Gladis Cerere de Chemare in Judecata - Croatia - Eng

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COURT OF SECTOR RISCANI CLAIMANT LISITA TATIANA ap. 5, 4 Livezilor str., Stauceni, mun.

Chisinau RESPONDENT MARGIC DRAGAN 144 A.M.Reljkovica str., Gunja, Croatia July 23, 2008. mun. Chisinau 25.07.2008 COMPLAINT on dissolution of the marriage De facto, marriage between Lisita Tatiana, date of birth 02.12.1981, and Margic Dragan, date of birth 07.02.1977, was registered on 16.02.2002. The marriage was registered in Croatia, OCR Gunja. On November 13, 2002, hereout, our sole daughter Gabrijela (5 years of age currently) was born. When submitting this complaint, I consider there are solid reasons making continuation of the marriage and maintenance of the created couple impossible. Respondent shows disinterest to family in the created couple. The family became for him just a place, where he discharge his negative emotions accumulated from personal failures. Conduct of the respondent in family became dangerous for both child and me, having a growing emotive instability and unforeseeable. The situation, negative environment created in family and relations between spouses present a great danger for development and education of the child, who in such tender age is affected by ongoing conflicts between spouses. It is question of tense quarrels, psychic violence and threats of physical violence I am subjected to by the respondent. Everything happens in presence of child, worrying me enormously, as our little girl is a very receptive and sensitive and recovers hard after such quarrels and conflicts between parents. All my efforts directed to reunion of the dissolved family and remake of a harmonious situation, were unsuccessful, they caused me firmly to recede to this marriage exhausted actually. Currently, actual disunion and separate living of spouses is continuous, stable and deprived of a possible remake of the couple. The attested incompatibility in any relation with husband and total detachment had affected gravely and irremediably relations between spouses and enforces their divorce. This decision to divorce has been thought-out, is certain and firm, being imposed within created circumstances. Reasons explained above accentuate one more time impossibility of continuing the marriage, remaking the initial family couple and, at the same time, enforces the major interest of the child. When submitting this complaint, I don't require division of common property by intervention of the judicial instance. I require my daughter Gabrijela to live with me after divorce. After divorce, I will provide by myself and hereafter education, training of my minor daughter, contributing to her physical, intellectual and spiritual development. Considering the fact that conjugal relations between spouses don't exist actually, it is certain that our cohabitation is impossible and there is no need of any supplementary term to be granted to spouses for repairing the situation. I had sufficient time to think twice on this decision and to take it definitively, being isolated

temporarily of my husband and affected by him accordingly, being in the Republic of Moldova, at my parents, since April. I had already settled in there, having been provided with residence, working place and integrated successfully my child into the environment she accepted, having been adapted in. The child attends kindergarten, feels my care and care of close relatives and her grandparents. According to the invocated above and under art. 33 (2), 35, 37, 156 (2), 158 (1), (2) Family Code of RM, art. 5, 39 (5), 166 CCP of RM I require 1. To admit present complaint entirely. 2. To dissolve the marriage between Lisita Tatiana and Margic Dragan, registered on 16.02.2002 in Croatia, OCR Gunja, entry no. 58-T. 3. To established domicile and residence of the minor daughter Gabrijela Margic, with the claimant, Lisita Tatiana. Attachment: - Certificate of marriage registration; - Copy of birth certificate of the daughter Margic Gabrijela; - Copy of identity card of cit. of RM, Lisita Tatiana; - Evidence of payment of the state duty. Claimant, Lisita Tatiana /signature/
_____________________________________________________________________________ The translator Svetlana COLA performed the translation from Romanian into English, at the Bureau of translations Magistra-Prest SRL, 19.09.2008.

Signature _______________

Handed in SUMMON to civil case no. 2-3483/08 Court Riscani m.Chisinau summons you as respondent on 28.10.2008 time 9:00 in connection with civil case-divorce at address of.31, 3 Kiev str. Clerk of court /signature/

Form no. 28

Place for stamp Locality 144 A.M.Reljkovica str., Gunja Receiver Margic Dragan

CONSEQUENCES OF DEFAULT IN APPEARANCE 1. In case of default in appearance of the witness unfoundedly, the court is entitled to apply a penalty of up to ten minimum salaries (art. 65 CCP) 2. The contempt of court, expressed by intentional refusal of the witness, victim leads to application of administrative sanctions in form of an administrative arrest for a term of up to 15 days or a penalty.
_____________________________________________________________________________ The translator Svetlana COLA performed the translation from Romanian into English, at the Bureau of translations Magistra-Prest SRL, 19.09.2008.

Signature _______________

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