Laughren Peter Fran 2001 SAfrica

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The Laughrens,

Pete, Fran & Denzil Winter 2001; Vol. 11, #3

Please accept our apologies for the lateness of the last newsletter and the close proximity of this one. Even in the most technological of times glitches occur. We sent the last newsletter by e-mail and somewhere between here and the US it got lost in a satellite. In other words, it never arrived. After re-sending it, it was time for the next one and here it is. Hope you don't get tired of reading our mail too quickly. Thank-you Mission Services for getting the second sending out so quickly. We appreciate your help.

Three Events off Interest

Living here in South Africa presents us with many different activities to be involved in. While we are always involved in the weekly classes and working with the churches here in George, many times we are involved in things that are a little dif ferent and take us away from home. In the months
of October to December 2000, we had three such

not see in many places. Another thing that makes the trip pleasurable is the leadership of the church and youth. For years we have struggled with getting the youth involved
in the church there, but the tide seems to have

Twice a year I am involved in a teaching ses sion with Cape Bible Seminary in the town of GraaffReinet. Living here in George has made this trip more manageable as it is just 3 and a half hours away. I can leave on a Wednesday and teach through the weekend and then be back home on Monday. What makes this teaching point pleasur able is the attitude of the people. They are always eager to learn. Whenever I go there I am always welcomed into their homes each evening after the classes and have made many close friends. Atten dance in the classes usually runs anywhere from 25 to 40 people every night and it is not just a lec ture per se, but a time of discussion. There is a spirit of wanting to grow in Graaff-Reinet that I do

turned. A young man and his wife from Ghana moved into the community a couple of years ago and they have really started working with the youth in a leadership role. Several years ago when I would go there for teaching, the attendance of the youth was weak at best, but now they have grown not only in numbers but in spirit. We have always maintained that the youth are not the church of to morrow, but are part of the church of today. When
we held the Vacation Bible School there in 2000

with the interns, the youth participated greatly and made the week a success. Going to Graaff-Reinet is one of the highlights of the year for me and this past November was no exception. I was very pleased with the results of our time together. In October, I was involved in a meeting that was the first of its kind. Ron Butler, missionary in Cape Town, saw the need for a joint gathering of all of the churches from the Western part of South Africa. He rented a meeting facility in the town of

Pete taught at the joint gathering of the Churches of Christ in

Paar! in October.

Much fruitful discussion was done amongst the brothers during

the time in Paarl.

Paarl near Cape Town and we had a gathering of

over 90 men from different Churches of Christ for

a time of teaching and fellowship. Ron invited fel low missionaries Jerry Kennedy and Steve Zimmerman and myself and we all took part in teaching classes. I took two men from here in George and it was the first time that many of these Christian men had seen each other in years. Ron
wanted Christian brothers who had worked in dif

ferent areas to at least have fellowship with one another and the meeting was a great success. Many came away from the gathering determined to work together better and seeing the need to rely on each other more. I was very pleased to be a part to the gathering. Another thing that we are involved in here in our work is weddings. To be able to perform wed dings here, the government has to officially recog nize you as a "marriage officer" after taking the re quired test. I took the test in 1986 and have done many weddings among the people that we work with. With cultural customs (and in many cases, immorality) being what they are, I have done very few weddings of young people where there were not already children born or on the way. In fact I have done many weddings of Xhosa people who have already been married by African Custom, but they want to make it legal by government standards. Therefore I have done weddings of people who have lived as man and wife for many more years than I have been alive. Amongst the colored popu lation, immorality is rife and to perform a wedding of two people without children involved is unusual.

That being said, one of the youth from the Youth Group in Macassar where we used to work in Cape Town, asked me to perform her wedding to a young man from the church in Kimberley. In November we drove to Cape Town for the wedding and it was a beautiful occasion. It was a joy to perform the wedding of a faithful young couple that we had worked with over the years and to see them strong in the Lord. As is usual here in South Africa the wedding was supposed to be at 1:00 but the wedding party finally arrived at 3:30. The wedding, pictures and the reception went late into the night
in celebration of this beautiful occasion. We saw

many people there that we worked with in Cape Town and it was good to be with them again. We are thankful for Lesley and Carolyn Baardt and the commitment that they have made to each other
and to the Lord.

Many ladies who attend weddings come in their finest dress.



many things in
South Africa, but
we are never

bored. We were involved in

many things dur ing the last three

months of 2000,

but Ijust wanted to highlight

those three that I have talked about. Thank-

The youth here in George are growing in attendance. We meet every Monday night at our house.

you for praying

for us here and

we pray that we
will continue to be used of the Lord in this beautiful land. This is the grandmother of the bride at the wedding in Cape Town. "Ma" Jantijies has helped us so many times
while we have lived in South Africa. We would be lost without her.

