Bulletin For October 6, 2013

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Updates & Ministry Opportunities continued: First Grade Gift Bibles: October 13th

During worship on Oct. 13th we will celebrate our first graders and their growing ability to read & understand Gods Word with gift Bibles. Kids can bring their Bibles with them to class (Club 145) on Sundays to begin learning how to find a verse, read & understand it!

Baptism Preparation Class: October 13th, 20th, and 27th

PCC Youth are invited to join us for a baptism prep class on three Sundays (Oct. 13, 20, and 27) at 9:00 am in the youth room. We will explore what baptism is, what it means, what it tells us about our relationship to God. At the end of the class, youth may choose to be baptized on Nov. 10th or 17th.

Sarah Circle: October 15th

Sarah Circle will meet on Tuesday, October 15th, from 9:30 am - noon in Fireside. We welcome all women to join us for service projects, fellowship and refreshments. We have a rolling start so come when you can. For more info, contact Julie Maljian at (818) 790-5911.

Help with Club 21 Walkathon: October 19th

Club 21 has invited the Pasadena Covenant community to prepare and staff an orange slice station during the Together Is Better Walkathon on Saturday, October 19th from 9:00 a.m. noon. The Walkathon will be held at Central Park 275 S. Raymond Ave, Pasadena. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please contact Brenda Thomas at bthomas@ccharities.org or during hospitality.

Decision Days: November 10th & November 17th

We have lined up two decision days this year and we will be glad to add another to make it work for everyone. If you are interested in baptism, membership, recommitment, or child dedication all these things can happen on these special weekends. If this is where you are on your journey, please contact Tim Dally at tdally@pasadenacovenant.org. Responding in Stewardship Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the LORD Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room Songto ofstore Preparation enough it. Malachi 3:10 Have we been paying attention to or believing in the promise in this verse? Through the faithfulness and obedience of tithers, the flood gates have opened! Call to Lord, Worship from You Psalm Tim Dally, Lead Pastor Thank you and : Thank for 118 your dedicationDr. to Christ and the ministries here at Pasadena Covenant, not only financially but also in your participation and service.

Happy Day


People of God, we are witnesses to these things: Budget Updatethat for Offerings Oct. 3, 2013 Christ died, hanging on a cross; Giving ytd = 502,756.85 that God raised him from the dead on the third day; Budget ytd = 479,149.60 that he is coming again in glory to reign. Surplus/(Shortfall) ytd = 23,607.25 Heaven and earth will never be the same! Many of our members use the convenience of sending their support to Pasadena This istheir the good news we tell to all the world: Covenant through on-line banking, which allows them to contribute even when

Jesus Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Welcome, glad to have you here.

Please take a moment to fill out our Welcome Card.
You may place your Benevolence Offering into the plate located in the back of the church, as you leave today. Trusted prayer partners will be available after the service, at the front of the Sanctuary, to listen and pray with anyone who so desires. Parents of infants: If needed/desired, a nursing moms room is located in the lobby with video link to the worship service. A nursery with loving caregivers is also available across the courtyard. Please join us in the courtyard for light refreshments and a time to be together immediately following the service.

Song of Worship Oh Our Lord

Baloche et al.

After the prayer we invite children Kindergarten and under to go to their Sunday school classes.

The Word Ephesians 6:10-12 (NRSV) What Is Spiritual Warfare? Dr. Art Patzia Dr. Vikki Randall Dr. Charles Kraft Sallie Carey, host

Three Sides to the Conversation Communion Nothing but the Blood Tithes and Offerings Benediction

Seeking God and Sharing God with a beautiful and broken world


Song of Preparation Here for You Call to Worship: Ephesians 4:4-6 We have come together as one. One people, gathered in the name of the one God. We will worship together as one. One community, giving praise and honor to the Righteous One. We are being empowered as one by One. One body and one Spirit, called to the hope of one calling, One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in all. Now, in the name of the Three-in-One, we act as one. One people, giving witness to the power of One.

Dr. Vikki Randall, Pastor of Children, Students, and Family Ministries

Ingram et al.

Visit www.pasadenacovenant.org for more information

Sallie Carey

Bad Weather Shelter (BWS) Signs-ups Begin: October 6th Sign-ups to help man the BWS for the 2013-2014 Season begin today, Sun., Oct. 6th, at Hospitality time (look for the BWS sign). We need groups of 12-15 people for each of the 7 Wednesdays we are scheduled to man the BWS. A group, a couple of smaller groups, or several individual can sign up to help. For more info, contact Wayne Walker at (626) 396-1750 or email to waynefredwalker@gmail.com (on the subject line put: BWS).

Koinonia Prayer & Praise potluck: Tonight

Our next Prayer and Praise potluck will be tonight, at 6pm, at the home of Wayne and Valla Walker. The menu has changed! We will have choices of brining an appetizer, salad or main dish. Please call Valla to coordinate your potluck item at (626) 3961750 or vintagevalla@yahoo.com. Peace and Justice Meeting: October 7th Tomorrow, Mon., Oct. 7th, at 6:45 pm, join us in the Corner House to hear from Philip Mangano, who was the executive director of the US Interagency Council on Homelessness under Presidents Bush and Obama. For more info, contact Jamie Knauss at Knauss1@earthlink.net.

Last Community Dinner for 2013: October 8th

Tuesday, Oct. 8th, will be our last monthly dinner gathering in 2013. Don't miss this chance to join us at the Dally/Lamme home (located at 452 Alberta St., Altadena). We'll share a potluck meal together and enjoy a relaxed evening of fun, so bring your favorite dish to share. We will eat at 6:30 pm.

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