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Theatre Musical Theatre Concentration Sample Four Year Plan2012-2016

2012: Fall Semester (16-17 units) Acting I (THEA 210) Introduction to Theatre (THEA 200C) Cornerstone (CORE 100C) Beginning Costume Construction (THEA 110) or Beginning Set Construction (THEA 106) Beginning Theatre Movement (THEA 135) Persuasive Writing (ENGL 120C) Foundations of Christian Life (THEO 101C) or Introduction to Theology (THEO 103C) Theatrical Production I (THEA 108A) Theatrical Performance I (THEA 132A)1 if cast 2013: Spring Semester (18 units) Intermediate Costume Construction (THEA 317) or Intermediate Set Construction (THEA 306) Introduction to Sociology (SOCI 100C) or Cultural Anthropology (ANTH 102C) or General Psychology (PSYC 103C) New Testament Survey (NT 101C) Beginning Musical Theatre Audition (THEA 244) Research Writing (ENGL 220C) Theatrical Production I (THEA 108B) Theatrical Performance I (THEA 132B)1 if cast Beginning Voice (MUSI 101 or 102) Recital Attendance (MUSI 100) VU Dance classTBA (required this semester) 2014: Spring Semester (16-18 units) Costume Design (THEA 309) Acting II (THEA 207) Theatre History II (THEA 204C) Intermediate Musical Theatre Audition (THEA 244) Dramatic Literature: Script Analysis (THEA 360)2 Theatrical Production II (THEA 208B) Theatrical Performance II (THEA 232B)1 if cast Dance class at OCC elective option
*Note: If placement is in Basic Musicianship II, you will take it Spring 2014, not Fall 2013.

2013: Fall Semester (15-18 units) Scenic Design (THEA 315) must be taken this semester Theatre History I (THEA 202c) Old Testament Survey (OT 201C) Basic Musicianship I or Musical Theory I (MUSC 101 or 131)Placement test required in Spring 2013see the Music Dept.* Musical Theatre Vocal Technique (THEA 220) Theatrical Production II (THEA 208A) Theatrical Performance II (THEA 232A)1 if cast Dance class at OCC elective option 2014: Fall Semester (16-18 units) Lighting Design (THEA 320) must be taken this semester Makeup Design (THEA 239) or Scenic Painting (THEA 240) Data Analysis (MATH 145C) or Introduction to Statistics (SOCI 265C) Acting III (THEA 307) Introduction to Sociology (SOCI 100C) or Cultural Anthropology (ANTH 102C) or General Psychology (PSYC 103C) Theatrical Production III (THEA 308A) or Junior Project (THEA 386) Theatrical Performance III (THEA 332A)1 if cast Dance class at OCC elective option 2015: Fall Semester (15-18 units) Theatre Internship (THEA 450C)3 Christian Heritage (CHIS 400C) or World Civilizations I (HIST 203C) Literary Perspectives (ENGL 300C) Speech & Composition (COMM 201C) United States Government (POLS 155C) or United States History (HIST 156C) Theatrical Production IV (THEA 408A) Theatrical Performance IV (THEA 432A)1 if cast Dance class at OCC elective option Notes:
1. 2. 3.

2015: Spring Semester (15-18 units) Developing a Christian Worldview (THEO 300C) Playwriting (THEA 442)2 Theory & Criticism (THEA 324) Lifetime Fitness & Wellness (KINE 145C and KINE 146C) Elective (3 units) Theatrical Production III (THEA 308B) or Junior Project (THEA 386) Theatrical Performance III (THEA 332B)1 if cast Dance class at OCC elective option

2016: Spring Semester (13-16 units) Senior Project: Capstone (THEA 495C) Lab Science (4 units) Stage Combat (THEA 338) or ELECTIVE (2-3 units) World Civilizations II (HIST 204C) or Christian Heritage (CHIS 400C) Theatrical Production IV (THEA 408B) Theatrical Performance IV (THEA 432B)1 if cast Dance class at OCC elective option

Set and Costume Construction may be taken any semester. All theatre majors are expected to participate on a minimum of 1 crew each semester whether or not a Theatre scholarship has been awarded. Enroll in 1 unit of Theatrical Production if you have units available. Additional dance courses are recommended if your schedule permits. Enroll in Theatrical Performance for 1-2 units depending on your needs. You must enroll in at least 1 unit when cast. Either Script Analysis OR Playwriting is required. They are offered alternate springs. If you take both, one serves as an elective. If you do not take both you will need an additional 3 elective units. Theatre Internship should be served during the summer, pending approval.

***If all of the dance course options are not taken, you will need to replace them with other elective units.***

This is only for planning purposes; this is not an official document. It is recommended that you meet with an Academic Advisor when you come on campus in the fall.

Rev. 6/18/2012

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