(i :r7


To close the year off with the youth group in George, we had an outing to a local nature re serve which included a boat trip through a la
goon near the Indian Ocean. We made it a requirement that only those who had attended regularly could attend and we had 15 members share the day. During the months of October, November and December we made our monthly trips to the church in Knysna. The group there is small but eager to learn.

As you can see from this picture, housing in places such as Knysna is meager. The background view is of the Indian Ocean
in the distance.

We have also been trying to meet with the church in nearby Mossel Bay, but when we fi nally got a date firmed up, we had to cancel
because of illness.

Denzil performed in a school play that was the

end of his kindergarten year. He started grade

one in January.

On the 20th of December, my mother and her husband (Flo and Collins Blackmarr) arrived to spend Christmas with us and it was great to
have their visit for five weeks.

At the end of his kindergarten year, Denzil took part in the school play.

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Mission Services Association
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Knoxville, TN 37920-0111

Return Service Requested

Pete & Fran Laughren

P.O. Box 10421

George, 6530
South Africa Phone: 011-27-44-873-0448

Fax: 011-27-44-873-0548

e-mail: Forwarding Agents:

Mark & Annette Tuttle PO Box 81462

Conyers, GA 30208

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The Laughrens, Pete, Fran & Denzil

Spring 2001; Vol. 11, #4

Garden Route Seminar

Every year for the last three years we have tried to expand the teaching of Cape Bible Seminary to a more intense period of teaching in George. We
call this the "Garden Route Seminar" and hold the

seminar over a weekend in either February or March. The first year was held with much success and great attendance by the area churches. The attendance for the second year was not as good, but the teaching was excellent by the missionaries in attendance. In gathering information from the area churches that did not attend the second year, we were told that there were several things that we did not do in preparation. We learn things by trial and error among different cultures and this was no different. We were told by various sources in
the local Thembalethu church that we needed to

Dr. Wayne Shaw of Lincoln Christian Seminary taught three classes on Preaching for the Garden Route Seminar held here in George.

we found out that we had not talked to the right

inform certain people in the church beforehand and then they would announce it to the whole congre gation. We had visited with some of the elders from the church and had given them promotional material and done what we thought was right, but

people at the right time. Concerned not to make the same mistake this year we went all out to let each and every person that needed to know, know and that way no one could use that excuse again for non attendance. We attended and spoke at the
Thembalethu church, met with the elders, and this

year, covered all of the bases. Not to sound depressing, but the same atten dance results happened again. We even had broth
ers come from the Thembalethu church in the morn

ing and ask to be sure what time we were starting, and then go to tell others and never return. Strange.
But on the other hand, the brothers from the

Conville and Knysna churches came to learn and

their total number was about 15.

That having been said, the quality of the teach ing was tremendous. Dr. Wayne Shaw from Lin coln Christian Seminary came and taught three
Janet Shaw held a ladies class in the afternoon of the Garden Route Seminar.

classes concerning preaching and was very well received by those in attendance. We really appre-

Fran's Feelinas
HI you all!! I do hope all is good with you. Right now, after recovering from a tummy virus that went around town like wild fire, we are well. We were very fortunate to have Pete's folks here,
Flo and Collins Biackmarr, for about five weeks

during the Christmas / Summer holiday time. We did the usual playing, shopping, eating, sight-see ing type activities. It was grand! Denzil sure did enjoy having his grandparents around and being able to get to know them better and do some bond ing. We really appreciate them making the effort to
Pictured along with the students who attended are Gordon Nelson, Wayne Shaw, Ron Butler, and myself.
come for such a nice visit.

Before the Blackmarr's got here, we found out about a new game park that has opened about an
hours drive from our house. So we made reserva

ciate he and his wife, Janet coming to help with this important time. Brother Calvert of the Conville church was very pleased with the lesson times and felt that those in attendance more than got their time's worth. Ron Butler of Cape Town and Gor
don and Estelle Nelson from East London were also

tions and as a surprise, we all went for a couple of nights. It was really neat. We saw all the "Big Five" and were disappointed to hear that they did not have giraffe because there are no trees or vegetation in this area for them to eat. Shame! It was very spe
cial and beautiful. I liked it a lot.

here and helped with the weekend. Gordon preached Sunday morning and Ron preached Sun day evening at the joint gathering. Living here in George gives us a good meeting place as the Nelsons brought the Shaws from East London to here and then Ron took them on to Cape Town to catch their flight back to the U.S. the following week. Other than attendance, all plans worked out to per
fection. Those who came as students were en

