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5/6/2013, 5:12:58 PM


The morgue is worth a total of 80 points. This works out to 3 points possible/section, with 8 points left over for overall neatness and proper labeling. This includes having the sections in the order listed below. 1-2 pictures/section=1 point 3-4 pictures/section=2 points 5 + pictures/section=3 points Lack of proper labeling in a section=loss of 1 point/section Lack of adequate care in presentation=loss of 1 point/section The 2 above will total no more than 8 points.

The following need to be labeled: (if in doubtLABEL!) Lack of dates will result in loss of points Different types of Asian Different ethnicities in Ethnic-Other Age categories Dates, names, and ages whenever possible in Famous People and Historic Dates for contemporary picturesper/page at a minimumand names & ages if it is someone famous. is a great resource. Ex: Contemporary-2011 LABEL PEOPLE WITH THEIR NAMES, AGES, and THE DATE OF THE PICTURE whenever possible and in whichever section they appear, appear, each time they appear Types of skin textures in Skin Texture Do not write/label on the pictures themselves. Label beneath, above, or to the side. Any other labeling that will make the morgue more useful in the future Additional points: Heads must be 2 minimum from the chin to the hairlineNOT the top of the head. Use the 2 cut-out square you were given to make sure your pictures are large enough. Pictures need to be in color. The only exceptions are original newspaper photographs and period photographs. Make sure there is enough light in the picture to see everything clearly. Photos and computer printed images need to be clear and crispno out-of-focus, blurry, out-ofproportion from computer fiddling, or pixelated images or they will not count. Duplicate images will not count more than once. once You may use an image only onceex. Full face OR eyes OR mouth OR famous. *Every Every nose will include the entire length from between between the brows to the tip in all sections. sections.* When multiple features are listed, the first feature is the primary focus of that section. 1. For Eyes & Brows/Noses the primary focus of the picture would be the eyes & brows. Noses are included so you dont feel the need to cut off the noseit might be a great nose! 2. The eyebrows need to be 2, not the whole face. I REALLY DO GRADE BASED ON ALL OF THE ABOVE. YOU CAN HAVE A BEAUTIFUL MORGUE AND GET A B BECAUSE YOU LEFT LEFT OUT DATES, NAMES, AGES, ETC. Check library bookstores and thrift stores for magazines like National Geographic and others. The newspaper is another great resource. Please call me with any questions: 949-246-6585

5/6/2013, 5:12:58 PM


**Please **Please make sure your sections are in the order below. Follow all dating, labeling, and age instructions.** Will include the following sections, with a min. of 5 viewable (min. min. 2 square squarethis means for the feature in question. question. If the size is questionable, go bigger.) bigger. pictures/section: ContemporaryMale ContemporaryFemale AgeMale AgeFemale Eyes & Brows/NosesMale Eyes & Brows/NosesFemale Noses/MouthsMale Noses/MouthsFemale Mouths/Chins--Male Mouths/ChinsFemale Facial Hair Hairlines (where hair meets forehead, no bangs) Hands Total points___________________ Skin Texture (incl. warts, scars, burns, etc.) EthnicBlack EthnicAsian EthnicHispanic EthnicOther Misc. (incl. odd faces, families, then & now, unusual make-ups) Famous People Historic (prehistory1980s) Plantsreal/actual Animalsreal/actual Fantasy

Letter Grade__________________

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