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Recent Changes in Education

-Many important changes have occurred in the education systems in the Asia-Pacific region which will require teachers to upgrade and refine their technology skills (Tan, et. al., 1999). -These changes originate from: 1. Government Policies related to the use of Information Technology in schools; 2. Developments in State-of-the-art pedagogical practices; 3. Continual advancements in Technological products and systems themselves--- both the hardware and the software (Williams, 2000).

-It stands for computer-assisted language learning; -It deals with the use of computers for language learning; -It includes all kinds of language learning activities utilizing computer technology; -It has been widely recognized and employed in many places; -Its effects and roles have been extensively discussed by a number of researchers and practitioners; -It raises a great need for language teacher training and development in technology integration in language programs (Son, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004a) *It is important to take note that CALI (as renamed to CALL) is a manifestation of the shift of focus. The language classroom mainly consists of two parties --- the teachers and the students. The older way of acknowledging technology integration is on the perspective of the teachers. But as educators recognize the active roles of students in the language class, they considered that the learners are also sources of knowledge as they can make use of their skills to connect to the cyberspace. Acronyms and Terms CAI (Computer-Assisted Instruction) CAL (Computer-Assisted Learning) CELL (Computer-Enhanced Language Learning) TELL (Technology-Enhanced Language Learning) IBLT (Internet-based Language Instruction) CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication) WBLL (Web-based Language Learning) Courseware: course + software; software with instructional purposes Multimedia: a combination of media (text, graphics, audio and video) Hypertext: non-sequential text organized to allow readers access to non-linear information Hypermedia: hypertext + multimedia WWW: world wide web HTML: HyperText Markup Language URL: Uniform Resource Locator

Developments in CALL

PEDAGOGY Behaviorism Cognitivism Communicative Approach Task-based Learning


Computer-Assisted Language Learning ==== Computer-Integrated Language Learning

Mainframe Computers



The Internet

Wireless Network


What is Technology Integration? Pisapia (1994), borrowing from earlier definitions, states:
Integrating Technology with teaching means the use of learning technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills. () The difference between the classrooms of exemplary users of technology and technology users is in the way their classes are conducted. In the exemplary classrooms, student use of computers is woven integrally into the patterns of teaching; software is a natural extension of student tools. For example, if a teacher merely tells a student to read a book without any preparation for follow-up activities that put the book in pedagogical context, the book is unintegrated. If a teacher uses the computer to reward children by allowing them to play a game, the computer is unintegrated.

Technology Integration Electronic Babysitting *Teachers who integrate technology add value to their activities such that, if one were to remove the technology, the quality of the lessons would somehow be diminished. Roblyer et. al (1997) put it another way:
In perhaps the most important --- and the most difficult challenge, teachers can help to improve existing conditions or to create important educational opportunities that did not exist without IT. As part of this process, teachers decide what they need to make these changes occur. This process of determining where and how technology fits is known among users of educational technology as integration. R.G. Conda/ 2011

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