January 23rd was the first day of school for our Denzil. He is now in first grade and has been learning a lot very quickly Daddy and Mommy are so proud of
him and often debate each other as to whom he takes

after. Actually there is no doubt in either of our minds, he definitely takes after his daddy in brains and looks (as far as Daddy knows, Ha!). The only thing he

couraged and the time of teaching was great. Thanks for all of your prayers for this gathering. We learn more as we go along and we try to follow the leading of the Lord.

takes after me is his laugh. We are so proud of him. Denzil has learned so much of how to get along
with other kids. And he memorizes scripture so easily too! It is hard to believe our little boy is nearly seven. What a joy he is to"us!
Denzil has lost two teeth, and been to the den

tist twice. He has competed in school sports events such as running and swimming. He enjoys singing - "Mommy , you should have heard me sing today
I sounded like a star!" Cartoon Network is a favor

ite pastime and very effective for punishment (lost privilege). He is easy to discipline because of his tender heart. Lately he has been asking about being born again. He is so much better now about being friendly to everyone and not acting so shy, and making friends where ever we go. Am I going on like a proud mother?!
In March the Garden Route Seminar was held

Gordon Nelson preached for the Sunday morning services and was assisted by Andrew Calvert in translation.

here in George. It was such a privilege to have Wayne and Janet Shaw, Gordon and Estelle Nelson and Ron Butler here with us for that. Janet gave

Everyone enjoys the Vacation Bible Schools so much they can't wait for the next one. The youth in GraaffReinet have asked for special classes besides the Vacation Bible School for them so that they have a chance to learn more and spend more time with the interns. It will surely be a busy time, but a blessed time and we are looking fonward to it. Please pray with us for the extra transportation. To rent a van would cost us over $100 a day and we would need
it for three weeks. We don't want to do that if we

don't have to. So, we have been making requests and inquiries for a van or mini bus of some kind, but
so far to no avail. We trust that God will work it all

Denzil and his friend, Emile Calvert (Andrew's son), playing in

a tree during the Seminar.

a wonder lesson to the ladies. The attendance over

all was low, but those who attended were blessed

and well fed spiritually. We were disappointed in the low attendance. We had expected a better turn out, but that is the way it goes sometimes. Pete and I really enjoyed the fellowship with the other
missionaries and visitors from the States. It is like

out. Other wise everything is falling right into place. I would like to express my gratitude to the ladies of the Berea Christian Church in Hampton, Georgia for sending us four boxes of craft supplies and "prizes for the kids". It is such a big help and blessing! Thank you! There have been others too, who have sent things and I also thank you. We received a big envelope full of letters from different Sunday Schools. A fine young lady named Amy Evans arranged for her fellow fourth grade class
mates at the Grace Christian School in Blacklick,

a breath of fresh air. Janet also had a gift for the ladies. She has a friend in the States (please for give me for forgetting her name) that helped her with many pairs of earrings. The ladies love jew elry, but don't have extra income to buy any, so it was a real treat for us to lay out several pairs of earrings for them to pick from. They were all so happy and grateful.
Vacation Bible School is around the corner now.

Ohio to each write a letter. So you see, this year has been going very well. We are always reminded of His presence and guidance . We feel the love and prayers coming from all of you who love Him and care about His work being done in South Af rica. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts for everything! May the love of our Father, the Grace of Jesus Christ and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with
us all.

This year we will have four going during the months of June and July. Stacey Garner is coming back this year with 11 interns and will be busy with Vaca tion Bible School in Kimberley without us while we are busy doing a VBS here in George with the 14
"Lone Oak work team". The folks from the Lone


Oak Christian Church in Johnson City, Tennessee will only be here for about 10 days and boy will they be working! For three days before the Lone Oak team leaves we will have Stacey and his interns here, plus a very wonderful lady and her son from Hampton, Georgia (Carol and Matthew Dudley) who are coming for a month to help out - all at one time! Talk about some fun and interesting days ahead! After the Tennessee folk leave we will be doing Va cation Bible School in a nearby town we work in called Knysna. Then the following week we head
back to Graaff-Reinet for Vacation Bible School.

As Fran has mentioned in her part of the letter, we have many people coming to help with this year's Vacation Bible Schools. We have 14 people from Lone Oak Christian Church in Johnson City, Tennessee who will arrive on the 1" of July and they will help us with the Vacation

Bible School in George from the 2nd to the 6'^ They will fly back to the U.S. on the 11Before they leave, Stacy Garner from Gateway Educa
tional Services in St, Louis will arrive with 10 in

terns and they will help us with Vacation Bible

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MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION, PO Box 13111, Knoxville, TN 37920-0111.

