Geo Technical Investigation Volume 1

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The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department 605 Rossland Road East, Level 5 PO Box 623 Whitby, ON L1N 6A3
GEOTMARK00171AA June, 2012

Distribution: 4 copies CH2M HILL, Daniel Olsen, P.Eng. 1 copy Coffey Geotechnics

Coffey Geotechnics Inc. 351 Steelcase Road West, Unit 10, Markham, ON L3R 4H9 Canada



1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3

1 1 2 2 3
3 5 5

INTRODUCTION Project Background, Overview Description of Site and Regional Geology Scope and Method of Investigation
Exploratory Drilling Laboratory Testing Geophysical Survey

1.4 1.5

Summarized Stratigraphy Detailed Description of the Deposits


5 6
6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 11 Sandy Silt Organic Silt Silt Clayey Silt Silty Clay Sand Sand and Silt Till Sand and Gravel 1.5.2 Bedrock (General) Whitby Formation Lindsay Formation

1.6.1 1.6.2

Environmental and Chemical Soil and Bedrock Quality Testing

Environmental Testing Chemical Testing

15 19


Statement of Limitations


List of References

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Appendices Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Appendix F: Appendix G: Drawings (1-12) Borehole Logs Laboratory Test Results (Soils) Tables Photographs of Rock Cores Environmental Test Results Geophysical Report

Coffey Geotechnics GEOTMARK00171AA June, 2012


Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1



Coffey Geotechnics Inc. (Coffey) was retained by the Regional Municipalities of Durham and York (the Regions) to carry out a geotechnical investigation and to prepare a geotechnical report for a new potential Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) Outfall. The work was carried out in general agreement with the Terms of Reference dated February 22, 2010, prepared by the Regions and Coffeys Proposal P-10.030 dated March 11, 2010. Authorization for the investigation was contained in the Agreement for Professional Consulting Services dated July 9, 2010 (Agreement Number CA-2010-10). The purpose of the geotechnical investigation is to characterize the lake bottom soil and bedrock conditions at eleven (11) off-shore borehole locations, and to provide geotechnical input for the environmental assessment (EA) of the potential outfall. Investigation of the land portion of the project (e.g. a potential shaft) is not included in this report. During the detail design stage it is proposed that a borehole or boreholes be drilled on land and at the shaft location. The results of the off-shore investigation are presented in a report consisting of two volumes. In this volume, Volume 1, the factual information generated by the investigation is presented. In particular, Volume 1 briefly describes the nature of the project, the site and the geology, the scope and method of the investigation. It then describes the lake bottom conditions and the bedrock formations encountered in the boreholes. Appended to Volume 1 are the borehole log sheets, and the results of the field and laboratory tests. In Volume 2, the factual data is interpreted as relevant to the geotechnical design and construction of the project. It is noted that the reported soil and rock conditions are known only at the relatively widely spaced (250 m to 500 m) borehole locations and that variations in the properties of the deposits can be expected between the boreholes.

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Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1



Project Background, Overview

The Duffin Creek WPCP is located at 901 McKay Road in the City of Pickering. The WPCP is jointly owned by the Regions of Durham and York and is operated by Durham. To meet the growing demand, the Regions plan to increase the present 420 MLD process capacity of the plant to 630 MLD. Since this expansion of the process capacity exceeds the 560 MLD hydraulic capacity of the existing outfall, the construction of a new outfall pipe may become necessary. The Schedule C Class Environmental Assessment (EA), currently being undertaken by CH2M Hill Canada Limited (CH2M), tentatively concluded that the new outfall should be a 3600 mm I.D. pipe reaching into the lake a maximum distance of 3000 m. The investigation described in this report is in support of the Class EA. The potential Duffin Creek WPCP Outfall would be located on the shoreline of Lake Ontario from where the outfall pipe would extend perpendicularly for a maximum distance of approximately 3000 m into Lake Ontario. The new outfall alignment would be roughly parallel to the existing outfall and would be about 200 m to 300 m to the east of it. The purpose of the present investigation is to characterize the geotechnical conditions for the offshore portion of the outfall between the shoreline and the diffuser to be located a maximum of 3000 m offshore, where the water depth exceeds 20 m. Presently, two options for construction are being considered: a deep concrete lined rock tunnel or a concrete pipe placed in a dredged trench at lake bottom.


Description of Site and Regional Geology

The project site is located in Lake Ontario on the shore of which the Duffin Creek WPCP is located. Immediately to the west is the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, while to the east is the estuary of the Duffin Creek. Further along the shoreline, both to the west and to the east are park lands beyond which are residential subdivisions. The City of Pickering is located in the physiographical region of the Iroquois Plain along the north shore of Lake Ontario and is bordered in the north by the south slope of the Oak Ridges Moraine. The abandoned old shoreline of post-glacial Lake Iroquois, formed as the last glaciers withdrew from the region about 10,000 years ago, lies about 10 km inland from the present Lake Ontario shoreline. The wave-washed Iroquois Plain is characterized by gently rolling, bevelled till plains with flat sand and clay plain areas that formed as lake bed deposits in Lake Iroquois. Deeply eroded stream valleys of the Rouge River and Duffin Creek provide the largest relief in the region. Upper Ordovician sedimentary rocks of the Whitby and Lindsay Formations underlie the region. The Whitby formation is grey and black shale and the older Lindsay Formation is a grey limestone with thin shale interbeds.

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Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

Shales of the Whitby Formation are generally medium strong, moderately fissile, and are of medium [9] durability. They are thinly bedded with two sets of nearly vertical joints . The rock comprises three members of which the lowest (oldest) often contains organic gases. The limestone of the Lindsay Formation is fine grained, fossiliferous, and massively bedded with thin shaley interbeds throughout. It too contains pockets of gas.


