Perfomance Targets With Indicators (June 13)

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Tasks/Responsibilities Performance Indicators Level of Outputs Planned for the Period Level of Outputs Achieved during the Period Comments by Appraisee Rating of Performance
Self Rating Apprai -sers Rating Final Rating

Regional Manager 1 Lead and coordinate the preparation of annual and other periodic work plans and budgets for the implementation of the programs at the region In conjunction with the respective technical team leaders, organise for the resources needed for the effective and efficient implementation of programs at the regional level, to be available as and when required Oversee, coordinate, monitor and evaluate the implementation of planned programmes at the regional level, and take actions as necessary Take lead in the promotion of AIC and the advocacy for AIC services and programmes at the regional level Identify sources of local funding and support to AIC, and advise headquarters on necessary follow-up actions Ensure that the resources in the region are utilised effectively and efficiently, and that they are properly safeguarded and accounted for Prepare and submit performance and other reports on regional activities and situations as required Availability, timeliness and comprehensiveness of annual regional plans, targets and budgets Availability and timeliness of the various resources needed for the implementation of regional programmes Level of achievement of the targets set for the implementation of regional programmes Level of awareness and appreciation of AIC services in the region Number of local funding sources identified for AIC Level of compliance with set policies and standards for the utilisation of resources in the region Comprehensiveness, regularity and timeliness of

4 5 6


Performance Indicators

Level of Outputs Planned for the Period

Level of Outputs Achieved during the Period

Comments by Appraisee

Rating of Performance
Self Rating Apprai -sers Rating Final Rating

reports on regional activities and situations Clinic Services Supervisor 1 Prepare work plans and budgets for activities at the regional clinic Availability, timeliness and comprehensiveness of plans, targets and budgets for activities at the regional clinic Level and timeliness of the availability of medical and laboratory supplies Level of adherence to the guidelines, standard operating procedures, quality and other standards governing clinic activities o Level of compliance with set standards for storage of drugs, medical supplies, and other resources o Level of losses or damage of equipment, drugs, medical supplies or other resources Level of achievement of the targets set for the implementation of programmes at the regional clinic and at the outreaches and stand alone sites

Work with the Finance and Administration Officer to arrange for the timely availability of medical and laboratory supplies required for the effective and efficient operation of the clinic Ensure adherence to the guidelines, standard operating procedures, quality and other standards governing the activities at the regional clinic and related sites Ensure the appropriate storage, custody and utilisation of the equipment, drugs, medical supplies, and other resources at the clinic

Supervise, coordinate, support, guide and continually monitor and evaluate the implementation of the programmes planned to be carried out at the regional clinic and at the outreaches and stand alone sites, and the achievement of the set objectives and targets, and take necessary follow-up actions


Performance Indicators

Level of Outputs Planned for the Period

Level of Outputs Achieved during the Period

Comments by Appraisee

Rating of Performance
Self Rating Apprai -sers Rating Final Rating

Submit to the Regional Manager full written reports of the activities and situations of the clinic Prevention Officer

Comprehensiveness, regularity and timeliness of reports

Prepare periodic work plans and budgets for the provision of prevention services within the AIC regional clinic and in the communities Advocate for HCT and related prevention services among stakeholders in the region Sensitise, mobilise, and build the capacity of the communities in counselling and other prevention services Support, guide and coordinate the provision of prevention services by AIC counsellors and counsellors coming from the communities Provide information on prevention services to clients at the clinic and in the communities Provide pre-test counselling to clients, and maintain up-to-date counselling records

Availability, timeliness and comprehensiveness of plans, targets and budgets for prevention services Number, frequency and quality of advocacy activities carried out Level of willingness and capability of the communities to provide counselling and other prevention services Level of achievement of the targets set for the provision of prevention services in the region Availability, quality, and timeliness of information to clients on prevention services o Number of clients counselled o Quality and timeliness of counselling services o Comprehensiveness and reliability of data on counselling activities o Percentage of clients requiring home visits, visited

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Carry out home visits for follow up of clients


Performance Indicators

Level of Outputs Planned for the Period

Level of Outputs Achieved during the Period

Comments by Appraisee

Rating of Performance
Self Rating Apprai -sers Rating Final Rating

Prepare periodic reports activities within the region Counsellor




o Frequency of home visits Comprehensiveness, regularity and timeliness of reports Availability, quality, and timeliness of information to clients o Percentage of clients counselled, who required the services o Quality and timeliness of counselling services o Percentage of clients supported, who required the services o Quality and timeliness of the support provided Comprehensiveness, timeliness and reliability of data and records on counselling activities o Level of harmony in the various youth activities in the regions o Volume and quality of youth activities Comprehensiveness, regularity and timeliness of reports

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Provide information on HIV/AIDS, STDs, FP,TB, PMTCT and HIV testing and test implications to clients Provide pre-test and decision counselling to clients, at the regional clinic and in the communities

