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10 min Warmer


Play Guess the word spell some previous voc (places, toys, food, comparatives, etc) and have Ss try to guess the words. UNITS 1-2: Work in open class WB pgs 34-35, read in open class by turns, then let Ss try to answer by themselves, and then check in open class. Ask to the Ss what do they like the most from the story? Whats your opinion? Let them share answers. Copy on the board, questions from page T33 (UNIT 3 INTRO), have Ss copy them and let space to answer. Explain each question; let Ss try to answer individually. Check answers, share ideas. Talk about your own answers. Have Ss open their notebooks, as a dictation present to the Ss the Actions in page 34, but instead of writing Ss have to draw each action. Show drawings to the class. Explain before and after and when do we use them. Work through listening activities in page 34. Present before/after and work the activities. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Invite Ss to make a statement using before and after, with the actions on page 34. Read your sentence to the class. Write on the board always, usually, sometimes and never. Invite Ss to tell you facts that always happen, activities they usually, sometimes and never do. Write on the board on big letters How often do you? Ask about some activities, have Ss try to answer using adverbs of time. Help them to be sure when to use each adverb. Work through reading and writing activities. Read in open class, then individually and have Ss on True/False sentences. Play Running sentences: Have Ss stand up, some steps away from the board, using adverbs, activities, try also

15 min 20 min


10 min


10 min 15 min




10 min 10 min

Explanation Production

30 min 5 min

BREAK Reinforcement

20 min


15 min

Lead in Explanation

15 min Production

10 min


with activities from page 36 as: vacation, play, go shopping, etc. 15 min Production Distribute paper sheets, one per student. Have Ss make a graph with activities they do (look at next page) you might draw it on the board so they can copy and work individually. Paste all around the classroom and have Ss write two or three sentences about their classmates activities, e.g. Paula never watches t.v. Then check in open class. Let Ss choose a game. WB pgs 36 37. Explain each exercise one by one. NOTE: Please check Paulas book is not answered already, if it is, ask her for photocopies. Play a memory chain: Teacher starts with a word and each one has to add a new word but saying all the words before his/her. (Use activities, adverbs).

15 min


10 min 10 min

Cooler Set HW

10 min

Final game

The rules at my house - Student's name






watch TV play computer games

eats lots of candy

invite friends listen to music

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