) (d), (iv) (a)

21. Choose the option which represents the grammatically incorrect sentences out of the following
given sentences.
(a) In some remote corner of his mind, there was disquiet.
(b) Rhetoric are disingenuous.
(c) The building was old and rather dilapidated.
(d) The only solution for the Palestinians is the destruction of Israel, to this conundrum.
1. (b) and (d) 2. Only (c) 3. (a) and (d) 4. (a), (b) and (d)

22. Choose the option which represents the grammatically correct sentences out of the following given
(a) Marriages are made in heaven and consummated on Earth.
(b) Standing on the edge of the canyon, the vast beauty of the place was exhilarating.
(c) He pampered the girls lust for self-glorification.
(d) Brevity is the soul of wit.
1. (a), (b) & (c) 2. Only (c) 3. (a) and (c) 4. (a), (c) and (d)

23. Medical doctor: Sleep deprivation is the cause of many social ills, ranging from irritability to
potentially dangerous instances of impaired decision making. Most people today suffer from sleep
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

deprivation to some degree. Therefore we should restructure the workday to allow people
flexibility in scheduling their work hours. Which one of the following, if true, would most
strengthen the medical doctors argument?
1. The primary cause of sleep deprivation is overwork.
2. Employees would get more sleep if they had greater latitude in scheduling their work hours.
3. Individuals vary widely in the amount of sleep they require.
4. More people would suffer from sleep deprivation today than did in the past if the average
number of hours worked per week had not decreased.

24. a) Losers have not been excluded, but given places in government, binding them into the system to
prevent future rebellion.
b) In recent times, almost all of Africas nastiest wars have ended in local deals.
c) Only in a few cases has a rebel or deposed head of state been punished.
d) Victors have showed a reluctance to punish.

1. bdac 2. bacd 3. bcad 4. bdca

25. a) The Greeks understood that comedy (the gods view of life) is superior to tragedy (the merely
b) But since the Middle Ages, western culture has overvalued the tragic and undervalued the
c) This is why fiction today is so full of anxiety and suffering.
d) Its time writers got back to the serious business of making us laugh

1. abcd 2. acbd 3. cabd 4. dabc

Directions for questions 26 40: Read the passages given below and answer the questions with the most
appropriate choice.

Passage 1

There are two contrasted kinds of genius, the poetical and the philosophical; or, to speak yet more
generally, the artistic and the critical. The former is distinguished by a concrete, the latter by an abstract,
imagination. The former sees things synthetically, in all their natural complexity; the latter pulls things to
pieces analytically and scrutinizes their relations. The former sees a tree in all its glory, where the latter
sees an exogen with a pair of cotyledons. The former sees wholes, where the latter sees aggregates.
Corresponding with these two kinds of genius, there are two classes of artistic productions. When the
critical genius writes a poem or a novel, he constructs his plot and his characters in conformity to some
prearranged theory, or with a view to illustrate some favourite doctrine. When he paints a picture, he first
thinks how certain persons would look under certain given circumstances, and paints them accordingly.
When he writes a piece of music, he first decides that this phrase expresses joy, and that phrase
disappointment, and the other phrase disgust, and he composes accordingly. We therefore say ordinarily
that he does not create, but only constructs and combines. It is far different with the artistic genius, who,
without stopping to think, sees the picture and hears the symphony with the eyes and ears of imagination,
and paints and plays merely what he has seen and heard. When Dante, in imagination, arrived at the
lowest circle of hell, where traitors like Judas and Brutus are punished, he came upon a terrible frozen
lake, which, he says, Ever makes me shudder at the sight of frozen pools. I have always considered this
line a marvellous instance of the intensity of Dantes imagination. It shows, too, how Dante composed his
poem. He did not take counsel of himself and say: Go to, let us describe the traitors frozen up to their
necks in a dismal lake, for that will be most terrible. But the picture of the lake, in all its iciness, with the
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

haggard faces staring out from its glassy crust, came unbidden before his mind with such intense reality
that, for the rest of his life, he could not look at a frozen pool without a shudder of horror. He described it
exactly as he saw it; and his description makes us shudder who read it after all the centuries that have
So Michelangelo, a kindred genius, did not keep cutting and chipping away, thinking how Moses ought to
look, and what sort of a nose he ought to have, and in what position his head might best rest upon his
shoulders. But, he looked at the rectangular block of Carrera marble, and beholding Moses grand and
lifelike within it, knocked away the environing stone, that others also might see the mighty figure. And so
Beethoven, an artist of the same colossal order, wrote out for us those mysterious harmonies which his ear
had for the first time heard; and which, in his mournful old age, it heard none the less plainly because of
its complete physical deafness. And in this way, Shakespeare wrote his Othello; spinning out no abstract
thoughts about jealousy and its fearful effects upon a proud and ardent nature, but revealing to us the
living concrete man, as his imperial imagination had spontaneously fashioned him.

26. In line 2 of this passage, the word concrete is contrasted with the word
1. imagination 2. Wholes 3. Complexity 4. abstract

27. The authors use of the phrase prearranged theory in 2
para suggests that
1. it is wise to plan ahead
2. a non-genius uses someone elses theories
3. a critical genius is not truly creative
4. a true genius first learns from others

28. In 3
para, the use of the word colossal to describe Beethoven implies
1. no one really understands Beethovens music
2. Beethovens symphonies are often performed in coliseums
3. Beethoven was a large man
4. Beethoven wrote music to his patrons orders

29. In the last para, the author uses the example of Beethovens deafness to illustrate
1. Beethovens sadness
2. Beethovens inherent creativity
3. Beethovens continuing musical relevance
4. Beethovens genius at overcoming obstacles

30. In this passage, the author suggests that
1. a good imagination is crucial to artistic genius
2. a genius sees things that arent there
3. no one understands a geniuss thought process
4. many artists are unusual people

Passage 2

It is sometimes said that a good subject for a short story should always be capable of being expanded
into a novel.

The principle may be defendable in special cases; but it is certainly a misleading one on which to build
any general theory. Every subject (in the novelists sense of the term) must necessarily contain within
itself its own dimensions; and one of the fiction-writers essential gifts is that of discerning whether the
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subject which presents itself to him, asking for incarnation, is suited to the proportions of a short story or
of a novel. If it appears to be adapted to both the chances are that it is inadequate to either.
It would be a great mistake, however, to try to base a hard-and-fast theory on the denial of the rule as on
its assertion. Instances of short stories made out of subjects that could have been expanded into a novel,
and that are yet typical short stories and not mere stunted novels, will occur to everyone. General rules in
art are useful chiefly as a lamp in a mine, or a handrail down a black stairway; they are necessary for the
sake of the guidance they give, but it is a mistake, once they are formulated, to be too much in awe of
There are at least two reasons why a subject should find expression in novel-form rather than as a tale; but
neither is based on the number of what may be conveniently called incidents, or external happenings,
which the narrative contains. There are novels of action which might be condensed into short stories
without the loss of their distinguishing qualities. The marks of the subject requiring a longer development
are, first, the gradual unfolding of the inner life of its characters, and secondly the need of producing in
the readers mind the sense of the lapse of time. Outward events of the most varied and exciting nature
may without loss of probability be crowded into a few hours, but moral dramas usually have their roots
deep in the soul, their rise far back in time; and the suddenest-seeming clash in which they culminate
should be led up to step by step if it is to explain and justify itself.

There are cases, indeed, when the short story may make use of the moral drama at its culmination. If the
incident dealt with be one which a single retrospective flash sufficiently lights up, it is qualified for use as
a short story; but if the subject be so complex, and its successive phases so interesting, as to justify
elaboration, the lapse of time must necessarily be suggested, and the novel-form becomes appropriate.

