UU News You Can Use: Coming Up at UUFW

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October 10, 2013

UU News You Can Use

Knock, knock. Whos there? Opportunity. Dont be silly, Opportunity doesnt knock twice! Well, maybe is does and maybe it doesnt. But dont pass us the opportunity to find out what were up to at UUFW! Read on to find out what you could be doing this month!

Coming Up at UUFW,
This Sunday: October 13, 2013
Religious Education: 9:45 AM Adult Re: Who is UU? (Part 1 of 2) of the Becoming UU series. Join Paul Derrick
this week as he presents themes in North American Unitarian Universalist history for newcomers, as well as anyone else who would like to have a review. Come at 9:30 a.m. for coffee and snacks and we will start the session at 9:45 am.

Phrogs RE (ages 8+): with Kris C. and Shari H. Pollywogs RE (ages 4-7): with Kimberly P. and Judy S. Nursery: Natalie A. and Mariah O. Sunday Service: 11:00 AM

Just One
With special guest speaker, Nancy Grayson Important Notice! Next Sunday, October 20th, we will have our annual Congregational Meeting immediately following the service. Please make every effort to attend as a vote will be taken to approve bylaw changes already approved by the board as well as new board nominations.
Humanist Covenant: Thursday, October 17 at UUFW Kitchen from 6:30-8:30 PM. POC: Jane Derrick, jane.derrick@uuwaco.org Veggie Potluck: Saturday, October 19 at UUFW Fellowship Hall from 12:30-2:30 PM. POC: Cheryl Babers Hagar, salinebabers@att.net Inclusive Womens Group: Thursday, October 24, at UUFW Fellowship Hall from 6:309:00 PM. POC: Cindie Young, cindie.young@uuwaco.org Meditation Group. The meditation group resumes meeting this week on Monday, October 14. This group meets on Monday evenings at 7:10 PM at the home of Cheryl Babers Hagar. POC: Cheryl Babers Hagar, salinebabers@att.net Meals on Wheels: Every Wednesday and Friday. POC: Cheryl Foster, cheryl.foster@uuwaco.org

October 10, 2013

More News at UUFW

Fort Parker Weekend is right around the corner! Join us at Fort Parker State
Park from November 1st through 3rd for good food, good music, and good times! See the attached document for details about activities, lodging, and how we handle food and costs. Hope to see you there!
Congregational Work Day at the Fellowship Its Fall, Yall, and time for a Congregational work day. We'll be picking a Saturday to spend a morning working around our building. If you've got something you'd really like to see done, particularly something you want to work on talk to Lee Van Wagner or Joe Cunningham. If you've got kids that use the playground think about what you'd like to see happen out there. The Waldo's committee wants to thank everyone that contributed to our first Waldo's of the season. It was a huge success. The next Waldo's will be November the 8th with Big Wide Grin. Mark your calendar. (Flyers for the Big Wide Grin performance are already available on the table beneath the bulletin board in the fellowship hall.) Hospitality Team updates. Years ago, the Hospitality Team was given the task of setting up teams so the membership could take turns setting up for and providing the snacks and preparing coffee; and cleaning up afterwards. (Whenever a fifth Sunday occurs in any month, the task is shared by all.) Over the passage of time we occasionally need to spruce up such lists. Please take a look at the attached Hospitality Teams document to make sure you are listed under the correct week. We will continue to send out email reminders when it is your teams turn to host. Feel free to contact Melissa Garn, Administrative Assistant for UUWaco at melissa.garn@uuwaco.org if there are any errors that need to be corrected. Thank you!

Sunday, October 13th. The 6th Annual Childrens Garden Fair. Hosted by the
McLennan County master Gardeners & the Carleen Bright Arboretum. Enjoy activities such as creating seed cards, rock painting, potting plants to take home, and worm composting. The event is FREE and will be held at the Carleen Bright Arboretum at 8001 Bosque Blvd on Sunday, Oct 13 from 2:00 5:00 PM.

