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From UBS Greek Dictionary

, f

love (primarily of Christian love); concern, interest; sacred meal shared by the early Church (Jd 12)
, f


but, rather, on the contrary; with , , , or adds emphasis or contrast; not only this but also (2 Cor 7.11)
, , reciprocal

message, news;

, f

pro. one another, each other; . mutual (Ro 1.12)

(aor. [often -

wrongdoing, evil, sin; in moods other than the ind.]; pf. ) sin, commit a sin, do wrong
, f

, n

blood; death; murder; man, human nature; through human procreation (Jn 1.13)
(pf. ;

sin ( . be sinful); . often sin offering


aor. pass. ptc. ) hear; receive news of; give heed to; understand; recover one's hearing; give a judicial hearing (Jn 7.51; Ac 25.22)
, f

indicating contingency in certain constructions

(fut. ;

truth, truthfulness; reality; . or . often truly, to be sure; with right motives (Php 1.18)

aor. , inf. ; aor. pass. ) tell, proclaim; report, inform; preach


truly, in truth, actually,

, true,

with gen. from; away from; by means of; of; because of, as a result of; since, ever since; about, for; with; one after another, one and all (Lk 14.18)

truthful, honest; real,


, , self,

of oneself, even, very; preceded by the article the same; as a third person pro. he, she, it; together; so the same way; at the same time

(pf. ;

pf. pass. 3 sg. ; aor. pass. ) write; record, compose; sign one's name (2 Th 3.17); cover with writing (Re 5.1)

2 sg. , 1 pl. , 3 pl. , inf. ; impf. 3 sg. ; fut. ; aor. , impv. , 2 pl. , subj. , ptc. ; aor. pass. ; fut. pass. ; pf. pass. 3 pl. ) cancel, forgive, remit (of sin or debts); allow, let be, tolerate ( Wait! Let us see! or simply Let us see! Mt 27.49; Mk 15.36); leave; leave behind, forsake, neglect; let go, dismiss, divorce; he died (Mt 27.50); . give a loud cry (Mk 15.37)

to the contrary, rather; and; now, then, so; but also, but even; . . . on the one hand . . . on the other hand
, , conforming

to the standard, will, or character of God; upright, righteous, good; just, right; proper; in a right relationship with God; fair, honest; innocent

justly, uprightly ( . live uprightly 1 Th 2.10); . come to one's senses (1 Cor 15.34)

particle adding emphasis to the word with which it is associated

(fut. ;

if; even if, though; when; sometimes equivalent to (e.g. Mt 5.19); unless; if only
, , (not

aor. , impv. , , subj. 3 sg. , inf. , ptc. ; pf. ; plpf. ; aor. pass. ; fut. pass. ) know, have knowledge of (of sexual relations Mt 1.25; Lk 1.34); find out, learn, understand; perceive, discern; to have knowledge; acknowledge, recognize; impv. be very certain, remember

used in nominative) reflexive pro. himself, herself, itself, themselves; possessive pro. his, hers, etc.; reciprocal pro. one another, each other; one's own interest or advantage

pers. pro. (), (), () I, me; pl. , , , we, us

(impv. , and ,

3 pl. ; inf. ; impf. and ; fut. ) be, exist; happen, take place; live; be located in; remain, stay; come (Jn 7.28, 29; 19.9); go (Jn 7.34, 36); it is not possible (1 Cor 11.20; He 9.5); , that means, that is to say; belong to, be one of

, , our , m

God ( according to God's will, godly; after the likeness of God Eph 4.24); god; f goddess (Ac 19.37)
gen. dat. acc. m


with dat. in, on, at; near, by, before; among, within; by, with; into (= ); to, for (rarely); with inf. during, while, as; because (Mk 9.41)
, f

Jesus: (a) of the Lord; (b) Jesus Barabbas; (c) Jesus Justus (Col 4.11); (d) in the genealogy of Jesus (Lk 3.29); (2) Joshua (Ac 7.45; He 4.8)
, m

means by which sins

are forgiven

commandment; command, order; instruction (Ac 17.15)

, n

commandment, rule inasmuch as, since

in order that (of purpose); so that (of result); that (indirect statement); with subj. sometimes = impv. (e.g. the wife must respect her husband Eph 5.33)
(fut. )


(impf. ;

fut. ; aor. , subj. ; pf. ) trans. have, hold, possess; keep; receive, get; regard, consider, think; can, be able, must (with inf.); be married to; wear (of clothes); be situated ( a Sabbath day's journey away Ac 1.12); for the present (Ac 24.25); intrans. be, feel; impers. it is ( it is so); midd. ptc. next, neighboring ( the next day Lk 13.33)

cleanse, make clean, purify; declare ritually acceptable


and, also, but, even; that is, namely; . . . both . . . and, not only . . . but also; frequently used merely to mark the beginning of a sentence
( )

even if, and if ( . . . if . . . or Lk 12.38); even, at least

, f

fellowship, a close mutual relationship; participation, sharing in; partnership; contribution, gift
, m

He 4.13); value (Ac 20.24); reason, grounds ( reasonably, patiently Ac 18.14); charge (Ac 19.38); matter, thing (Ac 8.21); book (Ac 1.1)

world, world order, universe; world inhabitants, mankind (especially of men hostile to God); world, realm of existence, way of life (especially as opposed to the purpose of God); adornment (1 Pe 3.3)
(fut. ;

with: (1) gen. with, in company with, among; by, in; on the side of; against; (2) acc. after, behind ( with inf. after)

aor. and , inf. ; pf. ; plpf. 3 sg. ; pf. pass. ; aor. pass. , ptc. ) say, speak, tell ( in discourse is often redundant); call, name; maintain, assert, declare; mean, intend; think (to oneself); command, order; answer, ask (dependent on context)
aor. aor.

