The Eagle Review - Fall 2013 - Issue 1

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An all student-made and funded publication!
Brought to you by the students of Imaginating 101, WCCs very own student-run writing club. BECAUSE SOMEBODYS GOTTA DO IT.

Welcome to the very first issue of The Eagle Review!

Sup, fellow learner of Woodland Community College Within your hands is the first issue of the student created, student funded, and student edited The Eagle Review, spearheaded by your very own Imaginating-101. Whats Imaginating101? It is the resident club for WCC students who are interested in discussing, practicing, and participating in all things related to the endlessly vast craft of creative writing. Launched in the Spring of 2013, I-101 strives to provide these imaginative students with a place for group collaboration and feedback on their personal works, as well as an opportunity for some good ol fashioned writing activities. Our goal is to encourage the growth and enjoyment of creative writing among the students of WCC. Nothing weird. However, on the eve of the Fall 2013 semester, I-101 decided to collectively take on all responsibilities involved in the publication of a newsletter for the WCC campus. Why, you may ask? Because we can. And because we believe that you, the student, need one. With your help (in the form of submissions and fundraising contributions (remember Cookies with a Compliment?)), we aim to publish two issues of The Eagle Review per semester. Your part in this objective is crucial, as we cannot print a newsletter without content. Please feel free to submit your work to us at any time. Extra content is always needed for future issues. If you fancy yourself a creative writer, drop by one of I-101s meetings at noon on Thursday in Room 843. Were always there (except on special events, such as Open Mic). And if youve got something you think wed like to put in the next issue, submit it to Your beautiful face and creative stuff is what were wanting. Inside this newsletter, you will discover a yeti, some interviews with students and a teacher, a plethora of invitations from campus clubs and organizations, a creepy story for Halloween, and much more. I hope you enjoy every page of it and thank you for reading. Now go imaginate something. Jacob Zentner President, I-101

Imaginating 101 Officers President Jacob Zentner Vice-President Sarah Steele Treasurer Liz Urias Communications Cristal Reyes
imaginating101 imaginating101 imaginating101


1 2 3 4 5 6

Ridiculous Interview, Japanese Arts & Culture Club, Running Club

Welcome to Issue 1 of The Eagle Review! ASWCC President speaks, LGBTQ Who? Enter: Chi Alpha, AHSS Going Strong ARC, Cool Cars on Campus Mr. Gassman Interview, Notable Student Whats Happening in TRiO?
8 9 10 11 12

Halloween is Here, Mrs. Villa Popcorn Brain Balls, Where Did She Go? Ocean Queen, Jokes, Forever More You Are Not Alone Last Slice, WE WANT YOUR STUFF!


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A Letter From Your ASWCC President!

When I initially became involved with ASWCC, I had no previous experience with Student Government or anything similar. What drew me to ASWCC was my desire to be more involved in my democracy. To be honest, I have lived most of my life thinking only about what I wanted for myself. Around two years ago, a major life event forced me to rethink my life and what my legacy would be, and that is what drove me to volunteer for ASWCC. I returned to WCC last spring, but I have attended off and on since 2007. I also have spent four semesters at Los Rios District. I have changed my major more times than I can count. I suppose the majors I stuck with the most would be History and Engineering and I am currently preparing to transfer to UC Davis in Fall 2015 for my BS in Biological Systems Engineering. My primary goal as president is to increase the involvement of the average student in activities of campus. I think the best way to do this is to increase the number and size of student organizations. Our goal is to see ten new clubs form by the end of the semester. Another goal of ASWCC is to change the campus climate from the feeling of a commuter school to one with a real feeling of community. We want to help in the creation and publicizing of as many events on campus as possible. Of course, we also want to secure more student discounts, particularly a YoloBus discount. It seems ridiculous that Sac State and UC Davis students ride for free, while WCC students have to pay full price. Getting a discount for WCC students will be a fairly large project for us, but I anticipate that it will be done by the end of the semester. We also have been in contact with a company that is creating a phone application that will list local businesses that offer student discounts. President Letter cont. pg.3

Jesse Foster El Presidente

Angel Kanda Executive Veep

April Heras Senator of Student Body at Large

NOT PICTURED: IxChel Alvarez, VP of Communications Simon Anuszczyk, Senator of Math & Science Alicia Gonzalez, Senator of Humanities & Art Anilem McKay, Senator of Social Science

For those who dont already know LGBTQ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning. For those who identify as LGBTQ and for those of you who are supportive of the LGBTQ community and its members (allies), there are amazing things on the horizon for you here at Woodland Community College (WCC). We are in the midst of a new school club being created specifically for you! We are looking for anyone who would like to take a more active role in the school community to organize LGBTQfriendly events and to help influence the development LGBTQcentric policies, programs and services. Most of all however, we are looking to create a safe environment for LGBTQ people to voice their opinions. If you are interested in more information, or would like to help in the development of this new club contact Lynesha Macias at or Christopher Howerton at

Zeshan Saleem Senator of Career & Tech

Nancy Rodriguez, VP of Finance & photogenic Yeti

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Get your own club started!