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Return Service Requested

Pete & Fran Lauqhren

P.O. Box 10421

George, 6530
South Africa Phone: 011 -27-44-873-0448 Fax: 011-27-44-873-0548


Forwarding Agents:
Mark & Annette Tuttle PO Box 81462

Conyers, GA 30208

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The Laughrens,
Pete, Fran & Denzil

Summer 2001; Vol. 12, #1

Summer Visitors
For the last several years we have had interns and groups and have done Vacation Bible Schools in various locations. This July was no different, but on a much larger scale. While Fran will talk in her part of the letter about the Vacation Bible Schools, I would like to tell about the three groups (totalling 30 people) that we had come to visit and help. But first a little of the preliminaries to tell about the preparations. While we have a big house, we,


of course, could not handle all thirty with sleeping places. We were fortunate that while we had many people here at onetime, all 30 were only here for a total of three nights as the groups overlapped. Since it was school holidays here, we were able to
rent rooms across the street from our house at a

Some of the Lone Oal< team, and Sheila, getting ready for the next day of crafts which was always a crazy time. Hartsell is thinking "How many do you think we should prepare for this

school dormitory. That worked out great. While the first group was here, all of the men slept across
the street and when the interns arrived the second

vices in St Louis (under the direction of Stacy Gar ner) but while the rest of her group was in Lithuania and Kimberley, South Africa, she served her full internship here as she was doing hers for college
credit. While she was here a week and a half be

week, they all slept across the street until we went up country. All of the plans went off without a hitch except for transportation. Two days before the first group arrived, our van blew a head gasket on a trip back from Port Elizabeth and the missionary gathering (see later) and while we got it back four days later, it again went down a week later not to

fore any other visitors, she helped with the local church here in youth and ladies classes and with the children's program at this year's Missionary Gathering In Port Elizabeth.
On July 1 we received our next visitors from

be seen for another month. So during the visits,

we borrowed a total of 5 different vehicles at differ

ent times and God answered our prayers in that

we had transportation when we needed it. While everybody was here, everybody pitched in beauti

fully in helping with meals, cleaning, etc. It was a

busy time to say the least. On June 13, we received our first intern, Sheila Sloan. She was part of a larger group to arrive later from Gateway International Education Ser-

Lone Oak Christian Church in Johnson City, Ten nessee. We arrived at the airport here in George to pick up Craig Fowler and his group that had ar rived for ten days. As they left the summer in the US and arrived here at the start of our winter, they found it very cold. They helped with the Vacation Bible School in Thembalethu here in George and with two days of the Vacation Bible School in Knysna. Also while they were here, they taught the youth classes, the prayer meetings, the Bible Studies and the Sunday sermons. As a member of the group, Matthew Roberts got to preach his first

sermon and there is no better place to begin than here in George. The church here is an encourag ing group of people and a good place for Matthew to start. Also while they were here we took them sightseeing to the ostrich farm in Oudtshoorn and on a boat trip in Knysna. We were sad when they
left back for the US on June 11.

Matthew Roberts preaching his first sermon with the help of Jerome Calvert interpreting at Conville.

On July 3, Carol Dudley and her son, Matthew arrived from Berea Christian Church in Hampton, GA. They were here for a total of three weeks and helped with the Vacation Bible Schools in Thembaiethu, Knysna and Graaff-Reinet. Words cannot express the help that they were with the schools and just helping around the house. They were encouraging to us in every way .

On the 8'*^ of July Stacy Garner and his group arrived from Kimberley. While the Tennessee group
was here doing the Vacation Bible School in

George, Stacy and his group were in Kimberley doing the Vacation Bible School that we usually do
together. This way, four Vacation Bible Schools

were able to be done with them being in Kimberley on their own. From the time that they arrived here

in George on the 8*^ and untilthe Tennessee group left on the 11'^, we had 30 people in and around the house. All 30 of us went together to the Vaca tion Bible School and the boat trip in Knysna with the Gateway group being responsible for the Va
cation Bible School there, and after the Tennes see group left, the rest of us went to Graaff-Reinet
for the third week to do that Vacation Bible School.
One wild animal riding another.

We took three vehicles to Graaff-Reinet and while

we were there, we also spent time on a farm in the area, went sight-seeing and spent a lot of time with the local people. It was a wonderful week and a great success.

