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Welcome to www.verbesserungskata.

de A systematic and practical approach for

Strategy Deployment
By Gerardo Aulinger
with Mike Rother and Mark Rosenthal

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3

The Lean community has been talking about strategy deployment for 20 years. In short, the objec>ve is arrows lined up (i.e., individual process improvement eorts working toward common goals) and an up-and-down dialog that keeps both the top and the opera>onal levels informed about unfolding reali>es. Goal Deployment Top-Down

What We're Learning BoFom Up

Copyright 2013, Strategy Deployment v3.3 2

So far so good. But the approach we took to opera>onalize this concept has not been very eec>ve. We tried to copy Japanese companies' mature Eastern approach -- called Hoshin Kanri -- yet basic principles of skill-building and brain science suggest this sort of benchmarking or copying approach won't work for two reasons: (1) It's like telling a beginner athlete to copy and replicate an experienced athlete and (2) Typical Western organiza>onal culture is dierent from an Eastern one. Hoshin Kanri has been interes>ng, but not very replicable here. Like any athlete or musician who's learning new skills, you need to start where you are, prac>ce some structured rou>nes and, as your prociency grows, you can ne-tune and develop your own style.

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3

Fortunately, almost every reader of this is already using a tool that can help them start prac>cing beUer strategy deployment today: Future State Mapping. In this SlideShare Gerd Aulinger takes you through an example to clearly illustrate how future-state mapping and the rou>nes of the Improvement Kata /Coaching Kata come together to eec>vely connect daily improvement with the strategy and breakthrough challenges of the organiza>on. No>ce that Gerd refers to future-state mapping. The main purpose of drawing a current state value stream map is not to see problems or wastes for quick resolu>on, but to provide the basis for designing a future state. Once you have a future-state value stream design, then work toward it by applying the Improvement Kata at the processes in that value stream. Thats goal-directed working, which Gerd illustrates well in this SlideShare.

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3

We con>nue to experiment with this approach, but its >me to share what were learning. This SlideShare is detailed enough to be a guide and we invite you to use it to join in the experimen>ng and development.

Keep in mind you can download this le from SlideShare & print it. Study Gerd's SlideShare and you'll be amazed at how logical, consistent and powerful the combina>on of Future-State Mapping and the Improvement Kata can be for (nally) achieving strategy deployment. Mike Rother

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3

Let's Take a Look

Gerd Aulinger
Copyright 2013, Strategy Deployment v3.3 6

A Simplified Example: Gearbox Manufacturing

Gear Machining Subassembly Assembly Shipping


Gearbox Value Stream (simplied)

Gear Broaching (a process in the Gear Machining value stream loop)

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Gearbox Assembly
Strategy Deployment v3.3 7

Meet the 5 Main Players in the Gearbox Value Stream Example

- William- Vice President - Nancy - Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream

"Gear Broach" Operators

- Steve - Responsible for the value stream loop - Roger - "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3

Senior managers, including Nancys coach/boss William, have decided the company needs to increase product variety and reduce the >me to meet customer needs.

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3

These are the Kata Practice Roles

Its fractal: The pattern repeats at each level
COACH to Nancy COACH to Steve COACH to Roger COACH to Operators
Vice President

Learner (or "Mentee")

Applies the Improvement Kata to establish and work toward the next target condiYon. Learner conducts experiments with PDCA and develops soluYons to obstacles, in daily dialog with the coach. The learner is responsible for the doing.

- William-

Coach (or "Mentor")

LEARNER to William LEARNER to Nancy

- Steve -
Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream

- Nancy -

Ensures the learner is working toward their target condiYon scienYcally according to the Improvement Kata paFern. Conducts coaching cycles daily using the 5 Coaching Kata QuesYons. The coachs job is to develop the learner by guiding the learner on Improvement Kata procedure, not to improve the process. The coach is responsible for the Learners results.