The effect of compactness and instantaneity sought in the short story is attained mainly by the observance
of two unitiesthe old traditional one of time, and that other, more modern and complex, which
requires that any rapidly enacted episode shall be seen through only one pair of eyes . . . .

One thing more is needful for the ultimate effect of probability; and that is, never let the character who
serves as reflector record anything not naturally within his register. It should be the storytellers first care
to choose this reflecting mind deliberately, as one would choose a building-site, or decide upon the
orientation of ones house, and when this is done, to live inside the mind chosen, trying to feel, see and
react exactly as the latter would, no more, no less, and, above all, no otherwise. Only thus can the writer
avoid attributing incongruities of thought and metaphor to his chosen interpreter.

31. In the opening sentence (lines 12), the author
1. states her main idea.
2. states the idea she will disprove.
3. presents an example of the point she will prove.
4. presents an anecdote to capture the readers attention.

32. The authors main purpose in this passage is to
1. provide guidelines for choosing the narrator in a novel.
2. provide tips for making short stories and novels more realistic.
3. debunk several myths about writing novels.
4. explain why some tales are better for novels than short stories.

33. The author believes that rules for writing
1. should always be strictly adhered to.
2. should only be general guidelines.
3. should be revised regularly.
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4. are just good common sense.

34. In lines 4-6 of 3
para the author uses
1. analogy. 2. personification. 3. hyperbole. 4. foreshadowing.

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35. According to the author, which factor(s) determine whether a subject is suitable for a novel instead
of a short story?
I. the number of incidents in the story
II. the need to show the development of the character(s)
III. the need to reflect the passage of time

1. I only 2. I and II only 3. II and III only 4. I and III only
Passage 3

The last decade has seen the resurgence of the disease Influenza in a variety of forms. They seem to start
somewhere in South-east Asia-China and Hong Kong in particular-and spread elsewhere. First was the
pandemic of the 1957 Asian Flu. It subsided in time only to reappear as the Hong Kong flu of 1968. We
thought we were relieved of it, till it struck again in various avatars during the period 1986-97. Then we
had the virus that produced the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS. As it subsided, we had the
outbreak of the Bird flu of Thailand, which too was detected in nearby countries, including a few reports
from Pakistan. Thankfully, neither SARS nor the Bird flu hit India in any significant manner.

But we still recall the pictures of men and women in the Far East going around with face masks to protect
themselves against SARS inhalation, and the sad scene of millions of chickens being culled in Thailand to
rid the spread of the Bird flu. Gratifyingly, however, we too have become much more efficient in
containing it through effective screening of people at the airports and national borders and quarantining
suspected cases, eliminating the carrier birds through large-scale culling and recommending the use of
protective masks to stop the infection. These are small but heroic steps; recall that SARS was detected as
contagion in China in mid-2002, but by mid-2003 the WHO could declare that the outbreak was over.

Why does the flu bug invariably arise from birds in the first place and how does it then jump on to
humans? A study of this riddle was undertaken by looking at samples of the pathology material of
humans, stored in hospitals since the time of the Hong Kong flu epidemic of 1918. Genetic analysis of the
infective agent present in the samples revealed it to be a virus that affects chicken and ducks. Further
analysis showed that the virus had undergone genetic modifications that helped it to jump from birds to
barnyard animals and thence to humans. What made this avian-to-porcine-to-human route possible? It
appears to be the lifestyle adopted by Chinese farmers, who lived in huts and tenements, with chicken and
ducks in the yard and pigsties in the basement.
The problem of transmission was solved about ten years ago at the Centre for Disease Control and
Prevention, Atlanta, USA by Nancy Cox and Kanta Subbarao. Kanta has been caught by the bug since
her student days and concentrated her research on the flu virus. Her latest paper published in the Journal
of Virology in April 2004 gives us hope of fighting the disease. She obtained a sample of SARS virus
from CDC and developed a vaccine. She has tried her vaccine successfully on mice. Yes, mice are not
men. But we have a lead. If the vaccine works on mice, we can definitely think of clinical trials on
Kanta and others realize of course that in order to survive, the wily virus continually reorganizes its
genetic make-up and changes its face in each of its avatars. Understanding how the virus reorganizes its
genome to generate this diversity and how it interleaves its own genes with that of its hosts in order to
jump from bird to cattle to humans is a major challenge. And Kanta says she is game to help crack this
puzzle as well.

36. Which of the following is not a step taken to prevent the flu from spreading?
1. People are encouraged to wear masks.
2. Carrier birds are culled on a large scale.
3. Pathology samples of humans were studied.
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

4. People are screened at airports and national borders.
37. What hope has been held out by Kanta as a result of her research?
1. She has been bale to do clinical tests on humans.
2. She has tried a vaccine successfully on mice.
3. She has obtained a sample of the virus successfully.
4. She is hopeful that her vaccine will work on mice.

38. Which virus was studied to first understand the jumping of the virus to humans?
1. The virus of the Hong Kong flu in 1918.
2. The virus of the time 1986-97.
3. The SARS virus from CDC.
4. The Bird flu virus.

39. What is the reason for these viruses originating in the South-east Asia?
1. The eating habits of the people there.
2. Farmers there have pigsties in the yard.
3. Farmers there keep the ducks, chickens and pigs close-by, thereby enabling the opportunity for
the virus to jump from one to another.
4. Farmers there have no vaccination so the virus can travel from animals to humans.

40. Which of the following is not a fear voiced by the scientists about the flu vaccine?
1. The vaccine which works on mice may not work on humans.
2. It is not known how the virus changes its genome.
3. It is not known how the virus interleaves its genes to jump from one species to another.
4. It is not known how the virus jumps species.

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41. Which of the following was the committee formed to study oil pricing reform by petroleum
1. Arjun Sengupta committee
2. Kirit Parikh committee
3. Justice Wadhwa committee
4. Suresh Tendulkar Committee

42. Which of the following country won the Hopman Cup in 2010?
1. Spain 2. US 3. France 4. Switzerland

43. Ali Hassan al-Majid, the cousin of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, has been executed in
Iraq for crimes against humanity was known for the sobriquet
1. Chemical Ali 2. Mechanical Ali 3. Allah Bakash 4. Sher-e-Iraq

44. The air forces of which of the following two countries are holding a large scale military exercise
Garuda IV that took place in July 2010?
1. India & China 2. India & France 3. India & USA 4. India, France & Singapore

45. Transnationality Index is prepared and released by which of the following?
1. World Trade Organization
2. World Economic Forum
4. International Monetary Fund

46. What is the number of indicators in the newly launched Multi-dimensional Poverty Index (MPI)?
1. 8 2. 9 3. 10 4. 11

47. Anugraha Narayan Tiwari has recently taken over as India's new ________?
1. Solicitor General
2. Chief Information Commissioner
3. Chief Vigilance Commissioner
4. Election Commissioner

48. Which of the following country hosted the Fifth East Asia Summit held in October 2010?
1. Philippines 2. Singapore 3. Thailand 4. Vietnam

49. Which of the following groups has launched the Muskoka Initiative on Maternal, Newborn and
Child Health in June 2010?
1. G-8 2. G-20 3. G-24 4. IBSA

50. At which of the following temples in Thrissur , Kerala , recently an ASI study has found two rare
paintings which are about 350 years old a reclining Shiva and a Nataraja with 20 arms?
1. Kottekkad Temple
2. Vadakkumnathan temple
3. Guruvayur Temple
4. Mudapilavu Mahavishnu Temple

SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

51. Garima-II was recently born at National Dairy Research Institute through new technology of
Hand-guided Cloning". It is a cloned ______?
1. Cow 2. Buffalo 3. Goat 4. Sheep

