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1. TRUTH_4U2_C #Sylar of #heroes ? The character has changed my life forever.

#perspective #cinema #artchat 2 days ago from TwitterFon

2. argentbeauquest RT @unmodern What about 20th c. architectural masterpieces? I

nominate Grand Central Station. #artchat 3 days ago from web

3. TRUTH_4U2_C #artchat #artists #gnosis 3 days ago

from TwitterFon

4. Rox_Tar @unmodern #perfect twitter nice #artchat #DesignaRAMA #~_~

#filmcritic ? 3 days ago from TwitterFon

5. edwardclarke @ZAmmi By your definition then, an 18th-century man-of-war

would be architecture too! :-) #artchat 3 days ago from web

6. TRUTH_4U2_C RT @toughlad: I let my girlfriend drug me and now I can't stand

up straight.#artchat #truth 3 days ago from TwitterFon

7. edwardclarke @Viapersona True - in 18th Century most famous masterpiece was

the "Medici Venus", now noone has heard of it! #artchat 4 days ago from Seesmic

8. Viapersona @andrelambert13 Good point, that the term "masterpiece" often has
to do with simple justification and establishment of credibility. #artchat 4 days ago from

9. ZAmmi @lavika great engineering is often involved in the most artistically &
influential architecture...Panama may be pushing the def tho #artchat 4 days ago from

10. edwardclarke @danish_novelist Heh - never thought I's read 'masterpiece" &
'brain of Dick Cheney' in 1 sentence! #artchat 4 days ago from Seesmic

11. edwardclarke @ZAmmi Architecture not necessarily a dwelling place; churches,

galleries, train stations & airports etc . . . #artchat 4 days ago from Seesmic
12. ZAmmi @Viapersona I'd say all of those, but beauty is relative. Brutalism
couldn't be called beautiful, but it produced masterpieces #artchat 4 days ago from dabr

13. danish_novelist @Viapersona A masterpiece is as difficult to explain as Art, love,

and the brain of Dick Cheney. #artchat 4 days ago from web

14. ZAmmi @edwardclarke it's a domicile. People live in it for several months at a
time. Granted it's moving at 17,500mph.. but not powered #artchat 4 days ago from dabr

15. chirospasm Get off work soon (not that I've been doing much of it this afternoon,
friends). Thanks for the chat! I'm out. #artchat 4 days ago from TweetChat

16. Viapersona Is a masterpiece called such due to its influence? Beauty? The skill
put into it? Relevance to a time period? What say you? #artchat 4 days ago from web

17. chirospasm @ZAmmi Ooh! International Space Station? Vote +1. (Tack on
Sputnik, too?) #artchat 4 days ago from TweetChat

18. edwardclarke @ZAmmi Could you describe it as architecture? Isn't it a vehicle?

#artchat 4 days ago from Seesmic

19. ZAmmi Ok let's be controversial, for modern architectural masterpiece how

about; InternationalSpaceStation?Nothing defines our era better #artchat 4 days ago
from txt

20. edwardclarke @Viapersona Totally agree! Ok that's going on my list too :-)
#artchat 4 days ago from Seesmic

21. Viapersona @edwardclarke I prefer Bauhaus Dessau in real life; the suspended
glass facade, quite original in its time, is magnificent! #artchat 4 days ago from web

22. edwardclarke Erm - may just fit into 20th century - Jake & Dinos Chapman's
Chapman Family Collection #artchat 4 days ago from Seesmic
23. lavika @Viapersona Thanks for that re: Bauhaus debt w/pic. Now that I think
about it, newer local school site reflects similar elements. #artchat 4 days ago from web

24. chirospasm @unmodern That out by Yale, right? What do ya'll think of Ann
Hamilton's art installations? #artchat #artchat 4 days ago
from TweetChat

25. edwardclarke @Viapersona Where is it? #artchat 4 days ago from Seesmic

26. edwardclarke @lavika Haha! Me too! - or maybe go on a sunny hot day #artchat
4 days ago from Seesmic

27. lavika @edwardclarke ok then, I'll wear a clothespin...on my nose. #artchat 4

days ago from web

28. Viapersona Of course, upon visiting the Archive, I was surprised at how
unimposing the building was (as opposed to how it looks in pictures). #artchat 4 days
ago from web

29. Viapersona 20th Century architecture is very much indebted to the Bauhaus
movement-- take a look at the Bauhaus Archive! #artchat 4 days
ago from web

30. edwardclarke @lavika But the interior looks so gorgeous!