Responsible for the LEARNER value stream loop to Steve "Gear Machining Responsible for "Gear Broach" Operator the process "Gear Broaching

- Roger -

========== 2nd Coach (not discussed in this example)

Periodically observes coaching cycles between a coach and learner, to help the coach develop their coaching skills.

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


This Approach to Strategy Deployment Takes Place in Two Phases

Planning. Consensus on direction and specific focal points is developed. Goals and coaching topics are derived mathematically and in detail "top down" from the future-state value stream map.
Phase One

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Phase Two

Execution. Once target conditions are developed, the coaching cycles and upward communication of current condition and lessons learned begin.

Strategy Deployment v3.3


The Steps We'll Go Through

We'll focus in on a Gear Broaching process
1- Current State Value Stream Map 2- Future State Value Stream Map in the direcYon of the organizaYon's strategic objecYve 3- Split the FS Value Stream into Loops incl. each loop's inventory & lead Yme goals (now move to an individual process inside a VS loop) 4- Develop the Next Target Condi>on mathemaYcally from the value-stream loop goals and Dene Specic Improvement Themes 5- Dene Roles by Theme (Learner, Coach, 2nd Coach) 6- Establish the Schedule for Coaching Cycles

Phase One Phase Two

7- Process-Level Coaching Cycles Begin! Daily + more frequently as needed 7.1- Coach uses the Five Coaching Kata Ques>ons 7.2- Periodic ObservaYon of Coaching Cycles by the 2nd Coach 8- Value Stream Coaching Cycle Daily 8.1- Also using the Five Coaching Kata Ques>ons

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


The steps are linear, but iterative

As you follow the steps, adjustments may be made in earlier steps based on whats being learned in later steps. What you learn in one step can inuence a prior step. Thats normal.

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Phase I: PLANNING Consensus on Direction is Developed

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Phase One

Strategy Deployment v3.3


In Phase 1, coaching topics and goals are derived mathematically and in detail "top down" from the future-state value stream map
1- Current State Value Stream Map 2- Future State Value Stream Map in the direcYon of the organizaYon's strategic objecYve 3- Split the FS Value Stream into Loops incl. each loop's inventory & lead Yme goals (now move to an individual process inside a VS loop) 4- Develop the Next Target Condi>on mathemaYcally from the value-stream loop goals and Dene Specic Improvement Themes 5- Dene Roles by Theme (Learner, Coach, 2nd Coach) 6- Establish the Schedule for Coaching Cycles

Phase One Phase Two

7- Process-Level Coaching Cycles Begin! Daily + more frequently as needed 7.1- Coach uses the Five Coaching Kata Ques>ons 7.2- Periodic ObservaYon of Coaching Cycles by the 2nd Coach 8- Value Stream Coaching Cycle Daily 8.1- Also using the Five Coaching Kata Ques>ons

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


First the Value-Stream-level Coach and his or her Learners agree on the value stream goals
Gear Machining Subassembly Assembly Shipping


Target lead Yme = 15 Days

Value stream loop Gear Machining

Loop goal: 3 days of gear inventory

Nancys Gearbox Gearbox Future-State Future-State Value Stream Map Value Stream Map

Goal Deployment

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Nancy and Steve agree on a value stream goal of 15 Days Lead Time and a gear-machining loop goal of 3 Days of Gear Inventory
Gear Machining Subassembly Assembly Shipping


Target lead Yme = 15 Days

Value stream loop Gear Machining

Loop goal: 3 days of gear inventory

Steve, a strategic objecYve is to increase our product variety and bring the gearbox value stream's lead Yme down to 15 days. To achieve that we need your inventory of machined gears to go from 30 days to 3 days. Can you propose to me how the processes in your Gear Machining loop would have to funcYon to achieve that?

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Nancy and Steve agree on a value stream goal of 15 Days Lead Time and a gear-machining loop goal of 3 Days of Gear Inventory
Gear Machining Subassembly Assembly Shipping


Target lead Yme = 15 Days

Value stream loop Gear Machining

Loop goal: 3 days of gear inventory

Steve, a strategic objecYve is to increase our product variety and bring the gearbox value stream's lead Yme down to 15 days. To achieve that we need your inventory of machined gears to go from 30 days to 3 days. Can you propose to me how the processes in your Gear Machining loop would have to funcYon to achieve that?

