T5 B41 Notes 6-26-03 To 9-2-03 2 of 4 FDR - Tab 2 - 7-24-03 Yates Briefing Questions W Notes 063

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Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services ±v

Adjudication of Adjustment of Status Applications and Fraud ^ --^ *'"
Thursday, July 24, 11:30 am v ^ J^f''
425 Eye St.

Topics as set out in briefing request:

• Types of adjustmenfofstan«available.
Types of adjustments associated with known terrorists or affiliates of terrorists (^,-,v
(focus on those known to be associatedI7 /with
* , - . .
terrorists, . .
including .
religious .
worker ^f-<. . .
' 7 ^ <^
(nonimmigrant and immigrant), marriage, and green card holders). /^ ^c ^_ e/^'T?
Processes in place to adjudicate adjustment of status applications.
X' > *C^
Ability of these processes to detect or be subject to fraud.

Types of adjustment of status:


Types of adjustments associated with known terrorists or affiliates of terrorists: Any

reponso^threa^sessmentsj ^ ^^

religious worker (immigrant and nonimmigrant):

x^; /
marrage: ~

green card holder:

Processes in place to adjudicate adjustment of status applications:

Ability of these processes to detect or be subject to fraud. \ te"

Immigration document-related corruption. DoJ OIG in October 2001 testified in front of ^ ,;i,
Senate Judiciary Cmte. OIG found "deficient INS business practices",in re to (1) not^- ^Ci"Y^ ',.,. &, ,,<
I '^^ -Tjf-t -> f \g the tools to cr

easy access to INS computers to change entrys, or issuance of INS card or benefit; and'^p rT >lW ' '"''
(3) bribery. What done to curtail fraud and bribery? , ,/ ^4 -K '- •''
cv. ^FT?c i0 di^ '
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GAO report Jan. 2002.

(1) Inability to coordinate immigration and benefit fraud investigations and inability
to share information, track and manage investigations agency wide.

a. Have you set forth and implemented a national strategy to coordinate

fraud investigations?

b. Has this work been coordinated with ICE?

(2) Working-level guidance. What guidance for opening immigration benefit fraud
investigations? N^ , ^ £r^ 0_ scfa^ , <^\\u ^-.' .
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(3) What guidance for information in an application that would trigger an interview?
-j-- f £

(4) GAO Report discusses pressure to adjudicate cases quickly, and thus reluctantly
asking for assistance from the investigations staff on adjudications suspected of
fraud. Please respond.

Training in document fraud.

How much training is there? TL£T£ - ^ < A,

d<3^ !"t

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Who receives it?

How is it updated?
Are there alerts?

• How does the Forensic Document Lab now being housed in ICE affect BCIS
work in document fraud?

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