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Celebrex ( Celecoxib)

Celebrex Messaging Exploration

Message Topic Celebrex vs. placebo in OA, RA, JRA, AS, AP and PD

Core Claim Directly from PI

The decrease of pain from both moderate and severe pain was consistent across clinical trials when Celebrex was compared to placebo for OA, RA, JRA, AS, AP and PD. (PI/pg8-9/column2/14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 14.5)

Hierarchy and Active Voice

Celebrex greatly reduced moderate to severe pain when used to treat the symptoms of most arthritities and acute pain.

Say it in as few words as possible

Celebrex reduces pain.

Patient Benefit

Say hello to your old self. Get ready for the new you.

Physician Benefit

You can use Celebrex to treat a broad spectrum of your patients. Celebrex can be used to treat symptoms of most major arthritaties.

Human Truth

Celebrex worked better than placebo in clinical trials in treating different types of pain: Its great to know that something works for your pain. Because you want real science behind your treatment. Because you need a single, simple approach for multiple pain types. Because using a different treatment for different pain types is a pain in the you know what. Because treating multiple pain types shouldnt be a pain in the butt. When treating multiple pain types, simpler is better. Because sometimes the best choice is the obvious one. A simple treatment for a complicated problem.

Promotional Headline

OA, PD, AP, AS, RA, JRA, NO WAY. Weve got your back and your knee, fever, OA, RA, JRA, AS and PD.

Additional wording variations

Multiple uses. Not so secret weapon. Dependable treatment for a variety of issues. Consistent results.

Reliable treatment.

Visual Ideas

Different people with different issues going to their medicine cabinets and reaching for Celebrex.

Messaging From Every Angle: Superiority To NSAIDS/ Effectiveness

Message Topic The superiority to NSAID and the effectiveness with a lower dose.

Core Claim Directly from PI

Celebrex, when compared to other NSAIDS was as effective or more effective with a lower dose in managing the symptoms of OA,RA,JRA,AS,AP and PD. (pg89/column2/14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 14.5)

Hierarchy and Active Voice

Compared to NSAIDS, Celebrex has greater efficacy in treating chronic and acute pain.

Say it in as few words as possible

Celebrex reduces pain better than NSAIDS.

Patient Benefit

Celebrex works better at reducing your pain than NSAIDS. So you can finally get the relief you deserve. So you feel less pain all day long. So you can find a comfortable position.

Physician Benefit

Clinical studies showed that Celebrex works better than Naproxen, ibuprofen and Diclofenac: So your patients can have better results at a lower dose. So your patients dont need to take higher doses for inferior results. So your patients can get more for less. Because when it comes to pain relief less is more.

Human Truth

You can expect Celebrex to work better to reduce your pain. You demand the best. Because patients in pain deserve the best relief possible.

Promotional Headline

When it comes to pain relief, why settle for second best. Get superior results with Celebrex. When youre out of pain, the world is a happier place.

Additional wording variations

Better No pain Better management of pain Less than Less is more Head-to-head trial

Superior pain relief Superior efficacy Significantly more effective

Visual Ideas

One Celebrex in one hand and four ibuprofen in the hand

Messaging From Every Angle: Speed of Efficacy

Message Topic Speed of efficacy Rapid Response

Core Claim Directly from PI

Celebrex when used to treat acute pain that ranged from moderate to severe, worked in as little as 60 minutes(pg9/column2/14.5)

Hierarchy and Active Voice

Celebrex works in as little as 60 minutes to treat your chronic or acute pain. For moderate to severe pain, Celebrex works in as little as one hour.

Say it in as few words as possible

Celebrex works in 60 min. Celebrex works in 1 hour.

Patient Benefit

Celebrex works quickly to start reducing moderate to severe pain. Why wait any longer? Why wait longer than an hour for relief?

Celebrex can handle your moderate to severe pain. Why wait? Celebrex can give you relief from moderate to severe pain in as little as one hour.

Physician Benefit

Celebrex begins to work in as little as 60 minutes: So your patients conquer their pain quicker. So your patients can have their lives back sooner. So your patients can feel relief by the time they get home.

Human Truth

Because when youre in pain the last thing you need is to wait. So you can get on with your life. Because you deserve a life with less pain.

Promotional Headline

Pain free before the kids wake up. Out of pain by the time you get to work. With only 24 hours in a day, why wait longer than one for pain relief? Turn on the power in only one hour. Celebrex relieves pain, lessens inflammation and reduces fever in one hour.

Additional wording variations

Faster Quicker

Lightning Happy hour Reprieve Take a break from your pain Help is here Support Aid Hasty Speedy Rapid

Visual Ideas

A man or woman wakes up early and is in pain. They know they have a long day ahead of them so they reach for the Celebrex.