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

To do that I need to analyze the current condiYon of the Gear Broaching process*, so we can then dene a process target condiYon to agree on and strive for.
*For illustraYon purposes we're focusing on only one process in the Gear Machining loop. The Improvement Kata can be applied to any process.

- Roger -

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Now working at the Process Level

For illustraYon purposes we're focusing on only one process in the Gear Machining loop. The Improvement Kata can be applied to all proceses in a value stream.

Develop the Next Target Condi>on and Dene Specic Improvement Themes

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


After analyzing the process's current condition, Learner Steve, guided by Coach Nancy, develops a next target condition mathematically step-by-step
Nancy, to be able to operate with 3 days of nished gear inventory and have a 50% safety factor we'll need to broach every high-volume gear plus some specials every 2 days. The broaching process's EPEI and lot size need to = 2 days. 4
30 Days 3 Days

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


After analyzing the process's current condition, Learner Steve, guided by Coach Nancy, develops a next target condition mathematically step-by-step
To begin, we need to know how many product types we plan to have, and which are high-volume models and which are specials.

30 Types

40 Types

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


After analyzing the process's current condition, Learner Steve, guided by Coach Nancy, develops a next target condition mathematically step-by-step
Our 15 ships per week and the hours per ship aren't changing.

15 Shijs/wk

15 Shijs/wk

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


After analyzing the process's current condition, Learner Steve, guided by Coach Nancy, develops a next target condition mathematically step-by-step
So in the same amount of Yme we need to broach the higher volume and higher variety.

102,000 pcs/mo

121,200 pcs/mo

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


After analyzing the process's current condition, Learner Steve, guided by Coach Nancy, develops a next target condition mathematically step-by-step

The total volume is 2,020 broached gears per ship.

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

1,700 pcs/shij

2,020 pcs/shij

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Developing the target condition, three themes pop up: cycle time 10 seconds, unplanned downtime 15% & changeover time 14 minutes
The mathemaYcally derived target condiYon for Gear Broaching shows that to get to a 3-day nished gear inventory we need to work on three aspects of the Gear Broaching process: - Planned cycle Yme

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

Planned Cycle Time Pc/t

10 Sec

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Developing the target condition, three themes pop up: cycle time 10 seconds, unplanned downtime 15% & changeover time 14 minutes
The mathemaYcally derived target condiYon for Gear Broaching shows that to get to a 3-day nished gear inventory we need to work on three aspects of the Gear Broaching process: - Planned cycle Yme - Unplanned downYme

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

Planned Cycle Time Pc/t Unplanned down>me (%)

10 Sec 15%

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Developing the target condition, three themes pop up: cycle time 10 seconds, unplanned downtime 15% & changeover time 14 minutes
The mathemaYcally derived target condiYon for Gear Broaching shows that to get to a 3-day nished gear inventory we need to work on three aspects of the Gear Broaching process: - Planned cycle Yme - Unplanned downYme - Changeover Yme

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

Planned Cycle Time Pc/t Unplanned down>me (%)

10 Sec 15%

- Roger -

Changeover >me

14 Min

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


These 3 themes, or process improvements, are the equivalent of future-state kaizen bursts on pages 77-80 in Learning to See

Planned Cycle Time Pc/t Unplanned down>me (%)

10 Sec 15%

From Learning to See, page 78

Changeover >me 14 Min

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Steve decides to begin by having his Learner Roger work on the changeover time, and the Improvement Kata pattern repeats
Roger, a strategic objecYve is to increase our product variety, bring our value stream's lead Yme down to 15 days and our inventory of machined gears down to 3 days. In order to achieve this, I need you to help us by reducing Broach changeover Yme to 14 min. Can you propose to me how the changeover processes would have to funcYon to achieve that?