52. A company has been allocated a site at Jaitapur, Maharastra to build a nuclear plant. Which
country does the company belong to?
1. America 2. J apan 3. France 4. Russia

53. Who among the following Political Prisoners and detainees of the People's Republic of China has
won the Nobel Peace Prize 2010?
1. Liu Xianbin 2. Li Shouxin 3. Liu Di 4. Liu Xiaobo

54. The quality and demand for Shahtoosh shawls has led to the endangerment of which of the
following species of the antelopes in India?
1. Blackbuck
2. Chiru (Tibetan Antelope)
3. Goa Antelope (Tibetan Gazelle)
4. Goat antelope

55. On which of the following dates, First-ever Income Tax day celebrations were held in India?
1. July 24, 2010 2. J uly 30, 2010 3. May 30, 2010 4. May 15, 2010

56. Thimphu Silver J ubilee Declaration" which was adopted at the SAARC Summit Thimpu has
which of the following as its core philosophy?
1. Free Trade Among SAARC Members
2. Increased connectivity among SAARC Members
3. Reducing dependence on high-carbon technologies for economic growth
4. Increasing cooperation in field of Education

57. Birju Maharaj is a famous exponent of which of the following dances?
1. Kathakali 2. Odissi 3. Kathak 4. Bharatnatyam

58. Who among the following is heading the committee on GST (Goods & Services tax) ?
1. P. K. Banerjee
2. Asim Dasgupta
3. Rajiv Dogra
4. Arun Ramanathan

59. Divyadrishti" comes under which of the following programmers of DRDO?
1. Full Scale Engineering Development (FSED) Programme
2. Interception, Monitoring, Direction and Finding and Analysis System (IMDFA)
3. Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP)
4. None of them

60. Which of the following states has recently appointed Mahendra Singh Dhoni as the brand
ambassador of the save tiger campaign in that state?
1. Gujarat
2. Madhya Pradesh
3. Uttarakhand
4. Uttar Pradesh
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61. Walk the Worldis an awareness campaign of which of the following UN agencies?
1. United nations Environment programme
2. United Nations Institute for Training and Research
3. World Food Programme
4. United Nations Children's Fund

62. Which of the following country was winner of the 2010 Women's Hockey World Cup?
1. Sweden 2. Argentina 3. England 4. Australia

63. Which one of the following salts causes the Blue Baby Syndrome?
1. Phosphates 2. Nitrates 3. Sulfates 4. Carbonates

64. The computer virus which attacked Irans Nuclear Plant Computer system was?
1. Stuxnet 2. Centcom 3.Cyber Storm III 4. Myrtus

65. Which of the following is superbug, named by TheLancet Infectious Diseases journal, highlighting
presence of superbug in India?
1. NDM-1 2. MRSA 3. E.coli 4. None of these

66. Which of the following pair of scientist were recently awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics?
1. Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov
2. Peter Main and Robert Edwards
3. Ingrid Dabechies and Andre Grim
4. Peter Main and Jimena Navarrete

67. Which of the following longitudes determine the Indian Standard Time?
1. 82.5 2. 84.5 3. 86.5 4. 82.5

68. For outstanding contribution to which of the following field, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Awards are
1. Literature 2. Fine Arts 3. Social Service 4. Science and Technology

69. Which of the following is not a football tournament?
1. Irani Trophy 2. Durand Cup 3. I-League 4. Bardoloi Trophy

70. Who of the following developed the concept of Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) ?\
1. Norton Kaplan 2. Louis Kelso 3. Michael Porter 4. Jeffrey Pfeffer

71. Which of the following company formed a joint venture with TATA to manufacture AW-119
1. Areva
2. Agusta Westland
3. Boeing
4. Airbus

72. Which of the following was declared 38
wildlife sanctuary of India?
1. Bandhavgarh National Park
2. Dudhwa National Park
3. Nandankanan Zoo
4. Parambukulam
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73. Which of the following aviation giant of India joined One World Alliance?
1. Jet Airway 2. Kingfisher 3. Air India 4. Indigo .

74. Who among the following country has won Sultazn Azlan Shah Hockey tournament?
1. Japan 2. India 3. Korea 4. Both 2&3

75. Which of the following is the super heavy element created by Russian and US physicist?
1. 117 2. Lead- 108 3. Berkelium-97 4. None of these

76. Which of the following company formed a joint venture with Nestle to sell its brand Nestea?
1. Kraft Food 2. Dabur 3. Coca cola 4. Pepsi Co

77. Who is the author of Songs of blood and sword?
1. Leela Samon
2. Fatima Bhutto
3. Sir Richard Hadlee
4. Deepa, K. Singh

78. Who of the following Indian player was inducted into ICC Cricket Hall of Fame?
1. Sunil Gawaskar
2. Kapil Dev
3. Bishen Singh Bedi
4. Ravi Prabhakar

79. Prevanar-13, a new variant of pneumonia-prevention vaccine, which of the following pharma
1. Pfizer
2. Glaxo Smithkline
3. Ranbaxy
4. Taro Pharmaceutical

80. Who of the following has been recently appointed as present of International Mathematical
1. J imena Navarrete
2. Ingrid Daubechies
3. Jenista Campbell
4. Simon Lehna SIngh

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1. Which number in the following arrangement is missing?

1. 12 2. 10 3. 14 4. 6

2. Which of the given numbers replaces the question mark given in the figure?

1. 3 2. 5 3. 6 4. 4

3. In each of the two letter series given, one letter is the odd one out, find those letters.
I. I, O, X, C, R, M
II. X, P, J , H, D, T
1. X, X 2. R, J 3. M, D 4. M, J

4. Which number completes the following series?

1. 120 2. 100 3. 150 4. 180

5. Micky noted that his faucet is leaking and 15 drops hit the floor in 15 seconds, In how much time
will 22 drops hit the floor?
1. 23.6 seconds 2. 22 seconds 3. 22.5 seconds 4. 23 seconds

Directions for questions 6 & 7:
Shivku had to find the volume of a cuboid. As he multiplied the length with breadth, he interchanged the
digits of breadth, which was a two digit number and by doing so, this number increased by one fifth. He
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decreased the height by one fifth, assuming this will nullify the previous mistake but his final result was
30 less than the actual volume.

6. What was the actual volume?
1. 700 cc 2. 750 cc 3. 810 cc 4. 900 cc

7. What was the breadth?
1. 36 cm 2. 45 cm 3. 54 cm 4. Cannot be determined

8. In a code language 652 means Crack The Code, 164 means The Big Program and 457
means Crack Out Big. Then, what does the word Program stand for in the same language?
1. 4 2. 1 3. 6 4. Cant be determined

Directions for questions from 9 to 10: From the following given 4 jumbled words, select the word
which does not use up all the letters of the jumbled word.

1. M T E L B R E
2. G I T K H N
3. Y T L A F U
4. E V G A R O

1. E P S M L I
2. E R G A T B
3. O L A T B
4. T E E A C R

Directions for questions 11 & 12: Identify the correct relation between the two words given in each
question and then choose the best pair of words from the options given below, which represent the same

11. Sedative: drowsiness
1. Epidemic: Contagiousness
2. Vaccine: virus
3. Anesthetic: Numbness
4. Penicillin: antibiotic

12. Evanescent: disappear
1. Transparent: penetrate
2. Onerous: struggle
3. Pliant: yield
4. Feckless: succeed

Directions for questions 13 to 16:
The ragas have their seasons and times of day as well. Summer is regarded as the corresponding season
for raga Dipak, Monsoon for raga Megh, Autumn for raga Bhairav, Winter for raga Malkauns, and the
Spring for raga Hindol. In Carnatic music, however, there is no such connection of season or time,
although some ragas are considered appropriate to certain hours.
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

There is an All-India Classical Music concert being held at Sirifort auditorium, New Delhi. Musicians are
supposed to perform the following ragas: Dipak, Malhar, Bhairav, Malkauns and Hindol. These ragas are
to be performed once and one at a time, and are performed successively. (though not necessarily in the
order given above). Each raga is performed with two musical instruments: Dipak with flute and sitar,
Malhar with guitar and table, Bhairav with sarod and guitar, Malkauns with flute and sarod, and Hindol
with sitar and table.
The following conditions must apply:
Each raga shares one instrument with the raga performed immediately before it or after it (or both).
Either Dipak or Malkauns is performed second.