Want to know how? There is a simple, thorough FAQ waiting for you in the previous Spring 2013 newsletter at Also, go meet with an ASWCC rep in rm. 719theyll help get you started!
Presidents Letter cont. from pg.2 The biggest challenge that we have faced so far this semester is the breakdown of our ID card printer. We attempted to fix it, but continued to have problems. I would like to apologize to all students who have had to wait for their IDs, especially EMT students. We have been working hard on fixing the problem. With the help of Dr. Fairchilds and her secretary, Ana Villagrana, we have purchased a new machine. By the time this article is printed, the Eagles Nest will be open! The Eagles Nest is a new student hangout where we hope to foster a sense of community. It will be an information hub for students, where we will have all information on upcoming events in one place. We will have sports equipment and board game rentals for free, as well as a TV and couches. It will be available as a meeting place for clubs or simply as a place to relax between classes. And the best part about it is that it will be run by students, for students. So far we have seen four new clubs chartered this semester, with three more in the formation stages. When we started the semester, there were only two active clubs on campus. The best way for students to get involved with ASWCC is to come to our meetings or stop by our office. We meet every Tuesday from 12-1PM in our office, room 719. We are looking for students who are interested in starting or joining a student organization, or simply volunteering to help with tasks around the office. To contact us, email us at To get updates about events on campus and when our meetings are, like us on Facebook (search Aswcc) and sign up for text updates from us by texting @aswcc to 424-903-2435. We want and need your help. Please help us make our school a better place to be, not just for ourselves, but for future generations. Jesse Foster President, ASWCC


Hello fellow Woodland Community Collegians! Chi Alpha would like to welcome you to another (or perhaps your first) semester here at WCC. But wait, you ask, What is Chi Alpha? Stupendous question dear reader! Who we are: Chi Alpha is a bible study and open discussion for all faith related matters. Our purpose is to discover more about Jesus and share His Love with each other and everyone we meet. All are welcome, from all viewpoints and walks of life. Truth seekers, Questioners and the merely curious are encouraged to come on by and say Hello! Not sure if youre eligible? Does your name begin with the letters AZ (or 0-9)? Yes? Booyah! Youre in. What we offer: We primarily focus on open discussions/bible studies for most of our meetings. We offer friendship, fellowship, and a welcoming and inviting atmosphere to ask and ponder honest questions. We usually open each discussion with one or two worship songs. The deets: Chi alpha meets Thursdays at noon in room 808 (the speech room across from the library entrance). Exceptions include community events, such as open mic, a student forum, etc. Check for a note on the door if no ones home. Thats it! If you have any questions or want more info feel free to contact Will Klier at (530) 220-2894. We hope to see you around in the weeks to come. And Once again, welcome to WCC!

AHSS Continues Strong in their 2nd Academic Year

The Association of Human Services Students (AHSS) of Woodland Community College (WCC) was founded in the Fall of 2012 by a handful of students with the ideal of being able to organize and impact the student, college, and Woodland communities through outreach, community services, and volunteerism. Through their first year, the AHSS group was able to organize a food drive and volunteer time at the Kids Farmers Market both benefitting the Yolo County Food Bank, instated an Adopt-A-Child program through which Yolo County children with cancer are adopted and provided with holiday gifts at a presentation dinner, and put on a Mental Health Services Fair benefitting the WCC student body connecting necessary social services with eligible students here on campus along with a gender identity/ expression presentation by Dr. David Nylund. This year AHSS will institutionalize the Food Drive, Adopt-AChild, and Dr. David Nylunds presentations on gender identity/ expression. Although the membership has nearly doubled over the past academic year, AHSS continues to look for new members in order to be able to impact the community on a greater scale. If this is something that you would like to be a part of, or you have any further questions about the organization you can contact AHSS President Eric Rodriguez at or Faculty Advisors Donna Bahneman or Loretta Richard at and respectively. If you would like to attend a meeting the group meets every 2 nd and 4th Wednesday of the month in room 813D (in the Library) from 12:00pm 12:50pm.

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Have You Heard About The ARC?

Have you heard about the ARC? The Academic Reading Center (The ARC) is here to help you succeed in all your classes. We provide free drop-in reading tutoring and a quiet, comfortable, academics-focused place to read, do homework, and study. We help students include improve their reading effectiveness, take better classroom notes, improve their vocabulary, prepare for tests, and much more! Who can take advantage of these services? Everyone! We assist students of all reading levels and from all disciplines: from the student who is struggling with basic reading comprehension, to students who are preparing to transfer to a university; we help students from English, psychology, statistics, accounting, history, sociology, philosophy, nursing, biology, math...any subject that requires you to read! Do you do events or workshops, and if so, what? The ARC offers workshops about every two weeks including Better Reading Strategies, Lecture Note Taking, Test Prep. Reading in the sciences, reading Math, and Reading to Write. A complete list of workshops, along with dates, can be found on our flyers as well as on our website and Facebook (see links below). Workshop information can also be found on the Save My Reading Life! blog along with examples and explanations. Hours and available people? Jolene Torres is the Instructional Associate who staffs the ARC twenty hours a week. The center is open Monday through Thursday with different hours each day. The coordinator of the program is Cay Strode, and the instructor who works in the center is Mike Mitchell. The ARC is located in room 870 at the WCC campus (near WAM). For more information about the ARC please check out our links: On Facebook at: On the Portal at: The Save My Reading Life! blog: Online at:

Get the help you need!