Scope and Method of Investigation

Exploratory Drilling

The field work was undertaken between July 7 and August 25, 2010, and between July 27 and August 23, 2011 and consisted of extending eleven (11) boreholes to depths ranging between 49 m and 29 m below lakebed. The drilling was carried out from a drilling platform consisting of a 25 m x 12 m jack-up barge with hydraulically operated spuds that made it possible to work in waters up to 22 m deep while elevating the platform out of the water to provide the required static conditions for rock coring. The barge was owned and operated by McKeil Marine Limited, working under contract to Canadian Soil Drilling Inc. The drilling work was subcontracted to Canadian Soil Drilling Inc. (CSD). CSD provided a truck mounted, hydraulically operated drill rig (CME 75) equipped for soil sampling and rock coring. The positioning of the barge and drill rig over the pre-determined borehole locations was done using a Global Positioning System (GPS) with an accuracy of 5 m. The approximate borehole locations with their UTM (NAD 83) coordinates are shown on Drawing 1 in Appendix A, and on the individual borehole logs in Appendix B. Sampling of the unconsolidated lakebed deposits overlying the bedrock was effected by the standard penetration test method (ASTM D1586-84) at 0.75 m intervals to 6 m below lake bottom and then at 1.5 m intervals at greater depths. Through the overburden, the boreholes were advanced by rotary mud drilling using tri-cone roller drilling bits with tungsten carbide inserts. PWT (127 mm I.D) casing was used to stabilize the borehole walls within the overburden. Sampling of the bedrock was by diamond core drilling, using a 1.5 m long HQ3 triple tube wireline core barrel providing 61 mm diameter rock core samples. HWT (102 mm I.D.) casing was lowered inside the larger PWT casing and sealed into the bedrock prior to rock coring. The recovered rock cores were visually examined and described in the field. In addition, the following index properties were noted and recorded: Total Core Recovery (TCR); Solid Core Recovery (SCR); Rock Quality Designation (RQD); Fractured Index (FI); Percent of Hard Layers (HL); The locations and thicknesses of the hard layers were also recorded. The meaning of these terms is given in the Explanation of Terms Used in the Bedrock Core Log Sheets, which is enclosed in Appendix B.

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Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

The freshly recovered rock cores were logged, photographed and subjected to Point Load Index Strength testing. Rock core photographs are presented in Appendix E. On every 1.5 m length of core, a number of point load index tests were performed to provide an indirect approximation of the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock material. Within a 9 m thick zone of the rock, within which the tunnel would most likely be located, packer tests were carried out to estimate the bulk or secondary hydraulic conductivity (permeability) of the rock mass surrounding the borehole. The tests were performed at 3 m intervals by the packer test method, using double pneumatic seals. A double straddle pneumatic packer arrangement was used at the completion of the coring of the individual boreholes. The tests were performed at three pressure increments which were in excess of the external water pressure. In the test, the amount of water injected is measured with a flow meter during regular time intervals. From these, the hydraulic conductivity (i.e. secondary permeability) of the rock mass surrounding the test zone was calculated, using the following relationship: k=[Q/2HL] [ln(L/r)] where k - is permeability; Q - is the rate of water injection; H - is the pressure head of water in the test section; L - is the length of the test section; r - is the radius of the test section. Details and results of the tests are given in Table D5, Appendix D, which shows the depths below lake bottom where the packers were set (i.e. test zone), the gauge pressures, and the calculated hydraulic conductivity values. Hydraulic conductivity values are also shown on the borehole logs and are presented graphically on the Profile Drawings Nos 6, 9 and 12. Due to high gas pressures in the rock, packer tests were not performed in Borehole 207, and were completed only partially in Borehole 301 before abandoning and grouting these boreholes. After completing the coring and the in-situ tests, each borehole was fully grouted, under the supervision of an MNR certified Examiner, to the surface of the bedrock using a cement grout. The quantity of the grout premixed was about 15% more than the theoretical volume of the borehole. The depth to the top of the grout from the level of the drilling platform was measured to confirm that it is approximately at rock surface.

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Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

The reference datum for establishing water depths and sampling elevations was Lake Ontario Level. Lake Ontario level was, during the duration of the investigation program, at Elevations 75.0+m, as determined by the hourly records provided by Canadian Hydrographic Service, who monitor the lake level relative to the International Great Lakes Datum (IGLD). 1.3.2 Laboratory Testing

The soil and bedrock samples were forwarded to Coffeys Markham laboratory, where samples of the overburden soils and bedrock were selected for testing. The laboratory testing of the soil samples consisted of measurement of natural water contents, grain size analyses (sieve and hydrometer analyses) and Atterberg consistency limit tests. Test results are plotted on the borehole log sheets in Appendix B. The grain size distribution curves and plasticity charts are presented on Figures C1 to C7 in Appendix C. Testing of the rock cores, in addition to the point load index tests, consisted of hardness tests, uniaxial compression (UCS) tests and the determination of Youngs elastic modulus and Poissons ratio. These tests were performed by the Department of Mining Engineering of Queens University. The laboratory test data on the rock cores is provided in Appendix C. 1.3.3 Geophysical Survey

Prior to Coffeys engagement on the project, CH2M commissioned ASI Group Limited of St. Catharines, Ontario, to carry out a marine geophysical survey consisting of bathymetric, side scan sonar and sub-bottom profiling survey. The results of these surveys were reported to CH2M in November 2009. Because of the known presence of buried valleys in the bedrock, Coffey retained the ASI Group to perform seismic profiling of the lake bottom in order to locate the extent and depths of any of these buried rock valleys. The field work for this seismic survey was undertaken between June 4 and 10, 2010 covering two proposed outfall alignments, each approximately 3 km in length. The results of this survey were reported to Coffey on July 14, 2010 and were used, in consultation with the members of the team (Durham and York Regions, CH2M), to modify the original drilling program. A copy of the Geophysical Survey is attached as Appendix G.