13. Which one of the following could be the order, from first to last, in which the ragas are performed?
1. Dipak, Bhairav, Malhar, Hindol, Malkauns
2. Bhairav, Malkauns, Malhar, Dipak Hindol
3. Malkauns, Dipak, Malhar, Hindol, Bhairav
4. Malkauns, Dipak, Bhairav, Malhar, Hindol

14. Which one of the following cannot be shared by the 3
and 4
ragas performed?
1. flute 2. sarod 3. guitar 4. Sitar

15. If each raga (except the fifth) shares one instrument with the raga performed immediately after it,
then which one of the following could be true?
1. Hindol is performed first.
2. Bhairav is performed second.
3. Malhar is performed third.
4. Dipak is performed fourth.

16. Each one of the following could be the raga performed first except:
1. Dipak 2. Malhar 3. Bhairav 4. Malkauns

17. If in a certain code EMIRATES is coded as VNRIZGVH, in this code DIRECTION will be written

18. In a certain code language, CREATION is coded as 22112112 then what will be the code for
INNOVATIVE in the same language?
1. 1222121221 2. 1222212121 3. 1221212121 4. 1212212121

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Directions for Q. No. 19 to 21 : Figure below, depicts an area where people belong to four different
categories. The triangle depicts English Speaking people, the square depicts French Speaking, the circle
stands for German Speaking and the rectangle for Russian Speaking. Each part is numbered. Your task is
to study the figure and answer the questions that follow :

19. Which number depicts the area where, the people are English Speaking, German Speaking and
Russian Speaking but not French Speaking?
1. 10 2. 3 3. 5 4. 6

20. Number 12 depicts
1. English Speaking and French Speaking
2. Only English Speaking
3. French Speaking Russian Speaking
4. English Speaking Russian Speaking

21. Which number depicts English Speaking French Speaking Russian Speaking but not German
1. 10 2. 9 3. 5 4. 11

Directions for questions 22 & 23:
Alan was 27 years old the day before yesterday. Next year he will be 30.

22. On what date was he born?
1. 30
December 2. 31
December 3. 1
January 4. It is impossible

23. What date is it today?
1. 2
January 2. 31
December 3. 1
January 4. Cannot be determined

24. Some unit cubes are put together to form a larger cube. Some of the larger cube's faces are painted
and then it is taken apart. 45 small cubes are found to have no paint on them. How many faces of
the large cube were painted?
1. 2 2. 3 3. 5 4. 4

25. There are 10 equally spaced balls on the left side of a horizontal line, each moving to the right at
constant speed S. There are also 8 equally spaced balls on the right side of the same line, each
moving to the left at constant speed S. The balls are all the same size and mass and the spacing
between the balls on the left is the same as the spacing between the balls on the right. When two
5 6
10 11
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balls collide they will reverse directions, but each will maintain the same speed S. How many
collisions will occur in the described system?
1. 40 2. 8 3. 18 4. 80

26. At dawn on Monday a snail fell into a bucket that was 12 inches deep. During the day it climbed up
3 inches, however, during the night it fell back 2 inches. On what day did the snail finally manage
to climb out of the bucket?
1. on 9
day 2. On 10
day 3. On 11
day 4. 12

27. Each empty white square in the grid contains one of the numbers 1, 2, 3,..., 8. Each of the
horizontal and vertical equations must be true and each number must be used exactly once.

Which number appears in the middle of above 5 cross 5 square?
1. 4 2. 6 3. 2 4. 5

28. During the recent BrainBashers football competition, 5 schools were competing. Each school
played each other once, with 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, 0 points if they lost. Here are
the final points after all of the matches:
A scored 6, B scored 5, C scored 4 and D scored 2
How many points did E score?
1. 4 2. 5 3. 3 4. None of these

29. The local library decided to hand out some of its old books to its 1400 borrowers. To each of the
female borrowers they gave 6 books and to each male borrower they gave 4 books. If only half of
the females in town and three quarters of the males in town accepted the books, how many books
were given away?
1. 4500 2. 4800 3. 3600 4. 4200

30. You have the misfortune to own an unreliable clock. This one loses exactly 24 minutes every hour.
It is now showing 3:00am and you know that is was correct at midnight, when you set it. The clock
stopped 1 hour ago, what is the correct time now?
1. 6:24 am 2. 6:40 am 3. 6:00 am 4. 6: 36 am

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1. 2 2. 2 3. 2 4. 2 5. 2 6. 2 7. 1 8. 2 9. 2 10. 3
11. 3 12. 4 13. 2 14. 1 15. 2 16. 1 17. 4 18. 4 19. 4 20. 2
21. 3 22. 4 23. 3 24. 4 25. 2 26. 3 27. 2 28. 2 29. 4 30. 3
31. 1 32. 3 33. 3 34. 2 35. 5 36. 4 37. 2 38. 1 39. 4 40. 1
41. 2

1. The least five digit number is 10,000 gives a remainder of 235. This means that another 279 235 =
44 needs to be added to 10000 to make it divisible by 279. Adding this to 10000, the number we
get is 10044.
Answer is (2).
Using Option Choices:
If you realize that 279 is a multiple of 9, so the required number also has to be a multiple of 9.Of
the option choices only choice (2) is divisible by 9.

2. Let the number be 10x +y
Please note that we should not look at a solving the two equations completely before we check
what is it we have to find. Since the sum of digits is asked, i.e. (x +y) is asked, just look for (x +
Adding the two equations, (x +y) (10x +y +10y +x) =891
i.e. (x +y) 11 (x +y) =891
(x +y)
=81 i.e. x +y =9.
While we could solve the two equations in a theoretical way, it would be time consuming. A
smarter way could be for us to realize that (x +y), the quantity we need to find, has to be a factor of
both 324 and 567.
324 =4 81 and 567 =9 63
Thus from the option choices the only value which is a factor of both these numbers is 9.
Answer is (2).

3. In any set of 100 natural numbers, there will be 19 numbers that have the digit 5 in them in the
units or the tens place (or both).
From 100 to 999, we have 900 numbers. If we leave aside all 500s i.e. from 500 to 599 (they will
all have the digit 5 in them in the hundreds place) there will be 8 sets of 100 consecutive numbers.
In theses 8 sets there would be 8 19 =152 numbers having the digit 5 in them. And of course all
the numbers from 500 to 599 would have the digit 5 in them.
So total numbers that will have the digit 5 in them =100 +152 =252
Answer is (2).