(generally used with nonindicative verbs); used in questions when a negative answer is expected; used with for emphasis or solemn assertion
, , (1)

adj. only, alone (Mt 12.4; Php 4.15) alone; (2) adv. only, alone
, , pl. , , the;

of pass. ptc. of

this, that; he, she, it; with inf. in order that, so that, with the result that, that
, , whole,

, m

something said (e.g. word; saying; message, teaching; talk, conversation; question after ; preaching 1 Tm 5.17; we have much to say He 5.11); Word (in Johannine Christology); account, settlement of an account ( to whom we must render an account

all, complete, entire ( throughout); altogether, wholly (Jn 9.34; 13.10)


at all; actually


admit; declare, say plainly; promise; claim (Tt 1.16); give thanks to or praise (He 13.15)

, , relative

pro. who, which, what, that ( or whoever; . . . one . . . another) ; he, she
, , who, conj.

, , gen. , , (1)


that ( why? that generally introducing the subjective opinion of the writer, e.g. 2 Cor 5.19; 11.21; 2 Th 2.2); because, for, since; may mark the beginning of direct discourse
( , )

without the article each, every (pl. all); every kind of; all, full, absolute, greatest; (2) with the article entire, whole; all ( with ptc. everyone who); (3) everyone, everything ( always, continually, forever; in everything, in every respect)
, m

father (sometimes as an honorary title for a noted person); Father (of God); forefather, ancestor

not (generally used with indicative verbs); used in questions when an affirmative answer is expected

form of ) not; no, no indeed; used in questions when an affirmative answer is expected
, , no

one, nothing; no; worth nothing; not at all, in no respect


with: (1) gen. about, concerning, of, with reference to; for; on account of ( . often sin offering); (2) acc. around, about; near; of, with reference to, regarding ( . workmen of the same trade Ac 19.25; . how I stand Php 2.23); with, in company with

go or move about; live, conduct oneself

, , faithful,

, , demonstrative

pro. and adj. this, this one; he, she, it; that is, which means
, m

Helper, Intercessor (refers to the Holy Spirit and in 1 Jn 2.1 to Jesus Christ)

trustworthy, reliable; believing (often believer, Christian; . Jewish Christian Ac 10.45); sure, true, unfailing ( . sure promises or blessings Ac 13.34)


astray, mislead, deceive; pass. stray away, go astray; be mistaken; be deceived or misled; wander about (He 11.38)

(Ro 8.18); (2) dat. at, on, near; (3) gen. for, for the sake of (Ac 27.34)
, f

darkness; . speak in private (Mt 10.27; Lk 12.3)

, n 2

plpf. 3 pl. ) make, do, cause, effect, bring about, accomplish, perform, provide; create (of God); produce, yield, bear, put forth; give, prepare, keep, celebrate (of feasts, etc.); claim, pretend (to be somebody); show (mercy, etc.); work, be active; live, practice, act ( . do good, act benevolently or kindly); spend, stay (of time); exercise (authority); wage (war); execute (judgment); give (alms); appoint (Mk 3.14; He 3.2); consider, count (Ac 20.24); often with a noun as a verb equivalent, e.g. . pray (Lk 5.33); . please, satisfy (Mk 15.15); . redeem, set free (Lk 1.68)

darkness; sin, evil

pers. pro. (), (), (); pl. , , , you

, n make

little child, child

perfect, perfect, make complete (pass. often attain perfection; become completely one Jn 17.23); complete, finish, accomplish, end (midd. reach one's goal or finish one's work Lk 13.32); Make mature; fulfill, make come true (of Scripture)

with: (1) acc. to; toward; for the sake or purpose of, in order to, so that (especially of with inf.); for; against; with, in company with; at, about, near, beside ( on the street near the door Mk 2.2); pertaining to, with reference to ( what is it to us? Mt 27.4; not even one word Mt 27.14); before, in the presence of; in comparison with

observe, obey, pay attention to; keep under guard, keep in custody; keep back, hold, reserve; maintain, keep firm; . (if of an engaged couple) not to marry the girl to whom he is engaged or. (if of one's daughter) to keep his daughter from marrying (1 Cor 7.37)
, gen. dat. acc. ,

enclitic pro. and adj. anyone, anything; someone, something; any, some, a certain, several; (),


whoever (whatever); () be someone (something) of importance

, m

son; descendant, offspring, heir; (with gen.) often one who shares a special relationship with or a likeness to someone or something; disciple, follower
, n

Ro 10.15; cf. Ro 11.33; Ac 17.22); as in the sense to be (e. g. they held him to be a prophet Mt 14.5); (2) temporal and consequential particle as, as long as, while, when (with pres. or impf.); when, after (with aor.); so that, in order that, because; () when, as soon as

light (often with theological connotations); fire (Mk 14.54; Lk 22.56); . openly, publicly (Mt 10.27; Lk 12.3)
, m

Christ (lit. the Anointed One, equivalent to the Hebrew Messiah)


speak untruth; be false,

live a lie
, m (1)


particle of comparison as, like ( so to speak He 7.9); as though, as if, on the grounds that, on the pretext of; with numerals about ( about fifteen stades away Jn 11.18; cf. 21.8; for about two hours Ac 19.34); introducing discourse how, that ( how, that); intensifying an adv. or adj. very, how ( as soon as possible Ac 17.15; how welcome

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