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

Planned Cycle Time Pc/t Unplanned down>me (%)

10 Sec 15%

- Roger -

Target >me for changeover

14 Min

Copyright 2013,

Strategy D eployment v3.3



Steve decides to begin by having his Learner Roger work on the changeover time, and the Improvement Kata pattern repeats
Roger, a strategic objecYve is to increase our product variety, bring our value stream's lead Yme down to 15 days and our inventory of machined gears down to 3 days. In order to achieve this, I need you to help us by reducing Broach changeover Yme to 14 min. Can you propose to me how the changeover processes would have to funcYon to achieve that? To do that rst I need to analyze the current condiYon of the changeover process. Ill make a detailed process-step analysis and aperwards dene a 14-minute process t arget condiYon to agree Planned Cycle Time P c/t 10 Sec on and strive for.
Unplanned down>me (%) 15% Target >me for changeover 14 Min

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy D eployment v3.3



Steve decides to begin by having his Learner Roger work on the changeover time, and the Improvement Kata pattern repeats

As soon as Steve and I have agreed on a process target condiYon that describes the steps of the desired 14-minute changeover process, Steve will be coaching me daily in pursuing this goal.

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

Planned Cycle Time Pc/t Unplanned down>me (%)

10 Sec 15%

- Roger -

Target >me for changeover

14 Min

Copyright 2013,

Strategy D eployment v3.3



Steve decides to begin by having his Learner Roger work on the changeover time, and the Improvement Kata pattern repeats

As soon as Steve and I have agreed on a process target condiYon that describes the steps of the desired 14-minute changeover process, Steve will be coaching me daily in pursuing this goal.

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

Planned Cycle Time Pc/t Unplanned down>me (%)

10 Sec 15%

- Roger -

Target >me for changeover

14 Min

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Strategy D eployment v3.3



Hi Roger, can you show me what you learned from your process-step analysis?

Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

- Steve -

- Roger -

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Hi Roger, can you show me what you learned from your process-step analysis?

The current changeover process consists of 7 steps which take 72 minutes.


Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

- Steve -

- Roger -

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


To achieve a 14 minute changeover Ive described a proposed target condiYon of desired steps and Ymes.


Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

- Steve -

- Roger -

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Dene Roles by Theme

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


I record the improvement themes, measureable goals, achieve-by dates and responsibiliYes in a Theme/Roles matrix This is so we all know what we're working on and why.
Pc/t Broaching Downtime Broach Changeover 10 Sec. 15%


May 10th

T.B.D. T.B.D.

T.B.D. T.B.D. Roger

Steve Steve Steve

Nancy Nancy Nancy

Max 14 Min June 10th

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


I record the improvement themes, measureable goals, achieve-by dates and responsibiliYes in a Theme/Roles matrix This is so we all know what we're working on and why.

With this overview we can coordinate the improvement acYviYes along my enYre Gearbox value stream, corresponding to the goal of 15-day lead Yme.
Steve May 10th

Pc/t Broaching Downtime Broach Changeover

10 Sec. 15%

T.B.D. T.B.D.

T.B.D. T.B.D. Roger

Steve Steve Steve

Nancy Nancy Nancy

Max 14 Min June 10th

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Establish the Schedule for Coaching Cycles

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Steve has a weekly schedule of defined coaching-cycle appointments. Scheduled coaching cycles are done between 9:00 and 11:00 AM. Additional coaching cycles may be done as needed after that. No other meetings are scheduled between 9:00 and 11:00 AM
These are all of Steve's scheduled coaching cycles
May 10 June10

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

= Coaching cycle happened on Yme / X = Coaching cycle didn't happen Strategy Deployment v3.3 40

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Roger and I will meet daily from 9:40 to 10:00 for a coaching cycle, plus addiYonally as needed. The coaching-cycle schedule helps me maintain an overview of my coaching.
May 10 June10

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

= Coaching cycle happened on Yme / X = Coaching cycle didn't happen Strategy Deployment v3.3 41

Copyright 2013,

Roger and I will meet daily from 9:40 to 10:00 for a coaching cycle, plus addiYonally as I know at what Yme Steve is coming needed. The coaching-cycle to the Broaching process every day schedule helps me maintain an and that he'll ask the 5 quesYons, so I overview of my coaching. have the latest facts & data ready. Our coaching cycles are very eecYve. May 10 Steve I receive support and feel valued.


Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

= Coaching cycle happened on Yme / X = Coaching cycle didn't happen Strategy Deployment v3.3 42

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Phase II: EXECUTION Coaching Cycles Begin

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Phase Two

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Now daily coaching cycles between Learner and Coach begin

1- Current State Value Stream Map 2- Future State Value Stream Map in the direcYon of the organizaYon's strategic objecYve 3- Split the FS Value Stream into Loops incl. each loop's inventory & lead Yme goals (now move to an individual process inside a VS loop) 4- Develop the Next Target Condi>on mathemaYcally from the value-stream loop goals and Dene Specic Improvement Themes 5- Dene Roles by Theme (Learner, Coach, 2nd Coach) 6- Establish the Schedule for Coaching Cycles

Phase One Phase Two

7- Process-Level Coaching Cycles Begin! Daily + more frequently as needed 7.1- Coach uses the Five Coaching Kata Ques>ons 7.2- Periodic ObservaYon of Coaching Cycles by the 2nd Coach 8- Value Stream Coaching Cycle Daily 8.1- Also using the Five Coaching Kata Ques>ons

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Now daily coaching cycles between Learner and Coach begin

1- Current State Value Stream Map 2- Future State Value Stream Map in the direcYon of the organizaYon's strategic objecYve 3- Split the FS Value Stream into Loops incl. each loop's inventory & lead Yme goals (now move to an individual process inside a VS loop) 4- Develop the Next Target Condi>on mathemaYcally from the value-stream loop goals and Dene Specic Improvement Themes 5- Dene Roles by Theme (Learner, Coach, 2nd Coach) 6- Establish the Schedule for Coaching Cycles

Phase One Phase Two

7- Process-Level Coaching Cycles Begin! Daily + more frequently as needed 7.1- Coach uses the Five Coaching Kata Ques>ons 7.2- Periodic ObservaYon of Coaching Cycles by the 2nd Coach 8- Value Stream Coaching Cycle Daily 8.1- Also using the Five Coaching Kata Ques>ons

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Coaching cycles are built around the Five Coaching Kata Questions. This pattern of questions is utilized up-and-down the organization. Here's an example of a Coach's Five-Question card:

The Five Questions

1) What is the Target Condition? 2) What is the Actual Condition now?
--------(Turn Card Over)--------------------->

Back of card - Reflection Section Reflect on the Last Step Taken

Because you dont actually know what the result of a step will be!
1) What was your Last Step? 2) What did you Expect? 3) What Actually Happened? 4) What did you Learn?

3) What Obstacles do you think are preventing you from reaching the target condition? Which *one* are you addressing now? 4) What is your Next Step? (next PDCA / experiment) What do you expect? 5) When can we go and see what we Have Learned from taking that step?
*Youll often work on the same obstacle for several PDCA cycles

Card is turned over to reflect on the last step



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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Steve and Roger do at least one coaching cycle every day on the Broaching Process's current improvement theme: Changeover time
Next Target Condition

*The learner uses a form called the PDCA Cycles Record, which is not discussed in this SlideShare.

- Roger -

Current Condition

- Steve -


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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Steve and Roger do at least one coaching cycle every day on the Broaching Process's current improvement theme: Changeover time
What is the target condiYon for the changeover process?

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Coach (Steve)

Learner (Roger)

Learner's Storyboard

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Steve and Roger do at least one coaching cycle every day on the Broaching Process's current improvement theme: Changeover time
What is the target condiYon for the changeover process?

The goal is to change over in 14 minutes.