4. One flip will make it 9 heads and 1 tail. Now on the next flip, whether the same coin is turned back
to heads or another coin is turned from heads to tails, the number of heads will be back to even.
Again, when next coin is flipped, the number of heads will either increase by 1 or decrease by 1 i.e.
it would become odd. And this is valid for any flip the number of heads will increase by 1 or
decrease by 1 as compared to the earlier number of heads. Thus the number of heads will oscillate
between even and odd for every flip. If an even number of flips is done, then the number of heads
will be back to even and if odd number of flips is done, the number of heads will be odd. Since the
total number of flips are odd i.e. 15, the number of heads will be odd.
Answer is (2).
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5. Each bush has 66 roses. No of bushes has to be a whole number so the total number of roses is
divisible by 66. This means it is divisible by 11, 2 and 3.
For 49a81b to be divisible by 2, b should be even.
Checking divisibility by 3, a +b =2 or 5 or 8 or 11 or 14 or 17. It cannot be more than this as a and
b are single digit numbers.
Checking divisibility by 11, difference between 17 +b and 5 +a has to be 0 or 11 or 22.
Difference cannot be 0, 22 or higher values for any single digit values of a and b. Thus (17 +b)
(5 +a) =11 a b =1
Since a b is odd, hence a +b should also be odd.
Solving a b =1 and a +b =5, we get a =3, b =2
Solving a b =1 and a +b =11, we get a =6, b =5, not possible as b is not even.
Solving a b =1 and a +b =17, we get a =9, b =8
So, total number of roses can be two possible values.
Answer is (2).

6. Of a
and b
, if both a and b are greater than 4, then the number with the higher index is always
greater. This means that is greater.

7. Note that if number of sheep in one year is same as that in the next, p and q being constant across
years, every year the number of sheep will be the same. So in June 2005, the number of sheep will
also be same as in June 2004 and also the same as in June 2006.
If x is the number of sheep, p needs to be greater than q, because when we decrease x we find q%
of x, but when we increase it back, we find p% of a smaller number, so p needs to be higher to
bring it back to the original value.
Say the number of sheep was 100 initially. When we decrease it by say 20%, the number of sheep
=80. Now to get it back to 100, we need to increase 80 by 25% because 20 is 25% of 80.
Answer is (1).

8. Since we have to find the original price of one dozen of oranges, let it be p. Then, as per the data




Now one need not solve this equation. Just checking which option will satisfy the equation, it
should be apparent that the prices have to be 16 and 15 because 15 16 =240.
Answer is (2).

9. Two successive discounts of 10% and 20% is equivalent to a single discount of 28%
10% 20% +
= 28%
For a customer, getting a single discount of 30% is better than a discount of 28%.
Answer is (2).

10. Considering A =2k, B =3k and C =4k, then the required ratio is
i.e. 8 : 9 : 24
So, answer is (3)

11. The number of skilled, unskilled and clerks employed are 32, 20 and 4. Let each skilled, unskilled
and clerk get Rs. 5k, 2k and 3k respectively (as per the ratio given in the question). Thus the total
wages will be 32 5k +20 2k +4 3k i.e. 212k =318 i.e. k =1.5.
Thus each skilled, unskilled and clerk gets Rs. 7.5, Rs. 3, Rs. 4.5.
So, answer is (3)
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

12. This is a question which students find difficult and also one which is very common in entrance
exams. So understand it thoroughly
The data cat takes 5 leaps for every 4 leaps of a dog implies that in the same time as the dog
takes four leaps the cat will take 5 leaps. So this data is taking about the ratio of the number of
leaps taken by the cat and dog in the same time
The data 3 leaps of the dog are equal to 4 leaps of the cat implies that the distance covered by the
dog in 3 leaps is same as the distance covered by the cat in 5 leaps. This is as depicted in the
following illustration

Thus it should be apparent that one leap of the cat is shorter than one leap of the dog and the
distance covered in 1 leap by the cat and the dog is in the ratio 3 : 4
Number of leaps taken in same time 5 4
Distance covered in each leap 3 4
Thus, distance covered in same time 5 3 =15 4 4 =16
Thus ratio of speed of cat and dog is in the ratio 15 : 16.
So, answer is (4)

13. This is a case of direct relation and thus the difference between the costs and the difference
between the number of boys would be directly proportional.
From 150 boys to 120 boys: when the number of boys decreases by 30, the cost decreases by 1600.
Thus, from 150 boys to 330 boys: when the number of boys increases by 180, the cost would
increase by 1600 6 =9600. Thus total expenses =10,000 +9,600 =19,600.
So, answer is (2)

14. The average is 83% in six subjects. If the highest in any subject is 91%, the lowest could be
obtained if 91% marks are scored in 5 subjects. So there will be an extra 5 ( 91 83) =40 marks.
Hence the sixth subject could be at 40 marks less than the average i.e. 83 40 =43%
Answer is (1).

15. The average of a set of consecutive numbers has to be either an integral value or an (integer +0.5).
Further the average when one of the number is erased can only increase or decrease by a maximum
of 0.5.
Based on the above two aspects, since the new average is approximately 35.3, the earlier average
could have been only 35.5 or 35
If the earlier average was 35.5, the numbers written were from 1 to 70. And if the earlier average
was 35, the numbers written were from 1 to 69.
Further after one number is erased, the average is 35

. Thus after one number is erased, the
number of remaining numbers have to be a multiple of 17.
Since 68 is a multiple of 17, we can ascertain that earlier the numbers written were 1 to 69 and their
average was 35. The new average is 35

SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

When the number was deleted, the average was increased by
so it means that the rest 68
numbers had given the deleted number,
each to bring it up to the average. So the number must
have been
68 less that the average. The erased number is 35 20 =15
Answer is (2).

16. Method 1: Using Alligation
The milk concentration in the first solution is 0.4, in the second solution is 0.6 and in the resultant
solution, it is 0.5, i.e. the arithmetic mean of 0.4 and 0.6. Thus the two solutions must have been
taken in equal quantities i.e. 1 : 1.
Method 2: Using equations
Consider 5a litres of first solution was taken and 5b litres of second solution were taken. We are
assuming 5a and 5b as they would be easy to divide among milk and water, as the given ratios are
3 : 2 and 2 : 3.
Thus in the mixture,
o =b
Thus the two quantities taken, 5a and 5b are in the ratio 1 : 1.
Answer is (1).

17. Ratio of Speeds is 4 : 5 and hence ratio of time taken will be 5 : 4. Since the actual time
corresponding to 5 is given as 20 minutes, the time saved, corresponding to 5 4 i.e. 1, will be 4

18. (4)

B +S
=6 4S =B

2B S

2B +S
=1 24S =4B

Eliminating B from the two equations we have, 8B =3B
i.e. B =8/3

19. Let the number of days taken by a man alone to complete the work is m and by a woman alone is
Then according to the question:
......(i) and
Substituting w from equation (ii) into equation (i) and solving, m =15, w =90. We see that a man
of the time taken by a woman hence his output is 6 times that of the woman.
Answer is (4).

20. (2)
Method 1:
If Shyams speed is x m/s, then in the time Ram runs 2000 mts, Shyam runs 1800 mts 50x.
In the next race, in the time Ram runs 1900 mts, Shyam runs 2000 mts 120x.
Thus, using proportionality,
34200950x =400002400x

1450x =5800 x =4
Method 2:
If Shyams and Rams speed is denoted by x and y m/s respectively, then
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)


+50 onJ

+120 . Solving these we can get x =4 m/s. But then the above
method is far more efficient than this one. Solving the equations is quite cumbersome.

21. (3)
The man who can complete the work in 8 days does 1/8 of the work everyday. The man who can
complete the work in 7 days does 1/7of the work everyday and so on
We need to find the day when the work done in all the days would add up to 1.

. On the sixth day, the leftover work is less than1/3 so it will get over.
Answer is (3).

22. (4)
In the one hour that the police take start the chase, the thief has run ahead of them by 12 km.
Hereafter the relative speed at which the police are catching up with the thief is 15 12 =3 kmph.
Thus they will take 12/3 =4 hours. So the thief will be caught at 3 pm +4 =7 pm.

