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Who is not scared The hardest part of the philologists job is not finding the origin of Sumerian words

but grappling with the bitter truth that the nave reader is dealing with a cunning artificial language. It is not difficult to see that Sumerian is a false tongue. The problem is convincing the faithful that they have been praying to a fake god for more than 5000 years. Sumerian heritage is intrinsically related to the modern belief on a divinity that initially existed in the head of a scribe who then pressed his stylus on a mud brick and after that he baked the brick and buried it deep into our conscience. To admit that Sumerian is a ruse of Akkadian kings to build to first cities on earth is to accept that humanity has been fooled. It means that everything we have: religion, art, myth even the idea of a government and all the riches of civilisation are a great lie. We have been born like pigs inside a perfect slaughterhouse called civilisation. The truth is that we dont need a god in order to exist. Universities, the temples of modern society will never be involved in the quest of finding the truth because that would mean the end of civilisation as we know it. Akkadian galtu [ULU : ] (vb. u/u, rar. i/i)

G. to be afraid (of sth. : +acc.) ; to shiver D. to frighten Dt. to be frightened D = D . to make frightening ; to terrify Variants : galdu Clearly ULU is a derivative of Akkadian galtu where G >

huluh [FRIGHTENED] (41x: Old Babylonian) wr. hu-luh; huluh; hu-hu-luh; ha-luh "(to be) frightened" [1] [2] [3] [4] + -ha (21x/51%); -0 (20x/49%). 3500 3000 2500 2000 [1] 34 1500 1000 (no date) hu-luh huluh hu-hu-luh ha-luh

[1] [2] [3] [4]

hu-luh 2 2 1

24 distinct forms attested; click to view forms table. 1. (to be) frightened (41x/100%) ~ LEX/Old Babylonian/Nippur OB Kagal 347. See: a'abak huluh. See ETCSL: huluh=to be frightened.

[a]-ab-ba [sea] hu-luh-ha [frightened]

LUH huluh huluh [FRIGHTENED]. luh (luhu rih ruh lih3) luh [CLEAN]. subur2 subur [UNMNG]. sukal (see full listing) sukkal (ukal sugal7 ukkal sukal) sukkal [SECRETARY]. Full listing. Also: lah3, laha3, nah, rah. In the Akkadian workshop huluh > luh > lah, nah, rah l/n/r are allophones. The Semitic scribe chopped the older Sumerian (Akkadian) root word into two pieces: hu-luh / ha-luh Let us follow the root hu: HU dalx(HU) dal [FLY].

hu (u11) hu [SCRAPE]. muen (muena) muen [BIRD]. pag (bag bak pak) pag [ENCLOSE]. pag [LEAVE]. u11 u [GOOSE]. Full listing. Also: u5, bah, baq, burux(HU), mu8, pa7, pah3, paq, puq2, talx(HU), usan5.

We find the root HU in a very strange Sumerian word: mud [SCARED] (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. mud "(to be) scared, terrified" Akk. pardu [1] + -0 (3x/100%). 3500 3000 [1] 2500 2000 3 1500 1000 (no date) mud

3 distinct forms attested; click to view forms table. 1. (to be) scared, terrified (3x/100%) ~ LEX/Old Babylonian/unknown lu2 al-mud = ga-al-tum lu2-azlag B and C Seg.1, 87. Akk. pardu "to be scared, terrified". See ETCSL: mud=to be nervous.

Sumerian lu2 al-mud = Akkadian ga-al-tum Akkadian language has helped the Semitic scribe build an artificial grammar structure because the word rendition al-mud in Sumerian reflects the Akkadian word formation. Basically Akkadians morphology is Sumerians syntax. That is why Sumerian seems to have some kind of grammar [rather grammars in plural] when in fact it has no grammar at all. There are as many Sumerian grammars as Akkadian words. That was a smart move on scribes part. First of all the deception would never be detected. Second, there would be infinite possibilities to create artificial sentences [at ease without the need for a special code that could one day be broken]. Third, Akkadian word formation

would give Sumerian language some sort of cohesion. A language specialist, a code breaker would see that the language is indeed false but he could not prove his case. The Sumerian language was very poor is its adjectives. That is how the Sumerian method of creating artificial syntax on the back of Akkadian morphology becomes evident. We now can see that Akkadian galtum was chopped into al-mud to create a Sumerian sentence. And that is why the root MUD is associated to HU.HI HU.HI mud mud [BLOOD]. mud [CREATE]. mud [JAR] (mudurudu). mud [SCARED]. mud [STUMP] (emud). mud [TUBE]. Full listing. Also: mat3, mu12, mut, mu, muux(|HU.HI|).

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