Émouvoir, Which Means "To Stir Up Psycho Physiological Experience. in The Last Decades Man Has Made

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` The word "emotion" dates back to 1579, when it was adapted from the French word mouvoir, which means "to stir up psycho physiological experience. In the last decades man has made tremendous achievements in the mapping of the brain and brain imaging technologies. The neurobiological data lets us understand more clearly how the brain centers influence us in our behavior and how the same centers help us to achieve goal in our lives. MANA EVA KARANANAM MANUSYANAM BANDHA MOKSHAYOH is a famous quote in Indian philosophy meaning mind is the cause for our bondage and our moksha means liberation from all bondages. Now the question is that how and what are the factors responsible for the bondage and our liberation. Our nervous system is not that work electrically like telegraphic system but it is the neurotransmitters which transmit our nerve impulses, they act in our bodies as communicator molecules whereby the neurons of the brain can talk to the rest of the body. Neurotransmitters are the runners that race to and from the brain telling every organ inside us of our emotions, desires, memories, intuitions and dreams and none of these events are confined to the brain alone, likewise none of them are strictly mental, since they can be coded into chemical messages. All emotions are in essence impulses to act. Intuition (is) perception via the unconscious CARL JUNG is the perception via the unconscious means the NIRVANA or liberation or ATMAJNANA our scriptures announce that YOU are the all knowing entity SOHAM means you are THAT. "Throughout this varied and eternal world Soul is the only element And the minutest atom comprehends A world of loves and hatreds." P B SHELLY Every animal or living creature aspires for SUKHA means SUKHANURAKTHI PARAMA JAEVI VRITHI the deep yearning for happiness is the primary propensity of living beings. All the activities of humanity the desire for knowledge, love, power, fame, wealth are simply the desire for pleasure . Even the motivation behind suicide is to escape a painful state . We desire endless pleasure SUKHAM ANANTAM ANANDAM and logically speaking only an infinite source can supply infinite pleasure and this infinite pleasure is ANANDAM OR BLISS . The Great Emperor Aurangzeb of India who knew many philosophies and religious scriptures died saying I HAVE LEARNED SO MUCH AND STILL I DO NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS TO MANY QUESTIONS WHERE DID I COME FROM ? WHERE I AM GOING AND WHAT FOR I CAME? To experience the harmony that is the psycho physical social spiritual harmony one needs an intuitional science and the founders of material science neither had the training nor the knowledge of this science and hence they excluded consciousness from matter. In his monumental project to make all of physics follow a few consistent rational laws Newton explained natures workings in terms of solid bodies, straight line motion and fixed constants that ruled all physical events. There is some hidden transformation happening that turns a thought into a molecule and the transformation doesnt take any time and doesnt happen in any place it is carried out just by the presence of an impulse (emotion )of the nervous system. The arrival of molecular biology has brought psychologists closer to the biologists and a joint search to find the chemical basis of all human emotions, thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Life is certainly built in matter as consciousness. When the latter finds expression we say that the matter is alive, it has a mind and when it is dormant we call it inert. Consciousness, matter and mind are on a continuation in that order.

It is the consciousness that has condensed into matter in the precess of creation and its decondensation leads to the development of mind. It is the ceaseless movement from BEING TO BECOMING and back to BEING( punarapi jananam punarapi maranam ). Therefore the most fundamental element of this universe is the consciousness that permeates through everything that exists, it is the link between all things of this universe and therefore between human body and mind as well. According to the law of nature, all movements are rhythmic and cyclic and not linear. Whatever has been projected must be retracted. It must return to the base. The infinite consciousness has projected and sustained this universe out of its own intelligence and to be freed from this projection one has to return to the base. A perfect psychology can only be expressed through a perfect biological structure. The ceaseless search for such a biological structure is what is called evolution, finally such a structure is found in the human species. It consists of a complex nervous system, a battery of hormones and an extensive lymphoid system to nourish and protect the nerve cells and the glands that secrete these hormones. Consciousness expresses through the mind and the mind must evolve to let it shine through. The media through which mind and body interact are nerve cells and hormones. It is through these elements that man meets the molecule, the abstract becomes manifest and the formless takes a form and the points at which these psychosomatic conversions occur are called PLEXI OR CHAKRAS. Each of these points or centers of conversion is related to endocrine glands that secret hormones. The secretion of these hormones is not autonomous but are influenced by thoughts and emotions. Our brain is a collection of nerve cells that depend and thrive on a number of hormones, they regulate and are regulated by hormonal secretions. Several chakras or plexuses are located in our brain for the psychosomatic conversions. Th nerve cells are responsible for all our actions and reactions and modulate our behaviors. Therefore, mind, plexi, glands, nerve cells and lymph are the five fundamental factors on which psychosomatic or mind body interactions depend. It is impossible to define the mind. It can only be defined by its functions. It is an entity that thinks and recalls, perceives , dreams and sleeps. Our thinking process is not also uniform, sometimes we think with concentration and other times fragmented, patchy and disjointed. At any given time w can think of one and only one Idea, when this single idea is subtle and noble with a longer span we cll it concentrated thinking or meditation. The patterns of our thoughts have effects on our physiology. There are patterns that make us feel tense and strssed out with biological effects, in contrast there are patterns that make us feel bvery calm and relaxed with their own biological correlates. Therefore we are the result of our thoughts. The phrase as we think, so we become is true not only for our psychology and personality but for our biology as well. Abnormaliteis of the mind are associated with the abnormalities of the biology OBJECTIVATED MIND SUBJECTIVATED MIND UNIT CONSCIOUSNESS SUPREME CONSCIOUSNESS SUBJECTIVATION OF MIND

The mental function that is mediated through the nerve cells involving protein synthesis, hormonal secretion and electrical impulse conduction are the domain of the objectivated mind. There are called

cerebral functions, most of our conscious activities are controlled by this of the mind including learning and behavior. The mental functions are goaded by emotions and guided by the rational mind in turn mind is influenced by emotions and thoughts, emotions are controlled by hormonal secretions and thoughts are controlled by the impulses and the basis chemical substances are called HORMONES which are secreted by the glands. A well defined structure that secrets and delivers it hormones directly into the blood stream to be distributed to all parts of the body is endocrine gland and the glands which secret hormones for local use can be called sub-glands. WE can conclude that AS WE THINK SO WE BECOME and this thinking process is psycho physiological and the propensities and instincts play a major role in constituting our goal and living.

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