After we returned to George on the 21^' of July, we had services and meetings in George on the
21 and 22nd, and then we said good-bye to Carol and Matthew on Monday the 23'^ as they flew back to Georgia. On the 25'^ Idrove Stacy and his group to Cape Town (actually 6 took the bus) for three nights and two days of sight-seeing. While there, we also spent time with Jerry Kennedy and Ron Butler, missionaries in Cape Town and they were
able to share their views of the work in South Af

Stacy Garner and Pete at Cape Point.

rica. They even took part in the Bible Study at Macassar on the 26'^ In Cape Town we saw all of the usual sights and were able to show the interns different parts of this beautiful country. On the 28'^, it was very sad for me to take them all to the airport as they started their trip back to the US through

Johannesburg. To summarize, to all who came and helped in the work, we can never say thank-you enough for all that you have contributed. The people in the four different places are still asking for you and are praying for you by name. You will never know the lives that you have touched in so many ways. And you have touched and encouraged Fran, Denzil and me in ways that you cannot imagine. You have enriched our lives. For that I can never say thankyou enough. Thanks for coming and thanks for being a vital part of the work here in 2001. We look fonward to seeing you next year in our travels on furlough, wherever you may be.
Slager helping some of the youth in Graaff-Reinet make a pencil

No they are not twins, it is mother and son, Carol and Matthew Dudley from Berea Christian Church, Hampton, Georgia.

Kids making their "medallion necklace" at Vacation Bible School in Knysna.


Craig Fowler (Leader of the Lone Oak mission team) preaching

at Conville.

Missionary gathering June 25 - 29 in Port Elizabeth.


(Fran's Feelings)
Vacation Bible School is such a reward

ing time and vital part of the work here in

South Africa. We are able to reach young

people for the Lord, that we would never be able to otherwise. There is nothing like it in the world, to see their happy, eager faces when they see you and get involved in the Vacation Bible School! The feeling you get when you see them running out to meet you when you arrive, or chase the cars when you are leaving. They yell, clap, sing and jump around with joy at your being there. I wish you all could experience Vacation Bible
School in South Africa!

Folks from Lone Oak Christian Church in Johnson City, Tennessee, taken at George Mountain overlooking town of George (from l-r) Marie Roberts, Matthew Roberts, Janet Davis, Scott Snapp, Crystal Evans, Reed Davis,
Becky Bennett, Edith Edwards, Damon Edwards, Jesie Sendelbach,

Hartsell Edwards, Robert Hoss, Craig Fowler and Cecil Plaster.

What a great year of Vacation Bible School! We thank and praise the good Lord for sending us wonderful, hardworking folks from the States to help make this year's
Vacation Bible School a success. It seems

that every year gets better, so far. This year there were four Vacation Bible

Schools going on during the June/July

school holiday. Stacy Garner and his in terns handled the one in Kimberley, while we were busy with the one in George. Ac cording to Stacy, Kimberley had about the same in attendance as last year, 150 +/- , but the interns connected with the youth and kids more. They were there for two weeks (the first week was getting settled and ready), so they had more time to get to know

the folks from Kimberley. This is a great

Internship group with Gateway International Educational Services taken at Cape Point where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet (from l-r) Nicole Dill, Carrie Wolford, Stacy Garner (leader), Shamus Kwiatkowski, Lori Ross, Ethan Sefton, Sarah Grigsby, Frank Danner, Jason Slager, Sheila Sloan, and Jason

thing for all involved!

The first Vacation Bible School that we

were involved with this year was here in George at the township called Thembalethu.
The mission team from Lone Oak Christian

Church helped us with that. We had +\-160 in attendance on the first day, and by Fri day (all Vacation Bible Schools went from Monday to Friday) we had 410 +/- in atten dance! I have to say+/- with all our figures because it is difficult to get exact numbers. We would count them as they left the build ing collecting their snacks, but often there were some that left early or a couple would
sneak back in. But I am certain the counts

are not exaggerated.

All 30 visitors plus Pete, the morning the Lone Oak team left for U.S.

Though this was a

first time for most of the Lone Oak team in

several areas, they were great! They were willing,

happy workers. They loved the kids and the feel ings were mutual towards them, the kids could not wait for their arrival each day. One of the most amusing sights of the week came when Pete was providing transportation. Ev ery day he would take a different person to see what the other side of the township looked like and
where the kids lived and came from. Bob Hoss

went with him one day and when they arrived back to the building there were 6 children sitting with Bob in the front seat and when we opened the slid ing and back doors, a total of 54 kids got out of the 12 passenger van. Up to that time that was the record, but itwas broken by two 2 days later. Maybe that is why the van broke but I doubt it. The same goes for the Vacation Bible School in Knysna. This was the first time we held Vaca tion Bible School in Knysna. It is a small church, a very small and closed in building with a dirt floor,
which made it a bit difficult. But the Lone Oak team

Bible Schools and classes they taught. All the in terns and the missions teams, including Carol and Matthew Dudley were great with interacting with the people here. The folks of South Africa miss you all and feel blessed by all your efforts and friend ship. Thank you to all our visitors for making the Vacation Bible Schools go so smoothly and pro viding good teaching and fun for the kids of South Africa. Thank you to all who helped them get here. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. May God continue to bless you as you live for and
serve him!

