2nd Quarterly Test For Post

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2nd Quarterly test for post-graduates Psychiatry Unit-2.

Maximum marks 90. All questions have equal marks. To be submitted back before 23rd November 2011. Answer on word. 12, verdana. 1.5 spacing. Q. 1. What are different levels of interplay between psychological and physical illnesses? Give at least two examples of each. Q.2. How would you describe each SOMATOFORM DISORDR to a fellow neuro-surgeon, who is getting confused, among these concepts, so that he may be able to differentiate each one. Q.3. Classify following anti-depressants, on the basis of their mechanism of action. Mentioning the mechanism in detail, Faverin Cipralex Seroxat Efexor Remeron Lantanon Clomfranil Prothiaden Trazodone Butrin Xanax Prozac Cymbalta Zoloft Aurorix

Q.4. Suppose you have prescribed, each one of these, above mentioned, medicines to different patients. And each one of them complains of nonavailability or high cost of prescribed medicines. What other alternative brands would you suggest for each of these, available in Pakistan in cheaper prices? Q.5. in the light of contemporary researches, select among these above mentioned medicines, the ones suitable for Anxiety disorders as well. Enlist in the order of efficacy (referenced). Q.6. How would you differentiate between different types of Substance Use Disorders? Q.7. Enlist different Substance-Induced Disorders, common to all of the following. Also point out the Substance-Induced Disorder unique to each of the following. Heroin Alcohol Benzodiazepines Cannabis Nicotine Q.8. How would you clinically differentiate the withdrawals of Heroin and Cannabis? Q.9. Suppose, you have been asked by the ethics committee of you hospital to outline the principles of prescribing BENZODIAZEPINES for out-patients and in-patients. How would you do it? Q.10. A young couple comes to you for consultation about their 2 years first baby boy, who is mentally backward with history of delayed, early milestones. A. What further informations will you gather, and why? . in HOPC . in Past History

. in Personal History . in Family History . in physical Examination . Through labs B. What and why is/ are there any possibility, that you will administer any pharmacotherapy or prevention therapy? C. What are the possible areas for counseling? D. What is the criterion for classifying such cases? Q.11. Suppose, W.H.O has asked you to conduct a research on cognitive impairment caused by Amphetamines. A. How would you classify different Amphetamines? B. How would you design the research? C. What would make you think of PET Studies? D. How would you calculate the funding, required? Q.12. To establish a clinic for Schizophrenics, what treatment facilities would you ask from the authorities, in terms of medicines, personnel, etc? Q.13. Point out the BEST MATCH OCD PTSD Panic Disorder Catatonic Schizophrenia Intolerable attacks of anxiety prominent motor symptoms mood reactivity reading carefully the literature of Medicines, prescribed Atypical depression Social Anxiety Disorder Perspiring during interview unbearable trauma

Q.14. Schizophrenia is a disorder of motor system. Prove with best contemporary evidences. Q.15. Justify, scientifically, the use of, Valproic acid Lithium Haloperidol CBT Lamotrigine Propranolol Family psycho-education ECT Hospitalization In patients with Bipolar Mood Disorder.


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