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Coach (Steve)

Learner (Roger)

Learner's Storyboard

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Steve and Roger do at least one coaching cycle every day on the Broaching Process's current improvement theme: Changeover time
What is the target condiYon for the changeover process? What is the actual condiYon now?

The goal is to change over in 14 minutes.

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Coach (Steve)

Learner (Roger)

Learner's Storyboard

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Process Steps Analysis


2 20 28 35 45 48 57 72 20 8 7 10 3 9 15

Roger 0 3 7 14 14 14 14 0 3 4 7 0 0 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Preparation (internal) Lockout Removing the tool Install new tool Run a test part Quality approval Cleanup (internal)

The current changeover Yme is 72 minutes.


Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

- Steve -

- Roger -

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Process Steps Analysis


2 20 28 35 45 48 57 72 20 8 7 10 3 9 15

Roger 0 3 7 14 14 14 14 0 3 4 7 0 0 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Preparation (internal) Lockout Removing the tool Install new tool Run a test part Quality approval Cleanup (internal)

What was your last step and what did you learn?


Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Process Steps Analysis


2 20 28 35 45 48 57 72 20 8 7 10 3 9 15

Roger 0 3 7 14 14 14 14 0 3 4 7 0 0 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Preparation (internal) Lockout Removing the tool Install new tool Run a test part Quality approval Cleanup (internal)

I need to see if Roger is working scienYcally

I observed the changeover process and measured the Yme each step took.


Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Process Steps Analysis


2 20 28 35 45 48 57 72 20 8 7 10 3 9 15

Roger 0 3 7 14 14 14 14 0 3 4 7 0 0 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Preparation (internal) Lockout Removing the tool Install new tool Run a test part Quality approval Cleanup (internal)

What obstacles do you think are prevenYng you from reaching the target condiYon?


Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Process Steps Analysis


2 20 28 35 45 48 57 72 20 8 7 10 3 9 15

Roger 0 3 7 14 14 14 14 0 3 4 7 0 0 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Preparation (internal) Lockout Removing the tool Install new tool Run a test part Quality approval Cleanup (internal)

Lockout, removing the tool and installing the new tool all take too long.


Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Process Steps Analysis


2 20 28 35 45 48 57 72 20 8 7 10 3 9 15

Roger 0 3 7 14 14 14 14 0 3 4 7 0 0 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Preparation (internal) Lockout Removing the tool Install new tool Run a test part Quality approval Cleanup (internal)

Which one obstacle are you addressing now?


Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

- Steve -

- Roger -

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Process Steps Analysis


2 20 28 35 45 48 57 72 20 8 7 10 3 9 15

Roger 0 3 7 14 14 14 14 0 3 4 7 0 0 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Preparation (internal) Lockout Removing the tool Install new tool Run a test part Quality approval Cleanup (internal)

Next I'd like to focus on the installaYon of the new tool.


Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

- Steve -

- Roger -

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Process Steps Analysis


2 20 28 35 45 48 57 72 20 8 7 10 3 9 15

Roger 0 3 7 14 14 14 14 0 3 4 7 0 0 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Preparation (internal) Lockout Removing the tool Install new tool Run a test part Quality approval Cleanup (internal)

This is the Learner's next PDCA experiment

What is your next step and what do you expect?


Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

- Steve -

- Roger -

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Process Steps Analysis


2 20 28 35 45 48 57 72 20 8 7 10 3 9 15

Roger 0 3 7 14 14 14 14 0 3 4 7 0 0 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Preparation (internal) Lockout Removing the tool Install new tool Run a test part Quality approval Cleanup (internal)

I'd like to standardize the fasteners. I expect this to reduce the Yme for this step from 10 minutes to 7 minutes.


Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Process Steps Analysis


2 20 28 35 45 48 57 72 20 8 7 10 3 9 15

Roger 0 3 7 14 14 14 14 0 3 4 7 0 0 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Preparation (internal) Lockout Removing the tool Install new tool Run a test part Quality approval Cleanup (internal)

When can we go and see what you've learned from taking that step?


Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

- Steve -

- Roger -

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Upward Communication of Current Condition and Lessons Learned

What We're Learning BoUom Up

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


In addition to acting as 2nd Coach, Nancy meets with Steve daily for a value stream coaching cycle, which also follows the pattern of the Five Coaching Kata Questions.
Aper I coach my team members from 9:00 to 10:40, I meet with Nancy daily from 10:40 to 11:00. Through her coaching I inform Nancy about the current condiYon and improvement acYviYes in Gear Machining.

Nancy updates her value stream maps based on what she learns in these coaching cycles.
Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Nancy meets with Steve daily for a value stream coaching cycle
What is the target condiYon for Gear Machining?

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Nancy meets with Steve daily for a value stream coaching cycle
Our goal is to meet demand while holding 3 days of inventory. We calculate this will require an EPEI of 2 days. What is the target condiYon for Gear Machining?

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Nancy meets with Steve daily for a value stream coaching cycle
Our goal is to meet demand while holding 3 days of inventory. We calculate this will require an EPEI of 2 days. What is the target condiYon for Gear Machining? What is the actual condiYon now?

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Nancy meets with Steve daily for a value stream coaching cycle
Our goal is to meet demand while holding 3 days of inventory. We calculate this will require an EPEI of 2 days. We currently have an inventory of 30 days and an EPEI of 20 days. What is the target condiYon for Gear Machining? What is the actual condiYon now?

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Nancy meets with Steve daily for a value stream coaching cycle
Our goal is to meet demand while holding 3 days of inventory. We calculate this will require an EPEI of 2 days. We currently have an inventory of 30 days and an EPEI of 20 days. What is the target condiYon for Gear Machining? What is the actual condiYon now? What obstacles do you think are prevenYng you from reaching the target condiYon?

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Nancy meets with Steve daily for a value stream coaching cycle
Our goal is to meet demand while holding 3 days of inventory. We calculate this will require an EPEI of 2 days. We currently have an inventory of 30 days and an EPEI of 20 days. What is the target condiYon for Gear Machining? What is the actual condiYon now? What obstacles do you think are prevenYng you from reaching the target condiYon?

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

The changeover Yme of 72 minutes, the unplanned downYme of 20% and the cycle Yme of 12 seconds.

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Nancy meets with Steve daily for a value stream coaching cycle
Our goal is to meet demand while holding 3 days of inventory. We calculate this will require an EPEI of 2 days. We currently have an inventory of 30 days and an EPEI of 20 days. What is the target condiYon for Gear Machining? What is the actual condiYon now? What obstacles do you think are prevenYng you from reaching the target condiYon?

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

The changeover Yme of 72 minutes, the unplanned downYme of 20% and the cycle Yme of 12 seconds.

- Roger -

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Strategy Deployment v3.3



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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Notice the Fractal Nature of the Thinking

The paUern of thinking and ac>ng which is reected in the 5 Coaching Kata Ques>ons repeats up and down the organiza>on. The coaching cycles are a connec>ng element in this layered, nested approach. The person at each level is a coach to the level below and a learner to the level above all following the same basic paUern.

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


An obstacle to a strategic iniYaYve of the company is the gear box lines long lead Yme. Achieving a gear box lead Yme of 15 days becomes Nancys target condi>on. One obstacle prevenYng Nancy from achieving her target condiYon is the 30 days of inventory in machining. The obstacles prevenYng gear machining from achieving the target condiYon are: - 72 minute changeovers. - 15% Unplanned downYme. - 12 second cycle Ymes. In gear broaching.

Steves target condi>on is to meet demand while holding only 3 days of inventory. To do this, he will need to cycle through his part count every 2 days.

Fractal means that at each level down the Improvement Kata procedure and thinking paUern are the same, only the content gets smaller in scope
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With Steves coaching, Roger will end up addressing each of these issues in turn. But his rst target condi>on involves the obstacle of 72 minute changeovers. The obstacle Roger is addressing now is the tool installaYon. Therefore, his rst experiment is going to be to standardize the fasteners and test his assumpYon.