A special thank you with all my heart to: Hartsell and Edith, Damon, Marie, Matthew, "Swampy", Becky, Crystal (Pete wants to know how you say your last name), Janet, Reed (I forgot the special nickname I had for you), Robert, Cecil, Jessie, Craig, Stacy, Nicole, Sheila, Lori, Slager, Carrie,
Ethan, Shamus, Frank, J.B., Sarah, Matthew, and

Carol. I love you guys and it was fun!!

Love, Fran

and the interns all pitched in together the first few days, then the Lone Oak folks left for home and
the interns carried on. It was also a success and

we were very pleased with the turn out. On Mon day we had 120 +/- in attendance, ending on Fri day with 310 +/- in attendance. It was the most
difficult of the three weeks here as we had little

We took part in the yearly missionary gather ing in June in Port Elizabeth. Fran led some singing and taught a children's class. Sheila Sloan, one of the interns, taught the other children's classes and was well received by all. I led a prayer time and we all enjoyed the fel lowship. Denzil and I went to Kimberley for the Easter gatherings and worked with Roland Joseph for
the weekend.

local adult help. Thirdly, Graaff-Reinet, again was a great suc

cess! We started out the week with +/-120 and

ended on Friday with over 300. A new event this year here was the youth leader asking us ahead of time to have extra classes for the youth. So we held a class time with a craft for the youth immedi ately after the Vacation Bible School on three days. The interns had good teaching and discussions each day. It was great!
For all four of the Vacation Bible Schools we

had the same theme of lessons on John the Bap tist. All lessons were taught by a different person, to give each one the experience. New songs were taught by each visiting group, and they were great fun. We pretty much did the same crafts and col oring pictures for all of them as well. The crafts that Stacy Garner had sent over ahead of time for the Vacation Bible School in Kimberley did not ar rive, but between me and what I had here already and what the Lone Oak team brought with them, there was plenty or just enough. It reminded me of a story with fish and loaves of bread. The Interns were great with all of the Vacation

Fran has taken a course that qualifies her to be a teacher in Denzil's schooling system. She will teach Denzil next year while we are on fur lough. Speaking of furlough, we will be arriving state
side in the middle of December and will be on

furlough for all of 2002. Many dates have al ready been taken. Please contact us if we can
come and visit.

As we said, we have had vehicle troubles and

it all happened at the height of the visitors. The plans are now to sell it before furlough and try

Beforeyou move, please send the mailing label with a copy of your new address to
MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION, PO Box 13111, Knoxville, TN 37920-0111.
Mission Services Association
PO 60x13111

Non Profit Org.


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Knoxville, TN
Permit #374

Return Sen/ice Requested

Pete & Fran Lauqhren

P.O. Box 10421

George, 6530
South Africa Phone: 011 -27-44-873-0448 Fax: 011-27-44-873-0548


Forwarding Agents:
Mark & Annette Tuttle PO Box 81462

Conyers, GA 30208

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The Laughrens,
Pete, Fran & Denzil Fall 2001; Vol. 12, #2

Annual Preachinq Conference

During the school holidays in late September or early October we always have our yearly preaching and teach ing conference. This gathering moves from place to place and it all depends on which church volunteers it's time and efforts to host the gathering. This year the gather ing was in a small town called Sada which is near Queenstown and is about 8 hours from George. Most years it is more centrally located but this year it was a far piece from just about everywhere. But the people of the Queenstown circuit volunteered and were well prepared and the gathering was held from October 3-7, 2001. As is my usual routine, I made a trip to the area in August just to see that final plans were in place and An
drew Calvert went with me. As Andrew is treasurer for

We did not expect a large crowd for this year's con ference because of the remoteness, so we were very surprised when the first night's attendance was over 300. By the end of the week we had over 400 people there
and that is more than we have in some central locations.