#artchat 4 days ago from Seesmic

31. Eric_Daniel_See RT @BreakingNews:photographer Julius Shulman,who spread

California modernism around the world, has died, the LA Times reports.#artchat 4 days
ago from TwitterFon

32. LillyLyle I nominate the Seagram Bldg - *bronze* exterior!

#artchat 4 days ago from Power Twitter

33. Rox_Tar #artchat #mytype 4 days ago from TwitterFon

34. lavika @edwardclarke ach no! I want it to smell like cool plaster, stone, or
outdoors ...or hay! Carpark!?? #artchat 4 days ago from web

35. edwardclarke @unmodern Wow! Reminds me Calatrava'splans for he transport

hub at ground zero #artchat 4 days ago from Seesmic

36. edwardclarke @lavika Slight spoiler, though: a friend who has been says the
concrete smells like an underground carpark! #artchat 4 days ago from Seesmic

37. unmodern I live right near The Whale (by E. Saarinen).
#artchat 4 days ago from TweetChat

38. TRUTH_4U2_C RT @TheLadyLa: Cool to talk about the biggest gift uve
received. Admirable to know the biggest gift uve given. #artchat #artists #POV 4 days
ago from TwitterFon

39. lavika @edwardclarke Haven't either, but the pictures always move me,
instantaneously, so: "I must see it!" #artchat 4 days ago from web

40. edwardclarke @lavika I've never actually been to see it, but it's on my list!
#artchat 4 days ago from Seesmic

41. lavika @edwardclarke Seconding Le Corbusier's Notre Dame du Haut,

Ronchamp #artchat 4 days ago from web

42. edwardclarke @Viapersona Perhaps too recent for a settled estimation to emerge?
Although I love Rothko, Bacon, Jasper Johns, of course Warhol #artchat 4 days ago
from Seesmic

43. TRUTH_4U2_C #artchat My Vote for 20th century

Masterpiece #painting 4 days ago from web

44. chirospasm I think I'm tapping into my Polish roots. What about the Racławice
Panorama? #artchat 4 days ago from TweetChat

45. edwardclarke Ronchamp; sorry for typo! #artchat 4 days ago from Seesmic
46. Viapersona @unmodern @lavika I second the Moscow Metro for architectural
masterpieces! #artchat 4 days ago from web

47. edwardclarke Le Corbusier's Notre Dame du Haut, Roncamp

#artchat 4 days ago from Seesmic

48. TRUTH_4U2_C @unmodern #artchat my vote for architectural masterpiece

is 4 days ago from web

49. tjdva #artchat new Bibliotheque National in Paris is incredible and would earn
my vote for best in the architecture category. 4 days ago from web

50. chirospasm Who was it that said Kandinsky? Like Kadinsky. What about
Zbigniew Makowski? | #artchat 4
days ago from TweetChat

51. lavika I think Moscow & other former Soviet metro stations trump Grand Central #artchat 4 days ago from web

52. Inliten_Lisa RT @unmodern: What about 20th c. architectural masterpieces? I

nominate Grand Central Station. #artchat I second! 4 days ago
from UberTwitter

53. unmodern What about 20th c. architectural masterpieces? I nominate Grand

Central Station. #artchat 4 days ago from TweetChat

54. Viapersona @tjdva You know, I wondered whether anybody would note a work
completed post-1950! #artchat 4 days ago from web

55. tjdva #artchat for a different answer, how about Ettore Sotsass's Olivetti
Valentine typewriter, 1969? Combining art and mass-commerce design. 4 days ago from

56. Viapersona Finest 20th Century masterpiece? Almost any one of Kandinsky's
paintings could take the title, I believe. #artchat 4 days ago from web
57. unmodern Great opener! RT @TRUTH_4U2_C finest 20th century masterpiece
send me your vote please! #artchat 4 days ago from TweetChat

58. edwardclarke @TRUTH_4U2_C Obvious answer, but it really is Picasso's

Demoiselles d'Avignon #artchat 4 days ago from Seesmic

59. TRUTH_4U2_C #artchat finest 20th century masterpiece send me your vote
please! 4 days ago from TwitterFon

60. George9Writer RT @unmodern: #artchat is beginning! Sign in to Tweetchat or

just search up #artchat to follow and join in. 4 days ago from TweetDeck

61. unmodern #artchat is beginning! Sign in to Tweetchat or just search up #artchat

to follow and join in. 4 days ago from web

62. Janshs . @rachelformaro this might be good RT @unmodern Note: the second
weekly #artchat will begin in one hour (4 PM EST). Come one, come all! 4 days ago
from web

63. tjdva is wondering if #artchat will be covering any questions on periodization...

4 days ago from web

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