Who doesnt love an awesome car? We find the coolest cars on campus and bring them to your attention. This months car is owned by Nick Ruiz, pictured here with his car. What are the specs? Make, model, year, engine, tranny, etc. My car is a 2005 Subaru WRX Impreza wagon. I have a 2 liter turbo charged engine making 15 psi. It's a manual, how cars were meant to be driven. How did you become the lucky driver behind the wheel of this car? I have always wanted a Subaru and set out to find one. Looked at a few then finally rested on the wagon because it has more room. How long have you been driving it? I have been driving and loving this car for three months now and it's sucking away my money for gas and upgrades. But it's okay because I wouldn't have it any other way. Have you got a name for your car? I haven't given my car a formal name other than "The Shaggin' Wagon" Whats your favorite place to drive with your car? I took my car to Santa Cruz and that was off the hook driving along the coast Do you hand wash, or do you prefer the machines to do it for you? I hand wash it because the love between a person and their car is's REAL. Whats your favorite feature about your car? My favorite feature is definitely the turbo. Just give it a few seconds to spool up and you're gone like a jet. If your car was a food, what would be its main ingredient, and why? If my car was a food, it would be a maki roll with tempura shrimp in the middle and the special ingredient would be sriracha sauce. Whats the longest road trip youve taken with your car? Where did you go? Who was with you? The farthest I've ever taken my car was Santa Cruz with my girlfriend to stay with her cousin. We had a great trip. The car and I, that is.... Whats the fastest youve ever gone in your car, and why? I've never gone past 80mph because my car gets bad mileage and I don't wanna push it too hard all the time regardless of the fact that it is pretty quick. Wheres the place you most want to take your car? Muholland Drive down in SoCal for sure! If James Bond offered to make only one modification to your car, what would you have him do? I would have him install a sunroof because my car doesn't have that. I'm pretty basic. I don't need the flashy crap. I know my car is cool, James. If your car was animal, what would it be, and why? My car would be a snail for sure because its a turbo and they are shaped like snails.

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An Interview with the ebullient and always awesome, Mr. Gregory Gassman!
Cristal Reyes: Hello, this is Cristal from Imaginating 101, here with Mr. Gassman. Gregory Gassman (herein known respectfully as Boss): Hello! CR: So, do you have a catchphrase youd like to share with the world? Boss: A catchphrase? CR: A catchphrase. Boss: Oh my goodness! Lets see, You can drink beer out of a wineglass, but you cannot drink wine out of a beer glass. CR: [laughs] That actually makes a lot of sense! So tell me, did you do anything fun over the summer? Boss: Yes! Im part of this association called the Lincoln Highway Association. What we did was the 100 year anniversary we caravanned across the country! CR: No way. Boss: [big smile] Yeah way. We started in San Francisco, about fifty cars, some historical automobiles. My brother and I, we just drove a 4-wheel drive truck because some of the road ispretty treacherous. Yeah, so we headed east towards Carney, Nebraska. It was gonna be a 3,339 mile long journey. Another caravan started in Times Square headed west. We met up in Carney where they had a huge parade for Mr. Gassman can be seen here buyus! Its a big deal in those small Midwestern towns. ing fresh oysters, like he did in Italy. CR: Thats awesome! Alright, well, is there anything you are looking forward to this semester? Boss: Just teaching. Just being able to come into class and teaching the stuff. A lotta fun. CR: You seem to have a lot of fun teaching, youre always super excited. What exactly has influenced your unique teaching style? Boss: You know, I think...a lot of it is justwhat were on this planet to do. I think were wired to do certain things, and Im wired to teach. CR: Why history of all things to teach? Boss: Oh! It goes back to when I was just a little kid. I was into the dinosaurs like all the kids were CR: - I was! Boss: I loved dinosaurs! And then in intermediate school it was castles knights, castles, all that stuff. In junior high school, it was ancient worlds. Greece, Rome, Egypt, all those places. In high school I was fortunate enough to go to Europe a few times and visit some of the ancient places. Mr. Gassman Interview cont. on pg.5

A Notable Student
Wed like to feature students who are doing well in school despite their slight (read: major) complications in life. We can all use some inspiration! If someone is a notable student and should be interviewed, please let us know at WCC student, Nick Vasquez, shares his thoughts on life, math, and why Brad Pitt will never beat him in a Zombie Apocalypse.
Liz Urias: You just had major surgery; did you have any weird dreams when they put you under? Nick Vasquez: It felt like I was asleep for 5 minutes. Surgery started at 7:30am and ended at 2:30pm. That was the only time where time went by fast. No more watching A Bugs Life for the hundredth time. LU: Who would win in a Zombie Apocalypse, you or Brad Pitt? NV: Im sure I would win a Zombie Apocalypse against Brad Pitt, just because I wouldnt take frequent breaks to fix my fabulous hair. LU: What are you going to school for? NV: Originally I wanted to go to school for music production but later, I decided to get my head out of the clouds and Computer Science came to me. Im always working on computers and figured I should turn it into a career. LU: Do you have any advice for incoming WCC freshmen? NV: My advice would be to finish school. Its going to be hard the first semester but once you see your grades, youll find it easier to complete the next semester. If all else fails, join the circus (just kidding, dont do that). LU: Do you have any role models? NV: I think I am my own role model. I mean who else had gone through 3 major surgeries since they were eleven? LU: What is the meaning of life? NV: Being able to go out and do things on your own, working, going to school, and appreciating what you have in life is the meaning for me LU: Whats your best subject? NV: My best subject is, believe it or not, math. I like the feeling of solving a problem and knowing that I can do it. LU: Whats your favorite TV show? NV: My favorite TV show would have to be 2 And A Half Men, but not any of the new ones with Ashton Kutcher, the old ones are classic (and funnier)! LU: Would you rather have accordions for legs or listen to Miley Cyrus nonstop for the next six years? NV: Is death an option?