Missionaries in attendance this year besides Fran and myself were Steve Zimmerman, Ron Butler, Phil and Roxanna Smith and Joshua and Ruth Barron. People traveled from Cape Town, Graaff-Reinet, George, Upington, Kimberley and Port Elizabeth. So we had a good representation of all of the places where there are

As is usual, we had classes for the men, the women

the gathering, the people always want to see him to see how much money is needed to start, to get through the week, and to just run the gathering. My part is to see that the meeting place is big enough, to see if they have enough meeting places, enough sleeping places and just generally to see if the local plans are in place. We were very pleased with how they were prepared and were glad that there were no surprises looming on the horizon.

and older and younger youth. One thing that we intro duced this year, was another class for another age of young person. We have found that when we have the youth classes, the ages of the youth seems to get older every year. Our youngest age in the youth class is 13 and the oldest age was supposed to be 20. But every year the older ones keep coming back and some of the youth in attendance would wind up being over 30. So this year, our new class was for the age of 21-30 and called a "Young Adult class." It was a great success. One of the strong men from the Graaff-Reinet church. Maxwell Cudjoe

This year I taught a men's Here are the members of the new Planning Committee for the yearly conference: (front Ir) David Jantjies, Andrew Calvert; (back l-r) Barry Jantjies, Arrie Koeberg, Thompson Ntobie and Eric Mzinyathi.
class one afternoon. Denzil

had the job of taking pictures of his parents teaching ... we think he did all right for his first

The cooks are always busy at conference and with out them conference would not be complete.

led in these classes and was very well received. So all in all we had 5 to 6 different classes meeting a couple of times a day with worship services in between, so ifone wanted to attend and be built up in the faith, there were plenty of op
portunities. This year's theme was "Holiness Before God," and all

classes dealt with the subject. It was very encouraging for everyone. I have been the chairman of the planning com mittee for the past four years and this year it was time for
the semi-annual elections of the officers. As we will be on

furlough next year, a new chairman was elected and I was very pleased that the people elected one of the local broth ers to take my place. Arrie Koeberg of the Graaff-Reinet church was elected and will now be in charge of planning
the next two conferences. Andrew Calvert is still the trea

Fran taught kids and ladies classes at this year's conference.

surer on the six man committee, but while some of the other

officers changed, I have confidence that all will do their job just fine. It has been a privilege to do this work and it has been a lot of fun. But the most fun every year was to come together and see all of the local people and to have a time of fellowship that we would not get otherwise. That made all of the effort worthwhile. Next year's gathering will be in Graaff-Reinet and the plans are already undenway Thankyou for your prayers for this year's conference and please continue pray for the church in South Africa, and for this yearly gathering in particular.

Pete comes every Sunday morning of the retreats (which are Friday night through Sunday morning) and leads in a service. It makes for a great weekend, and Pete is always good with closing the retreat with good, encouraging and challenging words from the Gospel. Thanks to all of you who help me with craft supplies, because those supplies are not only for the kids, but the adults get to use itas well. Conference this year was a long way up country, near Queenstown. The church there had really good facilities, an old abandoned factory. Because Queenstown is far from most areas, the attendance was not all that good, but we
were still pleasantly surprised in how many people did make

Fran's Feelim
Hey everybody! "Howzit?" All is well here. We are having some hectic days, but we can't complain. All three of us are healthy again, after fighting bouts of the flu. The weather has been lovely - still up and down temperature wise, and still having rain every couple of days. The church work is going on strongly, so you see, all is well here. In August I was involved with the annual ladles retreat in Paarl again, and it was grand. Every year we have more

it. The ladies classes went really well. They were taught by Ruth Barron, Roxanna Smith, Nelly Melaketso and my self. The theme was Holiness and how it must apply to all areas of our life. It was great. There were a lot of children this year and their classes all went really well. I had taken the materials for the classes (crafts and pictures to color) and did pretty good with having extra in case there were more kids than before. It is never easy or even possible to
make a good estimate on how many children there will be

in attendance for conference, Sunday schools, or Vacation Bible School but when it was my turn to do my class, I had forgotten to do the cutting out and organizing the craft for more kids, so it was a bit unorganized and hectic. Ugh!
I should have known better, but thanks to Roxanna and

ladies in attendance, and we all are growing closer together as sisters in Christ, and we are all encouraged in the word of God. This year Aleta Kennedy was a big help for me in providing a craft for the ladies. This year I organized for the ladies to paint a little banner with a Precious Moments ironed on it. Then Carolyn Butler, who was in charge of the gathering, brought a big table cloth with flowers traced all along the edges that each lady colored in and signed their name. They seemed to enjoy those projects. They got to
take their banners home and the table cloth will be at the

Phil Smith coming with their son's birthday cake to share with the kids, they stayed to help save the day. Itturned out to be fun anyway. It was kinda funny because the kids were making birds and I brought feathers for them to glue
on the bird. For a few minutes, I am sure I saw feathers

retreats every year as a reminder of that year's retreat. Every year we try to come up with group projects that come back every year following and a project for them to take home. The lessons were wonderfully presented by Carolyn But ler, while Aleta Kennedy and I led in a couple of devotions.

flying all over the room, that's how hectic it was. In spite of it all, they turned out really cute. Then on Saturday, I organized some games for the kids and it was a riot watch ing them pass a small ball over their heads and under / between their legs down a line of 20 kids (and there were two lines of them racing). Cheat! They loved to cheat, it was something to watch how long they could play the game correctly before one of the teams cheated by just heaving the ball to the last person in the line. Then they all start screaming because the whole thing had a witness of the
infraction on the other team. It was fun.