Social Action in October 2013

Do you have some fabulous ideas on how UU can make a difference through social action right here in Waco? Please share your ideas through our social action committee at sa@uuwco.org. Let's all work together to make a difference! CROP Walk Sunday October 13, at 2pm we will be participating in the Waco CROP Walk. CROP Walks are neighbors walking together to take a stand against hunger in our world. Different ages, faiths and backgrounds walk together to raise awareness and funds for international relief and development, 25% of the funds raised go to CARITAS of Waco. Check out the UUFW Team Page http://hunger.cwsglobal.org/goto/uuwaco

October 10, 2013 There is a sign up sheet on the Social Action Table in the foyer and information in the P.T. Barnum Fellowship Hall Social Action Table, for more information see Carmen Saenz (carmen.saenz.31@gmail.com) Please bring your decorated shoes to collect money in. World Food Day Fast of Caring Our Children/Youth Social Action Team is participating in this wonderful event. They will make an announcement this Sunday; we will be collecting the money for our skipped lunches on Sunday, October 20. The children/youth will then pick an afternoon to present their check to McLennan County Hunger Coalition and Talitha Koum. October 16 The McLennan County Hunger Coalition is sponsoring their 4th annual Fast of Caring on World Food Day. We would like to encourage everyone to participate by sacrificing their midday meal that day in order to experience the feeling of hunger. A short ceremony will be held for participants from various companies, congregations and organizations and we will briefly share local, national, and international efforts to alleviate the scourge of hunger. Join us from 12:15-12:45 pm at Heritage Square, at the corner of Austin Avenue and North 3rd Street. See attached flier Habitat for Humanity Interfaith Build Dont forget to mark your calendars for UUFWS Habitat for Humanity Build, October 19, 1pm to 4:30pm, 412 Boyd Street. There is a sign up sheet on the Social Action Table in the foyer, for more information see Carmen Saenz (carmen.saenz.31@gmail.com) We still need three or four volunteers, please help if you are available. Waco Community Race Relations Coalition What Do We Tell Our Kids After Trayvon? This is an open forum/discussion on the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman situation and our feelings, ideas and thoughts on this and how it impacts our families and particularly children. We are primarily seeking parents, grandparents, teachers and others working with children. All are welcome, but a reservation is required as we are limiting the number of participants. Call 836-4599 to reserve a space. It is taking place Tuesday, October 22, 6:30 to 8:30pm at the City of Waco Multi Purpose Center, 1020 Elm Avenue. This conversation is inline with the wonderful article in UU World, Ill Stand Her Ground. http://www.uuworld.org/spirit/articles/289455.shtml See attached flier Almost Angel Tree time! Hard to believe that the holidays are right around the corner! For more than 15 years, UUFW has "adopted" children on local agencies' lists as needing gifts at Christmas through our "Angel Tree" program. We have supported the children of Talitha Koum Nurture Center almost since their inception. Social Action is looking for families who are interested in providing $30$50 in gifts for a child this Christmas. We generally support between 20-30 children. In order to match our volunteers with their needs, a sign up sheet will be available at UUFW each Sunday in October through early November. For more information, please contact Becky Warren at Becky.warren@midwayisd.org. And visit www.talithakoum.org.

UUA News
UUA President Arrested on Steps of Capitol for Pro-Immigration Peaceful Protest WASHINGTON, D.C. The Rev. Peter Morales, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), was arrested today at the U.S. Capitol along with hundreds of religious and community leaders in a peaceful demonstration calling on Congress to pass compassionate immigration reform. (read the full article here) https://www.uua.org/news/pressroom/pressreleases/290500.shtml.

October 10, 2013 Florida Church Welcomes Boy Scouts Spurned by Baptists UU World reporters the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Myers, FL welcomed three Boy Scout units after the Baptist church that had sponsored them dropped them to protest the Boy Scouts of America's new policy welcoming gay Scouts. "This is going to be a great learning opportunity for the congregation," said the Rev. Allison Farnum. "We are, of course, hoping for the day when gay leaders are welcome as well. So were acknowledging the pain that some feel, while at the same time were hoping this opportunity will enliven the mission of this church." https://www.uua.org/economic/290415.shtml

Resistance, by Annette Marquis, Director LGBTQ and Multicultural Ministries Program at UUA. In June 2010, Annette Marquis joined the National Day of Non-Compliance in Phoenix, AZ. In Resistance, Marquis shares what compelled her to action, what she learned about the struggles of migrants and people of color in Maricopa County, and about being an ally in the fight for justice. Resistance is now available in the UUA Bookstore. Follow this link to read more or order a copy of the book; http://www.uuabookstore.org/productdetails.cfm?PC=1796.

Got a news item or announcement to share? Send it by Wednesday at noon, at list@uuwaco.org. Don't want to receive the weekly digest? Give us a heads-up and it's "as you wish" all the way. Events and announcements should be brief (not in paragraph form). If further elaboration is necessary for a UUWaco event, an article can be submitted to the website and a link will be provided from the weekly digest.

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