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Balancing Page 1

SESM2009 Mechanics of Machines Balancing

1) Why balancing of rotating parts is necessary for high speed engines?
At high speed the centrifugal force becomes very high because the centrifugal force is proportional to
the square of the speed. These very high centrifugal forces produce:
(ii) Excessive load on bearings.
(iii) Rapid wear of bearings.
(iv) Excessive vibrations and noise.
To avoid these harmful effects, the balancing is done.

2) What is static balance?
A shaft is statically balanced if it can stop in any angular position. This happens when the combined
mass centre of the system lies on the axis of rotation. For this, the algebraic sum of the moments of the
weights of the pulleys about the shaft axis should be zero.

3) What is dynamic balance?
A system of rotating masses is said to be dynamically balanced if there are no resultant centrifugal
forces and resultant couples (net moment of centrifugal) when the system rotates.

i.e., for resultant centrifugal forces to be zero: {

and for zero resultant moment of centrifugal forces, we should have: {

It is therefore obvious that if a shaft is dynamically balanced, then it will also be in static

4) Define and explain the term Balancing of rotating masses.
The term balancing of rotating masses means to attach one or two masses of suitable magnitude at
suitable distances from shaft axis and at proper angular positions so that the resultant of centrifugal
force and moments of centrifugal forces due to these masses become zero. That is if we balance the
rotating masses, there will not be any resultant centrifugal force and no resultant moment of centrifugal
forces, when the shaft is rotated.

5) What are the different methods of balancing a single rotating mass?
There are three methods. By applying:
i. a balancing mass radially opposite to the disturbing mass and in the plane of the disturbing mass.
ii. two balancing masses in the two planes both on one side of plane of rotation of disturbing mass.
iii. two balancing masses in the two planes one on either side of the plane of rotation of disturbing

6) How are several masses rotating in a plane balanced?
By placing a balancing mass in the same plane, at a certain radius such that polygon of products of all
masses and their eccentricities from the axis of rotation, drawn to a scale, is closed.

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7) How can a force acting in a plane be transferred to another parallel plane?
By transferring the same force, in magnitude and direction, to the parallel plane accompanied by a
moment whose magnitude is equal to product of the force and the distance between the planes.

8) A shaft carries four weights A, B, C and D of 12, 20, 30 and 16 kg respectively spaced 18 cm apart.
Measuring anticlockwise from A, B is 240, C is 135, and D is 270. The radii of masses A to D to the
rotating shaft are 15, 12, 6 and 18 cm and the speed of shaft is 120 rpm. Find the magnitude and
direction (relative to A) of the resultant moment at a plane midway between those of A and B.

Let A, B, C and D be the planes of rotation of masses A to D.

Plane Mass
Distance from
reference plane O
From OA
A 12 0.15 -0.09 -0.162 0
B 20 0.12 0.09 0.216 240
C 30 0.06 0.27 0.486 135
D 16 0.18 0.45 1.296 270

= e
[-0.162 cos(0)+0.216 cos(240) + 0.486 cos(135) + 1.296 cos(270)]
H = -0.61365 e

= e
[-0.162 sin(0)+0.216 sin(240) + 0.486 sin(135) + 1.296 sin(270)]
V = -1.1394 e

Resultant moment =

=204.36 Nm

| = 61.7

Hence, the resultant moment is at 241.67 with OA.

9) A shaft carries four masses A, B, C and D weighing 200, 300, 240 and 260 kg and revolving at radii 9
cm, 7 cm, 10 cm and 12 cm in planes (measured from A) at 27 cm, 42 cm and 72 cm. The angle
between A to B is 45, B to C 75 and C to D 135. The balancing masses are to be placed in the
Balancing Page 3

planes at 12 cm and 10 cm from A and D respectively, the distance between them being 50 cm. Find
the balancing masses and their angular positions. The distance of each balancing mass from shaft
axis is 24cm.

Assuming the eccentricity of each balancing mass = 9.24 m.

Plane Mass
Distance from
reference plane
From OA
A 200 0.09 18 -0.12 -2.16 0
L m
0.24 0.24m
0 0 u

B 300 0.07 21 0.15 3.15 45
C 240 0.10 24 0.3 7.2 120
M m
0.24 0.24m
0.5 0.12 m

D 260 0.12 31.2 0.6 18.72 255

For zero resultant moment, we have:

)+18.72 cos(255)=0
) =8.444

2.16 (0)+3.15(45)+7.2 (120)+0.12m
)+18.72 (255)=0
) =8.62

= 49

For zero resultant force, we have:

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Solving as above, gives:

| = 49
= 180+| = 220
= 160.5 kg

10) Four masses A, B, C and D are attached to a rotating shaft with radii 50, 62.5, 100 and 75 mm
respectively. The distances between planes A and B, between planes B & C and D are 600 mm each.
The masses B, C and D are 20 kg, 10 kg and 8 kg respectively. If the shaft is in complete balance,
then find:
(i) Magnitude of mass A, and
(ii) Angular positions of the four masses.

Let A, B, C and D be the planes of rotation of masses A to D.

Plane Mass
Distance from
reference plane
A m
0.0500 0.05m
= tp 0.0 0.0
B 20 0.0625 1.25 = pq 0.6 0.75 = pq
C 10 0.1000 1.0 = qs 1.2 1.2 = sp
D 8 0.0750 0.6 = st 1.8 1.08 = qs

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Couple (moment) diagram Force diagram

(i) As the mass A is unknown, therefore take plane A as the reference plane.
(ii) The line joining the centre of mass B to the shaft axis is assumed horizontal.

(iii) Moment Diagram (pqs), scale : 1 cm = 0.3 kg.m

pq is parallel to OB and its length represents 0.75 kg.m
which is given by 0.75/0.3 = 2.5 cm.
Now draw an arc of 3.6 cm (=1.08/0.3) about the centre q.
Now draw an arc of 4.0 cm (=1.2/0.3) about the centre p.
Their point of intersection is s.
We obtain the followings from measurements:
D makes an angle 100 with B in CCW.
C makes an angle 240 with B in CCW.

iv) Force diagram 1 cm = 0.25 kg.m

pq is parallel to OB and its length is given by 1.25/0.25 = 5.0 cm.
qs is parallel to OC and its length is given by 1.0/0.25 = 0.4 cm.
st is parallel to OA and its length is given by 0.6/0.25 = 2.4 cm.

By measurement: tp = 2.8 cm
= tp Force diag. scale = 2.80.25
= 14 kg

Also on measurement we find that angle of A with B is 155 in CCW direction.

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