We appreciate you


prayers. We look forward to the possibility of three us are looking to the change

bringing us

We are Caroline "Ma" Jantjies has been like

looking fomard to catch- ^

South Africa,

The kids love to do crafts at conference and always get to take

them home.

ing up on things with you too. Our best wishes for a won derful Thanksgiving and Holiday season. I do hope you know that we are thankful for every one of you and what you have meant to us through the years. Thank you for your friendship, love, prayers, support and concern.

Denzil attends school here, but it is a private Christian

school called Vine Christian School. The children all do

the ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) course. It is an excellent course and the good thing is that they go at their own rate - kinda like home schooling, but is set up like a proper school situation with monitors and supervisors as 'leachers". Anyway, Iwent on a course and got certified as a monitor so that I am qualified to "teach" Denzil. We are then able to travel with Daddy and we just take Denzil's books along. This furlough we are going to home school. When we come back, Lord willing, Denzil will just continue on to the third grade. He will never have to change curricu
lum, which is wonderful. The school often calls me to come

When you receive this, we may already be in the U.S. starting our furlough. We flyout of South Africa on Novem
ber 26 and fly to Malaysia and Vietnam and continuing on until we arrive in Bedford, Texas on December 13. We will be spending Christmas with Fran's family there and will be leaving that area mid-January. We are still not sure where we will be based as many plans are still up in the air but the

last two furloughs we have stayed in the Hampton, Georgia

area and that has worked well. At the time of this writing we have not heard definitely about accommodations, so please make this a matter of prayer as we make our plans. If we can come and speak and share about the work here in South Africa, please let us know by our e-mail ad

help, especially when a teacher is away for some reason, I will fill in for her. Ialso go to help do the monitoring respon sibilities (listen to reading, do goal checks, help keep order in the class, help with testing, etc.) I really do enjoy it!!! Well, now we are getting ready for furlough. There are
all kinds of details that have to be sorted out, but we are so

thankful in that everything is coming together quite well. It is never an easy job to deal with the offices here (electric, phone, banks, etc.) but Pete is very capable, a bit frus trated at times, but capable. We had to call in the carpet cleaner (he is scheduled to come when the house is empty to clean the whole house) we had a bitof an accident. Denzil forgot to turn off the water at the bathroom sink and we had a bit of a flood. Ha! Itwas funny. I was in the kitchen fixing
Denzil's breakfast and lunch for school when I heard Pete

dress ( or through our forwarding agents whose address is located in this newsletter. The following are dates that we now have confirmed and we are working on more as we travel:
January 9, 2001Fran at ladies group at Highland Meadows Christian Church, Colleyvllle, Texas February 24Faith Promise, Berea Christian Church, Hampton, Georgia March 17^ (am) Peachcrest Christian Church in Loganville, Georgia March 17th (pm) Calvary Christian Church, Stockbridge, Georgia March 20th Peachtree City Christian Church, Peachtree City, Georgia March 22nd Morning Chapel at Atlanta Christian College March 24"^ (am) Riverdale Christian Church, Riverdale, Georgia March 22-24Georgia Missionary Rally, East Point Georgia.
June 17-21Vacation Bible School at Lone Oak Christian Church,

call, "Oh my! What in the world?!" Then it is quiet and I thought he was playing another one of his games to get our attention. But I was busy, right, so I didn't fall for it right away Then I heard "Mommy! Come here!" He was frantic then. So, I thought what now and all I saw while walking down the passage way to our bedroom, was a pool of wa ter all over our floor and Pete standing in the middle of it. Denzil said "I was filling the sink up with water so Mommy can put in her contacts." Quick thinking on his part, don't you think.?! Well, other than smelling a bit, it turned out

Johnson City, Tennessee.

Before you move, please send the mailing label with a copy of your new address to
MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION, PO Box 13111, Knoxville. TN 37920-0111. Mission Services Association
PO 00x13111

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U.S. Postage Paid Knoxville, TN

Permit #374

Return Sen/ice Requested

Pete & Fran Lauqhren

P.O. Box 10421

George, 6530
South Africa Phone: 011-27-44-873-0448 Fax: 011-27-44-873-0548

e-mail: Forwarding Agerits:

Mark & Annette Tuttle PO Box 81462

Conyers, GA 30208

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