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Guns aren't the real cause of violence: Opposing view

Solution is not more regulations. Sometime this month on the floor of the Senate, a procession of senators will express sympathy and outrage, demanding that something be done about gun violence in our nation. We at the Independent Firearm Owners Association (IFOA) also hope "something" is done, but only something effective and constitutional. Regrettably, too many believe that the solution is to increase government controls on the possession of certain types of firearms. That thinking diverts attention from the real question: How can we prevent criminals and the violence-prone mentally unbalanced from acquiring any dangerous weapon? Most proposals ignore the causes of violence in America and focus on the means, despite the fact that most gun owners even law enforcement officers never fire a gun outside a target range, let alone for criminal mischief. Adam Lanza had no criminal record, was never involuntarily committed for mental illness and could have passed a background check, despite his welldocumented history of mental problems. Our mental health screening and treatment must be expanded. He was beyond the reach of background checks due largely to government-imposed privacy protections. IFOA has long called for background checks for sales at organized gun shows. No argument there. That won't solve the problem, but it's workable and not unreasonable. We do draw the line at the prospect of a nation where an increasingly intrusive government whittles away at our freedom and eventually compiles a list of every citizen who owns a firearm. A far more productive tack is to focus on how to responsibly and effectively identify mentally troubled individuals before they snap. We ignore the half a million guns stolen every year as though our minor tinkering will impact intentional criminal misuse. And we must focus on the fact that authorities say 30% to 45% of all gun crime is attributable to the illegal drug trade. History proved that taking profit out of trade in "demon rum" dramatically eliminated related violence. Why wouldn't that work again? It's time those who denounce firearms as the cause of violence like that at Sandy Hook move on from naive ideas of "banning scary guns" or increasing government restrictions and seek more productive, proven solutions. IFOA is eager to take part in that discussion.

Richard Feldman is president of the Independent Firearm Owners Association and author of Ricochet: Confessions of a Gun Lobbyist.

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