Messaging From Every Angle: Adverse Reactions

Message Topic Adverse reactions

Core Claim Directly from PI

In 12 separate studies of adverse reactions occurring in >2% of the population, Celebrex ranked among the most benign in regards to gastrointestinal issues. Including abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence and nausea when compared to Naproxen 500mg, Diclofenac 75mg and Ibuprofen 800mg. (PI/pg 3/columb2/ table 1)

Hierarchy and Active Voice

Celebrex causes the least amount of gastro intestinal issues when compared to other NSAIDS in its class. According to studies, Celebrex is easier on your stomach than other NSAIDS.

Say it in as few words as possible

Celebrex caused the least amount of GI issues.

Patient Benefit

Celebrex has shown to be easier on your stomach. So you wont have to trade one pain for another.

Physician Benefit

Celebrex has less adverse reactions in the GI tract than other NSAIDS used to treat pain. So you can expect fewer angry calls from your patients. Because your patients need to be able to take a medication they can stomach.

Human Truth

Because you want to get rid of your pain, not have more

Promotional Headline

Celebrex, enemy to your pain, friend to your stomach. Hard on pain, soft on your gut.

Additional wording variations

Friend/ foe Gentle giant Easy on the stomach. More tolerable therapy. Therapy they can stomach GI-Friendly


Messaging From Every Angle: Safety

Message Topic Safety

Core Claim Directly from PI

Celebrex can be added to apple sauce and ingested for those who have trouble swallowing pills. In doing so there is no change in the effect of Celebrex. (PI/pg 1/ column 1/ sec 2.3) Celebrex is safe to use in patients with JRA, as young as two years old for up to 6 months (PI/ pg 9/ column 1/ 14.3/ para 2) No overdoses of Celebrex were reported during clinical trials. Doses up to 2400 mg/day for up to 10 days did not result in serious toxicity. (PI/pg7/ columb1/ sec 10)

Hierarchy and Active Voice

Celebrex works safely on children 2yrs and older as well as adults to drastically reduce pain caused by various arthritities and acute pain.

Say it in as few words as possible

Celebrex works safely in adults and children.

Patient Benefit

Because Celebrex is so versatile in its use, it can be taken by children with JRA. So now there is big pain relief for your little one.

Physician Benefit

Celebrex is safe for your pediatric patients to take.

Human Truth

Celebrex is safe and easy for your child to take. So they dont have to suffer any more. So you can rest easier knowing your child is. Because no child should be in pain.

Promotional Headline

Strong enough for your pain and safe enough for your childs. Your childs body guard.

Additional wording variations

Do no harm. Gentle giant. Kid-friendly. Pediatric Pain. Easy to swallow. Every generation of pain. pediatric to geriatric pain. Safe for the family. Parent approved. One thing they can all agree on. A mother giving Celebrex to her child. A man complaining to his father about his back pain and the older man tells him about how he uses Celebrex.

Visual Ideas

Messaging From Every Angle: MOA

Message Topic How it works

Core Claim Directly from PI

Celebrex is a non- steroidal antiinflammatory drug that exhibits antiinflammatory, analgesic, and anti- pyretic activities.(PI/pg7/ columb1/ 12.1)

Hierarchy and Active Voice

Celebrex is a prescription strength NSAID which acts as an analgesic, anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory.

Say it in as few words as possible

Celebrex has multiple effects.

Patient Benefit

Celebrex is great at reducing your pain, stopping your inflammation and reducing your fevers.

Physician Benefit

Celebrex greatly reduces your patients pain as well as their inflammation and fever.

Human Truth

No one wants to take three medications when one can do the job.

Promotional Headline

Your bases are covered. Perfecta trifecta. Got your back and everything else.

Weve got your back and your inflammation and your fever. One small pill, three big results.

Additional wording variations

Encompassing Global relief large- scale inclusive macro

Visual Ideas

Three different people with three different needs all going for the Celebrex.

Messaging From Every Angle: Dosage

Message Topic Dosage

Core Claim Directly from PI

Celebrex oral capsules contain either 50mg, 100mg, 200mg or 400mg of celecoxib. (pg7/ column 1/ sec11)

Hierarchy and Active Voice

Celebrex is available in different doses depending on your need.

Say it in as few words as possible

Celebrex is available in 4 different doses.

Patient Benefit

Celebrex is available in 4 different doses to better meet your needs.

Physician Benefit

Celebrex is available in four separate doses so you can more efficiently manage your patients pain.

Human Truth

Because Celebrex comes in four different doses you can be sure to take the lowest most effective dose and still get the relief you deserve.

Promotional Headline

A lot or a little, weve got you covered. Regardless of your need, we have you covered. Whatever the dose, weve got you covered.

Additional wording variations

Less is more More is not better My child variety of doses comprehensive coverage the correct dose for you versatile

Visual Ideas

Something for everyone

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