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National Diploma in Sales Management Specimen Question Paper 2011 October Intake - Stage II Final Examination

Date: ** ** **** Time: 1400 Hrs 1700 Hrs Duration: Three (03) Hrs

Total marks for the paper is 100. There are two (2) parts in this question paper. Part One and Part Two includes Eight (08) Questions. Select Two (2) questions at least from each section and answer Five (5) questions in total. Instructions to candidates 1. State your Registration Number on the front cover of the answer book and on each and every additional paper attached to it. Your name must not appear anywhere in the answer book or answer scripts. 2. Always start answering a question on a new page. 3. You are reminded that answers should not be written in pencil or red pen except in drawing diagrams. 4. Answer the questions using: Effective arrangement and presentation 5. Clarity of expression Logical and precise arguments Clear diagrams and examples where appropriate

Illegible handwriting and language errors will be penalised.

PART ONE Answer a total of Five (5) questions with at least TWO (2) from Part One and TWO (2) from Part Two Question (01) and (02) are based on the case study provided below:

Motivation is the key.

Ran Rasa PLC is a 100% Sri Lankan confectionary manufacturing and Distribution Company. Nimal is the National Sales Manager of Ran Rasa Plc which has over 50 varieties of confectionaries. Ran Rasa is the market leader in over 35 varieties. However, due to many macro and micro reasons they have lost the market leadership in all these 35 categories. The Director Marketing, Percy was a worried man on realising this and embarked on fact finding research and the conclusion was the lack of motivation among the sales and marketing team as the main cause for this. After an intense head hunting exercise, Percy was able to recruit Nimal as the National Sales Manager for Ran Rasa. Nimals passionate experience in the industry and his reputation for the excellent interpersonal relationship was the edge he had over others for his selection for the job. Assume that you are Nimal you are requested by Precy to provide a sales team motivational plan.

Question 01 a) Prepare a sales management document explaining Percy what you mean by motivation of the sales staff and why it is important for the company to implement such a programme? (10 Marks) b) Briefly discuss what the de-motivational elements. Explain how you propose to overcome these elements. (10 marks) (Total 20 Marks) Question 02 Explain what the characteristics of good salesman are and briefly explain each characteristic giving some examples. (You are requested to identify at least 4 characteristics) (20 Marks)

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Question 03 Good salesman is a person who could sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo. Do you agree with this statement or not. Justify your answer. (20 Marks) Questions 04 What are the personal characteristics necessary for an effective leader? Explain at least five of these with examples. (20 Marks)

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Question 01 Assume that your salespersons are underpaid. You requested a large increase in the sales budget but it was denied by the director finance. You feel that your people deserve the increase you proposed. What would you do in this situation? (20 Marks) Question 02 Your director demands that you sign off on an operational plan and budget that you feel is totally unrealistic. What would you do? (20 Marks) Questions 03 Under what conditions is a firm most likely to establish route plans for its sales force? (20 Marks) Question 04 Explain the following terms: a) Internal Data Base. b) Control Unit. c) Call Plan. d) Situational Leadership. (5 X 4 =20)(Total 20Marks)


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