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The world today faces great disturbances and chaos, floods, typhoons, earthquakes and all kinds of disasters,

it may be political, cultural or socio-economic, and it may be personal. These are to be called in general as sufferings, pains or storms or crosses in life. We people have that nature to ask about how things flow, we cannot avoid to question, to be curious of what revolves around us. Why is this happening to me or us? Who or what is responsible for these? And often times when we cannot answer our own questions, we blame others or worst we blame God. We human beings do not have full control, power or knowledge of the things around, so we should not put the cross on others shoulders. We must dig deeper into lifes meaning in order to understand what causes such experiences. There are two reasons: First, they are natural, second, they are man-made. To expand on the first point, these things are part of the changing world, everything in the world changes or evolves, including us humans, it is a process, only God doesnt change. Secondly, they are manmade. Our affairs with each other and in the world causes the world and all that in it to change. If we take a closer look, these positions do not provide enough answers, although they are carefully examined. The real reason behind is our human wickedness or the darkness of sin. Sin causes us to be separated from God and all that is relate to him, even our brothers and sisters. In this world of modernity, temptations are around us. Man sometimes clings to much to modern discoveries and forget God. God wants His people to repent and go back to him as transformed persons. He wants us to change, to be strong, to trust in Him at all times, to be Faithful, but most of all he wants us to love Him above all things. A little child cannot do all things independently , he needs someone to assist him. Our faith must like that of a little child, we must always depend on God, even at times or trials for Happy are those who remain faithful under trials, because when they succeed in passing such a test, they will receive as their reward the life which God has promised to those who love Him.(James 1:12) We must remember that trials make us more faithful. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the perfect example of this, even until His death on the cross, He still endured. He remained faithful to the Father and made a new covenant with us. He broke the circles of death and change our notion of the cross. A cross doesnt only mean suffering but also Life.

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