23. (3)
Looking only at 3 digit numbers, the first multiple of 8 is 8 13 =104 and the last multiple is 8
124 (to find the last three digit multiple of 8, just divide 999 by 8 and focus only on the integer part
of the quotient i.e. 124.**. Do not waste time in finding the number.) Thus there are 124 13 +1 =
112 three digit numbers that are multiples of 8.
Among these 112 multiples of 8, the numbers that are multiples of 6 as well, would be numbers that
are multiples of the LCM of 8 and 6 i.e. 24.
First three digit multiple of 24 is 24 5 =120 and last three digit multiple of 24 is 24 41 =984 (to
find the last three digit multiple of 24, just divide 999 by 24 and focus only on the integer part of the
quotient i.e. 41.**. Do not waste time in finding the number.) Thus there are 41 5 +1 =37 of them.
So the required answer =112 37 =75.

24. (4)
The expression can be re-arranged as
+ +99
) (2
+ +100
+ +100
) 2 (2
+ +100
2 22 (1
+ +50
) =

=50 101 67 8 25 17 101 =101 50 (67 68) =5050

25. 2
Since area of square BEDC =area of triangle AEB, hence ratio of area of area of triangle AEB and
triangle BEC will be 2 ; 1. Thus, ratio of AE : EC is also 2 : 1 (they are the base of the triangles
AEB and BEC and the heights of the triangles are equal)
If, x is the side of the square, EB =x and EC = 2x and AE =2 2x .
Also since angle BEC is 45, angle AEB will be 135. Applying cosine rule in triangle AEB,
( ) ( )
2 2
2 2 130
1 9 130
cos135 10
2 2 2 2 4 2
x x
x x x

= = =

Thus area of the square =10

SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

26. 3
BD =7 and BC =25. Hence DC
2 2
25 7 625 49 576 24 = = = =
Since AF is parallel to BD and CD is perpendicular to BD, hence angle CFE will also be 90
If BAE Z = , BEA 90 Z = . Angle FEC will also be 90 as it is the vertically opposite
Then angles in triangles ABE, CFE and CDB will be , 90 , 90 . Thus all three triangles will be
Taking ratio of corresponding sides of triangle ABE and CDB, we have
AE AB 60 125
AE 25
BC DC 24 2
= = =
BE AB 60 35
BE 7
DB DC 24 2
= = = . CE =BC BE =
35 15
2 2
CE 3
CB 25 10
= , hence
will also be
and so FE =
Thus the required ratio,
AE 625
FE 21
= .

SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

GA and VA: Answer Key

1 1 2 2 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 2 7 3 8 1 9 2 10 3
11 1 12 1 13 4 14 2 15 2 16 4 17 3 18 1 19 1 20 2
21 1 22 4 23 2 24 1 25 1 26 4 27 2 28 4 29 2 30 1
31 2 32 4 33 2 34 1 35 3 36 3 37 2 38 1 39 3 40 4
41 2 42 1 43 1 44 4 45 4 46 2 47 3 48 2 49 4 50 1
51 2 52 2 53 3 54 4 55 2 56 1 57 3 58 3 59 2 60 2
61 3 62 3 63 2 64 2 65 1 66 1 67 1 68 4 69 1 70 2
71 2 72 2 73 4 74 2 75 4 76 1 77 3 78 1 79 2 80 1

SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

1. 1.
To be up to something means to be occupied with something. To turn tail is to run away; to
come to grips with some situation is to confront squarely and attempt to deal decisively with that
situation and, to get even with somebody is to take revenge.

2. 2
Most of the employees were on strike; a car and a bus struck at an intersection, which means to
collide; early man struck fire from the flints, which means he made fire, and the thought struck
me from out of the blue, which means that a thought suddenly entered my mind from nowhere.

3. 2
To cut in is a phrasal verb which means to intrude in a persons conversation or to interrupt.

4. 3
The word flow has been used as a verb in the 1
and 3
sentence while it is used as a noun in the
and 4
sentence, as the flow of the water and the flow of the crowd are expressions (abstract
ones) to denote the flow as a rush or discharge.

5. 4
The plural of the word Barracks remains Barracks.

6. 2
The plural of deer remains deer.

7. 3
Showers of meteors is a very common usage, while the 2
sentence employs a simple verb form
of the word shower. The 4
sentence uses the word shower as a promoter of exhibitions or an
impresario; the 3
sentence is incorrect as it has to be a shower of kisses and tears rather than the
shower of kisses and tears.

8. 1
Either-or and neither-nor take the verb form which is closest in proximity to the subject. So, the
correct verb will be Is here.

9. 2
This is a typical example of a squinting modifier, in the 1
sentence, as the phrase violently upset
does not actually clear the meaning as to for what does it stand. In the 3
sentence, there is no an
preceding the elderly couple and hence it is incorrect; the last sentence, does not make any sense.
The 2
sentence removes the error of the squinting modifier.

10. 3
To be in charge of something is to be in a position of leadership or supervision.

11. 1
Boorish means a person who is contemptible because of his lack of sophistication and manners.
This person is coarse and rude and thus, the 1
option is the appropriate one.

12. 1
Genteel is spelt correctly; the rest of the corrected words are: Neanderthal, Pyre, and Gallant.
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

13. 4
In the 1
sentence, instead of the word culted, the word cult should be used and in the 3

sentence, having his documents suggests that he was eating his documents the word have
cannot be used in the continuous form without implying eating, so, this meaning does not make
sense here.

14. 2
An archipelago is a chain (group) of islands; a constellation is a group of stars.

15. 2
A tragedy is a type of drama; a cartoon is a type of film.

16. 4
The correct meaning of the word genuflect is to bend in a deferential manner or to be respectful
in a servile manner by bending down or bowing.

17. 3
Conspicuous means something which is clearly noticeable or prominent, so, the rest of the three
words are synonyms of the word, excepting the word, imperceptible, which is the exact opposite of
the word.

18. 1
The 2
, 3
and 4
words all imply the same thing, i.e. an attitude which is carefree or indifferent or
showing lack of concern; while the 1
word weary mean fatigue.

19. 1
The earlier past action -- had started - is in the past perfect tense, while the later past action -
arrived - is in the simple past tense; and so the 1
sentence is absolutely correct.

20. 2
Feel as a physical sensation refers to feeling ones flesh; feel in order to grope for something
would imply finding ones wallet; feel with an expression of moving by careful exploration would
imply to feel ones way through a dark room, and to feel like a million bucks is an expression
which is used when one feels in excellent health and spirits.

21. 1
The 2
sentence should be re-written as rhetoric is disingenuous; because rhetoric is singular;
while, the 4
sentence should be re-written as The only solution for the Palestinians to this
conundrum, is the destruction of Israel; because the incorrect sentence shows an error of
misplaced modifier.

22. 4
In the 2
sentence, the error is one of a dangling modifier, as it seems that the vast beauty is
standing on the edge of the canyon.