Summarized Stratigraphy

Both, the geotechnical and the geophysical survey established that throughout almost the entire length of the proposed outfall alignment the surface of the bedrock is overlain by overburden soil deposits. The thickness of these, at the borehole locations, range between 0 (BH301 and BH402) and 8.4 m, except at the locations of the buried rock valleys, where overburden thicknesses of 14 m to 16 m were recorded. The composition of the overburden soils is highly variable and ranges from very loose or soft organic silts or clays to very dense glacial tills. The surface of the bedrock was encountered between Elevations 58.6 m and 40.1 m and its quality was explored by core drilling to between Elevations 21 m and 16 m, i.e. to a depth of 21 m to 39 m below rock surface. To this depth, two rock formations were identified: The upper Whitby Shale and the lower and older Lindsay Limestone Formation. The Upper Ordovician Whitby Formation has been subdivided into Upper, Middle and Lower (Collingwood) members. The upper and middle members are greenish to brownish grey fissile shale, while the lower Collingwood member is a dark brownish grey; often highly
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Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

fossiliferous marl with black shale interbeds and is the most organic rich of the three members. While pockets of gas can be found in all three members, they are more common in the Collingwood member. The Lindsay Formation consists of grey; fine grained, fossiliferous limestone with thin shale interbeds It too contains pockets of gas. For details of the sub-lake bottom conditions encountered at the borehole locations, reference should be made to the individual borehole log sheets and bedrock core log sheets presented in Appendix B.


Detailed Description of the Deposits


The thickness of the soils (lake bottom sediments) that overlie the bedrock at the borehole locations ranged from 0 to as much as 16.4 m. The thickest deposits (14.3 m to 16.4 m) were encountered in the areas of the two buried valleys outside of which overburden thicknesses were typically varying from 4 m to 8 m. The composition of these varied widely from fine grained clayey and organic soils to coarse grained sands and gravels and glacial tills. Similar wide variations were found in the consistency and compactness conditions of the various deposits. Consistencies of very soft to hard and compactness conditions of very loose to very dense were recorded. Not unexpectedly, the weakest and/or organic soils are found in the buried rock valleys, where they extend to considerable depths below the lake bottom. Details of the sub-lake bottom profiles are given on the borehole logs in Appendix B and the laboratory data on these are presented in Appendix C on Figures C1 to C7. In the following paragraphs, the main characteristics of the various soil types encountered in the boreholes will be briefly summarized. Sandy Silt Sandy silt, in very loose (N=0) condition was encountered in Boreholes 202 and 206. Grain size distribution curves are given on Figure C1 in Appendix C showing 22-30% sand; 61-68% silt; and 8-15% clay size particles. Organic Silt A 3.8 m to 4.4 m thick organic silt deposit was found in Boreholes 202 and 206. They are either very soft or very loose as indicated by SPT N values of 0. A sample tested for particle sizes gave 14% sand; 72% silt and 14% clay (see Figure C2). Atterberg consistency limit tests performed on the soil fines gave Liquid Limit of 58% to 67%; Plastic Limit of 57% to 66% and Plasticity Indices of 1%. Silt Silt of low plasticity in very loose to dense condition was found in Boreholes 202 and 204 respectively. The following consistency limits were obtained from two Atterberg tests: LL=14-21%; PL=11-18% and PI=3.

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Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1 Clayey Silt The predominant soil type in Boreholes 203, 204 and 403 is a very stiff to hard clayey silt (CL-ML) deposit. SPT N values ranged from 17 to greater than 50 blows for 76 mm penetration. Its consistency limits were measured to be LL=16-20%; PL=11-13% and PI=5-7%. Silty Clay A low plasticity (CL) silty clay deposit was found in Boreholes 202 and 206 in very soft (N=0) or very stiff (N=29) consistency respectively. Its consistency limit properties were measured to be LL=29%; PL=19% and PI=10%. Sand Relatively thin (0.8 to 2.4 m) sand layers were found in Boreholes 202, 203 and 206. The sand was in compact (N=19) to very dense (N= 51) condition in Boreholes 202 and 203, but very loose (N=3-4) in Boreholes 206. Grain size analyses indicate 1-31% gravel; 49-83% sand; 10-16% silt; and 0-4% clay size particles in the deposit (Figure C3). Sand and Silt Till Compact to very dense (N=17-94) glacial till was encountered in Boreholes 203, 204 and 205. The texture of the till is sandy and silty as confirmed by grain size analyses, which gave 11-15% gravel, 38-52% sand; 26-34% silt and 7-14% clay. Where the percentage of clay is higher, the till has occasionally clayey silt texture. Grading curves are shown on Figure C4. Sand and Gravel Present as a 1.0 m to 1.5 m thick layer, sand and gravel was found in Boreholes 205 and 206. Analysis of a sample showed 34% gravel; 36% sand; 20% silt and 10% clay. Based on the in-situ penetration tests which gave SPT N values of 10 blows/0.3 m to 79 blows/0.3 m, the deposit is in a compact to very dense state of compaction. 1.5.2 Bedrock (General)

Bedrock formations of Upper and Middle Ordovician age underlie the Site, and are referred to as the Whitby and Lindsay Formations. Bedrock surface elevations at the borehole locations range between 58.6 m and 40.1 m. These represent the surface of the Whitby Shale Formation which, at the borehole locations, is about 7 to greater than 34 m thick. The surface of the underlying Lindsay Limestone Formation was contacted between Elevations 43.9 m and 25.3 m, with the exception of Boreholes 402 and 403 which were terminated in the Whitby formation, at Elevations 19.5 m and 19.3 m, respectively. It should be noted that available geological maps indicate the presence of buried valleys in the bedrock marking probably the locations of ancient glacial river channels. Two of these were detected and confirmed on the proposed alignments by the geophysical seismic survey and are shown on Figures 6 and 7 of the Geophysical Report in Appendix G. The locations of these valleys on land are shown on Drawing 2 in Appendix A.

