Adjectives Test 1

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Adjectives describe nouns. They give information about something or someone that we can discover with our senses. They tell how he/she/it looks, feels, sounds, smells, or tastes. Read the sentence. Circle the adjective. On the line after the sentence, write the noun that is being described. 1. The girl smelled the fresh flowers. 2. Elena rode her bicycle on a hot day. 3. He took a refreshing drink of water. 4. The dark clouds gathered in the sky. 5. The tree in the forest had a thick trunk. 6. He had an important appointment that morning. 7. The boat got stuck in the icy waters. 8. The frost made a pretty pattern on the glass. 9. Our pet, an elephant, is rather unusual. 10. We roasted delicious marshmallows in the fire. 11. They dove into the gigantic waves. 12. Plants with green leaves perform photosynthesis. 13. The archaeologist discovered a reptilian fossil. 14. His petite assistant couldnt reach the top shelf. 15. Their parents are usually very strict 16. The soda she bought at the store was fizzy.

17. Visitors to the museum were happy with the exhibit. 18. Applesauce can be a tasty dessert.

For each sentence, choose the adjective that makes the most sense to complete the sentence. Write it on the line.
1. The elephants ears are (tasty/ floppy) 2. My moms lasagna is (delicious/sharp) 3. The party is (ugly/fun) 4. The ________ man has no place to sleep. (poor/fluffy) 5. My slippers are (soft/angry) 6. Grandmas perfume is (frilly/smelly) 7. Janets music is (generous/energizing) 8. The movie is (dramatic/furry) 9. Our home is (challenging/comfortable) 10. The school is (salty/large) 11. The party was (old/noisy) 12. Harrisons car is (crunchy/fast) 13. Our friends have a 14. The weather is (chilly/smooth) 15. My new shoes are (long/fashionable) 16. The genius is (intelligent/rectangular) 17. The city library is (useful/chewy) 18. We have a __________ horse. (brown/scaly) dog. (friendly/bumpy)

Write the comparative form of each adjective.

1. ugly uglier 2. happy happier 3. smart smarter 4. friendly friendlier 5. beautiful more beautiful 6. peaceful more peaceful 7. strange stranger 8. silly sillier 9. dirty dirtier 10. wet wetter 11. funny funnier 12. clean cleaner 13. filthy filthier 14. crazy crazier 15. intelligent more intelligent 16. brave braver 17. courageous more courageous 18. pretty prettier 19. sad sadder 20. colorful more colorful 21. tasty tastier 22. sloppy sloppier 23. cold colder 24. careful more careful 25. close closer 26. thin thinner 27. bright brighter 28. young younger 29. fast faster 30. stiff stiffer 31. furry furrier 32. noisy noisier 33. little littler 34. small smaller 35. quiet quieter 36. fierce fiercer 37. angry angrier 38. sunny sunnier 39. tenacious more tenacious 40. fresh fresher 41. strong stronger 42. delightful more delightful 43. old older 44. hot hotter 45. terrible more terrible 46. loud louder 47. hard harder 48. great greater 49. enjoyable more enjoyable 50. good better 51. bad worse 52. weak weaker 53. lovely lovelier 54. cheerful more cheerful 55. far farther 56. long longer 57. excited more excited 58. slow slower Read the story below. Then rewrite it using at least one adjective for each noun. Use sensory and descriptive language that helps the story come alive.

It was a day. The alarm rang. I jumped out of bed and got dressed. I put on a pair of pants and a shirt. I added some socks and shoes, and then I was almost ready to leave. I drank some juice in a cup and ate a piece of toast. I hurried out the door to go to school. I ran to my class in a building on the campus. There were students in my class. I sat next to one. I wrote in my notebook and on the board. I looked at my books, pens, and pencils. Later, I got paper and paint from the cupboard to make a project. The teacher gave us homework. After school, I walked home through the neighborhood. The boys yelled to me. I went into my house to do my homework. I finished in two hours. I played with the kids until dinner.

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