Provide ongoing support for psychosocial adjustment and continuing behaviour change to clients through counselling and participation in post test club activities Maintain accurate data and records on counselling sessions Coordinate youth activities at the regional clinic

Prepare periodic reports on the HCT activities of the clinic Laboratory Technician

Prepare periodic work plans and budgets for laboratory services at the regional level

Availability, timeliness and comprehensiveness of plans, targets and budgets for laboratory services


Performance Indicators

Level of Outputs Planned for the Period

Level of Outputs Achieved during the Period

Comments by Appraisee

Rating of Performance
Self Rating Apprai -sers Rating Final Rating

Liaise with the finance and administration officer to organise for the timely availability of supplies and equipment required for the effective operations of the laboratory Carry out laboratory tests and outreach HCT

Level and timeliness of the availability of laboratory supplies and equipment o Percentage of clients tested, who required the services o Quality and timeliness of testing services provided Comprehensiveness, reliability and timeliness of data on testing activities Accuracy and timeliness of the sorting and selection of samples Level of adherence to the code of professional conduct and standard safety precautions in laboratory operations Comprehensiveness, regularity and timeliness of reports o Percentage of clients counselled and visited, who required the services o Quality and timeliness of counselling services and home visits Availability, quality, and timeliness of information to clients o Percentage of needy clients cared for o Quality and timeliness of nursing services provided

4 5 6

Keep accurate data records of all laboratory investigations and make reports on laboratory tests to relevant offices Sort and select samples for quality control and assurance Observe the code of professional conduct and standard safety precautions in laboratory operations, so as to guarantee quality assurance for accurate results Prepare periodic reports on laboratory services Nurse Carry out test decision counselling, adherence counselling and home visits, couples counselling, child counselling, and on-going counselling

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Provide information to clients on HIV/AIDS, STDs, FP, TB, Nutrition, Hygiene and condom use Carry out physical examination and investigations of clients, and organise for appropriate nursing care and treatment


Performance Indicators

Level of Outputs Planned for the Period

Level of Outputs Achieved during the Period

Comments by Appraisee

Rating of Performance
Self Rating Apprai -sers Rating Final Rating

Manage properly the drugs issued for nursing services Maintain accurate and up-to-date data on the nursing activities carried out, and proper records of clients on treatment Prepare reports on medical counselling and nursing activities carried out Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Receive raw or semi processed data, then clean, validate and analyse as required Manage data on the operations at the regional level

o Level of access to drugs by the clients o Accuracy of records on drugs issued Comprehensiveness, timeliness and reliability of data and records on nursing activities Comprehensiveness, regularity and timeliness of reports

1 2

Quality, reliability and appropriateness of data o Appropriateness and comprehensiveness of data o Level of security and integrity of data Readiness of availability of data to users when they require it Comprehensiveness, regularity and timeliness of management information reports Percentage of the time when the computers, printers, Local and Wide Area Networks at the regional level are in good working condition Comprehensiveness,

Provide data and information to authorised users as required Produce management required information reports as

Monitor the condition and well-being of the computers and printers, and the Local and Wide Area Networks at the regional level, and liaise with the ICT Manager to arrange for their appropriate maintenance Submit reports to the Regional Manager and the


Performance Indicators

Level of Outputs Planned for the Period

Level of Outputs Achieved during the Period

Comments by Appraisee

Rating of Performance
Self Rating Apprai -sers Rating Final Rating

Monitoring and Evaluation Manager as required

regularity and timeliness of reports

Finance and Administration Officer Take lead in the development and review of the human resource management, administration, and financial plans and budgets for the region

Take measures to ensure timely availability of the financial and other resources required for the effective implementation of programmes in the region Arrange for the effective and efficient provision of the human resource and administrative support services required in the region Ensure proper management and utilization of the assets in the region, including vehicles, office equipment, office premises, and others

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Provide technical support to the Regional Management Team in the management of the human resources in the region Effect proper management of financial resources in the region; including appropriate receiving and custody of funds, timely payments against proper authorization, maintenance of proper books of account, and budgetary control Prepare periodic reports on human resource and

Availability, timeliness and comprehensiveness of plans, targets and budgets for HR management, administration, and financial services Level and timeliness of the availability of financial and other resources required in the region Level of achievement of the targets set for the provision of the human resource and administrative support services in the region o Percentage of the time when the assets are in good condition o Level of accuracy and comprehensiveness of records of the assets Level of satisfaction of management with the support provided o Promptness of settlement of financial obligations o Level of compliance of the management of the financial resources with agreed policies, regulations and practices Comprehensiveness,


Performance Indicators

Level of Outputs Planned for the Period

Level of Outputs Achieved during the Period

Comments by Appraisee

Rating of Performance
Self Rating Apprai -sers Rating Final Rating

administrative services, and on financial performance in the region, and submit the reports to the Regional Manager and Finance Manager

regularity and timeliness of reports

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