23. 2
Following is the structure of the medical doctors argument:
Premise: Sleep deprivation is the cause of many social ills, ranging from irritability to potentially
dangerous instances of impaired decision making.
Premise: Most people today suffer from sleep deprivation to some degree.
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

Conclusion: Therefore we should restructure the workday to allow people flexibility in
scheduling their work hours.
The first premise contains a causal assertion (not a causal conclusion), and the second premise
indicates that most people suffer from the stated cause. This combination would lead to the
conclusion that most people have a social ill (which could be irritability or impaired decision
making, or something in between). However, the conclusion in the argument leaps over this idea to
conclude that the workday should be restructured. The missing linkor assumptionin the
argument is that restructuring the workday would alleviate the sleep deprivation. As always,
whenever you see a gap in the argument, you can strengthen the argument by eliminating that gap.
By relating sleep to work, answer choice (B) closes the gap in the argument.
Answer choice (A): This is a tricky answer, and the key word is overwork. While the author
clearly believes that work schedules affect sleep, this does not mean that employees are being
overworked. For example, a person may be sleep deprived because they have to come into work
at 8 A.M. Perhaps they have children so they must get up very early to take care of their family.
The person might then work a normal eight hour day and be sleep deprived not because of
overwork but because of rising early.
Answer choice (B): This is the correct answer. By indicating that employees would avoid sleep
deprivation with a revised workday, this answer affirms that the leap (or gap) made in the argument
is not an unreasonable one.
Answer choice (C): This answer may hurt the argument by suggesting that some individuals cannot
be helped by the restructuring of the workday. At best, this answer has no impact on the argument
because we already know that most people suffer from sleep deprivation to some degree.
Answer choice (D): This answer addresses the fact that the hours worked per week have decreased.
But the argument is not about the average number of hours worked, but rather the way that those
hours affect sleep. Thus, this answer does not help the conclusion that people should be allowed
flexibility in scheduling.

24. 1
Here is something that can teach you something important about para jumbles in particular and
writing in general. Youll notice that c is opposite to the other three sentences; while a, b, and
d are talking about rebels not being punished etc. c says that only a few have been punished.
That means that c should stand alone and in this case it should be the last. Look at the answer
choices and you have found your answer.

25. 1
ab is concomitant as but of b contrasts the western cultures overvaluation of the tragic and
undervaluation of the comic with the Greeks in a. The This is why of c is an extension of
b; so abc is concomitant. d is provided as a solution and so should end the paragraph.

26. 4
The anecdote contrasts with the ensuing quote in paragraph 1 and depicts a plausible reason for the
apple storyNewton wanted to make his theory understood to the general public. Speaking in
physics terminology is abstract, but using an illustration that regular people have witnessed again
and again would aid in understanding. The quote gives credence to the anecdote, ruling out choice
a. Choices b and e are never mentioned, and choice c is not backed up by the passage.

27. 2
Last 3 lines of the 5
para specifically state that Newton provided an explanation of Keplers laws.

28. 4
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

All of the other titles were bestowed on Newton during his lifetime.

29. 2
William Stukeley published Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newtons Life in 1726, after Newtons death. The
other choices are all accomplishments of Newton in his lifetime.

30. 1
Choice a is correct because it lists the proper accolades and the proper timeframe in which he lived.
Choice b is incorrect because he did not live in the Renaissance; choices c and d are incorrect
because he was not a lord, but a knight; and choice e is incorrect because it is not the best summary
of his vast accomplishments.

31. 1
In 2
para, the author makes it clear that she will be refuting the statement in the first two lines:
but it is certainly a misleading [premise] on which to build any general theory. She states that a
subject is suited to a short story or a novel, and, if it appears to be adapted to both the chances are
that it is inadequate in either. This firmly refutes the opening statement.

32. 4
After making it clear that subjects are not equally suitable for short stories and novels, the author
explains what makes a particular subject suitable for the novel form (paragraphs 4 and 5) and how
the elements of time and length are different in the short story (paragraph 6).

33. 2
In 3
para, the author writes that rules in art are useful mainly for the sake of the guidance they
give, but it is a mistake [ . . . ] to be too much in awe of them. Thus, they should be used only as a
general guide.

34. 1
The author compares general rules in art to both a lamp in a mine and a handrail down a black

35. 3
In paragraph 4, the author states the two chief reasons a subject should find expression in novel-
form: first, the gradual unfolding of the inner life of its characters and second the need of
producing in the readers mind the sense of the lapse of time.

36. Option 3
The answer can be found in the lines: Gratifyingly, however, we too have become much more
efficient in containing it through effective screening of people at the airports and national borders
and quarantining suspected cases, eliminating the carrier birds through large-scale culling and
recommending the use of protective masks to stop the infection.

37. Option 2
The answer can be found in the lines: She obtained a sample of SARS virus from CDC and
developed a vaccine. She has tried her vaccine successfully on mice. Yes, mice are not men. But we
have a lead. If the vaccine works on mice, we can definitely think of clinical trials on humans.

38. Option 1
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

The answer can be found in the lines: A study of this riddle was undertaken by looking at samples
of the pathology material of humans, stored in hospitals since the time of the Hong Kong flu
epidemic of 1918.

39. Option 3
The answer can be found in the lines: Genetic analysis of the infective agent present in the
samples revealed it to be a virus that affects chicken and ducks. Further analysis showed that the
virus had undergone genetic modifications that helped it to jump from birds to barnyard animals
and thence to humans. What made this avian-to-porcine-to-human route possible? It appears to be
the lifestyle adopted by Chinese farmers, who lived in huts and tenements, with chicken and ducks
in the yard and pigsties in the basement.

40. Option 4
The answer can be found in the lines: She has tried her vaccine successfully on mice. Yes, mice
are not men. But we have a lead. If the vaccine works on mice, we can definitely think of clinical
trials on humans.Kanta and others realize of course that in order to survive, the wily virus
continually reorganizes its genetic make-up and changes its face in each of its avatars.
Understanding how the virus reorganizes its genome to generate this diversity and how it
interleaves its own genes with that of its hosts in order to jump from bird to cattle to humans is a
major challenge. And Kanta says she is game to help crack this puzzle as well.

41. Kirit Parikh committee was constituted by Oil Ministry to study deregulating the oil prices.

42. With the outstanding performance of Tommy Robredo, Spain managed to defeat Great Britain 2-1
to win the Hopman Cup for a third time. The Hopman Cup is an annual international team tennis
held in Perth, Western Australia.

43. Chemical Ali Ali Hassan al-Majid, the cousin of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, has been
executed in Iraq for crimes against humanity. Al-Majid was first sentenced to hang in J une 2007
for his role in the military campaign against ethnic Kurds, which took place between February and

44. India, France & Singapore participated in a large scale military exercise Garuda IV that took place
in July 2010.

45. Transnationality Index is released by UNCTAD. UNCTAD's transnationality index (TNI)
measures the global dimension of a company by a composite measures.

46. The newly launched Multi-dimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is based on ten indictors, measuring
various developmental aspects.

47. Anugraha Narayan Tiwari is the next Chief Information Commissioner; he will be succeeding
Wajahat Habibullah.

48. Vietnam hosted Fifth East Asia Summit in October 2010.

49. Muskoka Initiative on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health is an initiative of G-8 countries.

50. Archieological Survey of India found two rare paintings at Vadakkumnathan temple in Kerala.

SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

51. Garima-II a buffalo was recently born at National Dairy Research Institute through new
technology of Hand-guided Cloning"

52. French company Areva, has been allocated a site at Jaitapur, Maharastra to build a nuclear

53. Liu Xiaobo, Political Prisoners and detainees of the People's Republic of China has won the Nobel
Peace Prize 2010

54. Chiru (Tibetan Antelope), is about to extinct due to rise in demand of Shatoosh.

55. Income Tax Day is celebrated on J uly 24, every year.

56. Reducing dependence on high-carbon technologies for economic growth was the adopted as core
philosophy at Thimpu Summit.

57. Birju Maharaj is a famous exponent of Kathak.

58. Asim Dasgupta is heading the committee on GST (Goods & Services tax) .

59. Divyadrishti Interception, Monitoring, Direction and Finding and Analysis System (IMDFA)

60. Uttarakhand appointed Mahendra Singh Dhoni as the brand ambassador of the save tiger campaign,

61. Walk the World is an awareness campaign of World Food Programme.

62. Argentina was winner of the 2010 Women's Hockey World Cup.

63. Nitrates salts cause the Blue Baby Syndrome.

64. Stuxnet, computer virus attacked Irans Nuclear Plant Computer system.

65. NDM-1 is superbug, named by TheLancet Infectious Diseases journal, highlighting presence of
superbug in India.

66. Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov were awarded Nobel Prize for Physics in 2010.