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Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

Rocks belonging to the Whitby Formation are typically weak to medium strong, brownish grey to black, fine to very fine grained, brittle and moderately fissile and are thinly bedded. They consist of approximately [7] 70% to 90% shale interbedded with limestone and are frequently bituminous and contain organic gases. The grey limestone of the Lindsay Formation is typically fine grained, fossiliferous and massively bedded with thin shale interbeds. Two major joint sets located perpendicularly to each other are known to exist in [9] this formation. Joint spacing in one of them is close, less than 1 m and is wider, 1 m to 5 m, in the other . The Lindsey Formation also contains pockets of gas. The descriptive terms used on the record of rock cores and throughout the report are explained on the Explanation of Terms Used in the Bedrock Core Log sheet in Appendix B preceding the log sheets. In general, the conventions of the International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM) are adopted herein. The measured index properties of the two formations are summarized in the sections that follow. Whitby Formation Total Core Recovery (TCR) The total core recovery indicates the total length of rock core recovered expressed as a percentage of the actual length of the core run (usually 1.5 m). The total core recovery was generally good, with values ranging from 44% to 100%. In the individual boreholes the average TCR values ranged from 93% to 100%. Solid Core Recovery (SCR) Solid core recovery is the total length of solid, full diameter, rock core that was recovered and expressed as a percentage of the length of the core run. Solid core recovery ranged from 0% to 100%, with average values between 21% and 94%. The low values were recorded near the rock surface due to some weathering in the surface zone, but almost throughout the full depth of the Formation in Borehole 302. Rock Quality Designation (RQD) The RQD value is obtained by measuring the total length of recovered rock core pieces which are longer than 100 mm and expressing the sum total as a percentage of the length of the run. On the basis of the recorded RQD values, which range between 0% and 100%, the rock quality is estimated to be very poor to excellent. Average values of 8% to 78% recorded in the individual boreholes indicate a rock of very poor to good quality. Again the lowest values were recorded in Borehole 302. Graphical presentations of the RQD values are given in Appendix A on Drawings 4, 7 and 10. The RQD values are a general indicator of the rock mass quality, however, in horizontally laminated, fissile sedimentary rock formations (such as the Whitby), the reader is cautioned that RQD values are likely conservatively low since the development of this index was primarily for igneous and metamorphic rocks. RQD has strong directional bias. In our experience, the RQD index tends to underestimate the rock quality in shale formations.

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Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

A relationship between rock quality and RQD indices was suggested by Deere (1969) and is given below: RQD (%) 0 - 25 25 - 50 50 -75 75 - 90 90 -100 Fracture Index (FI) Frequency of fractures, or fracture index, is a measure of the frequency of fracturing and bedding plane separations. It is expressed as the number of fractures per 0.3 m length of rock core run. Breaks which were obviously induced by the drilling are excluded. A continuous vertical fracture, regardless of its length, is counted as one fracture. The recorded values ranged between 0 and over 25. Average values within the boreholes ranged from 1.5 to 5.6 and was 16.3 in Borehole 302. Planes of weaknesses along which the cores tended to break were planes of bedding, the contact surfaces between shale and hard layers. Occurrence of sub-vertical fractures was irregular and typically within hard layers. Their surface is usually planar, rough and dipping at an angle close to 90 to the axis of the core. Hard Layers When recovering the core samples, the thickness of the interbedded hard limestone layers were measured and their aggregate expressed as a percentage of the length of the core run. Hard layers are defined herein as distinct stronger rock layers or lenses which have unconfined compressive strengths which exceed that of the bulk of the rock mass. This, however, is a subjective index based on visual examination and relatively crude index strength tests. The measured thicknesses of individual hard layers ranged from less than 25 mm to approximately 125 mm. Percentage of hard layers ranged from 0% to 100%, averaging at 0% to 21%. The observed percentage values are shown on the individual borehole log sheets in Appendix B. Weathering In general, weathering of the Whitby Formation was estimated as slight to fresh, but generally fresh with occasional weathering on discontinuity surfaces. A few layers of moderately weathered rock core were recovered near the rock surface; thicknesses and occurrence of these zones were limited. Point Load Index Strength Indirect approximations of the compressive strength of the Whitby Formation were obtained by performing point load tests on selected core samples. Tests were performed both in axial and diametric directions and included tests on the weaker shale and the stronger calcareous siltstone and limestone layers. It was observed that testing of shale samples in diametric direction typically resulted in irregular breaks along sub horizontal planes due to the fissile nature of shale as would be expected. For more representative UCS values, reference should be made to the laboratory uniaxial compressive tests, Table D4, Appendix D.
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Designation of Rock Quality Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent

Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

Inferred unconfined compressive strength values were calculated as UCS=Is50 x 24 where Is50 represents Point Load Index. Point load index strength tests performed on the weaker shale layers in the axial direction gave inferred unconfined compressive strength values between 5 MPa and 88 MPa, with an average at around 28 MPa. In the diametric direction, the inferred UCS values ranged between 1 MPa and 50 MPa, and an average value of 13 MPa was obtained for the shale samples. Testing of the stronger limestone and calcareous siltstone layers produced higher UCS values. Inferred UCS values in axial direction ranged from 70 MPa to 126 MPa, with average at around 106 MPa. Inferred UCS values in the diametric direction ranged between 38 MPa and 94 MPa, averaging at around 63 MPa. Test results are presented in the individual borehole log sheets and on Table 2, Appendix C. Uniaxial Compressive Strength Test results of the unconfined compressive strength of rock cores measured in the laboratory of Queens University on thirteen (13) samples are presented in Table D4, Appendix D, and are also shown on the rock core log sheets in Appendix B. UCS test results of the thirteen (13) samples ranged from 7.4 MPa to 56.0 MPa with average at 28.3 MPa. Based on these results, the shale is classified as a weak to strong, but generally medium strong rock according to ISRM convention. Density The density of intact rock was measured on thirteen (13) samples and ranged from 2,490 kg/m to 3 3 2,710 kg/m with an average value of 2,600 kg/m . (See Table D4, Appendix D) Youngs Modulus (E) The elastic or Youngs Modulus of the intact rock material was measured when performing the uniaxial compression tests. Measured modulus values ranged between 0.6 GPa and 12.5 GPa, with an average value of 5.4 GPa. Test results are presented in Table D4, Appendix D. Poissons Ratio () The ratio of lateral to longitudinal strain in the elastic range of the intact rock was determined during the uniaxial compression tests. Poissons ratio values ranged from 0.12 to 0.35, as shown in Table D4, Appendix D. Hardness The hardness of the rock was determined using the Mohs Hardness Test method. Samples of both the shale and hard limestone layers were tested by the Department of Mining and Geology, Queens University, to obtain relative hardness parameters based on the Mohs Hardness Scale which is as follows: Diamond Corundum Topaz Quartz Apatite Fluorite
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10 9 8 7 5 4

Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

Calcite Gypsum Talc

3 2 1

The scale is not of equal value as the difference in hardness between 9 and 10 is much greater than between 1 and 2. According to the test results, hardness ranged from 1.5 to 5. Test results are presented in Table D4, Appendix D. Hydraulic Conductivity Packer pressure tests, to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the rock mass, were performed in the Whitby Formation in Boreholes 205, 206, 206A, 302, 402 and 403. Tests in the Whitby Formation could not be performed in Boreholes 207 and 301 due to the presence of gas under high pressure and duration. Test results, given on the individual borehole logs, are summarized in Table D5 in Appendix D and are also presented graphically on Drawings 6, 9 and 12 in Appendix A. The highest hydraulic conductivity value inferred from the tests was 4 x 10 cm/s recorded about 3 m -4 -6 above the tunnelling zone in Borehole 206. Elsewhere, measured values ranged from 10 cm/s to 10 -6 cm/s or were less than 10 cm/s as indicated by no water takes during the pressure packer tests. In-situ Stresses In-situ stress measurements were not performed as part of this investigation. In-situ stress measurements, however, were made in the Whitby Formation in connection with the design and construction of the [9] Darlington Power Generating Station located about 22 km to the east . The values there obtained are believed to be applicable to this site as well. These measurements gave major principal stress values of 9 MPa to 11 MPa and minor principal stress values of 4 MPa to 6 MPa. Gas The Whitby Formation is known to contain pockets of combustible gas.
[7] -3

During the present investigation the presence of gas was observed on a number of occasions. The locations where gas was observed, along with the associated gas monitor readings, are given in Table D7 in Appendix D. Lindsay Formation Total Core Recovery (TCR) The total core recovery indicates the total length of rock core recovered expressed as a percentage of the actual length of the core run (usually 1.5 m). The total core recovery in the Lindsay Formation was generally excellent, with values ranging from 94% to 100%. In the individual boreholes, the average values were 99% to 100%.

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Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

Solid Core Recovery (SCR) Solid core recovery is the total length of solid, full diameter rock core that was recovered and expressed as a percentage of the length of the core run. Solid core recovery ranged from 88% to 100%, with average values between 96% and 100%. Exception to this was only Borehole 302, where lower values of 27% to 83% and average 64% were recorded. Rock Quality Designation (RQD) The RQD value is obtained by measuring the total length of recovered rock core pieces which are longer than 100 mm and expressing the sum total as a percentage of the length of the run. On the basis of the recorded RQD values, which range between 58% and 100%, the rock quality is estimated to be fair to excellent. Average values of 84% to 100% recorded in the individual boreholes indicate a rock of good to excellent quality. Lower (7% to 47%) values were recorded in Borehole 302, where an average RQD value of 25% indicate very poor to poor quality rock. RQD values are given on the individual borehole logs and also graphically on the Profile Drawings Nos 4, 7 and 10 in Appendix A. A relationship between rock quality and RQD indices was suggested by Deere (1969) and is given below: RQD (%) 0 25 25 50 50 -75 75 90 90 -100 Fracture Index (FI) Frequency of fractures, or fracture index, is a measure of the frequency of fracturing and bedding plane separations. It is expressed as the number of fractures per 0.3 m length of rock core run. Breaks which were obviously induced by the drilling are excluded. A continuous vertical fracture, regardless of its length, is counted as one fracture. The recorded FI values ranged between 0 and 6 and average values within the boreholes were generally <1. In Borehole 302, the FI was between 2 and 25 with an average of 9. Hard Layers The Lindsay formation consists predominantly of hard limestone with interbedded thin shale layers. The percentage of limestone in the individual core runs ranged between 51% and 100% and averaged between 85% and 100%. Weathering In general, weathering of the Lindsay Formation was estimated as slight to fresh, but the rock was generally fresh with occasional weathering on discontinuity surfaces. A few layers of moderately weathered rock core were recovered near the surface of the formation (e.g. BH 202), thicknesses and occurrence of these zones, however, were limited. Designation of Rock Quality Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent

Coffey Geotechnics GEOTMARK00171AA June, 2012


Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

Point Load Index Strength Indirect approximations of the compressive strength of the Lindsay Formation were obtained by performing point load tests on selected core samples. Tests were performed both in axial and diametric directions on the limestone layers. Inferred unconfined compressive strength values were calculated as UCS=Is50 x 24 where Is50 represents Point Load Index. Inferred unconfined compressive strength values range between 8 MPa and 255 MPa, with an overall average value of 131 MPa. In contrast with the Whitby shale Formation there was noticeably less difference between the tests results performed in the axial or diametral direction. Average inferred UCS values measured in the axial direction ranged from 64 MPa to 116 MPa and between 54 MPa and 86 MPa when the test was performed in the diametral direction. Based on these average values the rock is classified as being strong to very strong, but generally strong. Test results are presented on the individual borehole log sheets and in Table D3, Appendix D. For more representative UCS values, reference should be made to results of the uniaxial laboratory tests which can be found in Table D4, Appendix D. Uniaxial Compressive Strength Test results of the unconfined compressive strength of rock cores measured in the laboratory of Queens University on twenty one (21) samples are presented in Table D4, Appendix D and are also shown on the rock core log sheets in Appendix B. UCS values of the core samples ranged from 24.4 MPa to 70.3 MPa with average at 47.4 MPa. Based on these results the rock formation is classified as a weak to strong, but generally a medium strong rock according to ISRM convention. Density The density of intact rock, measured on twenty one (21) samples, ranged from 2,640 kg/m to 2,690 kg/m 3 with average value of 2,670 kg/m . Youngs Modulus (E) The elastic or Youngs Modulus of the intact rock material was measured when performing the uniaxial compression tests. Measured modulus values ranged between 6.0 GPa and 19.4 GPa, with an average value of 13.6 GPa. Test results are presented in Table D4, Appendix D. Poissons Ratio () The ratio of lateral to longitudinal strain in the elastic range of the intact rock was determined by the uniaxial compression tests. The Poissons ratio values ranged from 0.10 to 0.31 as shown in Table D4, Appendix D.
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Coffey Geotechnics GEOTMARK00171AA June, 2012


Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

Hardness The hardness of the rock was determined using the MOHs Hardness Test procedure. Samples of both the shale and hard limestone layers were tested by the Department of Mining and Geology, Queens University, to obtain relative hardness parameters based on the MOHs Hardness Scale which is as follows: Diamond Corundum Topaz Quartz Apatite Fluorite Calcite Gypsum Talc 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 1

The scale is not of equal value as the difference in hardness between 9 and 10 is much greater than between 1 and 2. According to the test results, hardness ranged from 2.5 to 5 with an average value of 4.0. Test results are presented in Table D4, Appendix D. Hydraulic Conductivity Since the anticipated zone of tunneling is in the Lindsay Formation hydraulic conductivity tests were performed in every borehole where this formation was encountered, except in Borehole 207 where down hole gas pressure prevented testing. Test results, given on the individual borehole logs, are summarized in Table D5 in Appendix D and are also presented in Drawing 6 in Appendix A. The highest hydraulic conductivity value, inferred from the test results, was 3x10 cm/s at the boundary of -6 the two rock formations. Elsewhere, the values were typically 10 cm/s or less as indicated by no water takes during the pressure packer tests. In-situ Stresses In-situ stress measurements were not performed as part of this investigation. In-situ stress measurements however were made in the Lindsay Formation in connection with the design and construction of the [9] Darlington Power Generating Station (PGS) located only about 22 km to the east . The values obtained at the PGS site are believed to be applicable to this site as well. At the Darlington Station, the measured major principal stress values ranged from 10 MPa to 14 MPa and minor principal stress values were o [9] between 6 MPa to 9 MPa. The orientation of the major principal stress is N70 E.

Coffey Geotechnics GEOTMARK00171AA June, 2012


Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

Time-Dependent Deformation Characteristics (TDD) The Lindsay Formation, similarly to the other Paleozoic sedimentary rock formations found in Southern Ontario, is known to exhibit long term, time dependent deformation characteristics (TDD) also referred to as rock swelling or rock squeezing. An approximate indication of the swelling potential of the rock can be obtained in the laboratory from free swell tests. Tests performed on the Lindsay Formation in connection with the Darlington PGS indicated a horizontal swelling potential, defined as the expansion strain per log [9] cycle of time, varying from negligible to 0.1% but typically 0.05%. This range was believed to be due to natural variations in the rock formation. The low values were associated with core samples consisting predominantly of limestone with no shale, while the higher values were obtained on samples containing larger amounts of shale interbeds. Field measurements of the horizontal rock convergence during construction confirmed a maximum value of 0.037% of tunnel diameter per log cycle of time. Gas The Lindsay Formation is known to contain occasional pockets of combustible gas. During the investigation, small pockets of gas were recorded in Boreholes 202, 204, 205, 206A, 207, 301 and 302. On these occasions the gas dissipated within 20 minutes to 60 minutes except in Boreholes 206A, 207 and 301, where larger gas pockets were recorded and where the gas was burned for about seven (7) hours or dissipated overnight. In Boreholes 207 and 301 gas was not recorded during drilling, but was encountered during the in-situ hydraulic conductivity (packer) testing. In both cases, the presence of the gas prevented successful completion of the packer tests. The locations where gas was observed, along with the associated gas monitor readings, are given in Table D7 in Appendix D.


