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Presentation on Energy Conservation in India A broad overview

CTI workshop

Energy Efficiency for Asian countries

18-27 October 2004

Organized by ICETT, Japan

Amit Kumar Winrock International India, New Delhi
October 19, 2004 1

Indias energy intensity per unit of GDP is higher by 3.7 times of Japan 1.4 times of Asia 1.5 times of USA Indicates high wastage of energy but very high energy saving potential Power shortages in the country Peak 13% Average 8% Additional 10,000 MW required by 2012 Rs 8000 billion investment required
October 19, 2004 2

Proven Oil Reserve/Consumption INDIA v/s WORLD

India World

India World

India 0.45 % India

October 19, 2004

World 99.55 % World

India 2.7 % India

World 97.3 % World


Demand Side
Total Agriculture Industry Transport Residential Others : : : : : : 200 MTOE 3.5% 50.7% 23.2% 10.3% 12.3%

October 19, 2004

Energy Saving Potential

Sector Economy as a whole Agricultural Industrial Transport Domestic and Commercial Potential (%) Up to 23 Up to 30 Up to 25 Up to 20 Up to 20

October 19, 2004

Energy saving potential-few facts

Assessed potential of 25,000 MW energy saving Energy efficiency/conservation and demand side management measures can reduce peak and average demand One unit saved avoids 2.5 to 3 times of fresh capacity addition Investment in energy efficiency/energy conservation is highly cost effective Can be achieved with investment of less than Rs. 10 million/MW Also avoids fresh investment in fuel, mining, transportation etc.
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Energy Conservation Potential in Indian Industries

% Share of Energy Cost Iron and Steel 15.8 Fertilizers & Pesticides 18.3 Textile 10.9 Cement 34.9 Chlor-alkali 15.0 Pulp and Paper 22.8 Aluminum 34.2 Ferrous Foundry 10.5 Petrochemical 12.7 Ceramics 33.7 Glass 32.5 Refineries 1.0 Ferro-Alloys 36.5 Sugar 3.4
October 19, 2004

Conservation Potential (%) 8-10 10-15 20-25 10-15 10-15 20-25 8-10 15-20 10-15 15-20 15-20 8-10 8-10 25-30

Comparison of Specific Energy Use in Select Industries (Figures in million kcal/Tonne)

Country India UK USA Japan Sweden Steel 9.50 6.07 6.06 4.18 5.02 Cement 2.00 1.30 0.95 1.20 1.40 Pulp & paper 11.13 7.62 9.70 7.56 Fertilizer 12.23 11.25 11.32 -

October 19, 2004

Barriers To Energy Efficiency

Lack of awareness Lack of widespread education & training Economic and market distortions Lack of standardization & labeling on equipment/devices Lack of financing Lack of effective coordination
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Energy Conservation Act- 2001

BEE operationalized from 1st March 2002 Standards & Labeling Program
Evolve minimum energy consumption and performance standards for notified equipment and appliances Prohibit manufacture and sale of equipment & appliances not conforming to standards Introduce mandatory labeling to enable consumers to make informed choices Work started on Agricultural Pump sets, Distribution transformer, Motors, Lighting products and Refrigerators
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Energy Conservation Act- 2001

List of Designated consumer
Designated consumers have to:
Get energy audit done by accredited energy audit firms Implement cost effective recommendations Appoint or designate energy manager Comply with energy consumption norms and standards By regulations BEE to prescribe Qualification and certification procedure for energy manager and energy auditors Accreditation procedure for Energy audit firms
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Energy Conservation Act- 2001

Energy Conservation Building codes
To prepare guidelines on codes To be modified by states to suit local climatic conditions To be applicable to new buildings having connected load of 500 kW and above

To set up Energy Conservation Fund to provide

Awareness Creation Innovative financing Promotion of ESCOs R&D, testing facilities and Demonstration projects

October 19, 2004

Progress till now

Guidelines for Energy Policy for energy intensive industries framed
Project supported by various Japanese agencies under Green Aid Plan (GAP) Experts from JODC helped in framing the Policy guidelines like
9 Top Management Commitment 9 Energy Management Cell 9 Small Group Activities 9 Capability enhancement/training & motivation 9 Monitoring and targeting 9 Role of industry association and task force

Energy Management Structure suggested Most of the big industries now have declared their Energy policy
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Progress till now (Cont.)

Energy Manager and Energy Auditor Accreditation program
Overwhelming response from industry and consultants First exam conducted in May this year

National Energy Conservation award are given to 17 large industry sectors and 11 SMEs annually Draft codes on assessing utility equipment performance being prepared for
Dryers HVAC Chillers Piping Cogeneration Electric motors Lighting Transformer

October 19, 2004


Thank You
October 19, 2004 15

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