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Chapter I Introduction

A student council is a representative structure for students only through which they can become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with the school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students. It is also a student lead democratic body that allows all students the ability to contribute on areas that need development within the university. So having a student council in a university may give us some benefits. Since they are also students like us, they may have better understanding on our needs than the professors.

Voting is a council component for any functioning democratic system of government. However, it is intrinsically a very difficult process to create a totally fair election, given that any of the stakeholders involved could potentially adversarial from the perspective of a fair election. A fair election is generally consider one in which there each participant casts exactly a vote that will count, equal to all the participants, for the candidate of their own choosing.

Student Council Voting System is a software for electing officers accurate application, like many others. It also happens that the SCVS is easiest to use, most adoptive and responsive software. The SCVS was software designed primarily for developing election applications. It was simple software because it manage to secure and perform counter balanced. A major problem of manual voting is they spend much office supplies such as: pentel pens, manila paper, and bond papers to be used in preparing the ballots in tallying the votes. Also it is not very well secured.

Background of the Study

In ancient India, palm leaves were used for village assembly elections. The palm leaves with the candidates name will be put inside a mud pot for counting, this was called Kudavolai system. In the modern time, elections are made through the use of ballots where the voters write the names of their desired candidates per position. As of now the systems used for elections have changed by means of using electronics. For example, PCOS machines are now being used in the local government elections in the Philippines and other countries. Filipino voters need not to write the names of the candidate seen in the form/ballot. Elections also occur in schools especially in High School and College although it is only done using a paper and pen.

Conducting a manual election is indeed expensive material-wise and time consuming. Oftentimes, theres a chance of leakage, error in counting and other data anomalies. This system provides an enhanced solution on this dilemma; it provides an automated way for the election. Through this, cost of the raw materials can be remarkably trimmed down. It also reduces the time consuming efforts of tallying votes and provides a centralized database for keeping information and monitoring it.

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to develop a program or system that will not only make voting easy and fast but will also lessen the possibility of invalid votes and redundancy of votes coming from the same person. This study is guided by the following general and specific objectives.

General Objective. Develop a program that will enable students to vote for their
desired/selected candidates white teaching them to be responsible voters.

Specific Objective. The study will endeavor to answer the following specific objectives:
1. To analyze how the existing system of voting operates; 2. To identify the problems encountered in the use of the existing system; 3. To design a voting system;

Hypothesis of the Study

Based on the objectives, the researchers came up with the following hypothesis: 1. The existing system operates by manually writing the names of the candidates in a ballot. 2. The following problems encountered in the existing system are: a. Voters have to wait for a long time before they can make their votes. b. Voters cant find their names on their distinctive precinct. c. Few students will have confusions about the voting process because of the lack of information and experience. 3. The proposed system would: a. Provide an easy to understand voting system for the user. b. Provide speed counting of votes. c. Nature of the elections as part of democracy.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will have the following scope and delimitation:

Scope. The voting system will be used in school election. It will feature the list of candidates for
the Student Council Election. The voting system will have the names of each candidate for each position. The users can choose their own candidates. The voting system can be easily accessed with use of the keyboard and mouse, the keyboard for login or inputting voters name and the mouse for selecting their desired candidates. The system will also make use of JPG or PNG photos from candidate to help the voters to know who they are voting.

Delimitation. The system is to be developed and for establish the democracy of the students by
the use of technology, it is to be created with all the resources that the researchers currently have which includes the limited knowledge in Database Management by using SQL server and C# Programming by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

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