Environmental and Chemical Soil and Bedrock Quality Testing

Environmental Testing

Eleven (11) soil samples, including six (6) samples representative of native soil and five (5) rock samples were selected from the boreholes for environmental testing to assess on-site management and off-site disposal options for the excavated soil and rock. The samples were selected for representative coverage of the site and layers to be excavated. Hydrocarbon odour in Borehole 203 at the depth between 32.1 m and 33.6 m (shale - Whitby formation) and Borehole 205 at the depth between 24.5 m and 26.4 m (shale Whitby formation), and occasional partially decayed wood fragments (tree branches) encountered in Borehole 202 at the depth below 14 m and Borehole 206 at the depth between 22.5 m and 36 m were observed during the samples collection. The samples were analyzed by AGAT Laboratories in Mississauga, Ontario, which is a certified laboratory according to the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc., (CALA). The laboratory indicated to Coffey that they followed MOE QA/QC procedures. The soil and rock samples were analyzed for general chemistry and inorganic parameters including pH, heavy metals, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), and electrical conductivity (EC) as set out in the Ministry of Environment (MOE) document Soil, Ground Water and Sediment Standards for Use Under Part XV.1 of the Environmental Protection Act (O. Reg. 153/04 as amended), dated April 15, 2011, (known as MOE Standards), and leachate analyses using the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) required by O.Reg. 347 (amended to O. Reg. 558/00, Leachate
Coffey Geotechnics GEOTMARK00171AA June, 2012


Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

Quality Criteria) for waste classification purposes. The laboratory results were compared with Table 2 Full Depth Generic Site Condition Standards in a Potable Ground Water Conditions, Residential / Parkland / Institutional (RPI) and Industrial / Commercial / Community (ICC) Property Use and Schedule 4 Leachate quality criteria listed in O.Reg. 347. Although chemical analysis under O.Reg. 153/04 (as amended) is only applicable to soil; it is assumed that the rock material may be considered as fill once weathered to soil consistency. As such, the purpose of the analysis of the rock samples was to assess its environmental quality as a soil that would eventually be produced from the weathering of the rock. The submitted rock samples were pulverized in the laboratory prior to analysis. Five (5) soil samples were also tested for their aggressiveness on concrete and five (5) rock samples were analysed for the aggressiveness of the rock on concrete. These samples were analyzed for sulphate (SO4). A summary of the samples tested and the types of tests performed are listed in Table 1.6.1. Table 1.6.1: Summary of Environmental and Chemical Tests
O. Reg. 153(511) Table 2 Metals and Inorganics O. Reg. 347(558) Metals and Inorganics

BH No.

Sample No.

Depth (m)

Soil/Rock Type


202 202 202 203 203 203 203 204 204 204

SS2,3 R16 R17 SS3 SS5 R19 R20 SS2 SS4 SS5

17.5-18.75 52.15 52.2 17.2-17.68 18.7-19.2 48.77 50.19 17.1-17.6 18.7219.13 19.4-19.89

Clayey silt Limestone/ siltstone Limestone/ siltstone Silty clay Gravelly sand Silty limestone to siltstone Silty limestone to siltstone Clayey silt Clayey silt Sandy silt

Coffey Geotechnics GEOTMARK00171AA June, 2012


Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

O. Reg. BH No. Sample No. Depth (m) Soil/Rock Type 153(511) Table 2 Metals and Inorganics

O. Reg. 347(558) Metals and Inorganics SO4

204 204 204 205 205 205 206 206

R13 R18 R20 SS2 SS5 R6 SS3 SS4

41.28 48.9 51.97 18.75-19.2 21.0321.49 31.7 24.5424.99 25.3-25.76

Silty limestone to siltstone Silty limestone to siltstone Silty limestone to siltstone Sandy clayey silt Silty sand Shale Silt Silt

The laboratory results which are presented in Appendix F showed that EC and concentration of free cyanide in the soil sample Borehole 202 SS2, 3 exceeded the new MOE Table 2 Standards for RPI property use. Concentration of free cyanide in this sample also exceeded the new MOE Table 2 Standards for ICC property use. This sample represents the soil material between 17.5-18.75 m depth in this borehole. Concentration of hot water extractable boron in the rock sample Borehole 205 R6 exceeded the new MOE Table 2 Standards for RPI and ICC property use. This sample represents the rock material at 31.7 m depth in this borehole. SAR and/or EC in the rock samples Boreholes 202 R17, 203 R19, 204 R13, 204 R20 and 205 R6 exceeded the new MOE Table 2 Standards for RPI property use. EC in the rock sample Borehole 203 R19 exceeded the new MOE Table 2 Standards for ICC property use as well. The laboratory results for the rock sample Borehole 204 R20 also showed that that the sample had a pH of 9.15. These samples represent the material between 31.7 m and 52.2 m depth. The rock sample Borehole 203 R19 represents the material at approximate depth of 48.77 m. The Leachate concentrations of the metals and inorganics in all samples analysed were below the Schedule 4 Leachate quality criteria listed in O.Reg. 347 (amended to O.Reg. 558/00). Therefore, the tested soils can be classified as non-hazardous soil waste for the purpose of off-site disposal at a receiver licensed to accept such waste.