67. 82.5 longitudes, Mirzapur UP where Indian Standard Time is calculated

68. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Awards are given in field of Science and Techology.

69. Irani Trophy is associated with Cricket.

70. Louis Kelso developed the concept of Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).

71. Tata Sons and Italian defence major Agusta Westland signed an agreement for formation of a joint
venture company, which will establish a final assembly line for AW-119 helicopters for the Indian
Army and the global market. The AW-119 has been offered to India by Agusta for armys
requirement for 197 choppers to replace its ageing fleet of Cheetah and Chetak light helicopters.

SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

72. Parambukulam wildlife sanctuary, Kerala, which was declared the countrys 38
reserve. There were only nine functioning tiger reserves in the country.

73. Kingfisher Airlines has announced that it will be joining the global airline grouping one world that
would enable it to offer passengers an enhanced choice of routes serviced by member airlines and
vice-versa. Kingfisher will become the first Indian carrier in the alliance that includes American
Airlines, British Airways and Finnair.

74. India and Korea were declared joint champion after the cup final was abandoned a little over six
minutes after start in the Sultazn Azlan Shah Hockey tournament. India, the defending champion,
leads the pool with a tally of 13 points. Heavy rain forced the Tournament Committee to arrive at
this unprecedented decision. This is the first time that the teams have been declared joint winners in
this tournament since its inception in 1983.

75. A collaboration of Russian and US physicists has finally created element 117 a super-heavy
element made of atoms containing 117 protons that is roughly 40 per cent heavier than lead. The
team produced the elusive element 117 by fusing together atoms of calcium and another rare, heavy
element known as berkelium

76. Coca-Cola along with its joint venture partner Nestle, that owns the ice tea brand Nestea, today
launched the bottled ice-tea and is all set to strengthen its products portfolio. The joint venture
company christened Beverage Partners Worldwide (BPW), has launched the ready-to-drink lemon
ice tea

77. Fatima Bhutto, niece of late Benazir Bhutto, authored Songs of Blood and Sword tells the story
of the Bhuttos, a family of rich feudal landlords who became powerbrokers in the newly created
state of Pakistan.

78. Kapil Dev was inducted into the International Cricket Council (ICC) Cricket Hall of Fame. The
Hall of Fame, run in association with the Federation of International Cricketers Associations
(FICA), recognises some of the legends of the game from its long and illustrious history.

79. Global pharmacy major Pfizer launched a new variant of pneumonia-prevention vaccine, Prevanar-
13, in the Indian market. India recorded over 3.71 lakh infant deaths due to pneumonia every year
and the vaccine had a very large opportunity as around 25 million births occurred in the country
every year.

80. Ingrid Daubechies has been recently appointed as present of International Mathematical Union. For
the first time ever, a woman will lead the union for first time.

SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

Reasoning: ANSWER KEY

1 3 2 1 3 4 4 4 5 3 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 4 10 2
11 3 12 3 13 4 14 1 15 1 16 2 17 3 18 3 19 3 20 1
21 4 22 2 23 3 24 4 25 4 26 2 27 1 28 3 29 4 30 3
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)


1. Answer option 3
Double the numbers in the top left circle to give the values in the lower left circle. Double the
numbers in the top right circle to give the values in the lower right circle. The difference between
corresponding values are put in the last remaining circle.

2. Answer option 1
The difference in the numbers in each segment equals the numerical value of the letter in the
opposite segment.

3. Answer option 4
The numerical values of Series I are divisible by 3, in Series II the numerical values of letters are
divisible by 4.

4. Answer option 4
81.5 =122 =242.5 =603 =180

5. Answer option 3
There are 14 time intervals between 15 drops. 14 time intervals are equal to 15 seconds so one time
interval is 15/14 seconds. Now in case of 22 drops, there should be 21 time intervals and 21 time
intervals are equal to (15/14)21 =45/2=22.5 seconds

Solutions for questions 6 & 7:
The volume was the product of 3 numbers, one of which was increased by one fifth and the other
decreased by one fifth. So one got multiplied with 4/5 and other by 6/5. Volume got multiplied with (4/5)
(6/5) =24/25 hence and got reduced by 1/25. So 1/25 of actual volume is 30 cc, giving us total volume
to be 3025 =750 cc. Also 45 is the number, for which when digits are interchanged, number increases
by one fifth.

6. Answer option 2

7. Answer option 2

8. Answer option 2
In the 1
and 2
sentences, The is common, so digit code for The must be 6, also in 2
and 3

sentence Big is common so digit code for Big is 4 and hence code for Program will be 1

9. Answer option 4
The 1
three words use all the letters and the words forms are - Tremble, Knight and Faulty; while,
the 4
jumbled word, does not use up all the words given; it only uses up five of the words; so, the
final words may be Grove and grave.

10. Answer option 2
The 1
jumbled word forms the word Simple; the 2
jumbled word, however, forms words like,
Great, Begat and barge, yet, all these words do not use up all the letters of the word; the 3

jumbled word forms the word Bloat, and the 4
jumbled word forms the word Create.

11. Answer option 3.
A sedative causes drowsiness; while, an anesthetic causes numbness.
SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

12. Answer option 3.
Something evanescent is likely to disappear or vanish; while, something pliant is likely to yield.
13. Answer option 4

14. Answer option 1

15. Answer option 1

16. Answer option 2

17. Answer option 3.
Coded by changing all the letters to the letters having the same position starting from Z.
i.e., E (5
letter from start) is changed to V (5
letter from the End)
letter from the start ) is changed to N(13
letter from the end). And so on.

18. Answer option 3.
1 for vowels and 2 for consonants

19. Answer option 3

20. Answer option 1

21. Answer option 4

Solutions for questions 22 & 23:
It is New Year's Day, and Alan's birthday was yesterday:

Date year Alan's age
Dec 30 last year 27 (day before yesterday)
Dec 31 last year 28 (yesterday)
J an 1 this year 28 (today)
Dec 31 this year 29
Dec 31 next year 30 ("sometime" next year)

22. Answer option 2

23. Answer option 3

24. Answer option 4.
125 unit cubes must have been put together to make a 555 cube and 4 of its faces must have
been painted. The two unpainted faces must be opposite to each other. Now there must be 9
unpainted cubes on each of the unpainted faces and 27 unpainted cubes inside the surface of 555

25. Answer option 4
The system is same as that of 10 balls crossing 8 balls. Each of the 10 balls will cross each of the 8
balls thus giving a total of 80 collisions.

SNAP SHOTS 2010 (2)

26. Answer option 2
In 9 days, the snail would have crawled 9 inches. On 10
day, hell climb 3 more inches in the day
to reach the top

27. Answer option 1
The grid can be filled as follows

28. Answer option 3
there were 5 teams therefore a total of 10 games took place. Hence Es points must take the total to

29. Answer option 4
4200 books. Only 1/2 of the females accepted the books, and those that did accepted 6 books,
which is 3 books per female on average. Similarly, 3/4 of the males accepted 4 book each, which is
again 3 book each. So both the males and females accepted, on average, 3 books each. And 1400 *
3 =4200.

30. Answer option 3
6:00am: since the clock is losing 24 minutes every hour, for every real hour which has passed, the
clock will only show 36 minutes. Since the clock shows 3:00am, we know that 180 clock minutes
have passed. This therefore equals 300 real minutes and hence 5 hours. The clock stopped 1 hour
ago and the time must now be 6.00am.

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