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Mr. Gassman Interview cont. from pg.4 CR: How did that all work up to U.S. History? Boss: When I was working on my Bachelors degree I was like, All right, I like history, so I might as well be a history major and I did the ancient history because thats what I really love. Then, I went on to my Masters degree and I thought, I better make myself more marketable, so I went into U.S. History, because teachers for it are in higher demand. CR: Thats a great point. You gotta be more marketable as a teacher. Start teaching a more general subject, and then at some point you get more specific! Good way to go. So, how do you help your students feel more comfortable in class? Boss: It comes down to making the material more interesting and engaging. I try to come across like, how should I put it, like Im not here to make peoples lives miserable. CR: Being in your class is a blast! It seems like you really charge to make history as fun for everyone as it is for you. Boss: [laughs] Yes, exactly. Thank you! Yeah, my philosophy is, you gotta treat each class moment like, This is the time. This is the moment! CR: Moving on from teaching, I want to ask you, what was your most favorite experience when you traveled through Europe? Boss: I would say your average day in Southern Italy. Yeah, we would get up around nine clock, have a nice breakfast, go to the beach- hangout until one oclock- go have a lunch, take a siesta. Around three, wed go to the town square and pick out a fresh fish caught that day, then spend the rest of the day making and enjoying dinner. After, you head down to the promenade where everyone hangs out and visits, and then head to bed around one or two in the morning and start it all over the next day! CR: You could be called a worldly guy. What is the one thing your worldly experiences have given you as a person that you would like to impart on your students? Boss: Oh! The one thing! Oh, boy -whew-. Okay, I know this sounds so cheesy-clich, really it sounds that way - but you gottayou just gotta make the most of it. I know that sounds so lame, but its true! CR: How do you make the most if it? Boss: Know what you got inside and take it as far as you can! Get as much as you can out of it.

Bossman standing in front of the Lincoln Highway memorial in Nevada.

CR: That reminds me of a quote by T.S. Eliot, Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. (Thanks, J.Z.) Boss: Exactly! Or you dont know how far you can go until you FAIL! Failure is pushing the limits. CR: Students can really benefit from that kind of thinking, I think. Boss: Absolutely. If youre in school, youre in there you might as well focus and get the most if it! I remember when I was a freshman, I did a lot of messing around, I partied and went on Academic Probation. I asked myself, what am I doin here? I got serious. CR: I think a lot of students can relate to that. Alrighty, one more question to top off this interview: What is the most obscure, useless, but interesting fact that you know? Boss: Oh, tough, tough. one! In 1893, the Lincoln Highway was 3398 miles long! CR: Well, how about that? Thank you so much for your time Mr. Gassman. This concludes our interview!

Whats Happening in TRiO?

A ropes course can be defined as a series of elements, both high, built on trees, utility poles and structures, and low, close to the ground. The elements allow a person to undertake both horizontal and vertical challenges. These challenges can be done independently or with a team. At Peak Adventures, our students had a wide variety of high and low elements, including a rock wall, catwalk, multi-line, and the infamous dive, a.k.a. the leap of faith. Students use the ropes course in conjunction with fun and educational activities that promote personal development and team building through challenges both on the ground and in the air. Last Semester, on March 7th, 2013, TRiO Programs took their Student Support Services (SSS) students to Sacramento State University for the Course Rope Challenge. This was a great experience for our students to challenge themselves and to step outside of their comfort zone. Life is about risk and challenges!

comic from Lincoln-Douglas

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The Ridiculous Interview

Mr. Z took some time to get to know, Rebecca Gaither President of the Japanese Art and Culture Club. Lets find out whats inside her head, shall we? Jacob Zentner: How long have you been a student at WCC? Rebecca Gaither: This is my first semester. I'll probably be here for the next two to three years. JZ: How many credits are you currently enrolled in? RG: Currently I'm taking 12 credits. JZ: What do you like most about attending WCC? RG: I'm loving the small classes, the interesting people, and the Starbucks coffee machine in the lounge. JZ: Whats your favorite spot on campus to sit and ponder the trials of student life? RG: Id have to say either the open media lab, or the student lounge. In the open media lab I get to observe frantic students as they rush to complete essays and homework. In the student lounge I get to see students talking about serious issues like the recent death on the Walking Dead, or questioning why Miley Cyrus twerked with Beetle Juice. JZ: Hows it going with the Japanese Art and Culture Club? RG: Its small, but strong. We're building our foundation right now, and we're getting a lot of support from our fellow students and teachers. I'm excited to see how this year goes. JZ: Is it okay to join even if one only knows the most basics of Japanese pop culture terminology? RG: Absolutely! People can join if they don't know anything about the Japanese culture. The club is here to teach, and provide a place to exchange ideas and opinions. If you have even the slightest interest in the Japanese culture, stop on by! JZ: Do you prefer to be called Miss President by your members? RG: Id much rather be called Kami-Sama (God) or Ojou-Sama (Master). But I suppose I could let Miss President slide. JZ: Could you give an example of how one should properly pronounce the word manga? RG: Mahn-guh. Mahn like a Jamacian saying "mon", and guh like "duh"... but with a g. JZ: Thank you for finally clarifying that. Whats the fastest way to seduce a half-demon? RG: Tell them you're not interested, and call them an idiot. JZ: Youre a hook up guru. Can you describe the best hairdo for an overly emotional teenage boy with cosmic super powers? RG: Id either have to say long flowing hair that would make Sephiroth jealous, or if you don't have enough time for that, short, spikey hair just like every other main character from anything ever. JZ: Did you cry when Sephiroth killed Aerith? RG: No, I just raged that I couldn't use a Pheonix Down. She can survive fireballs to the face, and Tonberry stabbings, but a little poke from momma's boy's sword and she's done for. You want a real villain? Go talk to Kefka from VI. He poisoned an entire empire because it was Tuesday. JZ: If you were a Super Saiyan, what would your Power Level be? RG: Everyone wants me to say over 9,000. I'm not going to. Not happening. Its innacurate, false, not right, and flat out wrong. But to answer the question, if I'm not blowing up the planet by going super saiyan I'm doing it wrong. So I'll say like 7,426,980. Yeah, that sounds good. JZ: Whats the preferred method of summoning a meteor on your enemy? RG: A wizard never reveals all she knows, but I can tell you it involves a virgin, some duct tape, the Galapagos Islands, and a feisty swine. JZ: What the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word kawaii? RG: Nothing that you can print. JZ: If you had your own mecha for going to and from school, what would you name it? RG: Id call it Bob. Bob is a good name. JZ: Yes, a good solid name for a metal monstrosity. But now we move to our final question, the one everybodys been wondering. What do you have to say about the treatment of water bears in Canada? RG: You mean America's hat? As long as I can still get my syrup and pictures of moose, then I say let the water bears be. Let them and their cousin, the sea bear, frolic through the waterways and hunt delicious bread fishes. JZ: Spoken like a true activist. Thank you so much for your time, Rebecka. This interview has been a ridiculous success. RG: And thanks to you, sir.