The obstacles to a 14 minute changeover are : - Lockout - Removing the tool - And installing the tool all taking too long. Roger believes that the non-standard fasteners are in the way of gevng this step from 10 minutes to 7.

Strategy Deployment v3.3


An obstacle to a strategic iniYaYve of the company is the gear box lines long lead Yme. Reducing the gear box lines lead Yme One obstacle prevenYng Nancy from capability b y c oaching his applica>on from 30 days to 15 days becomes achieving her target condiYon is the Nancys target c ondiYon. 30 d ays o f inventory of the Improvement Kata paUern as in machining.

Nancy is developing Steves he works with Roger.

The obstacles prevenYng gear machining from achieving the target demand while holding only 3 days of Steve i s c oaching R oger, b ut N ancy is are: condiYon inventory. To do this, he will need to cycle responsible for e tvery he 2 r esults in her - 72 minute changeovers. through his part count days. - 15% Unplanned downYme. Value Stream. - 12 second cycle Ymes. In gear broaching.

Steves target condi>on is to meet

With Steves c Roger will eR nd Steve ioaching, s developing ogers The obstacles are up addressing each of these issues in - Lockout capability by coaching him through turn. But his rst target condi>on is to - Removing the tool the I mprovement K ata p aUern. address the obstacle of 72 minute - And installing the tool changeovers. all taking too long.

And the Coaching Kata paUern also repeats across the levels

Roger is achieving the results, but The obstacle Roger is addressing now believes that the Steve is responsible to Nancy fRoger or is the tool installaYon. non-standard fasteners are delivering them. in the way of gevng this
step from 10 minutes to 7.

Therefore, his rst experiment is going to be to standardize the fasteners and test his assumpYon.

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Many coaches struggle with the distinction

Between Winning the game and Developing the players so we can win the game
I need to see if Roger is working scienYcally I observed the changeover process and measured the Yme each step took.

Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching

- Steve -

- Roger -

Copyright 2013,

Strategy Deployment v3.3


Lean Should Not Be a Separate Activity

The Lean change agents eorts are not independent of the strategic direc>on of the company

Responsible for the "Gearbox" value stream Responsible for the value stream loop "Gear Machining Responsible for the process "Gear Broaching "Gear Broach" Operator

- Nancy -

- Steve -

- Roger -

The paUern of the Improvement Kata and Coaching Cycles is the management process
Strategy Deployment v3.3

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Last but not least... This is About Respect for People

From Toyota Kata, page 142

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


The Steps
1- Current State Value Stream Map 2- Future State Value Stream Map in the direcYon of the organizaYon's strategic objecYve 3- Split the FS Value Stream into Loops incl. each loop's inventory & lead Yme goals (now move to an individual process inside a VS loop) 4- Develop the Next Target Condi>on mathemaYcally from the value-stream loop goals and Dene Specic Improvement Themes 5- Dene Roles by Theme (Learner, Coach, 2nd Coach) 6- Establish the Schedule for Coaching Cycles

Phase One Phase Two

7- Process-Level Coaching Cycles Begin! Daily + more frequently as needed 7.1- Coach uses the Five Coaching Kata Ques>ons 7.2- Periodic ObservaYon of Coaching Cycles by the 2nd Coach 8- Value Stream Coaching Cycle Daily 8.1- Also using the Five Coaching Kata Ques>ons

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Value Stream Mapping and the Improvement Kata Work Together

Dene the Challenge
Value Stream Mapping
Organization Level Strategic Objective

How to Get There

Improvement Kata & Coaching Kata
Process Level
Understand the Direction Grasp the Curent Condition Establish the Next Target Condition Iterate to the Target Condition

Value-Stream Level
Map the Value Stream Design Future State Value Stream Define Loops & Loop Goals

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


For more how-to detail refer to Learning to See and the free online Improvement Kata Handbook

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


Welcome to

A systematic and practical approach for

Strategy Deployment Best Wishes!

Gerardo, Mike, Mark

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Strategy Deployment v3.3


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