Coffey Geotechnics GEOTMARK00171AA June, 2012


Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

Based on the analytical laboratory results, the soil samples taken from the location at Boreholes 203 and 205 at the depth between 17.1 m and 19.2m, and at the location of Borehole 206 at the depth between 24.54 m and 24.99 m met the new MOE Table 2 Standard criteria for RPI property use. Therefore, if soil from these areas and depths is to be excavated and disposed, this material is considered chemically suitable for re-use at redevelopment sites accepting fill that meets the new MOE Table 2 RPI Standards, provided that the soil is free of stains, odours, debris, cinders, mixed materials, etc. It should be noted that acceptance of this material will be at the discretion of the receiving site(s). The soil sample at the location of Borehole 202 at the depth between 17.5 and 18.75 exceeded the new MOE Table 2 ICC Standards. Therefore, the soil material from the location between Boreholes 202 and 203 at the depth between 17.5 m and 18.75 m is not considered chemically suitable for re-use at the redevelopment sites accepting fill that meets MOE Table 2 ICC Standards. If soil from this area is to be excavated and disposed, additional analyses will be required to determine the limits of the free cyanide-impacted soil. The extent and depth of the free cyanide-impacted soil were not determined in this investigation. This material will require off-site disposal as a waste at a receiver licensed to accept such waste. It should be noted that acceptance of this material will be at the discretion of the receiving site(s). The laboratory results for rock samples indicated that the samples at the locations of Borehole 202 at the approximate depth of 52.2 m and Borehole 204 at the depth between 41.28 m and 51.97 m exceeded the new MOE Table 2 RPI Standards due to the exceedance of EC and/or SAR, but met Table 2 Standards for ICC property use. If material from this area is to be excavated and disposed, additional analyses will be required to determine the limits of the EC and/or SAR-impacted material. The extent and depth of EC and/or SAR-impacted rock were not determined in this investigation. Therefore, if the material from these areas is to be excavated and disposed, weathered and used as soil, it is considered chemically suitable for re-use at redevelopment sites accepting fill that meets the new MOE Table 2 ICC Standards. The pH of the rock in the vicinity of Borehole 204 should be retested prior to the material being sent off-Site as fill for a redevelopment site. It should be noted that acceptance of this material will be at the discretion of the receiving site(s). EC in the rock sample Borehole 203 R19 at approximate depth of 48.77 m and the concentration of hot water extractable boron in the sample Borehole 205 R6 at approximate depth of 31.7 m exceeded the new MOE Table 2 Standard for ICC property use. Therefore, the rock material from these locations is not considered chemically suitable for re-use at the redevelopment sites accepting fill that meets MOE Table 2 ICC Standards. If the material from this area is to be excavated and disposed, additional analyses will be required to determine the limits of the EC and hot water extractable boron-impacted rock. The extent and depth of the EC and hot water extractable boron-impacted rock were not determined in this investigation. This material will require off-site disposal as a waste at a receiver licensed to accept such waste. It should be noted that acceptance of this material will be at the discretion of the receiving site(s). The analytical test results are appended to this report in Appendix F. Coffey makes no warranty, express or implied, as to whether or not excavated soils and shale will be accepted by receivers. Off-site receivers will likely require additional testing prior to acceptance of any soils. They may also reject soils based on other criteria, such as presence of organic material, peat, topsoil, rubble, or elevated moisture content.

Coffey Geotechnics GEOTMARK00171AA June, 2012


Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1

The testing has been conducted in order to assess the possible options for off-site soil and shale disposal only and is not intended to constitute a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment and as such does not comment on the environmental condition of the Site. Soil and shale quality may vary at locations other than those tested. During excavation, soils or shale that exhibit stained, hydrocarbon, solvents or other odours, or contain rubble, debris, cinders or other visual evidence of impact, must not be taken to a clean fill site. These materials should be segregated on-Site and this office should be contacted immediately. 1.6.2 Chemical Testing

The sulphate (SO4) resistance of concrete in contact with the soils and rock was evaluated by performing water-soluble sulphate tests on the five (5) soil and five (5) rock samples listed in Table 1.6.1 in Section 1.6.1. Compared with Table 3 specified in the Canadian Standard Association (CSA) specification CSA A.23.1-09, the test results revealed that the sulphate concentration in the soil samples was between 220 and 1110 g/g or between 0.022% and 0.111%. In the rock samples, the SO4 concentration was between 52.2 g/g and 146 g/g or between 0.00522% and 0.0146%. Based on the results of the limited testing performed on the selected soil and rock samples, it appears that the concentration of SO4 in the overburden soils has in places the potential of being aggressive on concrete, and therefore, the use of high sulphate-resistant hydraulic cement (HS) is warranted. In contrast, the SO4 concentration in the rock core samples tested indicates only a moderate degree of exposure (S-3) and therefore, general use of hydraulic cement (GU) or high early strength hydraulic cement (HE) can be used for the manufacturing of concrete in contact with the rock. The analytical data are attached to this report in Appendix F.


Statement of Limitations

The Statement of Limitation, as quoted in Appendix F, is an integral part of this report. For and on behalf of Coffey Geotechnics Inc.

Ivan P. Lieszkowszky, P.Eng., FEIC Senior Principal

Janos Garami, P.Eng., FEC Senior Geotechnical Engineer

Coffey Geotechnics GEOTMARK00171AA June, 2012


Report on Geotechnical Investigation Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Outfall - Volume 1


[1] [2]

Franklin, J. A.: Rock Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 1989, p.41 Morton, J.D., Lo, K.Y. and Belshaw, D.: Rock performance consideration for shallow tunnels in bedded shales with high lateral Stresses, Proceedings, 12th Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Kingston, Ontario, 1975. Lo, K.Y. and Morton, J.D.: Tunnels in bedded rock with high horizontal stresses, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 13, 1976. Lo, K.Y., Palmer, J.H.L. and Quigley, R.M.: Time-dependent deformation of shaley rocks in southern Ontario, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 15, 1978. Franklin, J.A. and Hungr, O.: Rock Stresses in Canada, their relevance in engineering projects, Rock Mechanics, by Springer-Verlag, 1978. Lo, K.Y., Cooke, B.H. and Dunbar, D.D.: Design of buried structures in squeezing rock in Toronto, Canada, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 24, 1987. J.A. Franklin: Evaluation of Shales for Construction Purposes, MOT, 1983 Lo, K.Y and Yuen, C.M.K. Design of tunnel lining in rock for long term time effects. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 18, 1981 Lo, K.Y. and Lukajic, Boro. Predicted and measured stresses and displacements around the Darlington Intake Tunnel. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 21, 1984 Groundwater Resources of the Duffin Creek Rouge River Drainage Basins. Ministry of the Environment, Ontario, Water Resources Report 8.1977.

[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

Coffey Geotechnics GEOTMARK00171AA June, 2012

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