Join the Japanese Art & Culture Club!

Robots that throw galaxies at each other; people who turn into animals when hugged; a mace wielding, blood thirsty, loveable angel. With anime, sometimes its better not to ask. But when you cant resist the urge, check out the Japanese Art and Culture Club! Our goal is to share the spirit of the Japanese culture with the students at WCC. We discuss the weird (you can buy anything from vending machine, anything), the cool (there is a museum with a 60 foot

tall robot statue), and the beautiful (Ikebana flower arranging). We cover a vast array of topics, and are always looking for more things to learn. We meet every Wednesday in room 840, at 12pm. Just look for the people who seem way too excited about a cartoon.

WCC Running Club

The primary purpose of this club is for WCC students, faculty and staff members to come together to participate in running and stretch routines on the Woodland Community College campus. Help motivate one another and build each other up with goals and healthy habits. Runners, joggers, and walkers meet twice a week at a convenient time throughout the school year. This Fall semester we are meeting both Tuesday and Thursday at 5:20 pm in the quad in front of the 800 Building. You may contact the club president, Joshua Torres, at, or just come out and join us on Tuesday and Thursday. Exercise Routine: 10 minutes Pre-Stretch, 50 minutes of Running, Jogging and/or Walking, then 10 minutes Post Stretch We are hoping to participate in local FUN running events this Fall, such as the Turkey Trot, November 23, 2013 and The Running of the Turkeys, November, 28, 2013 The WCC Running Club encourages all to come be a part of a club that builds healthy habits.

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Halloween Is Here!
Ladies and gentlemen, I have some spectacular news. Wait for it; this is going to be good. It is officially Fall. Say goodbye to sweltering heat, outrageous air conditioning bills and mosquitoes and hello to Pumpkin Spice Lattes, scarves and fuzzy blankets. I know, you can barely contain yourselves and thats okay, because Fall is awesome. So before you explode with pure joy at the sight of brown and orange leaves falling from the trees, take a minute to check out a few of the fun things that Fall has to offer, specifically the amazing holiday that is Halloween. First up, if wandering aimlessly through a giant corn field in the dark is your thing, then the Dixon Corn Maze is perfect for you. This year, the maze is 53 acres. If you dont know how big that is, let me put it into perspective for you. The Dixon Corn Maze holds the Guinness World Record for largest corn maze. Its open now through November 5th and is located at 6585 Milk Farm Road in Dixon from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and offers a pumpkin patch, scarecrow contest and a brand new kid zone! So take your friends and some flashlights because the maze is something you dont want to miss! If haunted houses are more your style, check out Fright Planet at Cal Expo Gate #9, 1600 Exposition Blvd in Sacramento. Theyve got ten haunted attractions including a Thriller tribute show, Hobarts Doll Factory (what is it with dolls and why are they so creepy anyway), The Forbidden Temple, and many more. Because whats Halloween without navigating your way through a haunted house where a guy with a chainsaw may or may not be waiting for you at the end. Full disclosure: the chainsaw guy scares me every time. Finally, if the falling temperatures are too much for you, stay inside and cozy up with Edgar Allen Poe. Check out The Black Cat, The Masque of the Red Death, or The Tell-Tale Heart if youre up for reading something creepy. Poe died October 7th, 1849. He was found wandering the streets of Baltimore delirious and his actual cause of death remains a mystery. Even more mysterious than Poes death is the Poe Toaster. Every January 19th, this mysterious figure made a toast of cognac and left three roses at Poes original grave marker beginning in 1949. The tradition has been carried on for more than sixty years, however, the Poe Toaster made his last appearance in 2009 and his identity is still a mystery. Liz Urias

Mrs. Villa by Cristal Reyes

The old theater. Condemned years ago after a fire gutted its beautiful interior, it stood like an unpleasant disfigurement on the Main Street of a small, quiet town. Many tried to have it removed, but the owner was a stubborn woman who wanted it to stay. The old woman stood outside her theater. A deep sigh rattled her old body. She was ninety and she was alone. Most of her friends were dead or dont remember her, and her family well, her family Lost in her thoughts, she was startled when someone placed a large hand on her shoulder. Sorry Mrs. Villa I dinnit mean ta scare ya! It was Tommy, the postman. Mrs. Villa smiled. Tommy, he was such a good boy. Slow, but kind and honest. Honesty seemed to be a highly misplaced virtue in this town. Oh Tommy dont you worry. An old lady needs to get her heart going every so often to remind her shes alive. Thats nice Mrs. Villa, but whatcha standin outside o this ol place fer? He gave it a wary glance, it aint a pretty sight, thats fer sher. Mrs. Villa lifted her tiny shoulders and sighed. Too many memoriesnone of them good. No, no its not a pretty sight, but it needs to stay, Tommy. It needs to stay. Sometimes, she could hear the screaming. In her dreams, the screaming and the flames never ceased. Sometimes, she felt something licking at her toes the tongues of flame tickling her feet, slowly burning her skin away. Tommy, oblivious to the haunted feelings of the old woman, grunted and offered to walk her home. He hummed happily as they meandered towards her tiny, dilapidated home. Despite the sunlight that brightened their afternoon, Mrs. Villa could still feel the dark presence of the theater crawling up her back. It didnt want her to leave. As they reached her home, Mrs. Villa thanked Tommy and retreated into her dark house. Tommy smiled and waved from the sidewalk. She closed the door and held back a sob. So alone. She was so alone and it was dark here. Maybe she should call Tommy in for a while? No, he didnt need to see her pain. She was afraid to sleepshe was afraid to stay awakeshe was afraid to die. There would always be ghosts to haunt her. She closed her eyes- the charred theater scratched at her consciousness. The screaming was bound to visit her again Tommy, still on break, wandered into the dim pub by the theater. A coworker, seated at the bar, scoffed as soon as he spotted Tommy.

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Mrs. Villa cont. from pg. 8 Tommy haltingly replied, Aw, Mrs. Villas juss a sweet lady, didnt mean to bother her none. Juss took her home cuz my momma says thats what nice boys do. His coworker leaned in close and asked, Dya know what that crazy bitch did thirty years ago? She burned the damn theater down. She killed everyone inside in cold blood and no one can prove it. Tommys face lifted in confusion. Now, why would sweet Mrs. Villa set er own place on fire? Doesn sound right ta me, uh -uh! The other postman smiled grimly. Mr. Villa had an affair. Lots of em actually. Apparently, before the show, she was bein sweet on him. Left him to enjoy the show with their kids. Its all gossip o course, but there you go. Tommy sipped his cola slowly, turning these thoughts in his head. Sweet ol Mrs Villa? Nah, she was good ol Mrs. Villa who didnt like fire. She told him so. That night, as Mrs. Villa sat in her dark house, she could feel the theater clawing at her. As long as it stood, she wouldnt die, nor would the souls within. How much longer could she resist it, though? The screaming oh god the screaming. The incessant screaming of trapped, flaming souls Mrs. Villa felt something creep around her delicate arms a chilling, terrible something held upon her. In the next moment, she could feel herself being dragged into the hellish nightmare of the theater - a horrific scream trapped within charred interior as all her hatred poured into the shadows In the morning, the skeleton of the once great entertainment hall was found in ashes, burned by a silent, cold fire. Some went in search of Mrs. Villa to tell her the fate of her theater, but upon entering her home, were only greeted by dust and the sensation of cold fingers crawling down their backs. Mrs. Villa was never found...the remains of her theater was soon cleared away and a new one built. It was a grand production - the jewel of


Where Did She Go?

by J Alexander Z
Where did the beautiful go? I saw her standing in the snow Hair fair and cheeks of red I see I searched for her, but she hid from me This woman of splendor, I want to know I only want the chance to say hello To this swan I saw in white glow But she moves from tree to tree Please, dont hide your love from me Now the cold wind begins to blow Her flushed face she will not show Forever with you, I only want to be Inside of you, I will be set free For your answer, I will not take no Please, dont hide you love from me

Popcorn Brain Balls!

Looking for a spooky recipe to creep out your friends more than you normally do? Make them some crunchy brains! These are also an effective decoy to throw at zombies while you run away. WHAT YOU NEED: a 10.5 oz bag of marshmallows, 3 tbsp butter, 6 cups
popcorn (popped & lightly salted), a bit of oil, red food coloring, and a paintbrush. WHAT YOU DO: In a saucepan over very low heat, melt the butter and marshmallows, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and add a drop or two of red food coloring, mixing lightly (going for a marbled look). Add the popcorn and mix until popcorn is coated. Lightly oil your hands. Take a handful and shape popcorn into balls, depressing a ridge in the middle of each ball to create the brain (how gruesome!). This should yield about eight balls. Then, using your finger or a paintbrush, dab some extra red food coloring on brain to emphasize the freshly removed from skull look. Using the paintbrush, paint a line of red food coloring down the middle of the brain. Done! There you go. Happy Halloween!

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Ocean Queen by Liz Urias

Forever More You Are Not Alone I Guess I Will Pray in Silence
by Breeann James Why is it I find myself feeling alone in this cold, dark musky jaded forsaken room? Where I find a girl lying with Her tear stained eyes I see her beginning to cry Wanting to find a means of escape With herself and time Hoping that these tears she cries is/are hope in disguise Blessed by/with these/her eyes These tears she cries cant help but become a part of her A place where she cannot hide A place where her heart cannot hide her fear So steer me in the right direction So I can share this this song with you A song about a girl who prays That one day This song will reach every little part of you Every part of you that remains Forever human, forever humane That these feelings we share Can be felt So I pray in silence I pray in Silence That one day we all will listen Begin to listen To this anthem for the lost and broken With a shed of a single tear From the girl who does not wish to hide her tears For the fear Of trying not to be seen through With those blood shot eyes Can you see? Words unspoken Can you see? Hope of a girl that wishes fear could have a weathered friend in thee end, Misery loves accompany So remember Youre not alone Youre not alone inside that bedroom So why is it we remain silent? Why do we remain silent? With a life full of surprises Is it so surprising that... People may surprise you? Is it so surprising that they may... May Be someone/somebody just like you Who can change? Just like you From the inside out We begin to pray in silence A long, long time ago, in a place that is now forgotten, there lived a King and his Queen. The King, whose name was Alexander, loved his Queen very much, and she loved him just as well. One day, Alexander was called to battle. The Queen begged him not to go, but Alexander told her that he must. It is my duty as King to protect our people. He said to her. The Queen relented and Alexander kissed her goodbye, promising to come back to her as soon as he could. Days stretched into weeks and weeks turned into months. The Queen had yet to hear anything from her beloved. But one day, she saw the white sails of the Royal Ships and she ran to the ocean to greet her husband, but he was not there. My fair Queen, said the captain, Our fearless King Alexander fought our adversaries bravely and led us to victory. But there was a storm on our journey back and he was lost at sea. We grieve mightily, not only at your loss, but at ours as well. The Queen thanked the captain for his condolences and returned to her castle where she wept night after night after night, until one night she decided that enough was enough. She dried her eyes and called for the Mystic. Tell me, Mystic, she said to him, what must I do to bring my husband back? The Mystic was quiet for a long time. Have you no answer for me? She asked. That which you seek belongs to the sea, my Queen. He answered That is not what I asked. The Queen replied. That which you seek belongs to the sea. To get it back, you must take the power from the orb that holds it. Only then will your beloved return. But there is a price. I dont care about the price. The Queen said. My Queen, the Mystic began, you must know the price before you agree to such a thing! The price is But the Queen cut him off and refused to hear anything more about the price. Just tell me how to bring him back. Ill pay whatever you ask. Very well, The Mystic answered, you are aware of the moons power over the ocean, yes? He controls the tides. The Queen responded. This is true. Take this seed and plant it under the next full moon. It will bloom before the night ends, when it does, pluck it and take it to the sea and offer it in return for your husband. I dont understand, The Queen said, how will a flower help bring my husband back? The flower will absorb the moons pull over the ocean, only if for a few moments, once you offer the flower, you can control the tides and order the ocean to return your beloved. Ocean Queen cont. pg. 11

A neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender, How much for a
drink? to which the bartender replies, Ah, for you, no charge.

Jokes for Students

I tell chemistry jokes periodically. I told one the other day, but there was
no reaction.

A statistician tried to confidently cross a river with an average depth of 1

meter. He drowned.

I once asked out a statistician. She failed to reject me. Old mathematicians never die, they just lose some of their functions. A biologist gives birth to twins. She named one Jessica and the other Control.

Do you want to hear a great potassium joke? K. A bar was walked into by the passive voice. A run on sentence is thirsty so walks into a bar.

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Ocean Queen cont. from pg. 10 So the Queen took the seed and waited until the next full moon to plant it. That night in particular, the moon appeared to be extra full and bright and the Queen seized her chance. She planted the seed and waited for it to grow and just as quickly as she planted it, the seed began to sprout. It began as a small stem and then grew bigger. Large white petals sprung from the small bulb and glimmered under the moon light. When the flower stopped blooming, she plucked it and ran for the sea. When the Queen reached the shore, she waited, but nothing happened. She stepped into the water and commanded the water to release her husband, but still nothing. She took three steps forward and tried again. Nothing. Three more steps in and the water was at her knees. I command you to release King Alexander. She said firmly. Still, the ocean was silent. There is a price, the Queen whispered to herself, and this is the price I will pay. Still holding the flower, the Queen walked further into the still black water and she kept going until she no longer had the strength to continue. Release him. She said as she let herself sink beneath the glassy surface. Upon that moment, King Alexander washed up onto the shore looking the way he was before his untimely death. The Queen had accepted her fate but was given new life as ruler of the seas. She was changed physically with the lower half of her body resembling that of a fish. She would never see her Alexander ever again. But still, she waits for him, asking all those that sail across her waters if King Alexander is alive. Those that give the correct response are awarded safe passage and calm seas. The correct answer is and always will be: He lives and reigns and conquers the world. But those that dare answer any differently are doomed to join the countless other fools at the bottom of the ocean.

WE WANT YOUR STUFF! This Newsletter not only informs and entertains, but offers a space to feature creative work of all types. WE WANT YOUR CREATIVITY! You dont need to be in the club or on the newsletter team to submit your stuff for the newsletter, you just have to be a student at WCC (but you can totally join anytime. No experience necessary, just enthusiasm!) WE WANT YOUR: -Short Stories-Poetry-Essays & Articles-Art Work-Anything Else Made By YOU!Email it to: to be used in future newsletters! THANK YOU! <3 I-101

Last Slice by J Alexander Z

James stood back, adjusted his overalls, and admired his job of stacking firewood. Not bad, eh? he asked his hound, who seemed indifferent from his sprawled position. Cmon Buster, its dinner time. The hound quickly followed his young master into the house. James crossed the living room into the kitchen, where he found his sister, Janis, removing a plate from the fridge. Whatve you got? he asked. She spun round, revealing the last piece of apple pie. None of your business, she said, raising her eyebrows. Go away. Hey, thats not for you. Says who? Says Mom. She said I could have it. She frowned. You liar. She said its for me. Liar. Prove it. I dont have to, he said, pointing at her. I can see it in your stupid face. Your face is the one thats stupid. Prove it. I dont have to, she said, wrinkling her nose. When you came in the room, I could smell the stupid on it. Well, why should you get the last slice? Because Im a girl, and girls should get more because theyre smarter. No theyre not. Yes they are. Prove it. Janis set the plate down on the table between them. Because older siblings get all the brains when theyre born. Were twins, STUPID! Were the same age Nuh-uh. Dad says I came out first, which means you got all the left overs. Whatever. Its true. Dad says so. Thats bologna. Why dont you make a bologna sandwich instead? James jerked his thumb. Because I deserve the last slice as

much as you do. Prove it. I helped Mom with the tomatoes today, and then I went with Dad to town to buy hay bales and throw them in the truck, then Buster and I You cant throw hay bales. Yes I can. Youre too small. Oh yeah? Well youre too fat to eat more pie! Janis bared her weapons. Am not. Are too. Am NOT! Are TOO! Well Dad says you still suck your thumb at night when you sleep. No I dont, he said defensively. And Mom told me you still cant tie your own shoes. So? Dad told me you still need help getting into the saddle. Thats not my fault. I havent had my growth spurt yet. I can get in a saddle by myself. Thats because girls grow faster than boys. Its not fair. She folded her arms proudly. Were smarter too. Shut up! Make me. You should at least give me half of it. Theres only enough left for me. Nuh-uh, we could split it down the His eyes went wide. Wheres it at? Wheres what? The PIE! She glanced down at the empty plate between them. What did you do with it? Nothing. LIAR! I never touched it. For a moment they glared at each other. Then Busters heavy breathing drew their attention to the side of the table. The hound stared at them contently and licked his sagging jowls with a soggy tongue.

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Informational Session for Undocumented Youth on DACA Relief

If you entered the U.S. before your 16th birthday, have lived in the U.S. since June 15, 2007, and would like to learn if you qualify for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, join us for an informational session. Where: Woodland Community College, Community Room When: October 12, 2013 at 10 AM

History of Mathematics Writing Contest!

To all students and lovers of mathematics, The Yuba Colleges History of Mathematics Writing Contest for 2013 is nigh! If youd like to prove your knowledge of the intrinsic subject, then this is your chance. Just write a 12-point, double spaced essay of five to eight pages, title in 18-point, that concentrates on a single person, topic, concept, or school of thought and send it to as a PDF DACA Workshop for Undocumented Youth in mathematical history th file by November 8 . Include a cover sheet with your name and If you entered the U.S. before your 16th birthday, have lived in the U.S. contact info along with in-text citations and references to any since June 15, 2007, and would like free legal assistance in applying for sources you use. Favored sources are academic articles or books DACA, please register for our DACA Workshop. ( internet is a no-no). First place will receive a book prize and certifWhen: October 26th, 2013 How to Register: To Please call 530-752-8045 or attend the DACA infor- icate, while second and third place will receive certificate only. For some ideas on what to write about, pay a visit to the math subject mational session on Oct 12 at 10am in the WCC Community Room. area of the library, or ask one of the many great professors of math on campus. Good luck to all entries!

October 15 "A Piece of Cloth" Presentation noon, big 800 rm. October 17 Open Mic 12pm in Eagles Nest Career Workshop: Popcorn and `Movie - "The Buried Life" noon, r. 744 Woodland Reads: "Two Badges: The Lives of Mona Ruiz". 11:30 am, WCC Community Room Book presentation by Dr. Natalia Deeb-Sossa, UCD Faculty 2:30pm in ME Center 100 bldg. October 23 "How To Write An Application Essay", hands-on workshop w/English faculty noon, rm. 727 Challenges of Researching Ethnic Studies Histories by Dr. Roberto C. Delgadillo 2:30pm in big 800 rm. October 24 Drop In: Career Counseling 1-3pm, rm. 744 "Lives Worth Living" Americans with Disabilities Act noon, WCC Community Room October 28 Patrio o Bandido? by Richard Soto 1pm in big. 800 rm. SHOW YOUR SPIRIT: PAJAMA DAY. Wear your PJs to school! October 29 SHOW YOUR SPIRIT: MONSTER DAY. Dress up like a zombie! ASWCC Student Forum. noon, big 800 rm. Fall 2014 CSU/UC Application Completion Assistance Workshop 12-2pm, Assessment Center in 700 bldg. October 30 SHOW YOUR SPIRIT: SUPERHERO/VILLAN DAY. Youre the hero we need, and the evil we fear. October 31 "How To Write A CSU/UC Application Essay", hands-on workshop w/English faculty noon, rm. 727 Connecting Dia De Los Muertos, Meso American Food, & Danza 12pm, ME Center in 100 bldg SHOW YOUR SPIRIT: HALOWEEN. Come dressed up all spooky! November 4 Fall 2014 CSU/UC Application Completion Assistance Workshop 4-6pm, Assessment Center in 700 bldg. November 6 "How To Write A CSU/UC Application Essay", hands-on workshop w/English faculty noon, rm. 844 November 7 Dont Sweat the Technique: Hip-Hop as Pedagogy by Andres Rodriguez 12pm in ME Center in 100 bldg Open Mic 12pm in Eagles Nest Fall 2014 CSU/UC Application Completion Assistance Workshop 12-2pm, Assessment Center in 700 bldg. Drop In: Career Counseling 1-3pm, rm. 744 "How To Write A CSU/UC Application Essay", hands-on workshop w/English faculty noon, rm. 844 November 8 Last day to drop class(es) with a "W" grade on transcript November 11 Veterans Day - No School! November 12 Career Workshop: Learning Styles noon, rm. 744 Fall 2014 CSU/UC Application Completion Assistance Workshop 12-2pm, Assessment Center in 700 bldg. November 14 Drop In: Career Counseling 1-3pm, rm. 744 Film: Save the Farm by discussion by Elizabeth Chavez 4pm in big 800 bldg November 15 SUBMISSION DEADLINE FOR WINTER NEWSLETTER Deadline to apply for Fall 2013 graduation Fall 2014 CSU/UC Application Completion Assistance 9am-12pm, Assessment Center in 700 bldg. November 18 Fall 2014 CSU/UC Application Completion Assistance Workshop 4-6pm, Assessment Center in 700 bldg. November 19 MLA Workshop noon, Library Room 810 Career Workshop: Popcorn and a Movie - "The Buried Life" noon, r. 744 November 20 "How To Write A CSU/UC Application Essay", hands-on workshop w/English faculty noon, rm. 844 November 21 Open Mic 12pm in Eagles Nest Drop In: Career Counseling 1-3pm, rm. 744 "How To Write A CSU/UC Application Essay", hands-on workshop w/English faculty noon, rm. 844 APA Workshop noon, Library Room 810 November 25 Fall 2014 CSU/UC Application Completion Assistance Workshop 12-2pm, Assessment Center in 700 bldg. November 26 ASWCC Student Forum. noon, big 800 rm. November 27-29 Holiday Recess- No School! November 30 Deadline to apply for UC/CSU Fall 2014 Admission

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